Positive News Challenge

I've created threads about some of these more positive news stories in the past, and almost nobody responds half the time. People just like being miserable.

I have no illusions of this going very far, misery loves company......but ya gotta keep trying for a positive note

When there's a story about a police shooting people always take sides. You'd figure that at least the people who are pro-cop would jump at a story like these, but no. I remember awhile back when I posted a story about when police and firefighters threw a birthday party for a 6-year-old autistic kid. I would have been happy to see somebody give it a thank you rating. NOTHING! Not even a single comment. :dunno:

Part of that is with Longknife gulping down 55-gallon drums of coffee so he can scour the earth for threads about "World Toilet Day" ---- threads of any kind have a microscopically short shelf life.

That's why I marked this thread. It's a concept worth keeping up with. And thanks be to the OP for putting it up. :thup:

Why not try posting something positive for a change. Make a respectable contribution here

Trust me, when I get something I'll bring it straight here.
As I said, it's not what the news industry traffics in, because it doesn't sell.

The Cubs are winning. How 'bout that? :eusa_dance:
Striving to improve is not a negative thing. In order to improve you must first recognize the negative that needs to be eliminated. Pretending it's not there doesn't make it go away and actually allows perpetuity.
When improvement becomes the standard then only the negative needs to be addressed.

So strive for improvement and post something positive.......
OK. Remove all democrats.
That oughtta do it.

There's nothing that can be called "positive" about a one-party State.
I get it that that is the goal of Eliminationism, but it's wrongheaded.

/offtopic .... note the above is just me recognizing a negative that needs to be eliminated, that being Eliminationism.
I didn't say anything endorsing one party. I said remove the democrats. That leaves multiple positive alternatives.

I didn't say you said anything about "endorsing" anything. I noted that you came to set the thread on fire with Eliminationism, which is a negative and contrary to the spirit here. So I put your fire out.
I've created threads about some of these more positive news stories in the past, and almost nobody responds half the time. People just like being miserable.

I have no illusions of this going very far, misery loves company......but ya gotta keep trying for a positive note

When there's a story about a police shooting people always take sides. You'd figure that at least the people who are pro-cop would jump at a story like these, but no. I remember awhile back when I posted a story about when police and firefighters threw a birthday party for a 6-year-old autistic kid. I would have been happy to see somebody give it a thank you rating. NOTHING! Not even a single comment. :dunno:

Part of that is with Longknife gulping down 55-gallon drums of coffee so he can scour the earth for threads about "World Toilet Day" ---- threads of any kind have a microscopically short shelf life.

That's why I marked this thread. It's a concept worth keeping up with. And thanks be to the OP for putting it up. :thup:

Why not try posting something positive for a change. Make a respectable contribution here

Trust me, when I get something I'll bring it straight here.
As I said, it's not what the news industry traffics in, because it doesn't sell.

The Cubs are winning. How 'bout that? :eusa_dance:

Not quite what I was looking for, but atleast it's something......Now, like I said, you have to actually LOOK for the good stories. Or a positive meme, inspirational quote, anything like that. Just no bashing, or I'll have to call you a troll.

Hey, an easy positive? We're all still alive & breathing.
Striving to improve is not a negative thing. In order to improve you must first recognize the negative that needs to be eliminated. Pretending it's not there doesn't make it go away and actually allows perpetuity.
When improvement becomes the standard then only the negative needs to be addressed.

So strive for improvement and post something positive.......
OK. Remove all democrats.
That oughtta do it.

There's nothing that can be called "positive" about a one-party State.
I get it that that is the goal of Eliminationism, but it's wrongheaded.

/offtopic .... note the above is just me recognizing a negative that needs to be eliminated, that being Eliminationism.
I didn't say anything endorsing one party. I said remove the democrats. That leaves multiple positive alternatives.

I didn't say you said anything about "endorsing" anything. I noted that you came to set the thread on fire with Eliminationism, which is a negative and contrary to the spirit here. So I put your fire out.

