Portland truck attack suspect arrested

He wasn’t rioting.

He was violating a protest zone set-up by Federal Officers to keep these commie Anarchists from attacking a Fed Ct House for the 20th night in a row.. That's called "protest control".. There's your free speech limit when the CITY wouldn't protect Federal property.. Contact the MAYOR and COUNCIL and BLAME THEM for his injuries..

Mayor FINALLY AGREED.. Said that "protest" doesn't include arson fires when people are inside a building". Think I got that quote close enough...

Nobody here hitting on the peaceful protests. You're doing a protest about protests that are NOT an issue.. There HAVE been incidents even where the NYC police schedule to MARCH with BLM and radical thugs ATTACKED THAT MARCH.. Injured the NYPD Police Chief BADLY..

Think we all REALIZE what happened there.. DO YOU???

Chief of Department Terence Monahan — the NYPD’s highest-ranking uniformed officer — suffered a broken finger during the clashes on the bridge, sources said.

Video shows Monahan climbing the fence to trade blows with an anti-cop activist during a wild brawl on the walkway between counter-demonstrators and uniformed bicycle cops.

An organizer of the march across the bridge, Tony Herbert, said the group — which included a contingent from the Sergeants Benevolent Association — was heading from Manhattan to Brooklyn when anti-cop activists “jumped off the walk onto the roadway” around 11 a.m.

“They said they did it peacefully. How do you do it peacefully when you have somebody swinging a cane?” Herbert said.

The NYPD said 37 people were arrested, but details weren’t immediately available.



Protesters REMAINING NOW in Portland/Seattle, LA have DROPPED George Floyd from their top 10 graffiti scrawls.. HIS name replaced with "looting is reparations", KILL Bezos, Torch Starbucks....

He wasn’t doing anything illegal. If you look at the video he was across the road. He wasn’t breaking any law. He was doing nothing to deserve getting shot in the head and permanently maimed. It amazes me that folks defend that. I hope they sue the hell out of the government.
I'd like to give the fed who shot the dumb ass a medal.........He could have stayed home.......they have been throwing piss and shit at them..........they have blinded officers............oh well.........taste the Karma............

Welcome to LIBERAL UTOPIA...........were the libs protect the criminals and hate the police...........

So glad I don't live in a place like that............try it here.......will not last long.
Welcome to Utopia where cons promote the shooting of innocent people (but only if they are the wrong demographic or ideology or religion).

Stop the arson, looting, assault on police and destruction of entire cities before you find out what a LEFTIST DYStopia looks like... Pretty much the sane thing to do at this point, since there's no useful dialog to be had with violent mobs.. You LEARNING MUCH from all this urban chaos, personal trauma and destruction??

Tell us what you're learning...
Discussions such as these tend to depend on this:

If a person is well-adjusted, a productive member of society, is mature, content with their life and has healthy self-esteem, they are invested in their own society and wish to protect it against those wishing to destroy it.

If a person is maladjusted and disgruntled, however, living on the fringes of society as bitter malcontents who have nothing whatoever to offer our society, they strike out in a nihilistic rage against that society as there is nothing to connect them. These individuals, in turn, side with any and all elements seeking to destroy our society because they are miserable creatures completely lacking in self-esteem and stuck forever as cases of arrested development acting out like teenagers.
How does so many individuals get lost like that ???? What are the roots to the problems, and how can it be changed ?? I think the leftist ideology or Democrat ways of thinking is at the core of the problems, yet people keep falling for it. Why ?

Where does the split began to happen, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade etc ?? When does the vulnerable get inducted into the bullcrap ??? What are the support systems that are in place to feed their minds the garbage that is needed to successfully convert them ???

What role does the government play, the media play, hollyweird play, does the parent play, and ultimately society play ????
I certainly wish I knew. There is such a profound self-loathing involved as to render these individuals entirely incapable of moral reasoning. All they seek is destruction and side with anything out to destroy.

Toynbe had a famous quote about cultures dying by suicide rather than murder. All this post colonial white guilt has manifested itself to the point where these cretins simply cannot see anything positive in their own culture, and so embrace this primitivism instead.

Mad Max cannot come soon enough for these myopic twits.
Anyone learn anything about social justice from THIS???

Nope.................but I'd like to see about 5 flashbangs there.......if they are not avialable..........tennis ball and match stick tips.......and I can no longer post on this as...................well..........NO COMMENT.
He wasn’t rioting.

He was violating a protest zone set-up by Federal Officers to keep these commie Anarchists from attacking a Fed Ct House for the 20th night in a row.. That's called "protest control".. There's your free speech limit when the CITY wouldn't protect Federal property.. Contact the MAYOR and COUNCIL and BLAME THEM for his injuries..

Mayor FINALLY AGREED.. Said that "protest" doesn't include arson fires when people are inside a building". Think I got that quote close enough...

Nobody here hitting on the peaceful protests. You're doing a protest about protests that are NOT an issue.. There HAVE been incidents even where the NYC police schedule to MARCH with BLM and radical thugs ATTACKED THAT MARCH.. Injured the NYPD Police Chief BADLY..

Think we all REALIZE what happened there.. DO YOU???

Chief of Department Terence Monahan — the NYPD’s highest-ranking uniformed officer — suffered a broken finger during the clashes on the bridge, sources said.

Video shows Monahan climbing the fence to trade blows with an anti-cop activist during a wild brawl on the walkway between counter-demonstrators and uniformed bicycle cops.

An organizer of the march across the bridge, Tony Herbert, said the group — which included a contingent from the Sergeants Benevolent Association — was heading from Manhattan to Brooklyn when anti-cop activists “jumped off the walk onto the roadway” around 11 a.m.

