Pope Joins EU In Sad State Of Political Make Believe


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
If the church and the resident imbecile occupying the papacy are puzzling to you.....

You are not the only one.

I am Protestant. I mean, I'm not Catholic, to be more precise. So I have no real or imagined loyalty or fealty to the catholic church.

In fact, until this latest imbecile took to wearing white robes and using gold-plated toilets and telephones, I had some respect for the church.

No more.

The Brits don't think much of the church, either. But with them, it's historical. With me, I'm tired of the sellouts

The Pope joins the EU in a sad world of make-believe - Telegraph

What has a Papal Encyclical calling on the world to end its use of fossil fuels and to pray to God for the success of the global “climate summit” in December got in common with the Greek euro crisis, the ominous rift between the West and Russia, and the shambles Europe is making over the desperation of African and Syrian refugees to find safety this side of the Mediterranean? They are all different aspects of the two greatest acts of political make-believe of our time, so all-pervasive that it is hard for us to grasp just how much effect they are having on all our lives.
See my thread where he calls gun makers non-Christians and I mention Gaston Glock.
The church itself can be blamed for this asshole francis.

They played unprecedented games getting this cock-bite anointed.

They are cowards. They bowed to the unceasing pressure from the dimocrap scum of the world. And if history has taught us anything, it is that you should NEVER bow to pressure from Nazis like modern-day dimocraps.


The church has signed its own death warrant. There's nobody left to defend it.

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