Portland truck attack suspect arrested

Smashing in windows in government offices and trying to set fires inside is hardly legal or peaceful.
Leftists say they understand the difference between peaceful protesting and violent arson attacks
and other forms of leftist "redress of grievances".
But they don't act like it.

And no one says they are. Nice straw man.

wrong----in my town THE MAYOR endorses it and police do what the mayor wants them to do----nothing. If the police do something---then the prosecutor takes up the MAYORAL dictum---release without so much as bail. It is called "REFORM OF THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM
Prove he was rioting.
He was in a riot when he caught one in the forehead

what was his day job?
No. He was standing across the street from holding up a speaker. Caught on video. No one, not even the feds stated he was rioting. Try again.
What was he doing there ?? Viewing the war from a dangerous position ?? Oh well.

During the civil war when it started, the town's people took up position's on the hill in order to watch the insuing battle. Well they sure got more than they bargained for.

Protesting is a free speech right. He was on a public street. He was not engaging in an illegal act such as rioting. Love how you justify this.
love how you say not to go after the rioters also. you mix words around but always to your gain or benefit in a discussion. you show when something bad happens to someone ripping off SAY ANYTHING and feel that counters the people beating the shit out of everyone, throwing paint on old ladies, burning down buildings after trying to trap officers inside...

you excuse a shitton of illegal events so you can rush to lloyd here and cry about him getting hit with riot control in a riot.

sympathy gone. no one gives a shit anymore. they need to calm the fuck down and find better ways to deal with differences than playing peter gabriel in a riot.

Love how you always turn this around to me. No one here is excusing riots and rioters. They should feel the full affect of the law. But you keep conflating peaceful protests with rioters. The majority of protests have been peaceful - there was no rioting, arson, or assaults in my city, or the surrounding towns that had protests. Cities are not burning down - for the most part, the violent activity is confined to certain sectors of a city, when it does occur. But there sure is need by the right to come down on ALL protesters - I mean if they were within a ten block radius, they must have been rioting. Amazing. The party that has reformed itself into the party of lengthy grievances and victims of unfairness, is quite happy to squash free speech where it suits them, and I don't mean rioting.

what do you mean? Can your name "the party" that is "happy to squash free speech"? and provide some examples thereof?
Well, if a person supports arson, looting and attempts to murder as protected free speech, then it would follow that the Republican party is opposing free speech.

if a person supports property rights and the right to one's own life, not so much.
sorry folks----another question----who is the very shy girl in the video who does not want pictures of peaceful
"protestors" who peacefully protest in public to be shared in cyberspace?
Well, if a person supports arson, looting and attempts to murder as protected free speech, then it would follow that the Republican party is opposing free speech.
I'm sure that's how Marxist
vermin see things.

if a person supports property rights and the right to one's own life, not so much.
The lawless vermin have no skin in the game so it behooves them to steal what they
cannot get by any other means.

What surprises me is how many people the BLM swine can convince to join them in the sewer.
Well, if a person supports arson, looting and attempts to murder as protected free speech, then it would follow that the Republican party is opposing free speech.
I'm sure that's how Marxist
vermin see things.

if a person supports property rights and the right to one's own life, not so much.
The lawless vermin have no skin in the game so it behooves them to steal what they
cannot get by any other means.

What surprises me is how many people the BLM swine can convince to join them in the sewer.

It does not surprise me. I came of age in the 1960s when "DEMONSTRATE" meant a FUN TIME. The
"cause" supported by the "demonstration" was of
no interest
He wasn’t rioting.

He was violating a protest zone set-up by Federal Officers to keep these commie Anarchists from attacking a Fed Ct House for the 20th night in a row.. That's called "protest control".. There's your free speech limit when the CITY wouldn't protect Federal property.. Contact the MAYOR and COUNCIL and BLAME THEM for his injuries..

Mayor FINALLY AGREED.. Said that "protest" doesn't include arson fires when people are inside a building". Think I got that quote close enough...

Nobody here hitting on the peaceful protests. You're doing a protest about protests that are NOT an issue.. There HAVE been incidents even where the NYC police schedule to MARCH with BLM and radical thugs ATTACKED THAT MARCH.. Injured the NYPD Police Chief BADLY..

Think we all REALIZE what happened there.. DO YOU???