Alright dammit........STOP!!! Take your crap elsewhere
I'm hearing positive news for the Trump campaign. It seems his poll numbers which have been suffering since Anderson Cooper set him up for a barrage of false accusations of sexual misconduct, has improved and he is now within 4 points of Clinton. This gives hope to millions of Americans.
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Striving to improve is not a negative thing. In order to improve you must first recognize the negative that needs to be eliminated. Pretending it's not there doesn't make it go away and actually allows perpetuity.
When improvement becomes the standard then only the negative needs to be addressed.

So strive for improvement and post something positive.......
OK. Remove all democrats.
That oughtta do it.

There's nothing that can be called "positive" about a one-party State.
I get it that that is the goal of Eliminationism, but it's wrongheaded.

/offtopic .... note the above is just me recognizing a negative that needs to be eliminated, that being Eliminationism.
I didn't say anything endorsing one party. I said remove the democrats. That leaves multiple positive alternatives.

I didn't say you said anything about "endorsing" anything. I noted that you came to set the thread on fire with Eliminationism, which is a negative and contrary to the spirit here. So I put your fire out.
Removing democrats is eliminating a negative.
Well, JustAnotherNut, the positive lasted for one page at least.

So strive for improvement and post something positive.......
OK. Remove all democrats.
That oughtta do it.

There's nothing that can be called "positive" about a one-party State.
I get it that that is the goal of Eliminationism, but it's wrongheaded.

/offtopic .... note the above is just me recognizing a negative that needs to be eliminated, that being Eliminationism.
I didn't say anything endorsing one party. I said remove the democrats. That leaves multiple positive alternatives.

I didn't say you said anything about "endorsing" anything. I noted that you came to set the thread on fire with Eliminationism, which is a negative and contrary to the spirit here. So I put your fire out.

Alright dammit........STOP!!! Take your crap elsewhere

Ummmmmmmmmmmm......I'm not the one who came in to troll this thread. I'm the one who defended it from one.

Go ahead -- check the posts.

Type into YouTube:

'faith in humanity restored'
'people helping people'
'people helping animals'
'animals helping people'
'neighbors helping neighbors'
-or anything else that comes to mind, and you'll have pages of videos that will keep you busy for a year. And there are new ones being added daily.

faith in humanity restored - YouTube

values.com - read the 'who we are' at the top

“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
- Albert Einstein -
:desk: ooh! ooh! I caught one!

Check this out.

>> “We’re in downtown Tulsa and we’re not too far from the homeless shelter,” explains Casey Roebuck, Director of Public Information for the Tulsa Country Sheriff’s Office. “So, we get a lot of transient folks wandering around downtown, but normally they’re wearing shoes.”

This woman, however, was not. And that was simply too much for Deputy Hendrix to take. So, he sprung into action, approaching the woman to ask if he could remedy the situation.

“What was so funny about it was that, when he approached her, she was really afraid she was gonna get arrested,” Roebuck told CBS News.

Far from it. Deputy Hendrix grabbed a fellow law enforcement officer -- as is protocol whenever a male deputy has a female in his car -- and drove the barefoot woman to a local Walmart. There, he let her pick out a pair of shoes that matched her dress and, at checkout, he paid for them.

.... “Nobody goes into law enforcement to make a lot of money and resources are usually tight,” explains Roebuck. “So, we’re very proud that he did this for her.”

What’s more, the story is doing its part to mend badly bruised police-community relations in the area. The last time a Tulsa police officer made national news it was Officer Betty Shelby, who’s facing manslaughter charges for the fatal shooting of 40-year-old Terence Crutcher in September. The incident gave rise to nationwide protests.

“The headlines are full of bad encounters between law enforcement and citizens,” says Roebuck,” but this really shows people that law enforcement officers are human beings and that they really do go into the job because they want to help the community. They’re real people and their hearts are in the right place.” << Cop Stops Homeless Woman on the Street, Buys her Shoes

:desk: ooh! ooh! I caught one!

Check this out.

>> “We’re in downtown Tulsa and we’re not too far from the homeless shelter,” explains Casey Roebuck, Director of Public Information for the Tulsa Country Sheriff’s Office. “So, we get a lot of transient folks wandering around downtown, but normally they’re wearing shoes.”

