Pope Francis takes on the far-right hypocrisy


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2010
“Wars only affect some regions of the world, yet weapons of war are produced and sold in other regions which are then unwilling to take in the refugees generated by these conflicts,” said the pontiff in remarks at St. Peter's Square on Sunday.

He went on to reference the Parable of the Good Samaritan; “This means being a neighbor to all those who are mistreated and abandoned on the streets of our world, soothing their wounds and bringing them to the nearest shelter, where their needs can be met,”

Countries that make weapons of war foment migration but refuse refugees, Pope Francis says
The Catholic Church has come a long way since they convicted Galileo of heresy for
daring to say the earth revolves around the sun, holding back the scientific research of space by around 300 years.
“Wars only affect some regions of the world, yet weapons of war are produced and sold in other regions which are then unwilling to take in the refugees generated by these conflicts,” said the pontiff in remarks at St. Peter's Square on Sunday.

He went on to reference the Parable of the Good Samaritan; “This means being a neighbor to all those who are mistreated and abandoned on the streets of our world, soothing their wounds and bringing them to the nearest shelter, where their needs can be met,”

Countries that make weapons of war foment migration but refuse refugees, Pope Francis says

He's right and I fear (assume) another mechanism is fear (anxiety). People, who live in fear of armed neighbors, live also in fear of unarmed migrants, who could become armed neighbors. That's a kind of perfect paranoia. First to sell weapons, which cause refugees, and afterwards to live in fear of the result of the own deeds and to sell more and more and more weapons to try to solve the problem "fear". Johann Wolfgang von Goethe described such a psychological mechanism in the poem "Der Zauberlehrling" (= the wizard's apprentice). Walt Disney made out of this a poem with no words, which everyone is able to understand:

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which weapons should not be made?. Which weapons should not be sold?

How is "weapon" defined?
“Wars only affect some regions of the world, yet weapons of war are produced and sold in other regions which are then unwilling to take in the refugees generated by these conflicts,” said the pontiff in remarks at St. Peter's Square on Sunday.

He went on to reference the Parable of the Good Samaritan; “This means being a neighbor to all those who are mistreated and abandoned on the streets of our world, soothing their wounds and bringing them to the nearest shelter, where their needs can be met,”

Countries that make weapons of war foment migration but refuse refugees, Pope Francis says

What does this have to do with the "far right"? China sells weapons. Are they right wing?
The Catholic Church has come a long way since they convicted Galileo of heresy for
daring to say the earth revolves around the sun, holding back the scientific research of space by around 300 years.

What's nonsense. The Catholic Galileo Galilei was a very famous scientist, who earned an unbelievable amount of money - a superstar. Comparable with him in science was only the much poorer Protestant Johannes Kepler, wo had also always only Catholic customers. I guess with Protestant customers he had died on hunger. And that the Earth revolved around the sun was teaching from the famous Catholic and capitular Nicolaus Copernicus. This was teaching on all Catholic universities in Europe. Standard knowledge before Galilei and Kepler were born. Galileo got problems, when he was old, because he did not accept anything, what others said. He said he's the only one, who is right. He denied for example also the results of Kepler (whch leaded to Newtons theory a hundred years later). Catholics do not accept in general - also not today - that only one person is always only right, while all other persons are always only wrong.
Meanwhile - when Galilei was old - was a most cruel war on the other side of the Alps - a terrible disaster. It will later be called "the thirty years war". Also caused from a man, who said he was right, while all others were wrong in his eyes. His name had been Luther. I guess, that's the deeper reason, why Galileo got house arrest, when he was old. I guess, they had lived in fear, such an unbelievable cruel conflict could had happen in Italy too.
And let me say: Without the Holy Catholic Church, you would not even know, what science is at all.
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“Wars only affect some regions of the world, yet weapons of war are produced and sold in other regions which are then unwilling to take in the refugees generated by these conflicts,” said the pontiff in remarks at St. Peter's Square on Sunday.

He went on to reference the Parable of the Good Samaritan; “This means being a neighbor to all those who are mistreated and abandoned on the streets of our world, soothing their wounds and bringing them to the nearest shelter, where their needs can be met,”

Countries that make weapons of war foment migration but refuse refugees, Pope Francis says

“Wars only affect some regions of the world, yet weapons of war are produced and sold in other regions which are then unwilling to take in the refugees generated by these conflicts,” said the pontiff in remarks at St. Peter's Square on Sunday.

He went on to reference the Parable of the Good Samaritan; “This means being a neighbor to all those who are mistreated and abandoned on the streets of our world, soothing their wounds and bringing them to the nearest shelter, where their needs can be met,”

Countries that make weapons of war foment migration but refuse refugees, Pope Francis says
Catholic Church: World’s biggest charitable organization
Inquirer-----catholic POV from Phillipines. ----the article might just as well been written
in Vatican City
“Wars only affect some regions of the world, yet weapons of war are produced and sold in other regions which are then unwilling to take in the refugees generated by these conflicts,” said the pontiff in remarks at St. Peter's Square on Sunday.

