Portsmouth Va Protesters Topple Confederate Statue, Falls on Man, Skull Exposed, Seizing

Skull showing not necessarily worst case scenario but I bet there was blood everywhere. Scalps bleed a lot.
Skull showing not necessarily worst case scenario but I bet there was blood everywhere. Scalps bleed a lot.
A 600 lb statue came down directly on his head, and his body immediately started seizing. I don’t know...
Skull showing not necessarily worst case scenario but I bet there was blood everywhere. Scalps bleed a lot.
A 600 lb statue came down directly on his head, and his body immediately started seizing. I don’t know...

Time will tell but surgery can fix subdural bleeding. I would be more concerned about his neck potentially being broken

Anyone who attempts to scale the (80 ft) monument will be removed in the interest of their safety... The young ladies in Candy-Striped dresses will there to make citizens arrests... All you protesters make sure you call your mom's...
And protesters got silent, but then continued on until one of the protesters told them to scatter after about 30 minutes. Crime scene tape put up.
Heard ambulance would jot come in until protesters were gone. Head of BLM757 said skull was exposed, man was seizing, and lost lots of blood.
What do you bet it gets classified as an accident... Police strolled in.

Stonewall's Revenge?

In my HIGHLY LAUDED opinion----the monument
destroyers should be charged with FIRST DEGREE
MURDER. The Seizures indicate brain damage. The
man will remain afflicted, more or less, even if he survives. THE BRAIN is the PERSON

Anyone who attempts to scale the (80 ft) monument will be removed in the interest of their safety... The young ladies in Candy-Striped dresses will there to make citizens arrests... All you protesters make sure you call your mom's...

And protesters got silent, but then continued on until one of the protesters told them to scatter after about 30 minutes. Crime scene tape put up.
Heard ambulance would jot come in until protesters were gone. Head of BLM757 said skull was exposed, man was seizing, and lost lots of blood.
What do you bet it gets classified as an accident... Police strolled in.

Merely the last Civil War killing.
MURDER and rape
murder at 4 times the rate
rape at twice the rate
And protesters got silent, but then continued on until one of the protesters told them to scatter after about 30 minutes. Crime scene tape put up.
Heard ambulance would jot come in until protesters were gone. Head of BLM757 said skull was exposed, man was seizing, and lost lots of blood.
What do you bet it gets classified as an accident... Police strolled in.

We need better education on toppling statues.
This was on Thurs-
PORTSMOUTH, Va. — The wife of a man who was hit by a Confederate soldier statue said Thursday that doctors put him into a coma as they treated him for his injuries...
...Green's wife, Tonieh Brisbane-Green, wasn't with him at the demonstration. She said her husband of 13 years flatlined twice while he was on the way to the hospital. She told 13News Now that they have two children.
Tonieh said she supports people’s right to protest, “but do it in a peaceful manner. There was no need to do all of that especially while there were so many people around that statue knowing that somebody’s going to get hurt.”
Now Green's wife said she was upset that protesters "didn't think" when they pulled the statue down.

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