“They said they did it peacefully. How do you do it peacefully when you have somebody swinging a cane?” Herbert said.

The NYPD said 37 people were arrested, but details weren’t immediately available.



Protesters REMAINING NOW in Portland/Seattle, LA have DROPPED George Floyd from their top 10 graffiti scrawls.. HIS name replaced with "looting is reparations", KILL Bezos, Torch Starbucks....

He wasn’t doing anything illegal. If you look at the video he was across the road. He wasn’t breaking any law. He was doing nothing to deserve getting shot in the head and permanently maimed. It amazes me that folks defend that. I hope they sue the hell out of the government.
I'd like to give the fed who shot the dumb ass a medal.........He could have stayed home.......they have been throwing piss and shit at them..........they have blinded officers............oh well.........taste the Karma............

Welcome to LIBERAL UTOPIA...........were the libs protect the criminals and hate the police...........

So glad I don't live in a place like that............try it here.......will not last long.
Welcome to Utopia where cons promote the shooting of innocent people (but only if they are the wrong demographic or ideology or religion).

Why do you lie like this? The ONLY people they are advocating shooting are violent rioters. Other than the occasional loon, that we all denounce, there is only one adjective being used, VIOLENT RIOTERS.

You, on the other hand, never denounce the black racists, like im2, and asslips, and especially paul essien who have advocated the murder of white children.

What the hell.....

The first thing: Most of these riots don't start out as riots, they start out as protests that then get agitated into riots. Donovan Labelle was not a violent rioter. He got shot. In the head. And folks here support stuff like that.

Second thing - is there some kind of score card where I must go around and denounce those you consider racists or converse on those threads just to denounce them? If so, I'm. to playing that game. I don't keep score, but if you wish to, it's on you and nothing to do with this topic since...in case you didn't NOTICE...a lot of these rioters are white....
He wasn’t rioting.

He was violating a protest zone set-up by Federal Officers to keep these commie Anarchists from attacking a Fed Ct House for the 20th night in a row.. That's called "protest control".. There's your free speech limit when the CITY wouldn't protect Federal property.. Contact the MAYOR and COUNCIL and BLAME THEM for his injuries..

Mayor FINALLY AGREED.. Said that "protest" doesn't include arson fires when people are inside a building". Think I got that quote close enough...

Nobody here hitting on the peaceful protests. You're doing a protest about protests that are NOT an issue.. There HAVE been incidents even where the NYC police schedule to MARCH with BLM and radical thugs ATTACKED THAT MARCH.. Injured the NYPD Police Chief BADLY..

Think we all REALIZE what happened there.. DO YOU???

Chief of Department Terence Monahan — the NYPD’s highest-ranking uniformed officer — suffered a broken finger during the clashes on the bridge, sources said.

Video shows Monahan climbing the fence to trade blows with an anti-cop activist during a wild brawl on the walkway between counter-demonstrators and uniformed bicycle cops.

An organizer of the march across the bridge, Tony Herbert, said the group — which included a contingent from the Sergeants Benevolent Association — was heading from Manhattan to Brooklyn when anti-cop activists “jumped off the walk onto the roadway” around 11 a.m.

“They said they did it peacefully. How do you do it peacefully when you have somebody swinging a cane?” Herbert said.

The NYPD said 37 people were arrested, but details weren’t immediately available.



Protesters REMAINING NOW in Portland/Seattle, LA have DROPPED George Floyd from their top 10 graffiti scrawls.. HIS name replaced with "looting is reparations", KILL Bezos, Torch Starbucks....

He wasn’t doing anything illegal. If you look at the video he was across the road. He wasn’t breaking any law. He was doing nothing to deserve getting shot in the head and permanently maimed. It amazes me that folks defend that. I hope they sue the hell out of the government.
I'd like to give the fed who shot the dumb ass a medal.........He could have stayed home.......they have been throwing piss and shit at them..........they have blinded officers............oh well.........taste the Karma............

Welcome to LIBERAL UTOPIA...........were the libs protect the criminals and hate the police...........

So glad I don't live in a place like that............try it here.......will not last long.
Welcome to Utopia where cons promote the shooting of innocent people (but only if they are the wrong demographic or ideology or religion).

Why do you lie like this? The ONLY people they are advocating shooting are violent rioters. Other than the occasional loon, that we all denounce, there is only one adjective being used, VIOLENT RIOTERS.

You, on the other hand, never denounce the black racists, like im2, and asslips, and especially paul essien who have advocated the murder of white children.

What the hell.....

The first thing: Donovan Labelle was not a violent rioter. He got shot. In the head. And folks here support stuff like that.

Second thing - is there some kind of score card where I must go around and denounce those you consider racists or converse on those threads just to denounce them? If so, I'm. to playing that game. I don't keep score, but if you wish to, it's on you and nothing to do with this topic since...in case you didn't NOTICE...a lot of these rioters are white....
I support ending this BS by all means necessary including lethal force.............I would declare martial law.......and under the insurection act I would deploy national guard and U.S. military to Portland and other cities to end this............the E.O. would state to end it be all necessary means including the authorization to shoot looters..........

I guarantee you it would be over quick.
.in case you didn't NOTICE...a lot of these rioters are white....
I don't care if they looked like ET........and had 2 heads...........3 months of seige and looting and violence...........go the fuck home .............this shit is over......if you are in our path when we come...........oh well.......you were warned to carry your happy ass home.
He wasn’t rioting.

He was violating a protest zone set-up by Federal Officers to keep these commie Anarchists from attacking a Fed Ct House for the 20th night in a row.. That's called "protest control".. There's your free speech limit when the CITY wouldn't protect Federal property.. Contact the MAYOR and COUNCIL and BLAME THEM for his injuries..

