Portland truck attack suspect arrested

my manager lives in the suburbs of Los Angeles. his neighborhood got spray painted with gang symbols over the weekend.

2 leftist ladies took a 7 years olds MAGA hat away from him. while not sure that's warrant / arrest worthy, it's yet another sign where people, usually the left, have zero tolerance for anything but their own views. while you can find spot examples of the right, i'm sure i can go 10:1 left:right for which side does this far more often.

there is no constitutional crisis outside of what the left has created. trump won. he's president. everything the left has done since then have been built off "but you were mean to obama" yet while obama did have birther and some other issues dogging him, it was NOTHING like what the totality of the left has done to trump. yet they feel justified not because of how obama was treated but because they hate trump.

anymore - i don't give a damn about peoples emotional torture they do to themselves. anyone rioting and breaking laws, arrest them. no more leeway. no more "well we understand, orange man bad and all" which is what this comes down to. 99% of those rioting don't give a damn about floyd or obama; they have opportunity to be an anarchist so they will.

when will it stop? when you stop them.

And what were the dates of these videos?

are people STILL doing peaceful protests?

it's amazing to me you say the scope of violence is limited. if these protests are not recent then it doesn't compare to the violence that is prelevent today now does it?

democrats are STILL peacing buildings to the ground.

Violence is the reward for having democrats.
for Coyote. "who says it's without consequence"-----
I, rosie---so say. On a much lesser level than now,
IT has been without consequence in my town for several decades. Now IT is left to utter chaos. Reports of "peaceful" protest are blatant lies. While it is true that flu outbreaks usually just wear themselves out, crime
does not. Left alone, it increases
Prove he was rioting.
He was in a riot when he caught one in the forehead

what was his day job?
No. He was standing across the street from holding up a speaker. Caught on video. No one, not even the feds stated he was rioting. Try again.
What was he doing there ?? Viewing the war from a dangerous position ?? Oh well.

During the civil war when it started, the town's people took up position's on the hill in order to watch the insuing battle. Well they sure got more than they bargained for.

Protesting is a free speech right. He was on a public street. He was not engaging in an illegal act such as rioting. Love how you justify this.
love how you say not to go after the rioters also. you mix words around but always to your gain or benefit in a discussion. you show when something bad happens to someone ripping off SAY ANYTHING and feel that counters the people beating the shit out of everyone, throwing paint on old ladies, burning down buildings after trying to trap officers inside...

you excuse a shitton of illegal events so you can rush to lloyd here and cry about him getting hit with riot control in a riot.

sympathy gone. no one gives a shit anymore. they need to calm the fuck down and find better ways to deal with differences than playing peter gabriel in a riot.
not war
my manager lives in the suburbs of Los Angeles. his neighborhood got spray painted with gang symbols over the weekend.

2 leftist ladies took a 7 years olds MAGA hat away from him. while not sure that's warrant / arrest worthy, it's yet another sign where people, usually the left, have zero tolerance for anything but their own views. while you can find spot examples of the right, i'm sure i can go 10:1 left:right for which side does this far more often.

there is no constitutional crisis outside of what the left has created. trump won. he's president. everything the left has done since then have been built off "but you were mean to obama" yet while obama did have birther and some other issues dogging him, it was NOTHING like what the totality of the left has done to trump. yet they feel justified not because of how obama was treated but because they hate trump.

anymore - i don't give a damn about peoples emotional torture they do to themselves. anyone rioting and breaking laws, arrest them. no more leeway. no more "well we understand, orange man bad and all" which is what this comes down to. 99% of those rioting don't give a damn about floyd or obama; they have opportunity to be an anarchist so they will.

when will it stop? when you stop them.


not warrant worthy?----the two bitches should be in jail. In my town----the cops would not have bothered to make a report
for Coyote. "who says it's without consequence"-----
I, rosie---so say. On a much lesser level than now,
IT has been without consequence in my town for several decades. Now IT is left to utter chaos. Reports of "peaceful" protest are blatant lies. While it is true that flu outbreaks usually just wear themselves out, crime
does not. Left alone, it increases
google peaceful protests today and you won't find much. (duck duck go actually)

there's one and they show 15. may 31st is the most recent.

you can find the stories here and there, sure. but they are the exception it would seem, not the rule.

now search on BLM ANTIFA violence today. pretty recent shit, huh?

when you mix and match these groups together for your own gain, you own the baggage too. but far too many on the left want all the benefits of being a "rioter" on the peaceful level but none of the accountability.

by and large, people are tired of that shit and it's showing up more and more often.
I don’t really have an issue with that. They still have to face charges in court. Apparently this was for the 150 protesters in Minneapolis who violated curfew? Why should they be treated differently than other people held on bail and being helped by MMF? Biden must hundreds of campaign staffers, and 13 donated. The only thing that would make it a problem is they used campaign money.

