Porn is ok but safety of children is not.

What about this:

The US Justice Department has spent $8,000 on curtains to hide the statue from the cameras.


1) Neither a public library OR a public location offered by tax funding

2) Ashcroft was rightly lampooned all the way out of office over shit like that. For christs sakes, the man was governor of my state. Do you think

3) Do you think he would put those statues on par with

4) so, WHY didn't the headline read, "ASHCROFT COVERS PORN"? I mean, if the two are so interchangeable like Larkin insinuates... WHY can this editor make a distinction while you cannot?
So where is the line again Shogun?

You got pwned, bitch. Give it up.

I offered rebuttal greater than comparing Michealangelo's David to, dude. You wanna talk about Pwned? wait until I have a chance to log back on and reply instead of having yourself a "mission Accomplished" moment.

I know there is no bright line. Shogun seems to think that there is and its completely obvious whats porn and whats not.

Im confident that Porn filters in a public library should be used to filter out the majority of what you would allow to be viewed in all it's TAINTed glory. And yes, it is pretty obvious what is porn. I notice you dn't say shit when asked to compare a STATUE with NETPORN. gosh, I can't say that I'm at all shocked that you'd avoid conveying the difference between the two.

Enough with the porn links. It's just obnoxious and reminds me I initially thought you were a sex offender.
im making the urls up. If they HAPPEN to work, then such is another layer illustrating the necessity of porn filters in public libraries.

Then again, Larking is probably sketching himself a nice form study at you know how ARTISTIC netporn is. Hell, It's Carazy that our finest sculptor hasn't graced us with a statue of "Sphincter Wrestling" in granite already.

Enough with the porn links. It's just obnoxious and reminds me I initially thought you were a sex offender.

If you don’t like it, then don’t look at it. The same should apply to libraries, porn videos in automobiles, or a Playboy magazine in a restaurant. Naturally, you might accidentally notice such things, but all one needs to do is turn his head and move on. I think that the busy-body who makes it his nanny-like duty to alert the public to such and outlaw such has more problems and personal issues than does the person who likes to see such things.
You realize that by filtering it, it costs MORE money, right?

MORE than nixing the net access? I assure you that your personal opinion of what a library SHOULD have is probably not all that impressive to those who foot the bill. Take your broke ass home and get net access if all you can think of looking up is netporn at the public library.
Then maybe there shouldn't be any internet at all in the library, if it's that big a deal.
When comparing David to

yea, dude. only a fucking idiot would reach for the same arguement that ferlinghetti used.

I haven't made that argument, you have. Nice try though. By the way, how exactly is the statue of David not nude again?

Oh wait...I bet I'm changing the vocab again, right? :rofl:

YOU said the difference was "nudity", jackass. Your the one who said there was no difference, not me.
im making the urls up. If they HAPPEN to work, then such is another layer illustrating the necessity of porn filters in public libraries.

Then again, Larking is probably sketching himself a nice form study at you know how ARTISTIC netporn is. Hell, It's Carazy that our finest sculptor hasn't graced us with a statue of "Sphincter Wrestling" in granite already.


Lol. Okay then. I was afraid I'd scroll past one and end up on some weird porn site and infect my computer.
MORE than nixing the net access? I assure you that your personal opinion of what a library SHOULD have is probably not all that impressive to those who foot the bill. Take your broke ass home and get net access if all you can think of looking up is netporn at the public library.

Nixing net access is not an option.
If you don’t like it, then don’t look at it. The same should apply to libraries, porn videos in automobiles, or a Playboy magazine in a restaurant. Naturally, you might accidentally notice such things, but all one needs to do is turn his head and move on. I think that the busy-body who makes it his nanny-like duty to alert the public to such and outlaw such has more problems and personal issues than does the person who likes to see such things.

The difference being, that WE each access this site from our own terminal locations at work or home or some other PRIVATE vector. PUBLIC Libraries should be just as capable of filtering out USMB as they should net porn.

You can cast judgement on what YOU think is a stick up someones ass but then you also have every opportunity to take your ass home and check out the net porn there. I assure you that personal opinions are not mandatory or universal.

So, then, maybe YOU will answer... Should Penthouse and Double Penetration Magazine be stocked at the public library too? Should they go ahead and invest in Barely LEgal dvds for their DVD collection? Is it THEIR job (the public, rather) to provide you with erotica? How are YOUR rights being infringed when you always have the freedom to go home and jack off?
I'm still waiting for somebody to post information which proves it's a RIGHT to have access to the internet in a public library. Or even access to any material not approved by a library board.

Are libraries mentioned in the Constitution? I don't think so....
I haven't made that argument, you have. Nice try though. By the way, how exactly is the statue of David not nude again?

Oh wait...I bet I'm changing the vocab again, right? :rofl:

YOU said the difference was "nudity", jackass. Your the one who said there was no difference, not me.

YOU keep bringing up fucking statues as if there is some ambiguous definition of Net porn. Shall I quote your stupid ass?

NUDE statues and net porn.


WOW. you ARE so smart!

Nixing net access is not an option.

says you.

tax payers who don't want to pay for porn in public libraries, you know WE majority, might say otherwise.

put that in your statue of david's dick and smoke it.
I'm still waiting for somebody to post information which proves it's a RIGHT to have access to the internet in a public library. Or even access to any material not approved by a library board.

Are libraries mentioned in the Constitution? I don't think so....

Its not a right. But its the equivalent of closing down libraries because you are uncomfortable with whats being read there. If you close off avenues of huge research potential because you are afraid of what a tiny minority of people might look at on a tiny minority of the internet, then I'm not quite sure you understand what freedom means.
I'm still waiting for somebody to post information which proves it's a RIGHT to have access to the internet in a public library. Or even access to any material not approved by a library board.

Are libraries mentioned in the Constitution? I don't think so....

That's irrelevant since there are no "rights" to libraries either. However, when the GOVERNMENT provides such resources, there are first amendment issues that arise. The question then becomes, is it censorship to filter the internet which the library provides as it would be to censor books. And what is the appropriate standard? And who decides on the standard?
So, then, maybe YOU will answer... Should Penthouse and Double Penetration Magazine be stocked at the public library too? Should they go ahead and invest in Barely LEgal dvds for their DVD collection? Is it THEIR job (the public, rather) to provide you with erotica? How are YOUR rights being infringed when you always have the freedom to go home and jack off?

Difference between opt-in and opt-out, genius.
As smart as anyone else going through the angst of adolescence....
I'm thinking 14 y.o., professional parents who aren't home much, big empty house and a cleaning lady who shakes her head every time she vacuums around him....

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