Portland To Tax Companies That Have Outrageous CEO-Worker Pay Gaps

Why the anti worker stance? To me nothing under 20 bucks per hour includes a person working hard unless you are a slavery proponent.

You never saw $20 bucks an hour in your life have you? Its nothing on a 40 hour work week you may as well make $12 bucks an hour.
Why the anti worker stance? To me nothing under 20 bucks per hour includes a person working hard unless you are a slavery proponent.

It also depends on where you live...again poor workers in blue citys and states always vote against their financial intrests by voting for democrats.

Pretend to pay me I pretend to work. Words one must live by. Pay more I produce more. Pay less I produce less. These words I condone and the best workers live by them. 12 bucks an hour means showing up...not much more.
As poor workers in redneck states are happy with 10 bucks per hour. Not the brightest gotta give em that.
Yep. One person who does zero work gets all the money. Only in america. Notice no capital a.
Why the anti worker stance? To me nothing under 20 bucks per hour includes a person working hard unless you are a slavery proponent.

It also depends on where you live...again poor workers in blue citys and states always vote against their financial intrests by voting for democrats.


This is so true. It does all depend on where you live.

I like to watch the home improvement channels when people look for houses to buy or to fix up. I'm amazed at the NE states and what homes cost over there.

They have houses that cost over $750,000 that would probably fall under $150,000 over here. No yard, houses right next to each other, no garage or maybe a one car garage, many are not even detached homes.

For $750,000 here, you could just about live in a mansion; a new home with 5 bedrooms and at least 3 bathrooms with a yard and two or three car garage in a new development on a nice quiet street.

Initforme is correct about $20.00 an hour in a place like NYC. You are just about homeless making that kind of wage. But if you make at least $20.00 an hour over here, and your spouse makes around the same, you can live a pretty comfortable life.
You cannot have a comfortable life anywhere in this country making 20 bucks an hour Ray. That is pathetic wage left only for the uneducated with no college degree. 20 bucks an hour plus full benefits is a beginners wage....bad news.

Portland could generate up to $3.5 million in annual revenue from this new tax.

The progressive city is ramping up its fight against income inequality while increasing annual revenue by as much as $3.5 million.

In an effort to combat income inequality, Portland, Oregon, on Thursday became the first jurisdiction to adopt a tax penalty on companies with excessive CEO-worker pay gaps.

Under the new law, companies doing enough business in Portland to pay the city’s business fee will be taxed an additional 10 percent if their CEO makes 100 times what median workers earn ― and an additional 25 percent if they make 250 times more.

“This is meant to be a signal that these kinds of ridiculous [pay] ratios are unacceptable,” Portland’s city commissioner Steve Novick told The Huffington Post. “You do not do better as a company because you decide to pay outrages salaries to your CEOs.”

The law will go into effect next year, and Novick said the tax could generate up to $3.5 million in annual revenue for the city.

Sarah Anderson, co-editor of Inequality.org at the Institute of Policy Studies, believes the legislation could “spread like wildfire” to other cities across the nation.

“People are now even more skeptical that anything will happen at the federal level to reduce inequality,” Anderson told HuffPost on Thursday.

She said the threat of “draconian cuts to the social safety net” during a Donald Trump presidency could push leadership from other cities to explore similar innovative sources of revenue.

Corporations can exist without paying their CEOs hundreds of times what they pay their typical workers.
--Steve Novick, City Commissioner of Portland

More than 500 companies will be affected by the new rule, including Walmart, Honeywell, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo and General Electric, according to a statement from IPS.

More: Portland To Tax Companies That Have Outrageous CEO-Worker Pay Gaps

Thank you, Portland. Hopefully many more areas will follow your lead.

And the far left proves fascism is still alive!
I predict Portland will collect about the same amount in taxes from this that Seattle got from gun and ammo taxes. None. People aren't stupid and that's a problem for leftards. All a company has to do is move outside city limits and they can't be touched.
You cannot have a comfortable life anywhere in this country making 20 bucks an hour Ray. That is pathetic wage left only for the uneducated with no college degree. 20 bucks an hour plus full benefits is a beginners wage....bad news.

Then one day you may wake up to the real world. Nobody is paying that kind of money to do money jobs. Those days are gone and companies are turning more and more to automation to replace humans if possible. The higher the wage demand, the better looking automation investment is.
Well then those jobs will go unfilled. Then you will complain that people are lazy and won't work for 2 bucks an hour. That's an anti worker stance. Why are you anti worker?
If one is working full time for ten bucks per hour then I am a proponent of them getting some assistance. Can't survive on that.
That's what the Constitution calls a bill of attainder and they are constitutionally forbidden.

It's targeting a class of companies/people, not a specific person, so it may pass muster.

