Pope to address U.S. Congress


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2015
September 24, 2015.

So seeing as how cons hate this guy already let's see if any are brave enough to yell out YOU LIE. Or maybe they'll boo him.

I'm guessing the coward in them all will come out and they'll keep their big yappers shut. Until he leaves and can't defend himself then they'll talk trash as they watch his plane lift off.
So seeing as how cons hate this guy already let's see if any are brave enough to yell out YOU LIE. Or maybe they'll boo him.

I'm guessing the coward in them all will come out and they'll keep their big yappers shut. Until he leaves and can't defend himself then they'll talk trash as they watch his plane lift off.

Isn't that what you guys did to Benjamin Netanyahu?
So seeing as how cons hate this guy already let's see if any are brave enough to yell out YOU LIE. Or maybe they'll boo him.

I'm guessing the coward in them all will come out and they'll keep their big yappers shut. Until he leaves and can't defend himself then they'll talk trash as they watch his plane lift off.

Isn't that what you guys did to Benjamin Netanyahu?
Yes, a true psychopath.
I'd yell it from the roof top and there would be no apology forthcoming.
He'll be revered. I think he may be the false prophet in Revelation. He is a least a contender.
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I'd yell it from the roof top and there would be no apology forthcoming.
He'll be revered. I think if he may be the false prophet in Revelation. He is a least a contender.
He's a Socialist, so I hope the Republicans take the day off!!!
September 24, 2015.

So seeing as how cons hate this guy already let's see if any are brave enough to yell out YOU LIE. Or maybe they'll boo him.

I'm guessing the coward in them all will come out and they'll keep their big yappers shut. Until he leaves and can't defend himself then they'll talk trash as they watch his plane lift off.

Fuck the pope..I really dont need some delusional asshole telling me shit.
According to Malachy, This Pope is the last Pope and will be Pope when Christ returns. And Malachy had an excellent track record. How old is this way too political Pope?
He is going to address climate change, economic systems and sanctuary!!

Does God hate Republican politicians?
I dont particularly care for this Pope...believing in junk science, against peoples economic freedom...St. Malachi has him as the last Pope before the fall of the Church, someone else had suggested that he is the religious Lt. (1 religious & 1 political) paving the way for the Anti-Christ...I dont know but he certainly has divided Catholics just like Obama has divided Americans.
September 24, 2015.

So seeing as how cons hate this guy already let's see if any are brave enough to yell out YOU LIE. Or maybe they'll boo him.

I'm guessing the coward in them all will come out and they'll keep their big yappers shut. Until he leaves and can't defend himself then they'll talk trash as they watch his plane lift off.

Odd. What happened to the concern about separation of church and state?

Your bar for "cowardice" is very self serving. ONe republican spoke out during Obama's speech and you libs were furious.

Rebutting a speech after the fact is pretty normal. For you to try to spin it as anything else is intellectually dishonest.

How about we see what he says, and then address whether his ideas have any merit?

And btw way, I have no problem with the spiritual leader of millions of Americas being allowed to speak to the US congress, even though I disagree with him on many if not most issues.
The Pope expresses his concern for the impoverished and the oppressed and to right wingers he is out of line. What the fuck are they teaching at RW churches that makes the words of the Pope so horrible and infuriating? I hear the first major christian leader in my lifetime actually speaking like Jesus did and to our "Christians" it's blackest heresy.
The Pope expresses his concern for the impoverished and the oppressed and to right wingers he is out of line. What the fuck are they teaching at RW churches that makes the words of the Pope so horrible and infuriating? I hear the first major christian leader in my lifetime actually speaking like Jesus did and to our "Christians" it's blackest heresy.

He did not just "express his concern for the impoverished".

He attacked capitalism.

We, right wingers strongly disagree with his opinion on that subject, among others.
September 24, 2015.

So seeing as how cons hate this guy already let's see if any are brave enough to yell out YOU LIE. Or maybe they'll boo him.

I'm guessing the coward in them all will come out and they'll keep their big yappers shut. Until he leaves and can't defend himself then they'll talk trash as they watch his plane lift off.

The question is: Who invited him?
September 24, 2015.

So seeing as how cons hate this guy already let's see if any are brave enough to yell out YOU LIE. Or maybe they'll boo him.

I'm guessing the coward in them all will come out and they'll keep their big yappers shut. Until he leaves and can't defend himself then they'll talk trash as they watch his plane lift off.

The question is: Who invited him?

Why is that the question?
Oh my, a world leader is coming to address the congress..... and a bunch of idiots are getting their panties all in a wad....... :lmao:

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