Are you SERIOUSLY trying to claim that what went down in Mogadishu (formerly Minneapolis) was just "peaceful protest?" The terrorist wing of the democrat party burned the city to the ground.



for Coyote. "who says it's without consequence"-----
I, rosie---so say. On a much lesser level than now,
IT has been without consequence in my town for several decades. Now IT is left to utter chaos. Reports of "peaceful" protest are blatant lies. While it is true that flu outbreaks usually just wear themselves out, crime
does not. Left alone, it increases
google peaceful protests today and you won't find much. (duck duck go actually)

there's one and they show 15. may 31st is the most recent.

you can find the stories here and there, sure. but they are the exception it would seem, not the rule.

now search on BLM ANTIFA violence today. pretty recent shit, huh?

when you mix and match these groups together for your own gain, you own the baggage too. but far too many on the left want all the benefits of being a "rioter" on the peaceful level but none of the accountability.

by and large, people are tired of that shit and it's showing up more and more often.

The PURPOSE of a protest is to draw attention to an issue. This is why legitimate protests are one or two days. Once the public pays attention, the PURPOSE is served.

RIOTING has a very different purpose, rioting is to create FEAR. 70 days of rioting by the democrats is meant to create the impression in people that they are not safe. In reality - the rioters and democrats in general are not safe, we are held back from visiting upon the Klan and the Brown Shirts exactly what they deserve by a tiny thread that is stretched to it's limit.
for "peaceful" ---they do end up with lots of damaged property and ----MORE IMPORTANTLY----dead bodies.
For the record----what you get on the news is the tip of the iceberg. The removal of a crabapple tree from the WhiteHouse lawn by the black-hearted MELANIA ----got more press than most BULLET IN THE HEAD deaths in my town
for Coyote. "who says it's without consequence"-----
I, rosie---so say. On a much lesser level than now,
IT has been without consequence in my town for several decades. Now IT is left to utter chaos. Reports of "peaceful" protest are blatant lies. While it is true that flu outbreaks usually just wear themselves out, crime
does not. Left alone, it increases
google peaceful protests today and you won't find much. (duck duck go actually)

there's one and they show 15. may 31st is the most recent.

you can find the stories here and there, sure. but they are the exception it would seem, not the rule.

now search on BLM ANTIFA violence today. pretty recent shit, huh?

when you mix and match these groups together for your own gain, you own the baggage too. but far too many on the left want all the benefits of being a "rioter" on the peaceful level but none of the accountability.

by and large, people are tired of that shit and it's showing up more and more often.

The PURPOSE of a protest is to draw attention to an issue. This is why legitimate protests are one or two days. Once the public pays attention, the PURPOSE is served.

RIOTING has a very different purpose, rioting is to create FEAR. 70 days of rioting by the democrats is meant to create the impression in people that they are not safe. In reality - the rioters and democrats in general are not safe, we are held back from visiting upon the Klan and the Brown Shirts exactly what they deserve by a tiny thread that is stretched to it's limit.
hey - i'm 100% with you here. there are valid ways to be heard and understood in order to impact changes. violence and anarchy isn't one of them. it's illegal, and those doing it should be arrested and put in jail.

if you don't punish someone committing a crime, you only enable them to keep at it and that is what we are seeing. there is no valid reason for these riots to continue any longer. the only logic i hear is "well you never listened to us so we must make sure you hear us now"

great. now back up a bit while we return that logic back at you. we said "stop it" and you didn't listen to us. so now we must make sure you hear the police now.

the left never wants their logic thrown back at them. period. then again it was never "logical" to begin with.
for Coyote. "who says it's without consequence"-----
I, rosie---so say. On a much lesser level than now,
IT has been without consequence in my town for several decades. Now IT is left to utter chaos. Reports of "peaceful" protest are blatant lies. While it is true that flu outbreaks usually just wear themselves out, crime
does not. Left alone, it increases
google peaceful protests today and you won't find much. (duck duck go actually)

there's one and they show 15. may 31st is the most recent.

you can find the stories here and there, sure. but they are the exception it would seem, not the rule.

now search on BLM ANTIFA violence today. pretty recent shit, huh?

when you mix and match these groups together for your own gain, you own the baggage too. but far too many on the left want all the benefits of being a "rioter" on the peaceful level but none of the accountability.

by and large, people are tired of that shit and it's showing up more and more often.

