Porn: a public epidemic

If you think porn is an epidemic now, you won't believe what's coming your way.
Woman gets arrested for being paid to have sex for prostitution

2 days later, same woman gets award for getting paid for sex in porno film and is perfectly legal.

Only in America.
The exchange of money isn't between the parties having sex.

Getting paid to have sex is getting paid to have sex.

That's no answer.
Oh I'm sorry I thought you were commenting on legality.

The legality? The legality is a joke, just like the entire justice system.
Is porn immoral? That doesn’t matter: It’s a public health crisis.

The science is clearly there showing that pornography causes societal problems. The question is how do you deal with the problem? The government really doesn't have much authority to deal with this due to the first amendment protection the industry has.

So what are the solutions?

Values is an individual thing. Person is going to have to decide where's his or her values are at.
Is porn immoral? That doesn’t matter: It’s a public health crisis.

The science is clearly there showing that pornography causes societal problems. The question is how do you deal with the problem? The government really doesn't have much authority to deal with this due to the first amendment protection the industry has.

So what are the solutions?
Woman gets arrested for being paid to have sex for prostitution

2 days later, same woman gets award for getting paid for sex in porno film and is perfectly legal.

Only in America.

That is actually interesting. I am thinking that the difference is that the porn film pays taxes. If only the government could come up with a way to tax BJs.
If you think porn is an epidemic now, you won't believe what's coming your way.
We;re on a track where people don't know right from wrong.
People on this thread don't know right from wrong that's why the comments are so stupid.

Most people thought marriage was between a man and a woman. They found out that what they believe did NOT matter. Now the left wing is extending their debauchery with the bathroom thing. Most people see no problem keeping things the way they are but soon they will again find out that their beliefs just don't matter.

It is the decline of western civilisation.

If you think porn is an epidemic now, you won't believe what's coming your way.
We;re on a track where people don't know right from wrong.
People on this thread don't know right from wrong that's why the comments are so stupid.

Comments like this are part of the problem:

"Values is an individual thing. Person is going to have to decide where's his or her values are at."

Moral relativism will be our downfall.
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My opinion, the more women and society emasculate men the more men will turn elsewhere. Used to be "Father Knows Best." Now it's Homer Simpson.

That might be part of it. Partly men don't want to be bothered with wasting time with women. In porn they can fast forward through the boring bits. With virtual porn, there are no boring bits,
The problem is that women over complicate things to the point of frustration. Men are doers by nature. We like to accomplish things and get things done. Women, on the other hand, seem to prefer the process. it doesn't matter if you get something done, just having the journey is what counts.

I support that with exhibit A and B. Guy flicks and chick flicks. Yes, lots of guy flicks are dopey, but that's not the point. It's all about action. Chick flicks, not so much. It's pure torture for me to watch most chick flicks. Some are ok but many have no apparent plot, motive, storyline or ending. They just exist to peek into the personal lives of whatever characters are involved.

There, I hope that settles the debate once and for all. :rolleyes-41:
The porn industry spreads disease and victimizes women and childre. Why anybody would want to feed into that, I don't know. I know I can't stand men who like porn. They're foul.
Is porn immoral? That doesn’t matter: It’s a public health crisis.

The science is clearly there showing that pornography causes societal problems. The question is how do you deal with the problem? The government really doesn't have much authority to deal with this due to the first amendment protection the industry has.

So what are the solutions?

"The science is clearly there..."

Then you should clearly be able to present such proof.

"It’s a public health crisis.
The science is clearly there showing that pornography causes societal problems."

Health crisis? Societal problem? Both? Make up your mind.

"The question is how do you deal with the problem"?

Don't like it? Don't look at it. Problem solved.
The porn industry spreads disease and victimizes women and childre. Why anybody would want to feed into that, I don't know. I know I can't stand men who like porn. They're foul.

I never could tolerate men that liked porn either. Not because of the porn, but because porn was a symptom of deficiencies. It's the sign of a sexually troubled man. Liking porn is a matter of personal choice. Aside from hurting your feelings, how does porn hurt? It doesn't. Liking men who enjoy porn is also a matter of personal choice.

Have you seen what technology is doing to porn? Unbelievable. It may end human relationships. Not only will men have no need of women sexually, women will be an unnecessary irritation.

Once women get their own virtual or robotic lovers the entire concept of human relationships will end.
The porn industry spreads disease and victimizes women and childre. Why anybody would want to feed into that, I don't know. I know I can't stand men who like porn. They're foul.

I never could tolerate men that liked porn either. Not because of the porn, but because porn was a symptom of deficiencies. It's the sign of a sexually troubled man. Liking porn is a matter of personal choice. Aside from hurting your feelings, how does porn hurt? It doesn't. Liking men who enjoy porn is also a matter of personal choice.

Have you seen what technology is doing to porn? Unbelievable. It may end human relationships. Not only will men have no need of women sexually, women will be an unnecessary irritation.

Once women get their own virtual or robotic lovers the entire concept of human relationships will end.
Women have had devices all along but they still need someone to boss around.

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