Mayor FINALLY AGREED.. Said that "protest" doesn't include arson fires when people are inside a building". Think I got that quote close enough...

Nobody here hitting on the peaceful protests. You're doing a protest about protests that are NOT an issue.. There HAVE been incidents even where the NYC police schedule to MARCH with BLM and radical thugs ATTACKED THAT MARCH.. Injured the NYPD Police Chief BADLY..

Think we all REALIZE what happened there.. DO YOU???

Chief of Department Terence Monahan — the NYPD’s highest-ranking uniformed officer — suffered a broken finger during the clashes on the bridge, sources said.

Video shows Monahan climbing the fence to trade blows with an anti-cop activist during a wild brawl on the walkway between counter-demonstrators and uniformed bicycle cops.

An organizer of the march across the bridge, Tony Herbert, said the group — which included a contingent from the Sergeants Benevolent Association — was heading from Manhattan to Brooklyn when anti-cop activists “jumped off the walk onto the roadway” around 11 a.m.

“They said they did it peacefully. How do you do it peacefully when you have somebody swinging a cane?” Herbert said.

The NYPD said 37 people were arrested, but details weren’t immediately available.



Protesters REMAINING NOW in Portland/Seattle, LA have DROPPED George Floyd from their top 10 graffiti scrawls.. HIS name replaced with "looting is reparations", KILL Bezos, Torch Starbucks....

He wasn’t doing anything illegal. If you look at the video he was across the road. He wasn’t breaking any law. He was doing nothing to deserve getting shot in the head and permanently maimed. It amazes me that folks defend that. I hope they sue the hell out of the government.
I'd like to give the fed who shot the dumb ass a medal.........He could have stayed home.......they have been throwing piss and shit at them..........they have blinded officers............oh well.........taste the Karma............

Welcome to LIBERAL UTOPIA...........were the libs protect the criminals and hate the police...........

So glad I don't live in a place like that............try it here.......will not last long.
Welcome to Utopia where cons promote the shooting of innocent people (but only if they are the wrong demographic or ideology or religion).

Why do you lie like this? The ONLY people they are advocating shooting are violent rioters. Other than the occasional loon, that we all denounce, there is only one adjective being used, VIOLENT RIOTERS.

You, on the other hand, never denounce the black racists, like im2, and asslips, and especially paul essien who have advocated the murder of white children.

What the hell.....

The first thing: Donovan Labelle was not a violent rioter. He got shot. In the head. And folks here support stuff like that.

Second thing - is there some kind of score card where I must go around and denounce those you consider racists or converse on those threads just to denounce them? If so, I'm. to playing that game. I don't keep score, but if you wish to, it's on you and nothing to do with this topic since...in case you didn't NOTICE...a lot of these rioters are white....
I support ending this BS by all means necessary including lethal force.............I would declare martial law.......and under the insurection act I would deploy national guard and U.S. military to Portland and other cities to end this............the E.O. would state to end it be all necessary means including the authorization to shoot looters..........

I guarantee you it would be over quick.

So...that's what they should have done when radicals occupied the Malheur Wildlife Refuge right?
And I guarantee you, your plan would violate constitutional rights.
.in case you didn't NOTICE...a lot of these rioters are white....
I don't care if they looked like ET........and had 2 heads...........3 months of seige and looting and violence...........go the fuck home .............this shit is over......if you are in our path when we come...........oh well.......you were warned to carry your happy ass home.

I don't care what they look like either. I was replying to someone's comment on racism.

To be honest - I agree. It's time for them to go home. And get rid of all the outsiders messing around agitating in Portland.
He wasn’t rioting.

He was violating a protest zone set-up by Federal Officers to keep these commie Anarchists from attacking a Fed Ct House for the 20th night in a row.. That's called "protest control".. There's your free speech limit when the CITY wouldn't protect Federal property.. Contact the MAYOR and COUNCIL and BLAME THEM for his injuries..

Mayor FINALLY AGREED.. Said that "protest" doesn't include arson fires when people are inside a building". Think I got that quote close enough...

Nobody here hitting on the peaceful protests. You're doing a protest about protests that are NOT an issue.. There HAVE been incidents even where the NYC police schedule to MARCH with BLM and radical thugs ATTACKED THAT MARCH.. Injured the NYPD Police Chief BADLY..

Think we all REALIZE what happened there.. DO YOU???

Chief of Department Terence Monahan — the NYPD’s highest-ranking uniformed officer — suffered a broken finger during the clashes on the bridge, sources said.

Video shows Monahan climbing the fence to trade blows with an anti-cop activist during a wild brawl on the walkway between counter-demonstrators and uniformed bicycle cops.

An organizer of the march across the bridge, Tony Herbert, said the group — which included a contingent from the Sergeants Benevolent Association — was heading from Manhattan to Brooklyn when anti-cop activists “jumped off the walk onto the roadway” around 11 a.m.

“They said they did it peacefully. How do you do it peacefully when you have somebody swinging a cane?” Herbert said.

The NYPD said 37 people were arrested, but details weren’t immediately available.



Protesters REMAINING NOW in Portland/Seattle, LA have DROPPED George Floyd from their top 10 graffiti scrawls.. HIS name replaced with "looting is reparations", KILL Bezos, Torch Starbucks....

He wasn’t doing anything illegal. If you look at the video he was across the road. He wasn’t breaking any law. He was doing nothing to deserve getting shot in the head and permanently maimed. It amazes me that folks defend that. I hope they sue the hell out of the government.
I'd like to give the fed who shot the dumb ass a medal.........He could have stayed home.......they have been throwing piss and shit at them..........they have blinded officers............oh well.........taste the Karma............

Welcome to LIBERAL UTOPIA...........were the libs protect the criminals and hate the police...........

