Portland starts the year by firebombing the police

They should be shot dead on site !!
I am sure even some Democrats agree

Not all aggression needs to be met with deadly force. What you're suggesting would have been an overreaction. That being said it would be nice to see lefties do something other than make excuses for these people.
When nothing else worked, beheading a French Queen, Marie Antoinette by guillotine put a new perspective on respecting the common people and voters.
They should be shot dead on site !!
I am sure even some Democrats agree

Not all aggression needs to be met with deadly force. What you're suggesting would have been an overreaction. That being said it would be nice to see lefties do something other than make excuses for these people.
When nothing else worked, beheading a French Queen, Marie Antoinette by guillotine put a new perspective on respecting the common people and voters.
Maybe we should erect a guillotine at the inauguration and see if Hidin' Biden and Kameltoe show up.
The only one who is agrees with you is yourself and sometimes the crazy old lady.
You make her look sane.

You want to see dead Democrats and you think I'm the one that's insane? That's rich.
You’d rather live in poverty, locked inside your house waiting for the government to deliver your welfare check while abiding to a social credit score.

I’d rather see those forcing that on us burn upside down on a cross
I am 83 years old.

When I was a teenager in the 1950s, some cities in the East were just beginning to change, so people had to move to the suburbs.

But here in the West, Oregon was still a peaceful & orderly place for a long time, as was Washington state.

It is devastating to see the demise of Oregon because of the kind of people who are moving there.

The whole country is becoming dysfunctional.

And there's nothing that anyone can do about it.

Russia? China? Abortion? Aliens from Outer Space? Homosexuality? Are any of those responsible for the inevitable downfall of this nation? NO! It's the lack of character of more and more Americans.

The Communists - what today we call the democrats - began a long war against the culture and values of this nation starting in the 1950s. The Marxists took over our Universities in the 60's and 70's and turned higher education into Bolshevik indoctrination. The Marxists took over the primary education of the nation in the 1980's and perverted generation after generation of young minds. The values and culture of the nations besmirched and mocked by the Kremlin run Hollywood studios who undercut every concept of family, honor, and hard work that the nation was founded and thrived on.

The cultural war was lost decades ago and just as was the plan, our society crumbles.
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They should be shot dead on site !!
I am sure even some Democrats agree

Not all aggression needs to be met with deadly force. What you're suggesting would have been an overreaction. That being said it would be nice to see lefties do something other than make excuses for these people.
When nothing else worked, beheading a French Queen, Marie Antoinette by guillotine put a new perspective on respecting the common people and voters.
Maybe we should erect a guillotine at the inauguration and see if Hidin' Biden and Kameltoe show up.
Well, I nominate the Rodham Clinton and Barry Obama to go first. :muahaha:
Picture Time? You didn't make a point. One is a protest and the other is Antifa ready to roll. No comparison. That's where you folks are going wrong. The make believe you are throwing into the mix is making it harder to stop these guys. It's nothing but CT noise. You want law and order? So do I, so do all of us. Join THIS planet and deal with reality. We might accomplish something to tone this group down.


The Brown Shirts are dedicated Marxist, i.e. democrats. They are Trump hating, America hating scum - just average democrats.
You're not fooling anybody with whatever stupid shit you use to justify your murderous intent in your own mind. You want blood; it's obvious.

We want peace, but until the democrats and their Brown Shirts are utterly vanquished, there can be no peace.

If a rattlesnake is in my bed, it isn't killing the snake I want - it's a good nights sleep: BUT the only way to have a good nights sleep is to kill the snake.

Standard Disclaimer: I'm not suggesting that rattlesnakes are as cold blooded and dangerous as democrats by this comparison.
Not all aggression needs to be met with deadly force. What you're suggesting would have been an overreaction. That being said it would be nice to see lefties do something other than make excuses for these people.

But surely we must agree that proper use of deadly force assures that there will no need for additional application.
They should be shot dead on site !!
I am sure even some Democrats agree

Not all aggression needs to be met with deadly force. What you're suggesting would have been an overreaction. That being said it would be nice to see lefties do something other than make excuses for these people.
When nothing else worked, beheading a French Queen, Marie Antoinette by guillotine put a new perspective on respecting the common people and voters.
The bitch wasn't wearing a mask !
Picture Time? You didn't make a point. One is a protest and the other is Antifa ready to roll. No comparison. That's where you folks are going wrong. The make believe you are throwing into the mix is making it harder to stop these guys. It's nothing but CT noise. You want law and order? So do I, so do all of us. Join THIS planet and deal with reality. We might accomplish something to tone this group down.
In Portland it was Antifa and BLM that worked to destroy the city with protesting. Seattle had antifa and BLM at the Chop city. It will not go away, Seattle and Portland are going to continue summer protests, that’s what they do, neither city has interest in ending the riots.
In this situation those seem to be the same thing in your view.
Having fireworks is legal in most places. Shooting them at law enforcement officers is assault at the least, up to attempted murder. Which situation are you talking about?
If you would have started shooting people I'm glad you're not a cop.
I come from 3 generations of cops, my father and uncle, my grandfather, and my great grandfather. I know cops, you know biased media fantasies.

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