This woman, however, was not. And that was simply too much for Deputy Hendrix to take. So, he sprung into action, approaching the woman to ask if he could remedy the situation.

“What was so funny about it was that, when he approached her, she was really afraid she was gonna get arrested,” Roebuck told CBS News.

Far from it. Deputy Hendrix grabbed a fellow law enforcement officer -- as is protocol whenever a male deputy has a female in his car -- and drove the barefoot woman to a local Walmart. There, he let her pick out a pair of shoes that matched her dress and, at checkout, he paid for them.

.... “Nobody goes into law enforcement to make a lot of money and resources are usually tight,” explains Roebuck. “So, we’re very proud that he did this for her.”

What’s more, the story is doing its part to mend badly bruised police-community relations in the area. The last time a Tulsa police officer made national news it was Officer Betty Shelby, who’s facing manslaughter charges for the fatal shooting of 40-year-old Terence Crutcher in September. The incident gave rise to nationwide protests.

“The headlines are full of bad encounters between law enforcement and citizens,” says Roebuck,” but this really shows people that law enforcement officers are human beings and that they really do go into the job because they want to help the community. They’re real people and their hearts are in the right place.” << Cop Stops Homeless Woman on the Street, Buys her Shoes


Thank you........see that wasn't so difficult now was it?
:desk: ooh! ooh! I caught one!

Check this out.

>> “We’re in downtown Tulsa and we’re not too far from the homeless shelter,” explains Casey Roebuck, Director of Public Information for the Tulsa Country Sheriff’s Office. “So, we get a lot of transient folks wandering around downtown, but normally they’re wearing shoes.”

This woman, however, was not. And that was simply too much for Deputy Hendrix to take. So, he sprung into action, approaching the woman to ask if he could remedy the situation.

“What was so funny about it was that, when he approached her, she was really afraid she was gonna get arrested,” Roebuck told CBS News.

Far from it. Deputy Hendrix grabbed a fellow law enforcement officer -- as is protocol whenever a male deputy has a female in his car -- and drove the barefoot woman to a local Walmart. There, he let her pick out a pair of shoes that matched her dress and, at checkout, he paid for them.

.... “Nobody goes into law enforcement to make a lot of money and resources are usually tight,” explains Roebuck. “So, we’re very proud that he did this for her.”

What’s more, the story is doing its part to mend badly bruised police-community relations in the area. The last time a Tulsa police officer made national news it was Officer Betty Shelby, who’s facing manslaughter charges for the fatal shooting of 40-year-old Terence Crutcher in September. The incident gave rise to nationwide protests.

“The headlines are full of bad encounters between law enforcement and citizens,” says Roebuck,” but this really shows people that law enforcement officers are human beings and that they really do go into the job because they want to help the community. They’re real people and their hearts are in the right place.” << Cop Stops Homeless Woman on the Street, Buys her Shoes


Thank you........see that wasn't so difficult now was it?

Wasn't "difficult" at all once it found me. That's why I appreciate having this thread to spread the wealth.

I think it's more meaningful to receive than to go looking for it. It's like a Gift. Feels more genuine.
We have less than six months left in Obama's administration.

And Jake Starkey found his pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

I ain't swatting this one. Last time the OP didn't appreciate what I did. Fuggit.
Officers Photograph Student's American Flag, Viewers Shocked When They See What Else In Photo

A police officer was out on patrol at a college campus when something interesting hanging by a student’s apartment caught his attention.

The cop pulled over to inspect it and saw that it was the grand old flag outside a student’s porch.

From a distance, it looked like an ordinary American flag, but close-up there was something unique about it. A blue line was where one of the white lines should be in honor and support of law enforcement, reports US Herald.

The officer immediately snapped a picture of the flag with three college boys from Ohio State University Wooster standing underneath it.


The cop shared the patriotic photo on the Ohio Going Blue Facebook page and it instantly went viral.

"I have not personally seen anything like this on a college campus before, so this is too awesome not to share," read the Facebook post. "Loving the thin blue line flag AND the blue porch light!"

Facebook users went wild over the picture and even managed to identify the three college students as Noah Adams, Seth Curl and Massimo F. Asturi.


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