Chief of Department Terence Monahan — the NYPD’s highest-ranking uniformed officer — suffered a broken finger during the clashes on the bridge, sources said.

Video shows Monahan climbing the fence to trade blows with an anti-cop activist during a wild brawl on the walkway between counter-demonstrators and uniformed bicycle cops.

An organizer of the march across the bridge, Tony Herbert, said the group — which included a contingent from the Sergeants Benevolent Association — was heading from Manhattan to Brooklyn when anti-cop activists “jumped off the walk onto the roadway” around 11 a.m.

“They said they did it peacefully. How do you do it peacefully when you have somebody swinging a cane?” Herbert said.

The NYPD said 37 people were arrested, but details weren’t immediately available.



Protesters REMAINING NOW in Portland/Seattle, LA have DROPPED George Floyd from their top 10 graffiti scrawls.. HIS name replaced with "looting is reparations", KILL Bezos, Torch Starbucks....
Please take a breath and resolve to END the really long nested quotes here.. Use selective quoting to break it up.. Becoming unreadable and impossible to trace back comments..
I need to get better at quoting the topic and not the thread.

no.. you're fine on that.. It's the quote backs that are pages long that happen when everyone is just pounding the "Reply Button" and not "selectively quoting".. There's a sticky in Announcement forum about "Need some editing behavior changes" -- or some similar title..

When folks just pound the reply button, and 20 or 30 quotes appear in your post editor -- need to go read that Annoucement and use selective quoting instead..
Please take a breath and resolve to END the really long nested quotes here.. Use selective quoting to break it up.. Becoming unreadable and impossible to trace back comments..
I need to get better at quoting the topic and not the thread.

no.. you're fine on that.. It's the quote backs that are pages long that happen when everyone is just pounding the "Reply Button" and not "selectively quoting".. There's a sticky in Announcement forum about "Need some editing behavior changes" -- or some similar title..

When folks just pound the reply button, and 20 or 30 quotes appear in your post editor -- need to go read that Annoucement and use selective quoting instead..
Well that's what I meant. I'm just as bad as anyone at being lazy and hitting reply to add to the mess. I bitch about it, I can also help to reduce it.
If a bunch of people get together and plan a bank robbery, rob it, and kill a guard, the getaway driver in the incident may not be the actual killer, but he/she DOES bear responsibility for their part in the robbery.

Similarly, when a group of people band together to burn people alive, those who are aware of the agenda and are taking part, still bear some responsibility even if their role was more passive.

Pretending that this was just some boy scout on his way home after volunteering his time at the rest home is patently ridiculous - doubly so when trying to use him as a tool to create the illusion that opposition to burning people alive is actually some sort of attack on free speech.
sorry folks----another question----who is the very shy girl in the video who does not want pictures of peaceful
"protestors" who peacefully protest in public to be shared in cyberspace?
she's just concerned for the safety of antifa - the focus of the riots and all.

we can't let people know where to find them so they can do to them what they love doing to others.
sorry folks----another question----who is the very shy girl in the video who does not want pictures of peaceful
"protestors" who peacefully protest in public to be shared in cyberspace?
she's just concerned for the safety of antifa - the focus of the riots and all.

we can't let people know where to find them so they can do to them what they love doing to others.

Oh---I hope that the FBI know who that little bitch is
sorry folks----another question----who is the very shy girl in the video who does not want pictures of peaceful
"protestors" who peacefully protest in public to be shared in cyberspace?
she's just concerned for the safety of antifa - the focus of the riots and all.

we can't let people know where to find them so they can do to them what they love doing to others.

Oh---I hope that the FBI know who that little bitch is
wouldn't be hard to track down but that video itself wasn't really illegal. but go out and watch her in public and see what she does.
He wasn’t rioting.

He was violating a protest zone set-up by Federal Officers to keep these commie Anarchists from attacking a Fed Ct House for the 20th night in a row.. That's called "protest control".. There's your free speech limit when the CITY wouldn't protect Federal property.. Contact the MAYOR and COUNCIL and BLAME THEM for his injuries..

Mayor FINALLY AGREED.. Said that "protest" doesn't include arson fires when people are inside a building". Think I got that quote close enough...

Nobody here hitting on the peaceful protests. You're doing a protest about protests that are NOT an issue.. There HAVE been incidents even where the NYC police schedule to MARCH with BLM and radical thugs ATTACKED THAT MARCH.. Injured the NYPD Police Chief BADLY..

