Post-9/11 wars have cost the U.S. an estimated $8 trillion.

When you get right down to it, Bin Ladin won.

He bankrupted the USA and we have lost a SHIT TON of our CIVIL RIGHTS.

In 2001, the Federal Debt was $6 it's $30 trillion?

Any way you cut it.....Bin Ladin brought down the USA. Kudos to that crazy asshole. Well done, you goat licker.
Sure it has because instead of going in, blowing up what needs to be blown up and killing those that need killing we do that and then rebuild their countries for them.

For my money you go in, do what you need to do and get the hell out. Let them rebuild their country.
After Poppy did the Saudi's dirty work against Saddam, and destroyed the Iraqi infrastructure, the sanctions on Iraq under Clinton in the 90's
was responsible for 500,000 women and children dying....after 9/11, which Iraq had nothing to do with, we went back in and finished them off.

We only rebuilt the oil pipelines and the US Embassy ....Iraq is a total shithole now. We basically helped do the same thing in Yemen, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan. Iran will be next if some people get their way.
Jimmy carter called it correctly when he said both bush and Obama were equally to blame fir the Mideast wars.
I never understood why Obama kept us in Afghan. But it may have just been a sociopathic decision based upon political expedience. Much like LBJ and the Gulf of Tonkin.
Jimmy carter called it correctly when he said both bush and Obama were equally to blame fir the Mideast wars.
Carter also helped the Taliban fight off the Soviet Union, but I'd say it was more the CIA on their own. Jimmy Carter loved this country and wanted peace in the world. He had to go.

The whole Iran Contra thing was another Poppy Bush setup.

I guess you don't know that China only owns about 1.1 trillion of the debt
We owe Japan $1.2 trillion, China about the same, then the rest is split up between UK, Ireland, Luxembourg, and I'm guessing Saudi Arabia....then the Federal Reserve holds the most?
We owe Japan $1.2 trillion, China about the same, then the rest is split up between UK, Ireland, Luxembourg, and I'm guessing Saudi Arabia....then the Federal Reserve holds the most?
The Fed Res "owns" about 5 trillion and Soc Sec Medicare Military and Federal Pensions own roughly "another 5" Not that that makes it all right. But if we hadn't let the neocons lead us into forever wars we'd be looking at around 13 trillion actually owed to investors and for govts.

Jimmy carter called it correctly when he said both bush and Obama were equally to blame fir the Mideast wars.

Jimmy had his own actions to blame also..........all he had to do was turn over a dying Shah to Iran like he should have.
The COVID-19 Pandemic and the $16 Trillion Virus - 16 trillion

Here’s Everything the Federal Government Has Done to Respond to the Coronavirus So Far direct spending

And killed more than 900,000 people ---both very conservative estimates in my opinion.

A report from the Costs of War project at Brown University revealed that 20 years of post-9/11 wars have cost the U.S. an estimated $8 trillion and have killed more than 900,000 people.

The Costs of War project, founded more than a decade ago at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs and co-directed by two Brown scholars, released its influential annual report ahead of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania, the impetus for an ongoing American effort to root out terrorism in the Middle East and beyond.

“The war has been long and complex and horrific and unsuccessful... and the war continues in over 80 countries,” said Catherine Lutz, co-director of Costs of War and a professor of international and public affairs at Brown, during a virtual event hosted by the Watson Institute on Wednesday, Sept. 1. “The Pentagon and the U.S. military have now absorbed the great majority of the federal discretionary budget, and most people don’t know that. Our task, now and in future years, is to educate the public on the ways in which we fund those wars and the scale of that funding.”

...bankrupted us and installed the Surveillance State, according to Plan
And killed more than 900,000 people ---both very conservative estimates in my opinion.

A report from the Costs of War project at Brown University revealed that 20 years of post-9/11 wars have cost the U.S. an estimated $8 trillion and have killed more than 900,000 people.

The Costs of War project, founded more than a decade ago at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs and co-directed by two Brown scholars, released its influential annual report ahead of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania, the impetus for an ongoing American effort to root out terrorism in the Middle East and beyond.

“The war has been long and complex and horrific and unsuccessful... and the war continues in over 80 countries,” said Catherine Lutz, co-director of Costs of War and a professor of international and public affairs at Brown, during a virtual event hosted by the Watson Institute on Wednesday, Sept. 1. “The Pentagon and the U.S. military have now absorbed the great majority of the federal discretionary budget, and most people don’t know that. Our task, now and in future years, is to educate the public on the ways in which we fund those wars and the scale of that funding.”
And not a damn thing to show for it and nothing has been accomplished
...Bin Ladin brought down the USA. Kudos to that crazy asshole. Well done, you goat licker.
The irony being, he was a CIA asset the whole time. (so I've heard and read from more than 3 or 4 sources)
Probably MOSSAD also.
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And not a damn thing to show for it and nothing has been accomplished
The opposite.
Broken infrastructures, more terrorists or future ones than ever, many heading here or here already, 65 million displaced refugees wandering the planet.....socialism and hyperinflation creeping in here.....

The war is coming home.

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