Pope Francis takes on the far-right hypocrisy

“Wars only affect some regions of the world, yet weapons of war are produced and sold in other regions which are then unwilling to take in the refugees generated by these conflicts,” said the pontiff in remarks at St. Peter's Square on Sunday.

He went on to reference the Parable of the Good Samaritan; “This means being a neighbor to all those who are mistreated and abandoned on the streets of our world, soothing their wounds and bringing them to the nearest shelter, where their needs can be met,”

Countries that make weapons of war foment migration but refuse refugees, Pope Francis says


Loud, arrogant, aggressive, vulgar and idiotic. I guess, you think, homeless people are like this.

If Egypt had been like Trump's America, Joseph would have been deported, and Baby Jesus would have been locked up in a cage.
“Wars only affect some regions of the world, yet weapons of war are produced and sold in other regions which are then unwilling to take in the refugees generated by these conflicts,” said the pontiff in remarks at St. Peter's Square on Sunday.

He went on to reference the Parable of the Good Samaritan; “This means being a neighbor to all those who are mistreated and abandoned on the streets of our world, soothing their wounds and bringing them to the nearest shelter, where their needs can be met,”

Countries that make weapons of war foment migration but refuse refugees, Pope Francis says


Loud, arrogant, aggressive, vulgar and idiotic. I guess, you think, homeless people are like this.

If Egypt had been like Trump's America, Joseph would have been deported, and Baby Jesus would have been locked up in a cage.

Joseph wouldn’t have been deported
nor would Jesus have been ‘locked in a cage’
If Egypt had immigration laws,
Joseph wouldn’t have broken their laws
and had to deal with the consequences
thus, Jesus wouldn’t have to endure
the consequences of his father’s actions
“Wars only affect some regions of the world, yet weapons of war are produced and sold in other regions which are then unwilling to take in the refugees generated by these conflicts,” said the pontiff in remarks at St. Peter's Square on Sunday.

He went on to reference the Parable of the Good Samaritan; “This means being a neighbor to all those who are mistreated and abandoned on the streets of our world, soothing their wounds and bringing them to the nearest shelter, where their needs can be met,”

Countries that make weapons of war foment migration but refuse refugees, Pope Francis says


Loud, arrogant, aggressive, vulgar and idiotic. I guess, you think, homeless people are like this.

I guess, you think, homeless people, are all, nothing but,
loud, arrogant, aggressive, vulgar idiots

Or, were you, referring, to me

I guess, I don’t, know, because you,
do not, make much, sense

I think you, need to, worry about(contemplate)
where you, are, at with, The Lord
“Wars only affect some regions of the world, yet weapons of war are produced and sold in other regions which are then unwilling to take in the refugees generated by these conflicts,” said the pontiff in remarks at St. Peter's Square on Sunday.

He went on to reference the Parable of the Good Samaritan; “This means being a neighbor to all those who are mistreated and abandoned on the streets of our world, soothing their wounds and bringing them to the nearest shelter, where their needs can be met,”

Countries that make weapons of war foment migration but refuse refugees, Pope Francis says
Catholic Church: World’s biggest charitable organization

Listening to you, maybe I was wrong.

An astonishing sentence in the English speaking world.

The Catholic Church hasn't come a long way - still as ignorant as ever.

But now you are immediatelly back in your own wrong world.

Pope Francis can say all he wants about war, but he knows it won't change anything.

Never anyone knows anything about a war which did not or will not happen. The good deed is often as invisible as god is invisible, although god is always directly in front of our eyes and good deeds surround us continously - otherwise we would be dead and/or never had existed.

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“Wars only affect some regions of the world, yet weapons of war are produced and sold in other regions which are then unwilling to take in the refugees generated by these conflicts,” said the pontiff in remarks at St. Peter's Square on Sunday.

He went on to reference the Parable of the Good Samaritan; “This means being a neighbor to all those who are mistreated and abandoned on the streets of our world, soothing their wounds and bringing them to the nearest shelter, where their needs can be met,”

Countries that make weapons of war foment migration but refuse refugees, Pope Francis says


Loud, arrogant, aggressive, vulgar and idiotic. I guess, you think, homeless people are like this.

I guess, you think, homeless people, are all, nothing but,
loud, arrogant, aggressive, vulgar idiots

Or, were you, referring, to me

I guess, I don’t, know, because you,
do not, make much, sense

I think you, need to, worry about(contemplate)
where you, are, at with, The Lord

You live in fear of yourselve. But you are universe and not god. And weapon fetishism is hell: fear nears fear.

Jesus bleibet meine Freude
Meines Herzens Trost und Saft
Jesus wahret allem Leide
Er ist meines Lebens Kraft

Meiner Augen Lust und Sonne
Meiner Seele Schatz und Wonne
Darum lass' ich Jesum nicht
Aus dem Herzen und Gesicht
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“Wars only affect some regions of the world, yet weapons of war are produced and sold in other regions which are then unwilling to take in the refugees generated by these conflicts,” said the pontiff in remarks at St. Peter's Square on Sunday.

