Post:Arrest Made in Mollie Tibbetts Murder...An Illegal Alien

Why is the idea that a young woman is killed by someone whose citizenship/immigrant status is more important than the idea that a young woman has been killed by anyone? Let's keep track of all the girls/women who disappear or whose bodies are found each year. Killed by American citizens, immigrants, "illegals," whomever. These poor people with their whole lives in front of them are still dead.

Moreover, we are undergoing yet another person whose partner and children-in-common have been found dead in Colorado. It's the abuse/murder that is the problem.

When a white guy kills his wife and kids it does not get any time on this forum as there are no political post to be made about it, so nobody cares

Well the other 11 Americans who were murdered today didn't get any attention.

Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according to statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. If those numbers are correct, it translates to 4,380 Americans murdered annually by illegal aliens. That’s 21,900 since Sept. 11, 2001.

Who in the hell would believe the likes of Steve King in the first place? He's just a racist trashy little bitch unworthy of any credence. But more importantly, how do these "facts" fit in with the amount of murders taking place in the U.S.? How many children and teenagers found raped and murdered in ditches or shallow graves? Please stop politicizing the dead; the murdered.
This is going to put a dent into the Abolish ICE/sanctuary city movement.
Why is the idea that a young woman is killed by someone whose citizenship/immigrant status is more important than the idea that a young woman has been killed by anyone? Let's keep track of all the girls/women who disappear or whose bodies are found each year. Killed by American citizens, immigrants, "illegals," whomever. These poor people with their whole lives in front of them are still dead.

Moreover, we are undergoing yet another person whose partner and children-in-common have been found dead in Colorado. It's the abuse/murder that is the problem.

When a white guy kills his wife and kids it does not get any time on this forum as there are no political post to be made about it, so nobody cares

Well the other 11 Americans who were murdered today didn't get any attention.

Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according to statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. If those numbers are correct, it translates to 4,380 Americans murdered annually by illegal aliens. That’s 21,900 since Sept. 11, 2001.

Who in the hell would believe the likes of Steve King in the first place? He's just a racist trashy little bitch unworthy of any credence. But more importantly, how do these "facts" fit in with the amount of murders taking place in the U.S.? How many children and teenagers found raped and murdered in ditches or shallow graves? Please stop politicizing the dead; the murdered.
This is going to put a dent into the Abolish ICE/sanctuary city movement.

Why is the idea that a young woman is killed by someone whose citizenship/immigrant status is more important than the idea that a young woman has been killed by anyone? Let's keep track of all the girls/women who disappear or whose bodies are found each year. Killed by American citizens, immigrants, "illegals," whomever. These poor people with their whole lives in front of them are still dead.

Moreover, we are undergoing yet another person whose partner and children-in-common have been found dead in Colorado. It's the abuse/murder that is the problem.

When a white guy kills his wife and kids it does not get any time on this forum as there are no political post to be made about it, so nobody cares

Well the other 11 Americans who were murdered today didn't get any attention.

Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according to statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. If those numbers are correct, it translates to 4,380 Americans murdered annually by illegal aliens. That’s 21,900 since Sept. 11, 2001.

Who in the hell would believe the likes of Steve King in the first place? He's just a racist trashy little bitch unworthy of any credence. But more importantly, how do these "facts" fit in with the amount of murders taking place in the U.S.? How many children and teenagers found raped and murdered in ditches or shallow graves? Please stop politicizing the dead; the murdered.
This is going to put a dent into the Abolish ICE/sanctuary city movement.

Another go-to.
Another American daughter murdered by an illegal alien! Jesus Christ!

Will this shit ever end!
Horrible. This scum should not have been in our country.

For the same reason, sane people have locks on their doors, we need locks on our country.
Time to patrol border with Apache Attack helicopters and start lighting illegals up!

No. That's a waste of good 30mm rounds. We need automated sentry guns. They exist, are in limited use on the South Korean side of the DMZ and can be programmed to identify speech patterns. If the intruder fails to recite the password or security code quick time, it's lights out.

Why is the idea that a young woman is killed by someone whose citizenship/immigrant status is more important than the idea that a young woman has been killed by anyone? Let's keep track of all the girls/women who disappear or whose bodies are found each year. Killed by American citizens, immigrants, "illegals," whomever. These poor people with their whole lives in front of them are still dead.

Moreover, we are undergoing yet another person whose partner and children-in-common have been found dead in Colorado. It's the abuse/murder that is the problem.

