Pope Pushes a World Government


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2012
This clown says the US has a distorted world view and Americans must be ruled by a World Government....Ever wonder what happened to the last Pope, you know the one that "retired" six years ago. Ever hear of a Pope retiring before. There is something strange going on in Vatican City

I wonder if Frank realizes that should there be an attempt to force such a circumstance upon the United States that it would result in there being no world for a World Government to rule.
I don't understand people who think that all of the worlds ills will be solved if America would just disappear and be governed by anti freedom powers....
I find that to not just be wrong but I instantly lose all respect for individuals that believe that....and that is why I've been hoping for a new Pope to arrive and set the Church back on the course of sanity.....
This clown says the US has a distorted world view and Americans must be ruled by a World Government....Ever wonder what happened to the last Pope, you know the one that "retired" six years ago. Ever hear of a Pope retiring before. There is something strange going on in Vatican City


The ANTICHRIST rearing its ugly head...
I’m Catholic and I’m sorry to say I disagree with a lot of what this Pope says. He needs to worry about other things and stay away from politics.

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Whatever Pope..............Opinions are like aholes............everyone has them and they all stink..........

Pope's opinion is circular filed.
This clown says the US has a distorted world view and Americans must be ruled by a World Government....Ever wonder what happened to the last Pope, you know the one that "retired" six years ago. Ever hear of a Pope retiring before. There is something strange going on in Vatican City

For the one hundredth time, before you "solve" the worlds problems, how about you clean your own house of all the boy rapers?
Wow. I guess those Jesuit conspiracy theories about them wanting world domination and world government can't be said to be tin foil hat stuff anymore.

Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope, and he is pretty much just shoving it in the face of the U.S.

Yep, world control is the agenda. . . you found them out. :71:

I’m Catholic and I’m sorry to say I disagree with a lot of what this Pope says. He needs to worry about other things and stay away from politics.

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In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit. In the Lignum Vitae, the line "In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit." forms a separate sentence and paragraph of its own. While often read as part of the "Peter the Roman" prophecy, other interpreters view it as a separate, incomplete sentence explicitly referring to additional popes between "glory of the olive" and "Peter the Roman".[1]

Petrus Romanus, qui paſcet oues in multis tribulationibus: quibus tranſactis ciuitas ſepticollis diruetur, & Iudex tremẽdus iudicabit populum ſuum.[e] Finis.

112. Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills [i.e. Rome] will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End.[18] Many analyses of the prophecy note that it is open to the interpretation that additional popes would come between the "glory of the olive" and Peter the Roman.[6][19] Popular speculation by proponents of the prophecy attach this prediction to Benedict XVI's successor.[1] Since Francis' election as Pope, proponents in internet forums have been striving to link him to the prophecy. Theories include a vague connection with Francis of Assisi, whose father was named Pietro (Peter).[3]

Prophecy of the Popes - Wikipedia
This clown says the US has a distorted world view and Americans must be ruled by a World Government....Ever wonder what happened to the last Pope, you know the one that "retired" six years ago. Ever hear of a Pope retiring before. There is something strange going on in Vatican City


The ANTICHRIST rearing its ugly head...
This clown says the US has a distorted world view and Americans must be ruled by a World Government....Ever wonder what happened to the last Pope, you know the one that "retired" six years ago. Ever hear of a Pope retiring before. There is something strange going on in Vatican City


The ANTICHRIST rearing its ugly head...
------------------------------------- maybe so eh BILLYB .
This clown says the US has a distorted world view and Americans must be ruled by a World Government....Ever wonder what happened to the last Pope, you know the one that "retired" six years ago. Ever hear of a Pope retiring before. There is something strange going on in Vatican City


I thougt the pompous prick was way too busy pushing pedophilia to be concerned with anything else. Must less topics requiring a functioning brain and the ability to think.
This clown says the US has a distorted world view and Americans must be ruled by a World Government....Ever wonder what happened to the last Pope, you know the one that "retired" six years ago. Ever hear of a Pope retiring before. There is something strange going on in Vatican City

“Pope Pushes a World Government”

This a lie.
Whatever Pope..............Opinions are like aholes............everyone has them and they all stink..........

Pope's opinion is circular filed.

His vision takes everyone back 13th Century Europe when the Vatican and Catholic Church pretty much ran Everything. Q: Who will be Leading this World Government thingy! The UN / NATO/ The Vatican. We are the Strongest. Wealthiest Nation In History, Poor Shithole Country's hate that. It pisses Europe off that the detritus of the world is Flooding in from the Middle east and Africa.. Only 2 ways to get here. Fly or Swim. Red bull doesn't give you Wings. And Nobody has ever swam across the Atlantic.
This clown says the US has a distorted world view and Americans must be ruled by a World Government....Ever wonder what happened to the last Pope, you know the one that "retired" six years ago. Ever hear of a Pope retiring before. There is something strange going on in Vatican City

Of course he does. He’s an anti-Go Commie.
I’m Catholic and I’m sorry to say I disagree with a lot of what this Pope says. He needs to worry about other things and stay away from politics.

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Something tells me money is unfortunately influencing him.

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