Portland To Tax Companies That Have Outrageous CEO-Worker Pay Gaps

Lets hope the Trump SCOTUS puts a stop to the liberal tyranny that is happening all over this country. Every time we turn around these liberal fuckers are shitting on the Constitution, our rights, taking our property, enough.
Look all that aside workers wages have gone down while CEO pay has gone through the roof. You can say one has nothing to do with the other all you like but other than an assertion thats all you got

Sorry, but people get paid what they are worth.

You are only worth as much as the next person willing to do the same quality work as you do. That goes for the toilet scrubber, that goes for the CEO's.

So now you admit that workers waged have gone down and CEO pay has gone up but now you have a new excuse. CEO'S in 2016 work 30 times more than the working guy. Got it.
Look all that aside workers wages have gone down while CEO pay has gone through the roof. You can say one has nothing to do with the other all you like but other than an assertion thats all you got

Sorry, but people get paid what they are worth.

You are only worth as much as the next person willing to do the same quality work as you do. That goes for the toilet scrubber, that goes for the CEO's.

So now you admit that workers waged have gone down and CEO pay has gone up but now you have a new excuse. CEO'S in 2016 work 30 times more than the working guy. Got it.
Look all that aside workers wages have gone down while CEO pay has gone through the roof. You can say one has nothing to do with the other all you like but other than an assertion thats all you got

Sorry, but people get paid what they are worth.

You are only worth as much as the next person willing to do the same quality work as you do. That goes for the toilet scrubber, that goes for the CEO's.

So now you admit that workers waged have gone down and CEO pay has gone up but now you have a new excuse. CEO'S in 2016 work 30 times more than the working guy. Got it.

I am a CEO of my company and I am an owner...

If I want to keep my salary low that is easy, just get paid in dividends

CEOs who don't own there company who want be paid this high is ridiculous, they didn't make the company they just work there.
Look all that aside workers wages have gone down while CEO pay has gone through the roof. You can say one has nothing to do with the other all you like but other than an assertion thats all you got
So when one person's pay rises it is your assertion that the income of another person or group of persons must decrease to equal the increase in one person's pay?

Of course you are wrong
Pretend to pay me I pretend to work. Words one must live by. Pay more I produce more. Pay less I produce less. These words I condone and the best workers live by them. 12 bucks an hour means showing up...not much more.
You have it backwards

You have to prove you are worth more to your employer.
If all you do is show up and do the bare minimum then you'll never get a raise or a good reference.

You haven't realized yet that you are 100% replaceable.
Look all that aside workers wages have gone down while CEO pay has gone through the roof. You can say one has nothing to do with the other all you like but other than an assertion thats all you got

Sorry, but people get paid what they are worth.

You are only worth as much as the next person willing to do the same quality work as you do. That goes for the toilet scrubber, that goes for the CEO's.

So now you admit that workers waged have gone down and CEO pay has gone up but now you have a new excuse. CEO'S in 2016 work 30 times more than the working guy. Got it.

How did you get that from what I wrote? What I said is that a person is only worth as much as the next person willing to do the same quality of job. CEO's are not a dime a dozen like floor sweepers, parts inspectors, shelf stockers or french fry makers. The more and more government regulations we make, the more talented of a CEO a company must get to deal with all these new problems government created.

If any CEO could do the job, the pay scale would be lower. That is the case in some industries. But in other industries, you need experts to run the company and there's not many of those around. So you offer the best price to attract those CEO's.
Portland used to be the best city in America to live in, then a million or so gays and freaks from California invaded and took over. Now its a cesspool of freaks and illegals, trust me on this it's a lost cause.
Saying That the Rich Create Jobs Is Like Saying That Vampires Create Blood

Criticizing Portland's decadence has nothing to do with justifying corporate greed. But the untold story is that all degenerate movements are led by the spoiled putrid sons and daughters of the corporate GreedHeads. The right of the rich to finance their brats' position in the next generation is as overreaching as giving them the right to sex on demand with their employees. But bootlickers would grant their workplace Masters that, just like their ilk of serfs did during the Middle Ages.

So you are a liberal drone, that's all you had to say I'm a corporate hating liberal drone with an IQ below 80. #EYEROLL
The Wannabe Rich Are Easy to Manipulate

Liberals are false-flaggers. You know perfectly well that they are sheltered snobs, which proves that they are the children of your precious rich bullies. Ideology is a spitball fight at a prep school. The whole specious spectrum would be viewed as fantasyland if it weren't for the spoiled brats' illegitimate inherited power and influence.
Why don't democrats just come clean and admit they're communists?
Karl Marx Was the Sex Slave of a Patty Hearst Type Duchess

Why don't the Communists come clean and admit that they're the spawn of the rich who plotted their anti-democratic takeover at the obsolete aristocratic university? Their unearned birth privileges gave them their Born to Rule attitude. History proves that no one over 18 has a right to any of his Daddy's money; that's for children. If we have to do it on our own, so must they. Rich kids block our way and must be removed.

So the tax payers get his money after it's already been taxed?

Possession Requires a Live Owner

100% inheritance tax, which would give us back $3 trillion a year from the dead 1% alone, would replace all income taxes. Of course, you're in such a hurry to defend your precious Preppies that you didn't think of that. Or would you rather tax the living than the dead?
As poor workers in redneck states are happy with 10 bucks per hour. Not the brightest gotta give em that.