The PURPOSE of a protest is to draw attention to an issue. This is why legitimate protests are one or two days. Once the public pays attention, the PURPOSE is served.

RIOTING has a very different purpose, rioting is to create FEAR. 70 days of rioting by the democrats is meant to create the impression in people that they are not safe. In reality - the rioters and democrats in general are not safe, we are held back from visiting upon the Klan and the Brown Shirts exactly what they deserve by a tiny thread that is stretched to it's limit.
hey - i'm 100% with you here. there are valid ways to be heard and understood in order to impact changes. violence and anarchy isn't one of them. it's illegal, and those doing it should be arrested and put in jail.

if you don't punish someone committing a crime, you only enable them to keep at it and that is what we are seeing. there is no valid reason for these riots to continue any longer. the only logic i hear is "well you never listened to us so we must make sure you hear us now"

great. now back up a bit while we return that logic back at you. we said "stop it" and you didn't listen to us. so now we must make sure you hear the police now.

the left never wants their logic thrown back at them. period. then again it was never "logical" to begin with.

it's much worse-----the current response in my town has been "GIVE THEM ANYTHING THEY WANT"----and ----"no cops----no how". The real victims of this policy is the black mothers------even the kids catch bullets in their heads------and then there is the issue of vandalism and looting------what does a mother do with her teenaged kids?-----she can't LOCK THEM UP to keep them safe from the friendly neighborhood thugs. -------the answer? freebee food packs to keep the thugs active
You should watch the video. We know exactly why he was attacked. Democrats were robbing a transgender person and he stuck up for her, so they attacked him next.

Really, where is that on the tape... All we see is the aftermath where he and his Tranny friend crashed their truck.

You are completely useless. Not only do you misinterpret elements of the video that are actually there, you manufacture elements that are obviously NOT there.

The "Tranny" wasn't his friend and was not with him when he crashed the truck. You could plainly see that she was nowhere in the video at this point. You can see that he was alone in the truck when he left the store and the transgender woman was not in the video after he crashed the truck and they started assaulting him and kicked him in the head.

The woman that was with him was the heavyset woman that they assaulted by the side of the truck and then tackled to the ground in front of the truck. She wasn't in the truck because she was in her own vehicle. She was his wife or girlfriend and they were returning from a job they were doing and she was parked behind the truck.

How do I know all this? Because I ACTUALLY watched the video and ACTUALLY saw what ACTUALLY happened. I also researched and found longer videos, including a video where he and his girlfriend (the heavyset woman) did an interview about the incident in front of their home after he got out of the hospital.

Where does this pathological predilection you have for ignoring the obvious come from?
The local authorities call in outside help if they feel it is needed, not if you feel it is needed. Simple.
80 plus days of destructive violent rioting. Millions in dollars of damage!
Businesses and lives thrown in turmoil. What do you think these genius "local authorities" are waiting for?

I see you aren't worried because you don't give a crap as BLM has started entering residential neighborhoods now with spot lights, bullhorns, laser beams and now guillotines at 3:00 AM.
When do you think someone will do something?
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The local authorities call in outside help if they feel it is needed, not if you feel it is needed. Simple.
80 plus days of destructive violent rioting. Millions in dollars of damage!
Businesses and lives thrown in turmoil. What do you think these genius "local authorities" are waiting for?

the local authorities expect to be REWARDED with BLM LOVE
I see you aren't worried ...
I suspect that if the troubles do not clear up, and especially if clashes between factions or real and widespread violence increases, more serious measures will be taken by the elected authorities, and they can of course call on more help from the National Guard if needed. But I don’t live in Portland and it is evident the city, despite what much of the conservative media says, is not “burning down.” I note it remains a wealthy city in which Republicans can’t seem to get even 6% of the vote! Maybe Republicans need to work harder on their grass roots organizing of citizens there?

In liberal and wealthy New York City, where there were huge ethnically mixed marches of solidarity with BLM and a day or two of serious looting downtown, the liberal Democratic Governor criticized the liberal Mayor over his inaction. Liberals also hate looting and violence.