So glad I don't live in a place like that............try it here.......will not last long.
Welcome to Utopia where cons promote the shooting of innocent people (but only if they are the wrong demographic or ideology or religion).

Why do you lie like this? The ONLY people they are advocating shooting are violent rioters. Other than the occasional loon, that we all denounce, there is only one adjective being used, VIOLENT RIOTERS.

You, on the other hand, never denounce the black racists, like im2, and asslips, and especially paul essien who have advocated the murder of white children.

What the hell.....

The first thing: Donovan Labelle was not a violent rioter. He got shot. In the head. And folks here support stuff like that.

Second thing - is there some kind of score card where I must go around and denounce those you consider racists or converse on those threads just to denounce them? If so, I'm. to playing that game. I don't keep score, but if you wish to, it's on you and nothing to do with this topic since...in case you didn't NOTICE...a lot of these rioters are white....
I support ending this BS by all means necessary including lethal force.............I would declare martial law.......and under the insurection act I would deploy national guard and U.S. military to Portland and other cities to end this............the E.O. would state to end it be all necessary means including the authorization to shoot looters..........

I guarantee you it would be over quick.

So...that's what they should have done when radicals occupied the Malheur Wildlife Refuge right?
And I guarantee you, your plan would violate constitutional rights.
Up yours ...............send them here.......and see what happens..........they will wish they had covid.........fuck them and those who appease terrorists............that was directed at you.......

now be a good mod and ban me...........I'm done with you .......and your BS defending this nonsense.
.in case you didn't NOTICE...a lot of these rioters are white....
I don't care if they looked like ET........and had 2 heads...........3 months of seige and looting and violence...........go the fuck home .............this shit is over......if you are in our path when we come...........oh well.......you were warned to carry your happy ass home.

I don't care what they look like either. I was replying to someone's comment on racism.

To be honest - I agree. It's time for them to go home. And get rid of all the outsiders messing around agitating in Portland.
\Well then they will not get their dang heads caved in when Karma comes a calling................the DNC politicians could have...........SHOULD HAVE..............sent in the National Guard and gotten help from the Feds that was offered.........instead they let it spin out of control and last 3 months...............

Had they done so......if would have ended a long time ago.
He wasn’t rioting.

He was violating a protest zone set-up by Federal Officers to keep these commie Anarchists from attacking a Fed Ct House for the 20th night in a row.. That's called "protest control".. There's your free speech limit when the CITY wouldn't protect Federal property.. Contact the MAYOR and COUNCIL and BLAME THEM for his injuries..

Mayor FINALLY AGREED.. Said that "protest" doesn't include arson fires when people are inside a building". Think I got that quote close enough...

Nobody here hitting on the peaceful protests. You're doing a protest about protests that are NOT an issue.. There HAVE been incidents even where the NYC police schedule to MARCH with BLM and radical thugs ATTACKED THAT MARCH.. Injured the NYPD Police Chief BADLY..

Think we all REALIZE what happened there.. DO YOU???

Chief of Department Terence Monahan — the NYPD’s highest-ranking uniformed officer — suffered a broken finger during the clashes on the bridge, sources said.

Video shows Monahan climbing the fence to trade blows with an anti-cop activist during a wild brawl on the walkway between counter-demonstrators and uniformed bicycle cops.

An organizer of the march across the bridge, Tony Herbert, said the group — which included a contingent from the Sergeants Benevolent Association — was heading from Manhattan to Brooklyn when anti-cop activists “jumped off the walk onto the roadway” around 11 a.m.

“They said they did it peacefully. How do you do it peacefully when you have somebody swinging a cane?” Herbert said.

The NYPD said 37 people were arrested, but details weren’t immediately available.



Protesters REMAINING NOW in Portland/Seattle, LA have DROPPED George Floyd from their top 10 graffiti scrawls.. HIS name replaced with "looting is reparations", KILL Bezos, Torch Starbucks....

He wasn’t doing anything illegal. If you look at the video he was across the road. He wasn’t breaking any law. He was doing nothing to deserve getting shot in the head and permanently maimed. It amazes me that folks defend that. I hope they sue the hell out of the government.

He was on scene at about 20th nightly attempt to breach and storm that Fed Courthouse.. He's part of riot.. As for where he was standing, that's within the zone that created around the Courthouse and was asked to move back SEVERAL times...

There's no one here more confused than you at what the limits are between riots and protests. Show of hands -- all those who believe the nightly attempts to breach that courthouse had ANYTHING TO DO with George Floyd....

He wasn’t rioting.

He was violating a protest zone set-up by Federal Officers to keep these commie Anarchists from attacking a Fed Ct House for the 20th night in a row.. That's called "protest control".. There's your free speech limit when the CITY wouldn't protect Federal property.. Contact the MAYOR and COUNCIL and BLAME THEM for his injuries..

Mayor FINALLY AGREED.. Said that "protest" doesn't include arson fires when people are inside a building". Think I got that quote close enough...

Nobody here hitting on the peaceful protests. You're doing a protest about protests that are NOT an issue.. There HAVE been incidents even where the NYC police schedule to MARCH with BLM and radical thugs ATTACKED THAT MARCH.. Injured the NYPD Police Chief BADLY..

Think we all REALIZE what happened there.. DO YOU???

Chief of Department Terence Monahan — the NYPD’s highest-ranking uniformed officer — suffered a broken finger during the clashes on the bridge, sources said.

Video shows Monahan climbing the fence to trade blows with an anti-cop activist during a wild brawl on the walkway between counter-demonstrators and uniformed bicycle cops.