When a white guy kills his wife and kids it does not get any time on this forum as there are no political post to be made about it, so nobody cares

Well the other 11 Americans who were murdered today didn't get any attention.

Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according to statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. If those numbers are correct, it translates to 4,380 Americans murdered annually by illegal aliens. That’s 21,900 since Sept. 11, 2001.

Who in the hell would believe the likes of Steve King in the first place? He's just a racist trashy little bitch unworthy of any credence. But more importantly, how do these "facts" fit in with the amount of murders taking place in the U.S.? How many children and teenagers found raped and murdered in ditches or shallow graves? Please stop politicizing the dead; the murdered.
This is going to put a dent into the Abolish ICE/sanctuary city movement.
Why and how? From what news outlets do we find coverage of the length and breadth of crimes involving pedophilia, rape, and murder from across our 50 states?
Why is the idea that a young woman is killed by someone whose citizenship/immigrant status is more important than the idea that a young woman has been killed by anyone? Let's keep track of all the girls/women who disappear or whose bodies are found each year. Killed by American citizens, immigrants, "illegals," whomever. These poor people with their whole lives in front of them are still dead.

Moreover, we are undergoing yet another person whose partner and children-in-common have been found dead in Colorado. It's the abuse/murder that is the problem.

When a white guy kills his wife and kids it does not get any time on this forum as there are no political post to be made about it, so nobody cares

Well the other 11 Americans who were murdered today didn't get any attention.

Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according to statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. If those numbers are correct, it translates to 4,380 Americans murdered annually by illegal aliens. That’s 21,900 since Sept. 11, 2001.

Who in the hell would believe the likes of Steve King in the first place? He's just a racist trashy little bitch unworthy of any credence. But more importantly, how do these "facts" fit in with the amount of murders taking place in the U.S.? How many children and teenagers found raped and murdered in ditches or shallow graves? Please stop politicizing the dead; the murdered.
This is going to put a dent into the Abolish ICE/sanctuary city movement.
Why and how? From what news outlets do we find coverage of the length and breadth of crimes involving pedophilia, rape, and murder from across our 50 states?
If you don't know why and how, we can leave it so.
It is not the job of the US military to defend the United States? That makes no sense at al.

Illegals are not attacking the United States so they are not considered an enemy. Mind you, I would love to see our military involved myself; I would love to see any action to stop this nonsense. However the law is the law, and illegals crossing is considered a domestic issue.

Those would work, too bad there is nobody in power that wants to do even 10% of those things.

I'm sure Trump would love to do all of them. But his resistance is the Democrat party, the MSM, and Democrat judges that have a track record of stopping his agendas.
I absolutely agree with President Trump!
The White House‏Verified account @WhiteHouse 1h1 hour ago

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I hope all you people understand that EVEN here on the usmessageboard political correctness rules!
I started a unique thread that was pointing out the difference between an "Illegal immigrant" and the MSM's use of "undocumented immigrant".
And I started this thread before the arrest made in mollie Tibbets topic was started.
A) why did the moderators chose to use the term "illegal alien" with the term most Americans relate to is "illegal immigrant"? Political correctness?
B) Why was my original thread merged when it was first before this thread topic?

I'd certainly like an explanation because the point of MY thread was "political correctness" was the MSM's concern...and apparently the same for the moderators on this board!
I hope all you people understand that EVEN here on the usmessageboard political correctness rules!
I started a unique thread that was pointing out the difference between an "Illegal immigrant" and the MSM's use of "undocumented immigrant".
And I started this thread before the arrest made in mollie Tibbets topic was started.
A) why did the moderators chose to use the term "illegal alien" with the term most Americans relate to is "illegal immigrant"? Political correctness?
B) Why was my original thread merged when it was first before this thread topic?

I'd certainly like an explanation because the point of MY thread was "political correctness" was the MSM's concern...and apparently the same for the moderators on this board!

They do have a screwy way of maintaining this system. This thread was merged with another.....okay, I can understand that, but they merged it with another thread that was also stopped. What senses does that make?

I don't want to read ten posts on the same topic or related topic either, but there has to be a better way of doing it instead of putting --- under VIEWS and stopping the last reply from putting the topic back to the top of the forum.
This was, because of the nonsensical nature of our Government, a State sponsored Murder.

