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Dear 16 year old TemplarKormac,

Perhaps you should consider getting a job while you're still in school. You don't want to be some fat overanxious adult wasting his time playing games and posting on political boards 10 years into the future, do you? I didn't think so. You and God are gonna have some rough patches later on in life, but DO NOT give up on him. Plus, Dad would kill you if he saw what you're about to turn into. Get a move on, younger me!

(P.S. Oh, and quit being a jerk to your grandmother, or I'll find a way to teleport myself back there and kick your backside.)
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Hey! 16 year old editec...

Stop playing the game by their rules., lad.

Their game is rigged against you.
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Don't let fear stop you from doing anything. it's alot easier than it seems.
Don't waste time and money on the star wars prequels, and other movies that may seem cool at the time but really aren't that great.
Dear 17 year old Marianne

Listen up (slaps 17 year old upside the head)

1.Stop smoking pot, it will take about 10 years for that smoke induced fog in your brain to lift.

2.Moms right, go to college.

3.Save for retirement now, yes I know your pay check is crap, but just do it. Trust me on this one.

4.Don't dye your hair at Lori's house, get it professionally done! The extra money spent will save you many tears.

5.Every guy you date until you're 20 is a complete moron.

6.Tell your BFF her ex is lying,he stole her money and the Malibu. The car he claims is his, is not his so don't torch it. Tell her she can find him hiding at Gene's house so Scott and Richie can kick his ass into next week for being a jerk.

7. In July tell Rose NOT to open her car door into oncoming traffic:eusa_doh:,find a parking space in a parking lot instead.
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Hey kid! As soon as you learn to keep your eye on the ball, you're going to LOVE baseball!

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