An organizer of the march across the bridge, Tony Herbert, said the group — which included a contingent from the Sergeants Benevolent Association — was heading from Manhattan to Brooklyn when anti-cop activists “jumped off the walk onto the roadway” around 11 a.m.

“They said they did it peacefully. How do you do it peacefully when you have somebody swinging a cane?” Herbert said.

The NYPD said 37 people were arrested, but details weren’t immediately available.



Protesters REMAINING NOW in Portland/Seattle, LA have DROPPED George Floyd from their top 10 graffiti scrawls.. HIS name replaced with "looting is reparations", KILL Bezos, Torch Starbucks....

He wasn’t doing anything illegal. If you look at the video he was across the road. He wasn’t breaking any law. He was doing nothing to deserve getting shot in the head and permanently maimed. It amazes me that folks defend that. I hope they sue the hell out of the government.
I'd like to give the fed who shot the dumb ass a medal.........He could have stayed home.......they have been throwing piss and shit at them..........they have blinded officers............oh well.........taste the Karma............

Welcome to LIBERAL UTOPIA...........were the libs protect the criminals and hate the police...........

So glad I don't live in a place like that............try it here.......will not last long.
Welcome to Utopia where cons promote the shooting of innocent people (but only if they are the wrong demographic or ideology or religion).

Why do you lie like this? The ONLY people they are advocating shooting are violent rioters. Other than the occasional loon, that we all denounce, there is only one adjective being used, VIOLENT RIOTERS.

You, on the other hand, never denounce the black racists, like im2, and asslips, and especially paul essien who have advocated the murder of white children.

What the hell.....

The first thing: Donovan Labelle was not a violent rioter. He got shot. In the head. And folks here support stuff like that.

Second thing - is there some kind of score card where I must go around and denounce those you consider racists or converse on those threads just to denounce them? If so, I'm. to playing that game. I don't keep score, but if you wish to, it's on you and nothing to do with this topic since...in case you didn't NOTICE...a lot of these rioters are white....
I support ending this BS by all means necessary including lethal force.............I would declare martial law.......and under the insurection act I would deploy national guard and U.S. military to Portland and other cities to end this............the E.O. would state to end it be all necessary means including the authorization to shoot looters..........

I guarantee you it would be over quick.

So...that's what they should have done when radicals occupied the Malheur Wildlife Refuge right?
And I guarantee you, your plan would violate constitutional rights.
Up yours ...............send them here.......and see what happens..........they will wish they had covid.........fuck them and those who appease terrorists............that was directed at you.......

now be a good mod and ban me...........I'm done with you .......and your BS defending this nonsense.

I'm not modding this thread. Fuck off. I'm done with discussions with you.

You defend shooting anyone who's there. Not defensible.
He wasn’t rioting.

He was violating a protest zone set-up by Federal Officers to keep these commie Anarchists from attacking a Fed Ct House for the 20th night in a row.. That's called "protest control".. There's your free speech limit when the CITY wouldn't protect Federal property.. Contact the MAYOR and COUNCIL and BLAME THEM for his injuries..

Mayor FINALLY AGREED.. Said that "protest" doesn't include arson fires when people are inside a building". Think I got that quote close enough...

Nobody here hitting on the peaceful protests. You're doing a protest about protests that are NOT an issue.. There HAVE been incidents even where the NYC police schedule to MARCH with BLM and radical thugs ATTACKED THAT MARCH.. Injured the NYPD Police Chief BADLY..

Think we all REALIZE what happened there.. DO YOU???

Chief of Department Terence Monahan — the NYPD’s highest-ranking uniformed officer — suffered a broken finger during the clashes on the bridge, sources said.

Video shows Monahan climbing the fence to trade blows with an anti-cop activist during a wild brawl on the walkway between counter-demonstrators and uniformed bicycle cops.

An organizer of the march across the bridge, Tony Herbert, said the group — which included a contingent from the Sergeants Benevolent Association — was heading from Manhattan to Brooklyn when anti-cop activists “jumped off the walk onto the roadway” around 11 a.m.

“They said they did it peacefully. How do you do it peacefully when you have somebody swinging a cane?” Herbert said.

The NYPD said 37 people were arrested, but details weren’t immediately available.



Protesters REMAINING NOW in Portland/Seattle, LA have DROPPED George Floyd from their top 10 graffiti scrawls.. HIS name replaced with "looting is reparations", KILL Bezos, Torch Starbucks....

He wasn’t doing anything illegal. If you look at the video he was across the road. He wasn’t breaking any law. He was doing nothing to deserve getting shot in the head and permanently maimed. It amazes me that folks defend that. I hope they sue the hell out of the government.
I'd like to give the fed who shot the dumb ass a medal.........He could have stayed home.......they have been throwing piss and shit at them..........they have blinded officers............oh well.........taste the Karma............

Welcome to LIBERAL UTOPIA...........were the libs protect the criminals and hate the police...........

So glad I don't live in a place like that............try it here.......will not last long.
Welcome to Utopia where cons promote the shooting of innocent people (but only if they are the wrong demographic or ideology or religion).

Why do you lie like this? The ONLY people they are advocating shooting are violent rioters. Other than the occasional loon, that we all denounce, there is only one adjective being used, VIOLENT RIOTERS.

You, on the other hand, never denounce the black racists, like im2, and asslips, and especially paul essien who have advocated the murder of white children.

What the hell.....

The first thing: Donovan Labelle was not a violent rioter. He got shot. In the head. And folks here support stuff like that.

Second thing - is there some kind of score card where I must go around and denounce those you consider racists or converse on those threads just to denounce them? If so, I'm. to playing that game. I don't keep score, but if you wish to, it's on you and nothing to do with this topic since...in case you didn't NOTICE...a lot of these rioters are white....
I support ending this BS by all means necessary including lethal force.............I would declare martial law.......and under the insurection act I would deploy national guard and U.S. military to Portland and other cities to end this............the E.O. would state to end it be all necessary means including the authorization to shoot looters..........

