Post acceptable GOP debate questions here.


Gold Member
Oct 2, 2015
Who needs gotcha questions. Presidents don't need to field tough Qs . We can do better than CNBC !

"If you become president, will you imprison HILLARY Clinton in federal prison or in Gitmo? "

( the correct answer is to freeze her in carbonite)
What were Obamas 10 biggest mistakes ?

Veterans . Tell us what you think off them?

What's it like being so good looking ?
Who needs gotcha questions. Presidents don't need to field tough Qs . We can do better than CNBC !

"If you become president, will you imprison HILLARY Clinton in federal prison or in Gitmo? "

( the correct answer is to freeze her in carbonite)

Would you order Obama to be removed from America just like every other illegal?
C'mon folks. Lets try to be a bit serious.

All one needs to do is go on YouTube and search the 1988 GOP Presidential Debate. They had it on William F. Buckley's Firing Line show. The first question was "What Presidential Portraits would you hang in the Oval Office.". The questions have been softball for several years now.

The only thing that we need is this:

"You have 3 minutes Mr. Jindal. Please describe how you'd defeat ISIS." When he is done. "You have 3 minutes Ms. Fiorina, Please describe how you'd defeat ISIS." When she is done, "You have 3 minutes Mr. Trump, Plese describe how you'd defeat ISIS". Three minutes per candidate times 15 candidates is 45 minutes. Make it a cool hour with over-runs and time for the questioner to ask questions.


"You have 3 minutes Mr. Santorum. Please describe how you'd balance the budget and pay down the deficit detailing which programs you'd specifically cut and the amounts those cuts would save."
When he is done,
"You have 3 minutes Mr. Carson. Please describe how you'd balance the budget and pay down the deficit detailing which programs you'd specifically cut and the amounts those cuts would save." When he is done,
"You have 3 minutes Mr. Rubio. Please describe how you'd balance the budget and pay down the deficit detailing which programs you'd specifically cut and the amounts those cuts would save."
Three minutes time 15 candidates and that is another hour.

Those of you having time constraints can leave whenever you want. We thank you for coming.

"You have 3 minutes Mr. Pataki. What is your position for entitlements? What entitlements would you expand and which ones would you contract/do away with and why." When he is done...
"You have 3 minutes Mr. Paul. What is your position for entitlements? What entitlements would you expand and which ones would you contract/do away with and why." When he is done
"You have 3 minutes Mr. Bush. What is your position for entitlements? What entitlements would you expand and which ones would you contract/do away with and why."
Again, another hour is gone.

This would chew up 3 hours but you'd have 3 Big questions answered that the next President WILL have to face and you can compare and contrast them.

Two things will happen.

First, I doubt the candidates want hardball questions despite their mocking of the softball ones last week.

Secondly, the 2nd half of the rounds will probably be squawking about "What Carly didn't tell you is that she is a know it all shrew that nobody likes..." and you won't get to her Mr. Cruz's (ahem) brilliant plans.
With you as President and Roe v. Wade overturned, what is the best way to make sure every pregnancy in the country comes to a full term? To provide every mother in the land with a watchful government employee to oversee them in their daily routines and at work to make sure they don't get an abortion somewhere?
Obama and Hillary have called Republicans, "the enemy" how soon after your victory will you turn the full power of the federal government against these treasonous enemies of the state?
Marco Rubio, do you believe that if all 8 million occupants of Cuba moved to the left side of the island, it will cause the left side to collapse into the ocean?
What would you do to cut wasteful spending in the federal government?

What is your position on unfundednfederal mandates?

What is your favorite constitutional provision and why?

What would you do to provide more liberty to the American people?

How would you get the federal government out of people's lives?
C'mon folks. Lets try to be a bit serious.

All one needs to do is go on YouTube and search the 1988 GOP Presidential Debate. They had it on William F. Buckley's Firing Line show. The first question was "What Presidential Portraits would you hang in the Oval Office.". The questions have been softball for several years now.

The only thing that we need is this:

"You have 3 minutes Mr. Jindal. Please describe how you'd defeat ISIS." When he is done. "You have 3 minutes Ms. Fiorina, Please describe how you'd defeat ISIS." When she is done, "You have 3 minutes Mr. Trump, Plese describe how you'd defeat ISIS". Three minutes per candidate times 15 candidates is 45 minutes. Make it a cool hour with over-runs and time for the questioner to ask questions.


"You have 3 minutes Mr. Santorum. Please describe how you'd balance the budget and pay down the deficit detailing which programs you'd specifically cut and the amounts those cuts would save."
When he is done,
"You have 3 minutes Mr. Carson. Please describe how you'd balance the budget and pay down the deficit detailing which programs you'd specifically cut and the amounts those cuts would save." When he is done,
"You have 3 minutes Mr. Rubio. Please describe how you'd balance the budget and pay down the deficit detailing which programs you'd specifically cut and the amounts those cuts would save."
Three minutes time 15 candidates and that is another hour.

Those of you having time constraints can leave whenever you want. We thank you for coming.

"You have 3 minutes Mr. Pataki. What is your position for entitlements? What entitlements would you expand and which ones would you contract/do away with and why." When he is done...
"You have 3 minutes Mr. Paul. What is your position for entitlements? What entitlements would you expand and which ones would you contract/do away with and why." When he is done
"You have 3 minutes Mr. Bush. What is your position for entitlements? What entitlements would you expand and which ones would you contract/do away with and why."
Again, another hour is gone.

This would chew up 3 hours but you'd have 3 Big questions answered that the next President WILL have to face and you can compare and contrast them.

Two things will happen.

First, I doubt the candidates want hardball questions despite their mocking of the softball ones last week.

Secondly, the 2nd half of the rounds will probably be squawking about "What Carly didn't tell you is that she is a know it all shrew that nobody likes..." and you won't get to her Mr. Cruz's (ahem) brilliant plans.
*One-man standing ovation*

Thread's shut down after this.

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Marco Rubio, do you believe that if all 8 million occupants of Cuba moved to the left side of the island, it will cause the left side to collapse into the ocean?

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The debates are mostly a waste of time. The complex problems we face in our nation can't be summed up or broken down into 2 minute sound bites. I want to hear meaningful and detailed solutions, not snippets of bullshits.
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How would you win back the black vote after LBJ promised Democrats to "have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years"?
The debates are mostly waste of time. The complex problems we face in our nation can't be summed up or broken down into 2 minute sound bites. I want to hear meaningful and detailed solutions, not snippets of bullshits.
One on one Lincoln Douglas debates between front runners. The also rans can do the 12 man clown shows.

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