Portland Rapid Response Team Resigns Ahead of Upcoming Riots

Do you support "defunding the police" and removing legal protections from the police?

  • Yes, the fewer cops on the streets the better

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • No, I support the police, they have a very difficult job to do

    Votes: 13 81.3%

  • Total voters
Portland once voted the most livable city in the USA has become a shithole after California liberals moved there and took over. Now its a disgusting shit pile of garbage, drug needles, homeless camps, mobs of illegals, gangs and graffiti.

Taxes are sky high but all the money is funneled into the public employee unions, the states largest employer. They rig the elections for Dems who promise to keep funneling the money to the unions.
Portland riot police resign after team member indicted for assault.

I don't blame the police for resigning from the riot team after the way they are being treated.

Across the country many police officers are resigning or retiring early. "Defund the police" is a new democrat policy.

Lets take a poll to see how popular those policies are.
They quit the riot team, they did not quit the police dept.
If the police were to all resign and leave, the criminal invaders could be armed and shipped to Portland. Let the two factions fight it out for survival.
Portland riot police resign after team member indicted for assault.

I don't blame the police for resigning from the riot team after the way they are being treated.

Across the country many police officers are resigning or retiring early. "Defund the police" is a new democrat policy.

Lets take a poll to see how popular those policies are.
They were a volunteer unit, they still have their jobs with the city.

Why were they a volunteer unit??
They took special training in crowd control and quelling riots.
Not to mention the added dangers, such as fireworks, Molotov Cocktails, and lasers, etc.
And it's totally their right to quit that special job if they want to. Why aren't you cool with that?
Ok. Let me get this straight. The cops are so opposed to being held responsible for their actions that they all quit. Ok. So tell me about those good cops who are outraged by misbehavior in their fellow officers again. That is always a good line with zero basis in fact or truth.

What I can say is good riddance to bad rubbish.

It's the good cops that are quitting. As long as these places remain under Democrat control, their police applicants will be people that had to decide whether to make french fries or become a cop. You will end up with the lowest quality of employees to do the job.
I hope the racist piece of shit fucks with the cops when he's getting arrested and gets shot about 20 times. You know damn well he's a habitual criminal. You can tell by his punk ass attitude.
How lucky am I to have not one, but two piss aunts, Muhammed and his side-ho Weatherman2020 wishing death upon me?

Republicans just love crime and violence.
If they are unable to act within the law they should resign. Good on them.
They mayor and the governor are preventing them from acting within the law, moron.

There is no law that allows an officer to hit someone with the press recording what is happening.
Self defense.
But anyway I’m going to enjoy watching Portland burn. I had 5 pallets of bricks delivered to downtown from Home Depot.

The lady was just standing there.
Ok. Let me get this straight. The cops are so opposed to being held responsible for their actions that they all quit. Ok. So tell me about those good cops who are outraged by misbehavior in their fellow officers again. That is always a good line with zero basis in fact or truth.

What I can say is good riddance to bad rubbish.

It's the good cops that are quitting. As long as these places remain under Democrat control, their police applicants will be people that had to decide whether to make french fries or become a cop. You will end up with the lowest quality of employees to do the job.

Hey. They can’t be any worse than the fine cops we have now.
Gotta love it

Ok. Let me get this straight. The cops are so opposed to being held responsible for their actions that they all quit. Ok. So tell me about those good cops who are outraged by misbehavior in their fellow officers again. That is always a good line with zero basis in fact or truth.

What I can say is good riddance to bad rubbish.
I wish he would have blew that mother fuckers head all over the street. I hold him responsible for not doing what he should have

Yeah. Because an indictment for Murder would really send a message to the world that our cops aren’t playing. Am I right?

Can not say I blame them. The city is not with them on riot control. It is crazy. BLM roters get away with all kinds of shit. Cops van not even walk across the street from black person with out getting blamed for something. It's crazy.
I'm watching videos of the insurrection at the US Capitol on Jan. 6 as I read these comments. I wonder how many of you defending the Portland cops are willing to provide similar support for the Capitol cops who had the shit beaten out of them as they defended the United States on Jan. 6.