Big city folk often have a different appreciation of the need to get along, and they reluctantly understand the reality of street crime and great wealth living almost as symbiotic neighbors, like harmful drug abuse and “freedom.” They often have different attitudes than rural folk do toward everything from guns to wearing masks. They may even have ... subways! City folk learn to avoid beggars in the street, high-crime neighborhoods, even if necessary a downtown area of federal buildings and courthouses where demonstrations get rowdy and street theater goes on every night for months.

Now with unemployment spreading throughout the nation, “welfare” under attack and the rich getting richer, protests will likely grow among poor white people too, especially when unemployment assistance disappears, as it will eventually. Before overreacting and supporting the crushing of protest movements by uninvited state and federal police forces, white working-class Trump supporters and “libertarians” should consider carefully the rights of ALL to protest.

In general of course violent provocateurs can and should be weeded out, and looting prevented completely where possible, but it is not my or your role to get hysterical and tell Portlanders what they must do.
Protesting is a free speech right. He was on a public street. He was not engaging in an illegal act such as rioting. Love how you justify this.
How do you justify the police officers blinded or partially blinded by these “peaceful protesters?”
I don’t. Did Labella blind them?
Why aren't you asking yourself that question ?? I know why, because you don't actually know the answer do you ?? Just cover for them because it might get back that these people are operating for forces out to overthrow Trump by all that is taking place.

In other words, you can't answer, so you are just going to lie. Lying about those who should not have been attacked (like Labella) is no different than lying about the actual rioters being "peaceful".

Good day.
Six or seven Fed officers just defending that Courthouse over 2 nights have permanent eye damage from lasers.. Over 20 with serious injuries.. NYPD lost over 30 vehicles in the 1st 2 DAYS of looting downtown stores for "reparations"... The left doesn't know -- because the media wont report the magnitude and extent of it...

This comes down to another “what exactly are the facts moment”...obviously some media is reporting this...I have read about riots. I wonder if some media left out serious injuries by the feds, to protesters who were not engaged in violence? A young man shot in the head with a rubber bullet, needing facial reconstruction, a metal plate in his head and will have some permanent damage. Over 20 people have eye damage or blinding from rubber bullets (not just pPortland). Or the veteran who was trying to talk to them, and was beaten so badly bones were broken. And did they report that the protests had mostly died down before the feds interfered and inflamed them all over again? The people brought in, the Feds are not like the police who are trained in crowd control.

Hope to use it against Trump.. But they can only do that if the voting public is unaware as to how much has lost in lives, businesses, 1st responders, and neighborhoods living in fear..

Ironic story of all this is the lefty reporter living in NYC who thought he was SAFE LIVING above a Starbucks because his sources of news didn't TELL THEM that Starbucks is on the hit list by the radicals.. Got burned out of his apartment in the 1st week... Not a happy lefty reporter anymore..

I think when this down, there will be a mistakes on both sides to be found.
Are t you even curious about what sort of leftwing missong links are causing all the violence and monetary loss on portland?

we may not know because the lib news media wont tell us, but I suspect most of them are losers who were not doing anything useful with their lives to begin with

of all the reports about the 26 year old anarchist who was shot with a rubber bullet not one says what he was doing to earn a living

dont you wonder where these people come from?
It's why they are being used like they are by the leftist. They have no life, and the leftist know this all to well.
This guy has a gofundme page where he says he wants enough money to just drift around the country doing nothing

So what? It's his business. That doesn't mean he deserved to be shot in the face and permanently damaged.
westwall...are we talking about two different things?

Self defense (or immediate defense of another)...

Or..taking the law into your own hands and meting out justice?

Because imo those are two different things. The first, I agree with you on and the law recognizes it as valid. That is not vigilantism.

Vigilantism begins with self defense. When the State refuses to defend the people, the people are going to defends themselves. Then, if the State CONTINUES to do nothing, the vigilantes will mete out justice. They will do so under control however. Your interpretation of vigilante justice is completely wrong. In all the cases in the west where it was used, the accused was duly tried, had a jury determine guilt, and then was summarily hanged for the crimes they were convicted of. The vigilantes rose up ONLY as a last resort.

They then disbanded. That was true in all cases. Unlike what progressives claim, the regular people are not the bloodthirsty mob you claim them to be. They are NOT the BLM assholes who are doing exactly that! That sort of behavior is a LEFTIST thing. Not a normal human being thing.
I don’t agree...while I agree with you on self defense, I can never condone vigilantism. It is lawlessness at best, and caused the deaths of thousands at worst. It is mob justice.

What do you think is going to happen when the rioters continue to wreak havoc without consequence. Human nature tells us that if they suffer no consequences, they will escalate. How many murders do they have to commit before you start paying attention?