The death penalty was applied to Mollie, and we should all be ashamed today.
This was, because of the nonsensical nature of our Government, a State sponsored Murder.

The death penalty was applied to Mollie, and we should all be ashamed today.

Horrible that the illegal monsters get to live and the beautiful American girl dies.

I feel so bad for Mollie and her poor father! This is so sad and I feel a rage!
Cute white girl? Check
Missing? Check
Murdered? Check
By an illegal? Check

Well boys looks like we got our mascot for the midterms. Everyone get your profile pics ready. We gonna ride this poor late girl and her family all the way to Republican victory.
I feel so bad for Mollie and her poor father! This is so sad and I feel a rage!
Cute white girl? Check
Missing? Check
Murdered? Check
By an illegal? Check

Well boys looks like we got our mascot for the midterms. Everyone get your profile pics ready. We gonna ride this poor late girl and her family all the way to Republican victory.

The Hollyweirdo leftists will give the illegal alien perp a standing ovation at the next self-awards ceremony.

A leftists judge will release the illegal alien perp on a personal recognizance bond.

You will contribute to the illegal alien perp's GoFundMe legal defense fund.

We need a moat with underfed alligators, sharks, crocodiles, and piranha just behind the land mines, claymores, and razorwire field in front of our southern borderwall.

How do I buy a 50 cal MA2 to be mounted on top of the border wall in memory of Mollie?
So .....why no thread on the citizen who killed his pregnant wife and two girls? Or is it only significant when the accused murderer is....something...something...

Sounds like a different topic tinker belle - start another thread and I will reply.
What stuck out for me on this Tibbets case, is that they ran this story day in and day out until her body was found, yet large numbers of African-American women disappear each year and you barely hear a peep from the media. Clearly, she was white and thus more important to find.
Your concern is touching, but hispanics kill many more blacks annually than they do whites.

Gang or drug-related cases don't seem to get the same coverage. When the media believe the suspect is likely a minority, they shy away. It's not the victim that they don't care about, they just don't want to highlight inner city crime or crimes likely committed by minorities or illegals. It hurts the leftist agenda when people are aware of the high crime rates due to illegal immigration or poorly-run Dem cities.
Yes, agree. What I disagree with is making this a racial issue when it's an illegal alien issue.

I was responding to poster who said people cared more about Mollie because she was white and another stated that Hispanics kill more blacks. People don't get concerned until the media makes a big deal of it. The fact is that they don't when they think the perpetrator is likely a minority or illegal alien. They do not like to call attention to certain crimes because it doesn't fit their narrative. It's a sad fact. In Mollie's case, there was already so much attention that they can't keep a lid on the fact that an illegal alien criminal did it. I'm sure the national media won't spend a lot of time focusing on the killer now that the case is solved.

It isn't about black or white, legal immigrant or illegal alien, or this or that group. It's about evil people vs good people. Both sides are diverse. The murderers, rapists, human traffickers and other criminals are evil and need to be stopped. One way to cut down on these horrible crimes is to secure the border to make sure we don't allow more scum to enter the states and do harm.

We also have a growing problem with human traffickers and there are constant reports of people being abducted. Many attempts were unsuccessful lately here in Iowa, but it's getting scary. And most of the people arrested end up being from some other country where this sort of thing is the norm. With no border security, these people can come and go as they please and that sure makes it easy to be a human trafficker, smuggler, etc.

We allowed Obama to import these criminals. Some came as refugees who were not properly vetted. Others just walked through our invisible borders. Many on the left want to eliminate our borders completely so we can be overrun by people who would destroy us.

It needs to be addressed and fast.

I am so sick of hearing the left whine about people being detained and separated at the border. One thread asks what the human cost is. Well, what is the human cost of ignoring immigration laws and allowing anyone in? Thousands of people each year are murdered by people who shouldn't be allowed in.

The cost of a border fence is nothing compared to the human life being snuffed out by terrorists and murderers. The cost of the fence is nothing compared to the cost to tax payers to pay for all these illegals, whether through welfare or paying for them to be imprisoned.
You are the one that said they were not as tragic, not me.

Only because our government, especially the left, has made it possible for illegal aliens to remain here. It could have and should have been prevented by deporting known criminals. They failed. As far as I know, when citizens kill, the government didn't do anything to help make that possible.

It's all tragic but when it could have been prevented, that makes the government partially responsible. When we could stop the flow of illegal and prevent a lot of these murders, there is no excuse not to do that.

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