What do you have to say to Officer Goodman, Officer Fanone, the family of Officer Sicknick? What should be done with this Webster, attacking police and screaming "fuck" all over the place? Should he just simply have been shot?

BTW: how can anyone forecast "upcoming riots"? If you have some advance knowledge, you should share it with law enforcement.

I say to their families that Hysteria and all the other Nazis here are fucking liars who use the tragic death of their son, lying through your fucking teeth, to promote fascism and disgracing his memory with your sleazy lies.

I say to them that you are a scumbag without a hint of honor. That you are a liar who uses the death of people to promote your filthy Reich, that you are the lowest pile of shit possible.
Police have failed to stop crime or prevent it all they do effectively is extort monies from drivers
Says every shitty driver.

100% truth. As a retired tractor-trailer driver who spent 8 or more hours on the road every day, not once was I extorted for money. In fact before I left, I didn't have one moving traffic violation in over 20 years.
Never see cops in my mirror, because I don't drive like a dumbshit. Honestly, I think the fines are far too low.

I have no problem with rioters feeling the end of a nightstick either.
Do stupid shit, prepare for consequences.
I feel if you smart off to a cop. They be allow to slap you full force across the face. Trained enough to cause a severe bruise but no broken facial bones

Ok. Let’s say you allow that. Hell. I’ll even sign on if you meet one condition. It’s fair. We are allowing the cops to smack people around.

If any facial bones are broken. If any teeth are knocked out. The cop loses his entire pension and is sent to prison for life no parole. Fair enough?
Hey. They can’t be any worse than the fine cops we have now.

The son of a friend of mine became a cop. When he applied for the state trooper job, they went to his parents house for a surprise visit. They interviewed my friend and his wife (also an old friend of mine) for an hour. When they left, my friends looked out the window and seen them go to neighbors homes. They called a few of his high school and college teachers. They gave him a psychological exam. They checked him out every way imaginable.

He still didn't make it, in spite of graduating from college with a degree in law enforcement, and a record as clean as a whistle. He eventually got a police job out of town, and last I heard, are really promoting him, sent him to detective school, and he is in high standings with the department.

When police can no longer find good applicants, they will lower their standards, and lower their standards, and keep lowering them until they can find people to do the work. As they keep lowering those standards, you will have less and less quality of people to take the job.

So if you think the police we have now are bad, just wait until you see what you exchanged them for.
Gotta love it

Actually, the 50 man riot team resigned from the riot team over one of their guys getting indicted and refuse to do riot control anymore. They've all gone back to just regular policing.
Hey. They can’t be any worse than the fine cops we have now.

The son of a friend of mine became a cop. When he applied for the state trooper job, they went to his parents house for a surprise visit. They interviewed my friend and his wife (also an old friend of mine) for an hour. When they left, my friends looked out the window and seen them go to neighbors homes. They called a few of his high school and college teachers. They gave him a psychological exam. They checked him out every way imaginable.

He still didn't make it, in spite of graduating from college with a degree in law enforcement, and a record as clean as a whistle. He eventually got a police job out of town, and last I heard, are really promoting him, sent him to detective school, and he is in high standings with the department.

When police can no longer find good applicants, they will lower their standards, and lower their standards, and keep lowering them until they can find people to do the work. As they keep lowering those standards, you will have less and less quality of people to take the job.

So if you think the police we have now are bad, just wait until you see what you exchanged them for.

The problem is that the cops are looking for specific applicants. Ones who will not arrest or expose fellow officers.

The Blue Wall of Silence must be maintained. At any and all costs.

So your “friend” may not have gotten the job because he was seen as too honest. I mean who wants a partner who is going to drop a dime on them if they plant evidence or lie about consent to search?

These “high” standards just aren’t in evidence.

I mean we are talking about Portland. Where an investigation exposed widespread Constitutional violations by the police.

What are the odds that these riot cops were not some of the same abusing people before?

I can post videos. News stories. And all that. All of which show misconduct and corruption. And when faced with it we are told that we need only imagine how bad it will be with other “lesser” people involved.

Crap. Seriously crap. I repeat. Good riddance to the thugs.
When the leadership of a city has no interest in keeping residents safe from violence there is no point in doing anything other than becoming counter-violent.

It's time.

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