Who says it is without consequence? Most of this is occurring in a very small areas (though the RW media insists entire cities are burning and people everywhere being murdered) - worst have been charged and will be prosecuted. The man who pulled the guy from his car and attacked him is in jail (and apparently has a record of prior violence).

Shooting is not an acceptable consequence for disorderly conduct.

No, it's not. This assault on common decency is ripping the heart out of at least four major cities. It is a LIE that the rioting is small and localised. Portland's downtown is shuttered, the same for Seattle and Minneapolis, and significant parts of New York as well.

This is not localized. Why do you perpetuate these lies? Anyone can look at the THOUSANDS of videos being posted up, every day, and see what is really happening. You have to be willfully ignorant, and only watch CNN to be this misinformed.

I never watch CNN. I do not have cable. I do not use twitter, instagram, nor do I derive my news from FB.

Videos don't tell a whole story, and can often be used to perpetrate a lie. I see the point with Portland (though I will further research it - for instance - where did that map of arson come from? Is that all arsons for that period of time? Or, just those related to protests? What is the timeline - for instance were there many at the start and then they dwindled? How widespread is it NOW? Why doesn't anyone ask questions?

If people are mostly videoing and virally spreading only the violent clashes, and ignoring the (boring) mostly peaceful ones, then doesn't that perpetrate a false sense of what is going on?

Who's agenda is at stake perpetrating THAT? How can you get facts? Are agitators from both sides trying to hijack these movements to start a war? According to the FBI many protests involve outside elements. And them...there is what is going on online. But we're so dug down into left/right we could be failing to see larger patterns.

Here is an article from 7/28/2020 illustrating how both sides are using this to their advantage.

Protests in Portland following the killing of Floyd, an unarmed Black man who died in the custody of Minneapolis police in May, had dwindled to maybe 100 peaceful demonstrators per night before President Trump sent federal agents to the city, ostensibly to protect US government property.

Trump and his backers assert that the deployments are necessary to curb unrest in cities that have become anarchic war zones. You’d be hard-pressed to prove that’s true in Portland if you bothered to look anywhere but Lownsdale Square at midnight. (The only disruptive anarchists in my neighborhood are the crows in my garden.) If any widespread, persistent Portland protest war zone does exist, it isn’t in physical space at all. It’s online.

Anything that happens during a Portland protest happens in front of at least one camera and will end up on the internet. The crowd is full of smartphones. Men in press helmets climb up streetlights with expensive rigs to get a better view. People at the protest pulled up livestreams to see what was happening at the front of the crowd, squinting to see if the Feds had left their fortress yet. The federal agents watched those livestreams too. E
rgo, anything that happens at a Portland protest is meme fodder and a chance for good or bad online PR.

So tell me again how accurate videos are? When I said that the Portland Protests were mostly confined to one area - it was true. By the time Trump decided to send in his militia - it was Lowesten Square. It was winding down.
feel free to find videos of the peaceful protests.

You call being shot in the forehead with a rubber bullet...a "bean bag"? Not hardly. The injury was severe and life changing. All he was doing was holding a speaker over his head.
What was Donavan La Bella doing with his life before he became a rioter and got shot with a rubber bullet?
He wasn’t rioting.

westwall...are we talking about two different things?

Self defense (or immediate defense of another)...

Or..taking the law into your own hands and meting out justice?

Because imo those are two different things. The first, I agree with you on and the law recognizes it as valid. That is not vigilantism.

Vigilantism begins with self defense. When the State refuses to defend the people, the people are going to defends themselves. Then, if the State CONTINUES to do nothing, the vigilantes will mete out justice. They will do so under control however. Your interpretation of vigilante justice is completely wrong. In all the cases in the west where it was used, the accused was duly tried, had a jury determine guilt, and then was summarily hanged for the crimes they were convicted of. The vigilantes rose up ONLY as a last resort.

They then disbanded. That was true in all cases. Unlike what progressives claim, the regular people are not the bloodthirsty mob you claim them to be. They are NOT the BLM assholes who are doing exactly that! That sort of behavior is a LEFTIST thing. Not a normal human being thing.
I don’t agree...while I agree with you on self defense, I can never condone vigilantism. It is lawlessness at best, and caused the deaths of thousands at worst. It is mob justice.

What do you think is going to happen when the rioters continue to wreak havoc without consequence. Human nature tells us that if they suffer no consequences, they will escalate. How many murders do they have to commit before you start paying attention?

