Portland starts the year by firebombing the police

I am 83 years old.

When I was a teenager in the 1950s, some cities in the East were just beginning to change, so people had to move to the suburbs.

But here in the West, Oregon was still a peaceful & orderly place for a long time, as was Washington state.

It is devastating to see the demise of Oregon because of the kind of people who are moving there.

The whole country is becoming dysfunctional.

And there's nothing that anyone can do about it.

Russia? China? Abortion? Aliens from Outer Space? Homosexuality? Are any of those responsible for the inevitable downfall of this nation? NO! It's the lack of character of more and more Americans.

The Communists - what today we call the democrats - began a long war against the culture and values of this nation starting in the 1950s. The Marxists took over our Universities in the 60's and 70's and turned higher education into Bolshevik indoctrination. The Marxists took over the primary education of the nation in the 1980's and perverted generation after generation of young minds. The values and culture of the nations besmirched and mocked by the Kremlin run Hollywood studios who undercut every concept of family, honor, and hard work that the nation was founded and thrived on.

The cultural war was lost decades ago and just as was the plan, our society crumbles.

Your last three words are chilling.

Some CALM observers say that if the Dems win in Georgia (which seems likely), they will make structural changes that cannot be undone: statehood for D.C. & P.R., packing the Court so that it will become toothless, no more Senate filibuster so that the minority will lose all influence, massive income tax increases to pay for Medicare for all, affirmative action on steroids, etc.

In my opinion, there is no stopping the Dems from changing the country into what the Squad (led by AOC) & BLM want. Even if President Trump had won, he could have delayed the inevitable for only four years. The United States of America will become a dystopia by the end of this century -- IMHO.

Happy New Year (even though this year could turn out to be worse than 2020!)
You attack cops ?? You get the death sentence
The cops are free to shoot and kill whomever they will, and put anyone else in prison if they aren't deemed too dangerous to house. They don't respect our rights, the Constitution, the due process of law, or our lives, liberty and property anymore.
I am 83 years old.

When I was a teenager in the 1950s, some cities in the East were just beginning to change, so people had to move to the suburbs.

But here in the West, Oregon was still a peaceful & orderly place for a long time, as was Washington state.

It is devastating to see the demise of Oregon because of the kind of people who are moving there.

The whole country is becoming dysfunctional.

And there's nothing that anyone can do about it.

Russia? China? Abortion? Aliens from Outer Space? Homosexuality? Are any of those responsible for the inevitable downfall of this nation? NO! It's the lack of character of more and more Americans.

The Communists - what today we call the democrats - began a long war against the culture and values of this nation starting in the 1950s. The Marxists took over our Universities in the 60's and 70's and turned higher education into Bolshevik indoctrination. The Marxists took over the primary education of the nation in the 1980's and perverted generation after generation of young minds. The values and culture of the nations besmirched and mocked by the Kremlin run Hollywood studios who undercut every concept of family, honor, and hard work that the nation was founded and thrived on.

The cultural war was lost decades ago and just as was the plan, our society crumbles.

Your last three words are chilling.

Some CALM observers say that if the Dems win in Georgia (which seems likely), they will make structural changes that cannot be undone: statehood for D.C. & P.R., packing the Court so that it will become toothless, no more Senate filibuster so that the minority will lose all influence, massive income tax increases to pay for Medicare for all, affirmative action on steroids, etc.

In my opinion, there is no stopping the Dems from changing the country into what the Squad (led by AOC) & BLM want. Even if President Trump had won, he could have delayed the inevitable for only four years. The United States of America will become a dystopia by the end of this century -- IMHO.

Happy New Year (even though this year could turn out to be worse than 2020!)

Elections have dire, and sometimes severe consequences. It doesn't seem like you planned too well for the hard conclusion that your guy fucking lost. Could be because he's a fucking criminal ass blaster. Or, perhaps you're a just a dime a dozen unique snowflake that is confused about how much the rest of the country cares about the your meltdowns.

Maybe think about growing a pair, because you sound exactly like the fucking libtards you rail against here daily.
I am 83 years old.

When I was a teenager in the 1950s, some cities in the East were just beginning to change, so people had to move to the suburbs.

But here in the West, Oregon was still a peaceful & orderly place for a long time, as was Washington state.

It is devastating to see the demise of Oregon because of the kind of people who are moving there.

The whole country is becoming dysfunctional.

And there's nothing that anyone can do about it.

Russia? China? Abortion? Aliens from Outer Space? Homosexuality? Are any of those responsible for the inevitable downfall of this nation? NO! It's the lack of character of more and more Americans.

The Communists - what today we call the democrats - began a long war against the culture and values of this nation starting in the 1950s. The Marxists took over our Universities in the 60's and 70's and turned higher education into Bolshevik indoctrination. The Marxists took over the primary education of the nation in the 1980's and perverted generation after generation of young minds. The values and culture of the nations besmirched and mocked by the Kremlin run Hollywood studios who undercut every concept of family, honor, and hard work that the nation was founded and thrived on.

The cultural war was lost decades ago and just as was the plan, our society crumbles.

Your last three words are chilling.

Some CALM observers say that if the Dems win in Georgia (which seems likely), they will make structural changes that cannot be undone: statehood for D.C. & P.R., packing the Court so that it will become toothless, no more Senate filibuster so that the minority will lose all influence, massive income tax increases to pay for Medicare for all, affirmative action on steroids, etc.

In my opinion, there is no stopping the Dems from changing the country into what the Squad (led by AOC) & BLM want. Even if President Trump had won, he could have delayed the inevitable for only four years. The United States of America will become a dystopia by the end of this century -- IMHO.

Happy New Year (even though this year could turn out to be worse than 2020!)

Elections have dire, and sometimes severe consequences. It doesn't seem like you planned too well for the hard conclusion that your guy fucking lost. Could be because he's a fucking criminal ass blaster. Or, perhaps you're a just a dime a dozen unique snowflake that is confused about how much the rest of the country cares about the your meltdowns.

Maybe think about growing a pair, because you sound exactly like the fucking libtards you rail against here daily.
This is the OP.
Portland starts the year by firebombing the police

Please stay on topic. Trump is still stuck in your head.
Portland is a prime example of why universities should never be allowed to set up in downtown areas. They attract a lot of undesirables, parasites, and deviants, and that's just the staff; the peripherals attract even worse.

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