I guarantee you it would be over quick.

So...that's what they should have done when radicals occupied the Malheur Wildlife Refuge right?
And I guarantee you, your plan would violate constitutional rights.
Up yours ...............send them here.......and see what happens..........they will wish they had covid.........fuck them and those who appease terrorists............that was directed at you.......

now be a good mod and ban me...........I'm done with you .......and your BS defending this nonsense.

I'm not modding this thread. Fuck off. I'm done with discussions with you.

You defend shooting anyone who's there. Not defensible.
'bye.........I'm for ending this nonsense........and ending your LIES that it's PEACEFUL........3 months PEACEFUL MY ASS.

I'm done with you also........Send the pricks here........see what happens............guarantee you they will not like it.
The NRA (and Ronald Reagan) supported strict gun control in California as soon as the Black Panther Party brought loaded weapons to the steps of the Sacramento Capitol. The BPP did this back in 1967 peacefully, legally and Constitutionally, and without incident. They knew their rights and exercised them, as the article below makes clear.

The BPP then was no more disruptive, at least as disciplined, and not nearly so highly armed as the right wing group that recently entered the Michigan State Capitol protesting Covid-19 restrictions.

The Panthers were later the victims of Cointelpro disruption campaigns and quite a few of their leaders were murdered in police raids across the country, including while sleeping in their beds. One need not support Black Panther ideology or rhetoric to recognize the historical significance of those events. Here again is the article:

The NRA Supported Gun Control When the Black Panthers Had the Weapons

If there is a lesson to be taken from this history, other than the hypocrisy or at least the changing character of the NRA over time, or the murderous racism of many police departments in those days, it should be that profound care should be exercised when mixing guns and politics. Self defense is one thing. Collective self defense is another. Taking weapons openly (where legal) into a government building is yet another. Carrying weapons to demonstrations of opponent groups or engaging in armed vigilantism ... is something else entirely.

Interesting bit of history...and I guarantee there will be those responding to it who didn't read it. Those are really good points, and frankly, I agree with another poster here who said guns don't belong in demonstrations period. There presence alters it from peaceful to (at least potential) violent confrontations.
He wasn’t rioting.

He was violating a protest zone set-up by Federal Officers to keep these commie Anarchists from attacking a Fed Ct House for the 20th night in a row.. That's called "protest control".. There's your free speech limit when the CITY wouldn't protect Federal property.. Contact the MAYOR and COUNCIL and BLAME THEM for his injuries..

Mayor FINALLY AGREED.. Said that "protest" doesn't include arson fires when people are inside a building". Think I got that quote close enough...

Nobody here hitting on the peaceful protests. You're doing a protest about protests that are NOT an issue.. There HAVE been incidents even where the NYC police schedule to MARCH with BLM and radical thugs ATTACKED THAT MARCH.. Injured the NYPD Police Chief BADLY..

Think we all REALIZE what happened there.. DO YOU???

Chief of Department Terence Monahan — the NYPD’s highest-ranking uniformed officer — suffered a broken finger during the clashes on the bridge, sources said.

Video shows Monahan climbing the fence to trade blows with an anti-cop activist during a wild brawl on the walkway between counter-demonstrators and uniformed bicycle cops.

An organizer of the march across the bridge, Tony Herbert, said the group — which included a contingent from the Sergeants Benevolent Association — was heading from Manhattan to Brooklyn when anti-cop activists “jumped off the walk onto the roadway” around 11 a.m.

“They said they did it peacefully. How do you do it peacefully when you have somebody swinging a cane?” Herbert said.

The NYPD said 37 people were arrested, but details weren’t immediately available.



Protesters REMAINING NOW in Portland/Seattle, LA have DROPPED George Floyd from their top 10 graffiti scrawls.. HIS name replaced with "looting is reparations", KILL Bezos, Torch Starbucks....

He wasn’t doing anything illegal. If you look at the video he was across the road. He wasn’t breaking any law. He was doing nothing to deserve getting shot in the head and permanently maimed. It amazes me that folks defend that. I hope they sue the hell out of the government.
I'd like to give the fed who shot the dumb ass a medal.........He could have stayed home.......they have been throwing piss and shit at them..........they have blinded officers............oh well.........taste the Karma............

Welcome to LIBERAL UTOPIA...........were the libs protect the criminals and hate the police...........

So glad I don't live in a place like that............try it here.......will not last long.
Welcome to Utopia where cons promote the shooting of innocent people (but only if they are the wrong demographic or ideology or religion).

Why do you lie like this? The ONLY people they are advocating shooting are violent rioters. Other than the occasional loon, that we all denounce, there is only one adjective being used, VIOLENT RIOTERS.

You, on the other hand, never denounce the black racists, like im2, and asslips, and especially paul essien who have advocated the murder of white children.

What the hell.....

The first thing: Most of these riots don't start out as riots, they start out as protests that then get agitated into riots. Donovan Labelle was not a violent rioter. He got shot. In the head. And folks here support stuff like that.

Second thing - is there some kind of score card where I must go around and denounce those you consider racists or converse on those threads just to denounce them? If so, I'm. to playing that game. I don't keep score, but if you wish to, it's on you and nothing to do with this topic since...in case you didn't NOTICE...a lot of these rioters are white....
who gives a shit what color they are?

break law. go to jail. period.

and while i'm sure there are a few people who support a protester getting shot in the head, that is a few. it's amazing to me you'll see portland, minneapolis, chicago and other cities get destroyed and you continue to say "it's contained to a few blocks!!!" but not say who cares, they are breaking the law, arrest them.

but then you want to treat the kid shot in the head like it's a common occurence.

amplify what you hate, minimize what you don't. something we all do to an extent but at least there are those of us that can realize when we're doing it and gravitate back to base right / wrong and leave our emotions on the people doing right / wrong out of it.
He wasn’t rioting.

