Portland To Tax Companies That Have Outrageous CEO-Worker Pay Gaps

Would the last employed person leaving Portland please turn off the lights? The welfare remainders can't afford electricity.
Mutiny on the Bounty

Only the CEOs need to leave. They are unnecessary in running the company. The other employees know how to get the job done.

Why is it you libs watch movies on TV and think it's reality? If a CEO wasn't necessary, the company wouldn't have one. If they didn't think a particular CEO was worth the money they asked, or otherwise could not improve the sales and expansion of their company, they wouldn't pay them that kind of money.
Make Money, Just Like Counterfeiters

You've been indoctrinated in the illusion that there is some impersonal force that arranges everything just right, so all pay comes out the way it's supposed to be. Therefore, American CEOs get paid dozens of times what they get in other countries because they're that much better!

So how come the King Ape bullies have to freeload off Third World sweatshops in order to get rich? Because they are inferior people in superior positions and shouldn't be worshiped on account of making a lot of money.
Bear you cant actually believe 10 bucks an hour is a good wage anywhere...it is not possible. You have bought into the lies. Outright lies. You must be smaryter than to believe that bs. To believe that one should work hard for 10 bucks per hour is frankly beyond ludicrous. But then again the south...well...
Ray is a CEO or owner who dislikes working folk. Not once have you said one good thing about laborers.your hatred is duly noted. Good workers walk right off the job into a better one. Remember that. Loyalty has ZERO business in today's work world. Work hard and don't be afraid to forsake your employer....more words my dad taught me. He knew that business in america more so than other countries have a disdain for their best workers. He was correct.
Why don't democrats just come clean and admit they're communists?
Karl Marx Was the Sex Slave of a Patty Hearst Type Duchess

Why don't the Communists come clean and admit that they're the spawn of the rich who plotted their anti-democratic takeover at the obsolete aristocratic university? Their unearned birth privileges gave them their Born to Rule attitude. History proves that no one over 18 has a right to any of his Daddy's money; that's for children. If we have to do it on our own, so must they. Rich kids block our way and must be removed.

So the tax payers get his money after it's already been taxed?

Possession Requires a Live Owner

100% inheritance tax, which would give us back $3 trillion a year from the dead 1% alone, would replace all income taxes. Of course, you're in such a hurry to defend your precious Preppies that you didn't think of that. Or would you rather tax the living than the dead?

If you think government is more deserving than family of what a person worked for, why don't we all give government our house when we die? How about our car and boat? How about all of our money in banks, stock market and other investments?

If the heirs of a wealthy family are not worthy of the possessions of the dead, then why is any family? you leftists love to see government take other people's money, just as long as it's not yours.
The Race Must Go to the Fastest, Not the "Fatherest"

So a Dad can bribe the referees because he's doing it "with his own money"? No one has a right to pick the winners and losers in the next generation. If we have to do it on our own, so must the Fortunate Sons. If those brats are pre-positioned halfway to the finish line, we should break their legs and make them crawl the rest of the way. By the way, all your scapegoats, the false-flag Liberal leaders, are your precious little HeirHeads. They'd agree with you 100% that there is nothing wrong with being totally empowered by their Daddies.
Sage well said but there will be no winners, not even the hardest workers will get ahead I guarantee it. The slimeball corporations will take over. I for one will never look at them favorably.
You cannot have a comfortable life anywhere in this country making 20 bucks an hour Ray. That is pathetic wage left only for the uneducated with no college degree. 20 bucks an hour plus full benefits is a beginners wage....bad news.

Then one day you may wake up to the real world. Nobody is paying that kind of money to do money jobs. Those days are gone and companies are turning more and more to automation to replace humans if possible. The higher the wage demand, the better looking automation investment is.

Same with the higher the salary demand. Most white-collar workers, including these white-elephant CEOs, can be replaced with computer programs.