Still worth a lawsuit though.

It tries to penalize people, remember corporations are a group of people, that do perfectly legal things, that just happens to piss off the powers that be, in just that one locality. If it applied to all corporations operating in the State it might be a different story, it doesn't. I also doubt it would even fly on a State level.

It would be an interesting case, but we have seen taxes/laws tailored to specific industries (fast food) using language that avoids being bills of attainder.

Is it punitive and useless? Yes. Will it chase companies out of Portland? probably.

This bill targets specific companies not industries, I don't think it will fly even under the equal protection clause of the 14th, but it also meets every requirement of being a bill of attainder. I'll talk to an attorney friend at my congressman's office Tuesday and see what she says.

If the amount of companies that pay their CEO 100-250 times the median pay is small, say 2-3, I think you have your bill of attainder right there. If its 100-200, that becomes a weaker argument.

The 14th amendment angle is interesting, but I don't see how it works. Its a single condition, that has no other conditions, thus all companies under the condition are treated equally (bad).

I am interested in the lawyers opinion, as I tend to look at the Constitution from and Engineer's perspective than a lawyers.

Damn shame lawyers don't, they could give a shit about it's construction, they always look for ways to remodel.
Well then those jobs will go unfilled. Then you will complain that people are lazy and won't work for 2 bucks an hour. That's an anti worker stance. Why are you anti worker?

It's not an anti-worker stance, it's a realty stance.

If you think some company isn't paying their workers enough, then start a similar company and compete against them. Pay your workers $30.00 an hour to sweep floors for all I care. Your company will fail within one year.

Competition and consumer demand keep wages down. It's not an employers call in many cases. If you manufacture widgets and pay people who do mindless jobs $20.00 per hour, your competitor down the street or across the seas are paying their employees much less, and will put you out of business in no time at all, because the stores will buy their cheaper widgets instead of yours.

Portland could generate up to $3.5 million in annual revenue from this new tax.

The progressive city is ramping up its fight against income inequality while increasing annual revenue by as much as $3.5 million.

In an effort to combat income inequality, Portland, Oregon, on Thursday became the first jurisdiction to adopt a tax penalty on companies with excessive CEO-worker pay gaps.

Under the new law, companies doing enough business in Portland to pay the city’s business fee will be taxed an additional 10 percent if their CEO makes 100 times what median workers earn ― and an additional 25 percent if they make 250 times more.

“This is meant to be a signal that these kinds of ridiculous [pay] ratios are unacceptable,” Portland’s city commissioner Steve Novick told The Huffington Post. “You do not do better as a company because you decide to pay outrages salaries to your CEOs.”

The law will go into effect next year, and Novick said the tax could generate up to $3.5 million in annual revenue for the city.

Sarah Anderson, co-editor of Inequality.org at the Institute of Policy Studies, believes the legislation could “spread like wildfire” to other cities across the nation.

“People are now even more skeptical that anything will happen at the federal level to reduce inequality,” Anderson told HuffPost on Thursday.

She said the threat of “draconian cuts to the social safety net” during a Donald Trump presidency could push leadership from other cities to explore similar innovative sources of revenue.

Corporations can exist without paying their CEOs hundreds of times what they pay their typical workers.
--Steve Novick, City Commissioner of Portland

More than 500 companies will be affected by the new rule, including Walmart, Honeywell, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo and General Electric, according to a statement from IPS.

More: Portland To Tax Companies That Have Outrageous CEO-Worker Pay Gaps

Thank you, Portland. Hopefully many more areas will follow your lead.

You can always count a liberal to put a bullet in your own head.

The future of our company, janitors!
Corporations can exist without paying their CEOs hundreds of times what they pay their typical workers.
--Steve Novick, City Commissioner of Portland

Unbelievable trying to tell someone how much he can make

This is going to totally backfire.


Walking Tall by Walking All Over People

The corporate Greedhead parasites tell people what they can make all the time. Man against Millionaire is not a bargaining position that their employees should have to put up with.

Then they should start their own company and pay their employees whatever they desire.
Owners Aren't Earners

So if someone steals my wallet, I should just steal someone else's wallet instead of trying to stop theft?

If you don't like what they pay, move on and see if you can find someone to pay you what you think your worth. I've walked out of may interviews because the pay didn't meet my expectations. You have that same right.
These lowlife liberal filthy scumbags are not giving the money to the workers, did you notice they are pocketing the money for themselves there's a shocker. Seriously we need to round these filth up and send them to a gulag.
The founding fathers would projectile vomit if they saw what Portland was doing, the liberal Nobel class is taking what they want from the people, next thing you know these liberals will claim the right to mate with virgins before their wedding.

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