He was violating a protest zone set-up by Federal Officers to keep these commie Anarchists from attacking a Fed Ct House for the 20th night in a row.. That's called "protest control".. There's your free speech limit when the CITY wouldn't protect Federal property.. Contact the MAYOR and COUNCIL and BLAME THEM for his injuries..

Mayor FINALLY AGREED.. Said that "protest" doesn't include arson fires when people are inside a building". Think I got that quote close enough...

Nobody here hitting on the peaceful protests. You're doing a protest about protests that are NOT an issue.. There HAVE been incidents even where the NYC police schedule to MARCH with BLM and radical thugs ATTACKED THAT MARCH.. Injured the NYPD Police Chief BADLY..

Think we all REALIZE what happened there.. DO YOU???

Chief of Department Terence Monahan — the NYPD’s highest-ranking uniformed officer — suffered a broken finger during the clashes on the bridge, sources said.

Video shows Monahan climbing the fence to trade blows with an anti-cop activist during a wild brawl on the walkway between counter-demonstrators and uniformed bicycle cops.

An organizer of the march across the bridge, Tony Herbert, said the group — which included a contingent from the Sergeants Benevolent Association — was heading from Manhattan to Brooklyn when anti-cop activists “jumped off the walk onto the roadway” around 11 a.m.

“They said they did it peacefully. How do you do it peacefully when you have somebody swinging a cane?” Herbert said.

The NYPD said 37 people were arrested, but details weren’t immediately available.



Protesters REMAINING NOW in Portland/Seattle, LA have DROPPED George Floyd from their top 10 graffiti scrawls.. HIS name replaced with "looting is reparations", KILL Bezos, Torch Starbucks....

He wasn’t doing anything illegal. If you look at the video he was across the road. He wasn’t breaking any law. He was doing nothing to deserve getting shot in the head and permanently maimed. It amazes me that folks defend that. I hope they sue the hell out of the government.
I'd like to give the fed who shot the dumb ass a medal.........He could have stayed home.......they have been throwing piss and shit at them..........they have blinded officers............oh well.........taste the Karma............

Welcome to LIBERAL UTOPIA...........were the libs protect the criminals and hate the police...........

So glad I don't live in a place like that............try it here.......will not last long.
Welcome to Utopia where cons promote the shooting of innocent people (but only if they are the wrong demographic or ideology or religion).

Why do you lie like this? The ONLY people they are advocating shooting are violent rioters. Other than the occasional loon, that we all denounce, there is only one adjective being used, VIOLENT RIOTERS.

You, on the other hand, never denounce the black racists, like im2, and asslips, and especially paul essien who have advocated the murder of white children.

What the hell.....

The first thing: Donovan Labelle was not a violent rioter. He got shot. In the head. And folks here support stuff like that.

Second thing - is there some kind of score card where I must go around and denounce those you consider racists or converse on those threads just to denounce them? If so, I'm. to playing that game. I don't keep score, but if you wish to, it's on you and nothing to do with this topic since...in case you didn't NOTICE...a lot of these rioters are white....
I support ending this BS by all means necessary including lethal force.............I would declare martial law.......and under the insurection act I would deploy national guard and U.S. military to Portland and other cities to end this............the E.O. would state to end it be all necessary means including the authorization to shoot looters..........

I guarantee you it would be over quick.

So...that's what they should have done when radicals occupied the Malheur Wildlife Refuge right?
And I guarantee you, your plan would violate constitutional rights.
Up yours ...............send them here.......and see what happens..........they will wish they had covid.........fuck them and those who appease terrorists............that was directed at you.......

now be a good mod and ban me...........I'm done with you .......and your BS defending this nonsense.

I'm not modding this thread. Fuck off. I'm done with discussions with you.

You defend shooting anyone who's there. Not defensible.
and you say "violence is contained". no it isn't.

we all seem to do what we do, huh?
Anyone learn anything about social justice from THIS???

No idea whatever anecdotes you found on YouDupe! - as I can't see the flickering images. Never, ever could any of that tell us anything about a general concept like "social justice."

Here's what I learned, or rather re-learned, during the last months. What I learned is how hard it is to improve upon a thoroughly socially unjust society, and why that is. I learned it isn't just the plutocracy and their strident opposition to anything impacting their bottom line. I also isn't just the federal politicians, systematically dependent as most of them are, on the plutocrats' money funnel for a career.

It is also because of a reliably reactionary portion of the population reacting with staggering resentment to any and all efforts to reduce injustice and its deleterious effects. In formulating and justifying this opposition they go full supremacist, and go after any and all who would put in time and effort to form a more perfect union, or to promote the common welfare. They would invent, out of thin air, unspeakable carnage and entire cities reduced to smoldering rubble, along with public prosecutors and a judiciary bent on letting off protesters for murder. In so doing they end up doing the plutocrats' bidding, in most cases against their very own economic interest.

So, we are seeing protesters decried as criminals, animals, and monkeys.

And then comes the funny part: Reactionaries, in full sight of their slanderous, dehumanizing mendacity, then invite us to see "social justice" itself in light of their own slanderous, dehumanizing mendacity. As if that latter told us anything other than the slanderers' state of mind.
He wasn’t rioting.

He was violating a protest zone set-up by Federal Officers to keep these commie Anarchists from attacking a Fed Ct House for the 20th night in a row.. That's called "protest control".. There's your free speech limit when the CITY wouldn't protect Federal property.. Contact the MAYOR and COUNCIL and BLAME THEM for his injuries..