If that were possible, it would have already happened.
The Lazy Fairies of Laissez Faire

More of your "everything works out the way it is supposed to be." In real life, though, everything works out the way those with the most power want it to be.
Why don't democrats just come clean and admit they're communists?
Karl Marx Was the Sex Slave of a Patty Hearst Type Duchess

Why don't the Communists come clean and admit that they're the spawn of the rich who plotted their anti-democratic takeover at the obsolete aristocratic university? Their unearned birth privileges gave them their Born to Rule attitude. History proves that no one over 18 has a right to any of his Daddy's money; that's for children. If we have to do it on our own, so must they. Rich kids block our way and must be removed.

So the tax payers get his money after it's already been taxed?

Possession Requires a Live Owner

100% inheritance tax, which would give us back $3 trillion a year from the dead 1% alone, would replace all income taxes. Of course, you're in such a hurry to defend your precious Preppies that you didn't think of that. Or would you rather tax the living than the dead?

If you think government is more deserving than family of what a person worked for, why don't we all give government our house when we die? How about our car and boat? How about all of our money in banks, stock market and other investments?

If the heirs of a wealthy family are not worthy of the possessions of the dead, then why is any family? you leftists love to see government take other people's money, just as long as it's not yours.
The Race Must Go to the Fastest, Not the "Fatherest"

So a Dad can bribe the referees because he's doing it "with his own money"? No one has a right to pick the winners and losers in the next generation. If we have to do it on our own, so must the Fortunate Sons. If those brats are pre-positioned halfway to the finish line, we should break their legs and make them crawl the rest of the way. By the way, all your scapegoats, the false-flag Liberal leaders, are your precious little HeirHeads. They'd agree with you 100% that there is nothing wrong with being totally empowered by their Daddies.

WTF are you even talking about? What bribes and what referees?

Money is a persons property. Government doesn't have the right to confiscate property just because a person died unless they owed the government for some reason. Outside of that, government is not your family........well, maybe to liberals it is.

This neo-USSR thinking is totally unAmerican. If you want government to have everything, then move to a country where that system is already in place. We like our government separate from our personal lives. That's one of the things that make this a great country to live in.
Ray is a CEO or owner who dislikes working folk. Not once have you said one good thing about laborers.your hatred is duly noted. Good workers walk right off the job into a better one. Remember that. Loyalty has ZERO business in today's work world. Work hard and don't be afraid to forsake your employer....more words my dad taught me. He knew that business in america more so than other countries have a disdain for their best workers. He was correct.

Your disdain is imaginary. Just because you don't get what you want from your boss doesn't mean he hates you or anybody else. This leftist hatred is just ginned up.

You take a job to work for X amount of money. If you're unhappy with the offer, decline the job and find somebody that will pay you the kind of money you want. If you can't find such an employer, then obviously you are worth less money than you think. And if you think all employers treat you unfairly, then open up your own business and see how it works out for you.

I am a blue collar workers; been that way my entire life. Respecting the worker doesn't mean you have to disrespect the management. You can respect both. If you do less work than the employer needs, then you disrespect yourself.
Would the last employed person leaving Portland please turn off the lights? The welfare remainders can't afford electricity.
Mutiny on the Bounty

Only the CEOs need to leave. They are unnecessary in running the company. The other employees know how to get the job done.

Why is it you libs watch movies on TV and think it's reality? If a CEO wasn't necessary, the company wouldn't have one. If they didn't think a particular CEO was worth the money they asked, or otherwise could not improve the sales and expansion of their company, they wouldn't pay them that kind of money.
Make Money, Just Like Counterfeiters

You've been indoctrinated in the illusion that there is some impersonal force that arranges everything just right, so all pay comes out the way it's supposed to be. Therefore, American CEOs get paid dozens of times what they get in other countries because they're that much better!

So how come the King Ape bullies have to freeload off Third World sweatshops in order to get rich? Because they are inferior people in superior positions and shouldn't be worshiped on account of making a lot of money.