Who says it is without consequence? Most of this is occurring in a very small areas (though the RW media insists entire cities are burning and people everywhere being murdered) - worst have been charged and will be prosecuted. The man who pulled the guy from his car and attacked him is in jail (and apparently has a record of prior violence).

Shooting is not an acceptable consequence for disorderly conduct.

No, it's not. This assault on common decency is ripping the heart out of at least four major cities. It is a LIE that the rioting is small and localised. Portland's downtown is shuttered, the same for Seattle and Minneapolis, and significant parts of New York as well.

This is not localized. Why do you perpetuate these lies? Anyone can look at the THOUSANDS of videos being posted up, every day, and see what is really happening. You have to be willfully ignorant, and only watch CNN to be this misinformed.

I never watch CNN. I do not have cable. I do not use twitter, instagram, nor do I derive my news from FB.

Videos don't tell a whole story, and can often be used to perpetrate a lie. I see the point with Portland (though I will further research it - for instance - where did that map of arson come from? Is that all arsons for that period of time? Or, just those related to protests? What is the timeline - for instance were there many at the start and then they dwindled? How widespread is it NOW? Why doesn't anyone ask questions?

If people are mostly videoing and virally spreading only the violent clashes, and ignoring the (boring) mostly peaceful ones, then doesn't that perpetrate a false sense of what is going on?

Who's agenda is at stake perpetrating THAT? How can you get facts? Are agitators from both sides trying to hijack these movements to start a war? According to the FBI many protests involve outside elements. And them...there is what is going on online. But we're so dug down into left/right we could be failing to see larger patterns.

Here is an article from 7/28/2020 illustrating how both sides are using this to their advantage.

Protests in Portland following the killing of Floyd, an unarmed Black man who died in the custody of Minneapolis police in May, had dwindled to maybe 100 peaceful demonstrators per night before President Trump sent federal agents to the city, ostensibly to protect US government property.

Trump and his backers assert that the deployments are necessary to curb unrest in cities that have become anarchic war zones. You’d be hard-pressed to prove that’s true in Portland if you bothered to look anywhere but Lownsdale Square at midnight. (The only disruptive anarchists in my neighborhood are the crows in my garden.) If any widespread, persistent Portland protest war zone does exist, it isn’t in physical space at all. It’s online.

Anything that happens during a Portland protest happens in front of at least one camera and will end up on the internet. The crowd is full of smartphones. Men in press helmets climb up streetlights with expensive rigs to get a better view. People at the protest pulled up livestreams to see what was happening at the front of the crowd, squinting to see if the Feds had left their fortress yet. The federal agents watched those livestreams too. E
rgo, anything that happens at a Portland protest is meme fodder and a chance for good or bad online PR.

So tell me again how accurate videos are? When I said that the Portland Protests were mostly confined to one area - it was true. By the time Trump decided to send in his militia - it was Lowesten Square. It was winding down.
feel free to find videos of the peaceful protests.

You call being shot in the forehead with a rubber bullet...a "bean bag"? Not hardly. The injury was severe and life changing. All he was doing was holding a speaker over his head.
What was Donavan La Bella doing with his life before he became a rioter and got shot with a rubber bullet?
He wasn’t rioting.

And what were the dates of these videos?

are people STILL doing peaceful protests?

it's amazing to me you say the scope of violence is limited. if these protests are not recent then it doesn't compare to the violence that is prelevent today now does it?

Now you are moving the goal posts. Seems to be habitual here. How prevalent is the violence today? We know it had mostly died down until Trump's Militia decided to intervene. We know that backfired because it flared up hugely. So what is it now across the country? Or are you just talking about Portland?
In general of course violent provocateurs can and should be weeded out, and looting prevented completely where possible, but it is not my or your role to get hysterical and tell Portlanders what they must do.
Is it really "hysterical" to point out how dangerous and costly these endless riots are?
You are disingenuous, to a fault.

I understand Portlanders are proud of being extremely liberal and reacting to Donald Trump the way vampires react to sunlight and I'm really not addressing them, as it does no good, but the governor of
Oregon and the mayor of Portland, in particular have been largely unaccountable.
They have been AWOL through this long ordeal and it's cowardly and unconscionable.

It's literally terrorism going into residential neighborhoods at 3:00 AM to threaten, disturb,
menace and intimidate citizens who have a right to go to sleep at night in peace and quiet
in their own homes.
If Kate Brown had a three A.M. nightly visit by hordes of angry protestors on her front lawn
you'd better believe the police would out in force putting that nonsense to an end.
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