Mayor FINALLY AGREED.. Said that "protest" doesn't include arson fires when people are inside a building". Think I got that quote close enough...

Nobody here hitting on the peaceful protests. You're doing a protest about protests that are NOT an issue.. There HAVE been incidents even where the NYC police schedule to MARCH with BLM and radical thugs ATTACKED THAT MARCH.. Injured the NYPD Police Chief BADLY..

Think we all REALIZE what happened there.. DO YOU???

Chief of Department Terence Monahan — the NYPD’s highest-ranking uniformed officer — suffered a broken finger during the clashes on the bridge, sources said.

Video shows Monahan climbing the fence to trade blows with an anti-cop activist during a wild brawl on the walkway between counter-demonstrators and uniformed bicycle cops.

An organizer of the march across the bridge, Tony Herbert, said the group — which included a contingent from the Sergeants Benevolent Association — was heading from Manhattan to Brooklyn when anti-cop activists “jumped off the walk onto the roadway” around 11 a.m.

“They said they did it peacefully. How do you do it peacefully when you have somebody swinging a cane?” Herbert said.

The NYPD said 37 people were arrested, but details weren’t immediately available.



Protesters REMAINING NOW in Portland/Seattle, LA have DROPPED George Floyd from their top 10 graffiti scrawls.. HIS name replaced with "looting is reparations", KILL Bezos, Torch Starbucks....

He wasn’t doing anything illegal. If you look at the video he was across the road. He wasn’t breaking any law. He was doing nothing to deserve getting shot in the head and permanently maimed. It amazes me that folks defend that. I hope they sue the hell out of the government.
I'd like to give the fed who shot the dumb ass a medal.........He could have stayed home.......they have been throwing piss and shit at them..........they have blinded officers............oh well.........taste the Karma............

Welcome to LIBERAL UTOPIA...........were the libs protect the criminals and hate the police...........

So glad I don't live in a place like that............try it here.......will not last long.
Welcome to Utopia where cons promote the shooting of innocent people (but only if they are the wrong demographic or ideology or religion).

Why do you lie like this? The ONLY people they are advocating shooting are violent rioters. Other than the occasional loon, that we all denounce, there is only one adjective being used, VIOLENT RIOTERS.

You, on the other hand, never denounce the black racists, like im2, and asslips, and especially paul essien who have advocated the murder of white children.

What the hell.....

The first thing: Donovan Labelle was not a violent rioter. He got shot. In the head. And folks here support stuff like that.

Second thing - is there some kind of score card where I must go around and denounce those you consider racists or converse on those threads just to denounce them? If so, I'm. to playing that game. I don't keep score, but if you wish to, it's on you and nothing to do with this topic since...in case you didn't NOTICE...a lot of these rioters are white....
I support ending this BS by all means necessary including lethal force.............I would declare martial law.......and under the insurection act I would deploy national guard and U.S. military to Portland and other cities to end this............the E.O. would state to end it be all necessary means including the authorization to shoot looters..........

I guarantee you it would be over quick.

So...that's what they should have done when radicals occupied the Malheur Wildlife Refuge right?
And I guarantee you, your plan would violate constitutional rights.
Up yours ...............send them here.......and see what happens..........they will wish they had covid.........fuck them and those who appease terrorists............that was directed at you.......

now be a good mod and ban me...........I'm done with you .......and your BS defending this nonsense.

I'm not modding this thread. Fuck off. I'm done with discussions with you.

You defend shooting anyone who's there. Not defensible.
and you say "violence is contained". no it isn't.

we all seem to do what we do, huh?
When I hear of the billions and billions of dollars of property damages and lost business, my natural human reaction is to empathize with the innocent victims.

I have found over the years that the true believers of the world are too often incapable of fully human reactions by showing empathy for the victims. Their extreme agenda is all that matter and so they side with the victimizers and not the victims.

The only question I have in all of this is whether adopting extreme politics renders a person incapable of identifying with the victims instead of the perps or whether those incapale of expressing empathy towards victims just naturally gravitate towards extreme politics
Last edited:
Anyone learn anything about social justice from THIS???

No idea whatever anecdotes you found on YouDupe! - as I can't see the flickering images. Never, ever could any of that tell us anything about a general concept like "social justice."

Here's what I learned, or rather re-learned, during the last months. What I learned is how hard it is to improve upon a thoroughly socially unjust society, and why that is. I learned it isn't just the plutocracy and their strident opposition to anything impacting their bottom line. I also isn't just the federal politicians, systematically dependent as most of them are, on the plutocrats' money funnel for a career.

It is also because of a reliably reactionary portion of the population reacting with staggering resentment to any and all efforts to reduce injustice and its deleterious effects. In formulating and justifying this opposition they go full supremacist, and go after any and all who would put in time and effort to form a more perfect union, or to promote the common welfare. They would invent, out of thin air, unspeakable carnage and entire cities reduced to smoldering rubble, along with public prosecutors and a judiciary bent on letting off protesters for murder. In so doing they end up doing the plutocrats' bidding, in most cases against their very own economic interest.

So, we are seeing protesters decried as criminals, animals, and monkeys.

And then comes the funny part: Reactionaries, in full sight of their slanderous, dehumanizing mendacity, then invite us to see "social justice" itself in light of their own slanderous, dehumanizing mendacity. As if that latter told us anything other than the slanderers' state of mind.
Why do so many of you pompous Stalinist twits support burning, looting and attempted murder?

By calling those behaviors "protesting" while raving maniacally about the "slanderous dehumanizing mendacity" of any productive member of society who opposes that behavior, you are doing exactly that.

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