MLB players from the South were the ones most opposed to forming a union. If their slavish ways hadn't been voted down, players would have continued to make only 3 times the average American income. A twenty-game winner in pre-union 1964 only made 18K; he'd make a thousand times that today. We are forbidden to use that unionization as an example of how we've been cheated. It refutes all the scare stories the bootlicking boss-lovers tell us about higher wages will bankrupt businesses. The key was Little League: unlike other Americans, athletes were allowed to feel pride in themselves from childhood on.
Would the last employed person leaving Portland please turn off the lights? The welfare remainders can't afford electricity.
Mutiny on the Bounty

Only the CEOs need to leave. They are unnecessary in running the company. The other employees know how to get the job done.

Why is it you libs watch movies on TV and think it's reality? If a CEO wasn't necessary, the company wouldn't have one. If they didn't think a particular CEO was worth the money they asked, or otherwise could not improve the sales and expansion of their company, they wouldn't pay them that kind of money.
Why don't democrats just come clean and admit they're communists?
Karl Marx Was the Sex Slave of a Patty Hearst Type Duchess

Why don't the Communists come clean and admit that they're the spawn of the rich who plotted their anti-democratic takeover at the obsolete aristocratic university? Their unearned birth privileges gave them their Born to Rule attitude. History proves that no one over 18 has a right to any of his Daddy's money; that's for children. If we have to do it on our own, so must they. Rich kids block our way and must be removed.

So the tax payers get his money after it's already been taxed?

Possession Requires a Live Owner

100% inheritance tax, which would give us back $3 trillion a year from the dead 1% alone, would replace all income taxes. Of course, you're in such a hurry to defend your precious Preppies that you didn't think of that. Or would you rather tax the living than the dead?

If possession requires a live owner, are you saying the government is not a live owner?

If you think government is more deserving than family of what a person worked for, why don't we all give government our house when we die? How about our car and boat? How about all of our money in banks, stock market and other investments?

If the heirs of a wealthy family are not worthy of the possessions of the dead, then why is any family? you leftists love to see government take other people's money, just as long as it's not yours.

"Folks, liberals have two sets of rules: one set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh
Look all that aside workers wages have gone down while CEO pay has gone through the roof. You can say one has nothing to do with the other all you like but other than an assertion thats all you got

Sorry, but people get paid what they are worth.

You are only worth as much as the next person willing to do the same quality work as you do. That goes for the toilet scrubber, that goes for the CEO's.

So now you admit that workers waged have gone down and CEO pay has gone up but now you have a new excuse. CEO'S in 2016 work 30 times more than the working guy. Got it.

How did you get that from what I wrote?

Easy, because you are claiming the reason why wages have gone down for the worker and up for the CEO is because you get paid what you're worth according to you. NOT hard to decipher
Pretend to pay me I pretend to work. Words one must live by. Pay more I produce more. Pay less I produce less. These words I condone and the best workers live by them. 12 bucks an hour means showing up...not much more.

Yea we know you are a loser thats why you never got far

As poor workers in redneck states are happy with 10 bucks per hour. Not the brightest gotta give em that.

You dont have a clue what wealth is

$10 bucks an hour down south is like making $25 bucks an hour in new york city.
You cannot have a comfortable life anywhere in this country making 20 bucks an hour Ray. That is pathetic wage left only for the uneducated with no college degree. 20 bucks an hour plus full benefits is a beginners wage....bad news.

Then one day you may wake up to the real world. Nobody is paying that kind of money to do money jobs. Those days are gone and companies are turning more and more to automation to replace humans if possible. The higher the wage demand, the better looking automation investment is.

Same with the higher the salary demand. Most white-collar workers, including these white-elephant CEOs, can be replaced with computer programs.
Corporations can exist without paying their CEOs hundreds of times what they pay their typical workers.
--Steve Novick, City Commissioner of Portland

Unbelievable trying to tell someone how much he can make

This is going to totally backfire.


Walking Tall by Walking All Over People

The corporate Greedhead parasites tell people what they can make all the time. Man against Millionaire is not a bargaining position that their employees should have to put up with.

Then they should start their own company and pay their employees whatever they desire.
Owners Aren't Earners

So if someone steals my wallet, I should just steal someone else's wallet instead of trying to stop theft?

If you don't like what they pay, move on and see if you can find someone to pay you what you think your worth. I've walked out of may interviews because the pay didn't meet my expectations. You have that same right.

Let the Bosses Walk Out, Unless You Believe Silly Atlas Shrugged

When interviewers tell you, "It's my way or the highway," that means their way is the low way.
You cannot have a comfortable life anywhere in this country making 20 bucks an hour Ray. That is pathetic wage left only for the uneducated with no college degree. 20 bucks an hour plus full benefits is a beginners wage....bad news.

Then one day you may wake up to the real world. Nobody is paying that kind of money to do money jobs. Those days are gone and companies are turning more and more to automation to replace humans if possible. The higher the wage demand, the better looking automation investment is.

Same with the higher the salary demand. Most white-collar workers, including these white-elephant CEOs, can be replaced with computer programs.

If that were possible, it would have already happened.
Look all that aside workers wages have gone down while CEO pay has gone through the roof. You can say one has nothing to do with the other all you like but other than an assertion thats all you got

Sorry, but people get paid what they are worth.

You are only worth as much as the next person willing to do the same quality work as you do. That goes for the toilet scrubber, that goes for the CEO's.

So now you admit that workers waged have gone down and CEO pay has gone up but now you have a new excuse. CEO'S in 2016 work 30 times more than the working guy. Got it.

How did you get that from what I wrote?

Easy, because you are claiming the reason why wages have gone down for the worker and up for the CEO is because you get paid what you're worth according to you. NOT hard to decipher

Still can't figure out how you concluded that I stated CEO's are working 30 times harder. What I did say is that manual labor workers make less because there are more people to take their place if they decide to leave. The reason a CEO is worth the money companies pay is because there are so few of them around--at least very successful ones.

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