He went on to reference the Parable of the Good Samaritan; “This means being a neighbor to all those who are mistreated and abandoned on the streets of our world, soothing their wounds and bringing them to the nearest shelter, where their needs can be met,”

Countries that make weapons of war foment migration but refuse refugees, Pope Francis says

The US is taking refugees, around 50 K per year. The atheist countries aren't taking any, so they are the biggest hypocrites.

How Many Refugees Does the U.S. Accept?

There are about 14,500 nuclear weapons in the world. Here are the countries that have them

If Egypt had been like Trump's America, Joseph would have been deported, and Baby Jesus would have been locked up in a cage.

>>“Cursed is anyone who denies justice to foreigners, orphans, or widows.”
-- Deuteronomy 27:19<<

Deuteronomy 27 is Moses talking to the Jews.
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“Wars only affect some regions of the world, yet weapons of war are produced and sold in other regions which are then unwilling to take in the refugees generated by these conflicts,” said the pontiff in remarks at St. Peter's Square on Sunday.

He went on to reference the Parable of the Good Samaritan; “This means being a neighbor to all those who are mistreated and abandoned on the streets of our world, soothing their wounds and bringing them to the nearest shelter, where their needs can be met,”

Countries that make weapons of war foment migration but refuse refugees, Pope Francis says
Catholic Church: World’s biggest charitable organization


No its not , they also started healthcare in the US and are now one of the largest healthcare systems in the whole wide world and the US.
Ascension (company) - Wikipedia

Indian Casinos

What about black genocide? We still have Planned Parenthood in the poorest neighborhoods. Abortion is genocide.
Never anyone knows anything about a war which did not or will not happen. The good deed is often as invisible as god is invisible, although god is always directly in front of our eyes and good deeds surround us continously - otherwise we would be dead and/or never had existed.
When you get to Heaven you can explain it to all the Native Americans who would "never have existed ."

And what exactly is in your thoughts in this context? What do you like to say? Sure are destructive murderous deeds visible - but perhaps the paradise is full of Red Indians. In the end mass murderers will not win.

And what exactly is in your thoughts in this context? What do you like to say? Sure are destructive murderous deeds visible - but perhaps the paradise is full of Red Indians. In the end mass murderers will not win.
The only way we will attain any real knowledge
of God or understanding of our place in the universe is to pass the survival test.

And we're failing miserably, the US military leading the way.
And what exactly is in your thoughts in this context? What do you like to say? Sure are destructive murderous deeds visible - but perhaps the paradise is full of Red Indians. In the end mass murderers will not win.
The only way we will attain any real knowledge of God or understanding of our place in the universe is to pass the survival test.

You are somehow right - we all are responsible for all and very life on planet Earth. If life here will not survive in the best of all posisble ways, then the human race will get big problems. But I hope not only Noah and Saint Francis will be in heaven.

And we're failing miserably, the US military leading the way.

The US military is an organisation which has to take care to be totally superflous.

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“Wars only affect some regions of the world, yet weapons of war are produced and sold in other regions which are then unwilling to take in the refugees generated by these conflicts,” said the pontiff in remarks at St. Peter's Square on Sunday.

He went on to reference the Parable of the Good Samaritan; “This means being a neighbor to all those who are mistreated and abandoned on the streets of our world, soothing their wounds and bringing them to the nearest shelter, where their needs can be met,”

Countries that make weapons of war foment migration but refuse refugees, Pope Francis says
Pope Francis can go suck Stalin's mummified cock. He's a fucking fake on par with all of the NAMBLA pedophile priests
“Wars only affect some regions of the world, yet weapons of war are produced and sold in other regions which are then unwilling to take in the refugees generated by these conflicts,” said the pontiff in remarks at St. Peter's Square on Sunday.

He went on to reference the Parable of the Good Samaritan; “This means being a neighbor to all those who are mistreated and abandoned on the streets of our world, soothing their wounds and bringing them to the nearest shelter, where their needs can be met,”

Countries that make weapons of war foment migration but refuse refugees, Pope Francis says
The Catholic chuch needs to learn how to STFU and stop preaching. For a bunch of child molesters and perverts they've got too big of a mouth and no place to be preaching anything to anyone. Their history is so full of blood, hipocracey and corruption it isn't funny nor is it even humorous.
There's a difference between blind faith and real spiritual faith. From my perspective, inner peace has become the accepted version of attaining Heaven, but in the process we're destroying all the real plausible prospects for actual PEACE ON EARTH....no more wars. That was Jesus' goal - "everlasting life" means reincarnation, but if we're all dead in a nuclear 'apocalypse', we're done.
The Catholic Church has come a long way since they convicted Galileo of heresy for
daring to say the earth revolves around the sun, holding back the scientific research of space by around 300 years.
they RAPE children and then the hierarchy tries to cover it up
I would say you are WRONG

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