Porn In Schools Is Ok, But A Bible Is Banned?!

I hope little Bobby or Becky don't decide to ask their teacher what this Bible verse was talking about

"when she had prostituted herself in the land of Egypt and lusted after their lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of stallions."

I am pretty sure reading about gay people existing is far more damaging than donkey dicks spraying jizz on whores.....

they sure loved to talk about black folks with big dicks tho, in those Biblical days....

You didn't tell us what bible verses you were using, but looked in your link to see that it was Exodus 9.3 which I quote from the NIV:

3 the hand of the Lord will bring a terrible plague on your livestock in the field—on your horses, donkeys and camels and on your cattle, sheep and goats.


Your dishonest post is noted.
Believe It - it could happen.

'A school district in Utah may ban the Holy Bible after a parent complained that it contained "inappropriate and pornographic" material forced it to face committee review.'

I don't believe it. :rolleyes:
Funny I thought your god was all loving not capriciously cruel.

So how is helping a kid pass a math test merciful when allowing an innocent to die a horrible death through no fault of her own not unmerciful?
We are in the 'church age'. God is dealing with the church at this time, not all of humanity. That will come later. Be patient, God has a plan for everyone. :) Unless God calls you in this age you will come up in the general resurrection during the millennial rule of Christ. You will then be given the opportunity for salvation along with the rest of humanity.
We are in the 'church age'. God is dealing with the church at this time, not all of humanity. That will come later. Be patient, God has a plan for everyone. :)
if your god has a plan for everyone that negates the entire "free will" argument.

And where in the bible does it say you have to be a member of a church ? And how do you know what your god is doing at this very second anyway?
if your god has a plan for everyone that negates the entire "free will" argument.

And where in the bible does it say you have to be a member of a church ? And how do you know what your god is doing at this very second anyway?
We still have free will. I can go back to my previous sinful life anytime I wish. However, Satan's yoke is much heavier than Christ's.

Ask any senior if he would go back and do it all over again. Most would say "I wouldn't go through that for all the money in the world."
We still have free will. I can go back to my previous sinful life anytime I wish. However, Satan's yoke is much heavier than Christ's.

Ask any senior if he would go back and do it all over again. Most would say "I wouldn't go through that for all the money in the world."
If there is a divine "plan " for you then your life is mapped out by a god and there is no "free will"

So tell me how do you know your god is "dealing with the church" right now?

Which church is he dealing with?

And why are the lives of the people he created that are going to die a horrible and painful death by murder not important enough to save but a 5th grade math test is something to get involved in?
Perhaps you missed the stories in the MSM, such as the one where school board members refused to allow a parent to continue reading a book at their meeting because THERE WERE CHILDREN PRESENT ... despite the fact that this book was IN THE SCHOOL LIBRARY for children to read....
Doesn't answer my question. What school allows porn?

Your thread title is:

Porn In Schools Is Ok, But A Bible Is Banned?!​

So, which school is allowing porn? Try again. Go.
The world is not going to end

Just man’s mismanagement of our affairs
Same question. Gengis Khan massacred his enemies, and Hitler genocided an entire race of people... that kind of sin did not have any effect on "man's mismanagement of our affairs" but some racy books being read in school and man's mismanagement of our affairs will come to an end?

This is the final straw for God?
Same question. Gengis Khan massacred his enemies, and Hitler genocided an entire race of people... that kind of sin did not have any effect on "man's mismanagement of our affairs" but some racy books being read in school and man's mismanagement of our affairs will come to an end?

This is the final straw for God?
I said libs are moving the Day of Judgement closer

When it comes is anyones guess
So what?

Schools are not required to keep every literary work on hand nor should they be.

You do realize that there are more places in this world to get access to books than the public school system don't you?

I'm sure the public library has all the religious texts you would ever want to read.
But since 1962 and the banning of prayer, the public screwel system has been declining morally.
I don't think we need EITHER porn or the bible in schools.

School libraries should be filled with books on math, science, actual history and actual literature.

School SHOULD'T be the place for culture wars.
If there is a divine "plan " for you then your life is mapped out by a god and there is no "free will"

So tell me how do you know your god is "dealing with the church" right now?

Which church is he dealing with?

And why are the lives of the people he created that are going to die a horrible and painful death by murder not important enough to save but a 5th grade math test is something to get involved in?
Life is a smorgasbord of free choices. Some of the 'food' is good you, some not so good. God has guided, not forced, some to choose the good food. Others take their chances.

The church is the body of spirit-led believers. There is no special denomination. We can be anywhere and everywhere. :bowdown: We are also like 'wheat among tares', not easily distinguishable. ;)
School libraries should be filled with books on math, science, actual history and actual literature.
I agree. There should be the 'histories' of previous classes, and what became of them after graduation. There would likely be some good 'lessons' there. ;)
You spread LIES.
College students may be able to read the words, but they have problems understanding what is being written. I have been a resident manager for hundreds of college students over the years, all graduate students (we don't like undergrads, they party too much) and can attest to the fact that they have diminished reading comprehension. Along with the lease we hand out written "moving in" instructions, that cover building rules and other useful instructions. Sadly, many either don't read them or don't understand them, or worse, they don't believe the instructions apply to them. :mad:

Case in point.
This person probably is unable to read English (picture taken just now in our parking lot). Or doesn't see why he or she shouldn't park there or is simply too grand to be bothered with such restrictions.
No parking.JPG
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