He went on to reference the Parable of the Good Samaritan; “This means being a neighbor to all those who are mistreated and abandoned on the streets of our world, soothing their wounds and bringing them to the nearest shelter, where their needs can be met,”

Countries that make weapons of war foment migration but refuse refugees, Pope Francis says


Loud, arrogant, aggressive, vulgar and idiotic. I guess, you think, homeless people are like this.

which weapons should not be made?. Which weapons should not be sold?

How is "weapon" defined?

Sophisticated - weak - and mindless: "learned helplessness". Are you sure, you don't know, what's the real problem? And are you sure, you are on the side of the problem minimizing solution and not on the side of the growing problem? What will he say to your real intention? So what do you really expect from him?

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“Wars only affect some regions of the world, yet weapons of war are produced and sold in other regions which are then unwilling to take in the refugees generated by these conflicts,” said the pontiff in remarks at St. Peter's Square on Sunday.

He went on to reference the Parable of the Good Samaritan; “This means being a neighbor to all those who are mistreated and abandoned on the streets of our world, soothing their wounds and bringing them to the nearest shelter, where their needs can be met,”

Countries that make weapons of war foment migration but refuse refugees, Pope Francis says

He's right and I fear (assume) another mechanism is fear (anxiety). People, who live in fear of armed neighbors, live also in fear of unarmed migrants, who could become armed neighbors. That's a kind of perfect paranoia. First to sell weapons, which cause refugees, and afterwards to live in fear of the result of the own deeds and to sell more and more and more weapons to try to solve the problem "fear". Johann Wolfgang von Goethe described such a psychological mechanism in the poem "Der Zauberlehrling" (= the wizard's apprentice). Walt Disney made out of this a poem with no words, which everyone is able to understand:

The germans didn't accept refugees from the places they were bombing either. Ok, maybe to ffed their ovens, but that's it.
“Wars only affect some regions of the world, yet weapons of war are produced and sold in other regions which are then unwilling to take in the refugees generated by these conflicts,” said the pontiff in remarks at St. Peter's Square on Sunday.

He went on to reference the Parable of the Good Samaritan; “This means being a neighbor to all those who are mistreated and abandoned on the streets of our world, soothing their wounds and bringing them to the nearest shelter, where their needs can be met,”

Countries that make weapons of war foment migration but refuse refugees, Pope Francis says

He's right and I fear (assume) another mechanism is fear (anxiety). People, who live in fear of armed neighbors, live also in fear of unarmed migrants, who could become armed neighbors. That's a kind of perfect paranoia. First to sell weapons, which cause refugees, and afterwards to live in fear of the result of the own deeds and to sell more and more and more weapons to try to solve the problem "fear". Johann Wolfgang von Goethe described such a psychological mechanism in the poem "Der Zauberlehrling" (= the wizard's apprentice). Walt Disney made out of this a poem with no words, which everyone is able to understand:

The germans didn't accept refugees from the places they were bombing either. Ok, maybe to ffed their ovens, but that's it.

We have for example millions of people from Russia in Germany. And the war crime to bomb down Germany and to displace millions of German people, who had lived partially since decades of thousands of years in the same area of Europe - for example in Bohemia - made the allies. You erased complete cultures from this world. And you personally know very well that I have Jewish ancestors too, who were murdered during the Holocaust. That's why you try to hurt me continously with your extremely stupid anti-German and anti-Semitic nonsense propaganda, Nazi, US-American one. I fear you have meanwhile a growing problem with the Lord, if you don't stop your senseless drug consume, which makes it impossible for you to restart to think and to start to learn again.

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Without the Holy Catholic Church, you would not even know, what science is at all.
Without me telling you, would you know you're an idiot ?

Without you telling me - do you use a mirror, when you take a look at history?

You're arguing against a well-known historic fact.
Galileo is convicted of heresy

And? The text you used seems to be by the way only an imagination of someone. The legend is: He was accused because he said the earth turns around an axis. He recalled and came free. After he had stepped out he said: "Who cares? Anyway the earth turns around." This mythological story shows the anti-martyrian way of scientists. If someone doesn't believe, what a scientist knows, then this is not the problem of the scientist. He has not to die for the truth. But this stereotypes are not really correct in context Galileo Galilei. Galilei provoked many people, without any reason to have to do so. And he was often wrong too. And the situation was indeed very dangerous in 1633. Speculation: What had happened when Galileo Galilei had called Johannes Kepler an heretics (or terrorist), who fights against the noble god given theories of Galileo Galilei? Had someone murdered Johannes Kepler? It was really not easy to keep control and balance in this time of history.

Pope Urban VIII had by the way never signed this judgement - so was he really judged because of heresy?

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