They do so because that's what you and all your Walmart cohorts demand.

America demands cheap products, and it's up to the producer to cater to their customers. You and your precious unions did chase all the good jobs out of the country. The more you got, the more you pushed, and you pushed out those jobs.

There is a force that arranges everything, it's called Supply and Demand. The shorter the supply, the higher the price. The more supply, the lower the price.
I see you're point but a smart worker does what they are required to do without being loyal or worrying about how the company is doing. Its dog eat dog in this country. Loyalty is unwanted and frankly for inferior folk. Really really really dumb people. Dog crap dumb.
America demands cheap products you are right. That's because america is a cheap nation.

I don't know that it's a cheap nation, it's just that there are so many things to buy today.

I look back when I was a kid in the 60's and 70's. What did we own? We had one family car, we had a landline telephone, we had a television set, and we had a stereo with perhaps an 8 track player or cassette player. Fast food was a treat that most only indulged in a couple times a year.

Look at what we spend our money on today! Internet, cable or satellite television, pay-per-view, satellite radio, video games, a car for every adult in the family, a cell phone for everybody in the family, big screen televisions........

This stuff adds up to a lot of money. I know people that spend over $250.00 a month for cell phones and data plans. I know people with $300.00 a month cable and internet bills. There are people that use fast food three or more times a week to feed the family. We blow our money on a lot of things we never had years ago.

We need to make our dollars stretch further than ever. Most Americans won't do without all these conveniences, and I'm no exception. A few months ago my internet and cable went out on me. I thought it was the end of the Fn world. I was pissed off as all hell the other day because my remote start for my car didn't work because something got screwed up with the password in my cell phone. I had to get into a cold car. The horrors!
Corporations can exist without paying their CEOs hundreds of times what they pay their typical workers.
--Steve Novick, City Commissioner of Portland

Unbelievable trying to tell someone how much he can make

This is going to totally backfire.


Walking Tall by Walking All Over People

The corporate Greedhead parasites tell people what they can make all the time. Man against Millionaire is not a bargaining position that their employees should have to put up with.

Then they should start their own company and pay their employees whatever they desire.
Owners Aren't Earners

So if someone steals my wallet, I should just steal someone else's wallet instead of trying to stop theft?

If you don't like what they pay, move on and see if you can find someone to pay you what you think your worth. I've walked out of may interviews because the pay didn't meet my expectations. You have that same right.

Let the Bosses Walk Out, Unless You Believe Silly Atlas Shrugged

When interviewers tell you, "It's my way or the highway," that means their way is the low way.

You're free to take the highway, if they can't get someone for what their offering, they'll go out of business or raise their offer. That's the real world, not your fantasy land.
Would the last employed person leaving Portland please turn off the lights? The welfare remainders can't afford electricity.
Mutiny on the Bounty

Only the CEOs need to leave. They are unnecessary in running the company. The other employees know how to get the job done.

Why is it you libs watch movies on TV and think it's reality? If a CEO wasn't necessary, the company wouldn't have one. If they didn't think a particular CEO was worth the money they asked, or otherwise could not improve the sales and expansion of their company, they wouldn't pay them that kind of money.
Make Money, Just Like Counterfeiters

You've been indoctrinated in the illusion that there is some impersonal force that arranges everything just right, so all pay comes out the way it's supposed to be. Therefore, American CEOs get paid dozens of times what they get in other countries because they're that much better!

So how come the King Ape bullies have to freeload off Third World sweatshops in order to get rich? Because they are inferior people in superior positions and shouldn't be worshiped on account of making a lot of money.

Labor is a commodity, the more there is the less it costs, it's just that simple.
Bear you cant actually believe 10 bucks an hour is a good wage anywhere...it is not possible. You have bought into the lies. Outright lies. You must be smaryter than to believe that bs. To believe that one should work hard for 10 bucks per hour is frankly beyond ludicrous. But then again the south...well...