Think we all REALIZE what happened there.. DO YOU???

Chief of Department Terence Monahan — the NYPD’s highest-ranking uniformed officer — suffered a broken finger during the clashes on the bridge, sources said.

Video shows Monahan climbing the fence to trade blows with an anti-cop activist during a wild brawl on the walkway between counter-demonstrators and uniformed bicycle cops.

An organizer of the march across the bridge, Tony Herbert, said the group — which included a contingent from the Sergeants Benevolent Association — was heading from Manhattan to Brooklyn when anti-cop activists “jumped off the walk onto the roadway” around 11 a.m.

“They said they did it peacefully. How do you do it peacefully when you have somebody swinging a cane?” Herbert said.

The NYPD said 37 people were arrested, but details weren’t immediately available.



Protesters REMAINING NOW in Portland/Seattle, LA have DROPPED George Floyd from their top 10 graffiti scrawls.. HIS name replaced with "looting is reparations", KILL Bezos, Torch Starbucks....

He wasn’t doing anything illegal. If you look at the video he was across the road. He wasn’t breaking any law. He was doing nothing to deserve getting shot in the head and permanently maimed. It amazes me that folks defend that. I hope they sue the hell out of the government.
He wasn’t rioting.

He was violating a protest zone set-up by Federal Officers to keep these commie Anarchists from attacking a Fed Ct House for the 20th night in a row.. That's called "protest control".. There's your free speech limit when the CITY wouldn't protect Federal property.. Contact the MAYOR and COUNCIL and BLAME THEM for his injuries..

Mayor FINALLY AGREED.. Said that "protest" doesn't include arson fires when people are inside a building". Think I got that quote close enough...

Nobody here hitting on the peaceful protests. You're doing a protest about protests that are NOT an issue.. There HAVE been incidents even where the NYC police schedule to MARCH with BLM and radical thugs ATTACKED THAT MARCH.. Injured the NYPD Police Chief BADLY..

Think we all REALIZE what happened there.. DO YOU???

Chief of Department Terence Monahan — the NYPD’s highest-ranking uniformed officer — suffered a broken finger during the clashes on the bridge, sources said.

Video shows Monahan climbing the fence to trade blows with an anti-cop activist during a wild brawl on the walkway between counter-demonstrators and uniformed bicycle cops.

An organizer of the march across the bridge, Tony Herbert, said the group — which included a contingent from the Sergeants Benevolent Association — was heading from Manhattan to Brooklyn when anti-cop activists “jumped off the walk onto the roadway” around 11 a.m.

“They said they did it peacefully. How do you do it peacefully when you have somebody swinging a cane?” Herbert said.

The NYPD said 37 people were arrested, but details weren’t immediately available.



Protesters REMAINING NOW in Portland/Seattle, LA have DROPPED George Floyd from their top 10 graffiti scrawls.. HIS name replaced with "looting is reparations", KILL Bezos, Torch Starbucks....

He wasn’t doing anything illegal. If you look at the video he was across the road. He wasn’t breaking any law. He was doing nothing to deserve getting shot in the head and permanently maimed. It amazes me that folks defend that. I hope they sue the hell out of the government.
I'd like to give the fed who shot the dumb ass a medal.........He could have stayed home.......they have been throwing piss and shit at them..........they have blinded officers............oh well.........taste the Karma............

Welcome to LIBERAL UTOPIA...........were the libs protect the criminals and hate the police...........

So glad I don't live in a place like that............try it here.......will not last long.
He wasn’t rioting.

He was violating a protest zone set-up by Federal Officers to keep these commie Anarchists from attacking a Fed Ct House for the 20th night in a row.. That's called "protest control".. There's your free speech limit when the CITY wouldn't protect Federal property.. Contact the MAYOR and COUNCIL and BLAME THEM for his injuries..

Mayor FINALLY AGREED.. Said that "protest" doesn't include arson fires when people are inside a building". Think I got that quote close enough...

Nobody here hitting on the peaceful protests. You're doing a protest about protests that are NOT an issue.. There HAVE been incidents even where the NYC police schedule to MARCH with BLM and radical thugs ATTACKED THAT MARCH.. Injured the NYPD Police Chief BADLY..

