Porn: Ok or Not, a Discussion


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Without sourcing or quoting, explain with just what's inside your head your feelings on porn. Is it ok, not ok? Why not? Etc. I'm curious what people think about it, not what they can google and quote.
Wanna flame someone please don't do it in my threads. Either reply to the OP or post in another, thanks. Flaming just puts people on the defensive and they respond to the flame, not the OP. I expect she'll be of the 'not ok' camp, but that's mainly the side I wnana hear from.
Generically or generally speaking, nothing wrong with porn on the viewing side as long as one does not get lost into it. On the production side, there are some sleazy outfits. Some are a little more professional like offering their stable benefits and perks and all that while others just seem to blow through addicts, etc.
Without sourcing or quoting, explain with just what's inside your head your feelings on porn. Is it ok, not ok? Why not? Etc. I'm curious what people think about it, not what they can google and quote.

Its perfectly fine adult entertainment, same as anything else if you don't over indulge on it you'll be fine.
Without sourcing or quoting, explain with just what's inside your head your feelings on porn. Is it ok, not ok? Why not? Etc. I'm curious what people think about it, not what they can google and quote.

No. It's a sin, Delta. You should not even permit such lusts in your heart much less your mind - nor should you be acting on them. You either discipline yourself and be ruled your spirit (in submission to Holy Spirit - be led by the Spirit of God and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh or your flesh and emotions will rule you. In order to do that you must be born again and submit yourself to God.
I don't see anything wrong with porn. It shouldn't be accessible to children because they don't understand how powerful sex is, but for adults, sure. As long as I don't have to watch it because it is too boring. It's like football or baseball. It's so boring that it gets on my nerves.
Without sourcing or quoting, explain with just what's inside your head your feelings on porn. Is it ok, not ok? Why not? Etc. I'm curious what people think about it, not what they can google and quote.

No. It's a sin, Delta. You should not even permit such lusts in your heart much less your mind - nor should you be acting on them. You either discipline yourself and be ruled your spirit (in submission to Holy Spirit - be led by the Spirit of God and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh or your flesh and emotions will rule you. In order to do that you must be born again and submit yourself to God.

So would it be fair to characterize your opposition as being entirely religious in nature? "It's sinful, thus not okay?"
Without sourcing or quoting, explain with just what's inside your head your feelings on porn. Is it ok, not ok? Why not? Etc. I'm curious what people think about it, not what they can google and quote.

No. It's a sin, Delta. You should not even permit such lusts in your heart much less your mind - nor should you be acting on them. You either discipline yourself and be ruled your spirit (in submission to Holy Spirit - be led by the Spirit of God and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh or your flesh and emotions will rule you. In order to do that you must be born again and submit yourself to God.

This is why religious people are so conflicted...they ARE flesh but try like hell to avoid BEING the flesh. Its a no win...Its like one of those movies where the vamp doesnt want to drink blood anymore but has to to survive.
Without sourcing or quoting, explain with just what's inside your head your feelings on porn. Is it ok, not ok? Why not? Etc. I'm curious what people think about it, not what they can google and quote.

No. It's a sin, Delta. You should not even permit such lusts in your heart much less your mind - nor should you be acting on them. You either discipline yourself and be ruled your spirit (in submission to Holy Spirit - be led by the Spirit of God and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh or your flesh and emotions will rule you. In order to do that you must be born again and submit yourself to God.

This is why religious people are so conflicted...they ARE flesh but try like hell to avoid BEING the flesh. Its a no win...Its like one of those movies where the vamp doesnt want to drink blood anymore but has to to survive.

If we can, for just this thread I'd like to avoid the arguement part and simply get people's feelings on things. Can argue the point in another thread, but for now I really wanna hear the opposing views from people's own heads. If we do the argueing people may be less willing to share their opinions.
So far we seem to have:

- Religion says it's sinful
- It exploits, demeans, and abuses people

Anything else in the way of opposition?
The only person who said "religion says it's sinful" was a non-religious nutbag.

So kindly don't pretend anyone here who is religious said "we don't like it because it's against our religion". Because nobody has said that.
The only person who said "religion says it's sinful" was a non-religious nutbag.

So kindly don't pretend anyone here who is religious said "we don't like it because it's against our religion". Because nobody has said that.

Not debating the validity of points here. Just getting the points.
It isn't a valid point. It's an imaginary point that was assigned to a group of people by someone hostile to their true viewpoint.
Without sourcing or quoting, explain with just what's inside your head your feelings on porn. Is it ok, not ok? Why not? Etc. I'm curious what people think about it, not what they can google and quote.

No. It's a sin, Delta. You should not even permit such lusts in your heart much less your mind - nor should you be acting on them. You either discipline yourself and be ruled your spirit (in submission to Holy Spirit - be led by the Spirit of God and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh or your flesh and emotions will rule you. In order to do that you must be born again and submit yourself to God.

This is why religious people are so conflicted...they ARE flesh but try like hell to avoid BEING the flesh. Its a no win...Its like one of those movies where the vamp doesnt want to drink blood anymore but has to to survive.
While watching porn.

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