You really never knew how to get ahead did you? Good thing your old/retired and started a bussiness in the hey day of lax regulations and rules.

The entire key to succeed is to work harder then everyone else no matter if its $10 bucks an hour or $50 bucks an hour..

Because you will get all the fringe benefits plus more that comes with it.

You are giving the wrong advice old man.

Bear you cant actually believe 10 bucks an hour is a good wage anywhere...it is not possible. You have bought into the lies. Outright lies. You must be smaryter than to believe that bs. To believe that one should work hard for 10 bucks per hour is frankly beyond ludicrous. But then again the south...well...

You really never knew how to get ahead did you? Good thing your old/retired and started a bussiness in the hey day of lax regulations and rules.

The entire key to succeed is to work harder then everyone else no matter if its $10 bucks an hour or $50 bucks an hour..

Because you will get all the fringe benefits plus more that comes with it.

You are giving the wrong advice old man.


Jesus christ dude you get to make the rules when you become that good, your boss, your bosses boss, other managers will come to you for advice.

Heck i was starting to get mad when they were calling me and texting me at home for stupid stuff...If I go in I get a minimum of 4 hours and now every phone call or a stupid text like "hey where is the mag drill at?"

I get paid an hour for each one.

Sage well said but there will be no winners, not even the hardest workers will get ahead I guarantee it. The slimeball corporations will take over. I for one will never look at them favorably.
Crunch, Crunch! Squish, Squish!

Who benefits from us being fatalistic and passive? We far outnumber the corporate parasites and can crush them like grapes. Time to quit whining and start making wine.
Karl Marx Was the Sex Slave of a Patty Hearst Type Duchess

Why don't the Communists come clean and admit that they're the spawn of the rich who plotted their anti-democratic takeover at the obsolete aristocratic university? Their unearned birth privileges gave them their Born to Rule attitude. History proves that no one over 18 has a right to any of his Daddy's money; that's for children. If we have to do it on our own, so must they. Rich kids block our way and must be removed.

So the tax payers get his money after it's already been taxed?

Possession Requires a Live Owner

100% inheritance tax, which would give us back $3 trillion a year from the dead 1% alone, would replace all income taxes. Of course, you're in such a hurry to defend your precious Preppies that you didn't think of that. Or would you rather tax the living than the dead?

If you think government is more deserving than family of what a person worked for, why don't we all give government our house when we die? How about our car and boat? How about all of our money in banks, stock market and other investments?

If the heirs of a wealthy family are not worthy of the possessions of the dead, then why is any family? you leftists love to see government take other people's money, just as long as it's not yours.
The Race Must Go to the Fastest, Not the "Fatherest"

So a Dad can bribe the referees because he's doing it "with his own money"? No one has a right to pick the winners and losers in the next generation. If we have to do it on our own, so must the Fortunate Sons. If those brats are pre-positioned halfway to the finish line, we should break their legs and make them crawl the rest of the way. By the way, all your scapegoats, the false-flag Liberal leaders, are your precious little HeirHeads. They'd agree with you 100% that there is nothing wrong with being totally empowered by their Daddies.

Money is a person's property. Government doesn't have the right to confiscate property just because a person died unless they owed the government for some reason. Outside of that, government is not your family......

Plutes Can Kiss My Glutes

Liberals are the spoiled rich brats whom your sacred birth privileges empower. Let them be cut off from Daddy's Money at age 18 and we won't have any of these dominant extremists on either side of the spectrum HeirHeads alone constructed.
Sage well said but there will be no winners, not even the hardest workers will get ahead I guarantee it. The slimeball corporations will take over. I for one will never look at them favorably.
Crunch, Crunch! Squish, Squish!

Who benefits from us being fatalistic and passive? We far outnumber the corporate parasites and can crush them like grapes. Time to quit whining and start making wine.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Good, you start and we'll be right behind you.

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