Think we all REALIZE what happened there.. DO YOU???

Chief of Department Terence Monahan — the NYPD’s highest-ranking uniformed officer — suffered a broken finger during the clashes on the bridge, sources said.

Video shows Monahan climbing the fence to trade blows with an anti-cop activist during a wild brawl on the walkway between counter-demonstrators and uniformed bicycle cops.

An organizer of the march across the bridge, Tony Herbert, said the group — which included a contingent from the Sergeants Benevolent Association — was heading from Manhattan to Brooklyn when anti-cop activists “jumped off the walk onto the roadway” around 11 a.m.

“They said they did it peacefully. How do you do it peacefully when you have somebody swinging a cane?” Herbert said.

The NYPD said 37 people were arrested, but details weren’t immediately available.



Protesters REMAINING NOW in Portland/Seattle, LA have DROPPED George Floyd from their top 10 graffiti scrawls.. HIS name replaced with "looting is reparations", KILL Bezos, Torch Starbucks....

He wasn’t doing anything illegal. If you look at the video he was across the road. He wasn’t breaking any law. He was doing nothing to deserve getting shot in the head and permanently maimed. It amazes me that folks defend that. I hope they sue the hell out of the government.
I'd like to give the fed who shot the dumb ass a medal.........He could have stayed home.......they have been throwing piss and shit at them..........they have blinded officers............oh well.........taste the Karma............

Welcome to LIBERAL UTOPIA...........were the libs protect the criminals and hate the police...........

So glad I don't live in a place like that............try it here.......will not last long.
Welcome to Utopia where cons promote the shooting of innocent people (but only if they are the wrong demographic or ideology or religion).
He wasn’t rioting.

He was violating a protest zone set-up by Federal Officers to keep these commie Anarchists from attacking a Fed Ct House for the 20th night in a row.. That's called "protest control".. There's your free speech limit when the CITY wouldn't protect Federal property.. Contact the MAYOR and COUNCIL and BLAME THEM for his injuries..

Mayor FINALLY AGREED.. Said that "protest" doesn't include arson fires when people are inside a building". Think I got that quote close enough...

Nobody here hitting on the peaceful protests. You're doing a protest about protests that are NOT an issue.. There HAVE been incidents even where the NYC police schedule to MARCH with BLM and radical thugs ATTACKED THAT MARCH.. Injured the NYPD Police Chief BADLY..

Think we all REALIZE what happened there.. DO YOU???

Chief of Department Terence Monahan — the NYPD’s highest-ranking uniformed officer — suffered a broken finger during the clashes on the bridge, sources said.

Video shows Monahan climbing the fence to trade blows with an anti-cop activist during a wild brawl on the walkway between counter-demonstrators and uniformed bicycle cops.

An organizer of the march across the bridge, Tony Herbert, said the group — which included a contingent from the Sergeants Benevolent Association — was heading from Manhattan to Brooklyn when anti-cop activists “jumped off the walk onto the roadway” around 11 a.m.

“They said they did it peacefully. How do you do it peacefully when you have somebody swinging a cane?” Herbert said.

The NYPD said 37 people were arrested, but details weren’t immediately available.



Protesters REMAINING NOW in Portland/Seattle, LA have DROPPED George Floyd from their top 10 graffiti scrawls.. HIS name replaced with "looting is reparations", KILL Bezos, Torch Starbucks....

He wasn’t doing anything illegal. If you look at the video he was across the road. He wasn’t breaking any law. He was doing nothing to deserve getting shot in the head and permanently maimed. It amazes me that folks defend that. I hope they sue the hell out of the government.
I'd like to give the fed who shot the dumb ass a medal.........He could have stayed home.......they have been throwing piss and shit at them..........they have blinded officers............oh well.........taste the Karma............

Welcome to LIBERAL UTOPIA...........were the libs protect the criminals and hate the police...........

So glad I don't live in a place like that............try it here.......will not last long.
Welcome to Utopia where cons promote the shooting of innocent people (but only if they are the wrong demographic or ideology or religion).
If they try it here..........that is possible.......that is why they do it in DNC hives........oh well......

Put them on a leash..........3 months and all over the country........I would have already declared Martial law there with the National guard with orders to shoot looters........

If it upsets you OH WELL........this is why they do these things where DNC rules.....

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