Post:Arrest Made in Mollie Tibbetts Murder...An Illegal Alien

Happy days for the partisan hacks. Another tragedy to use for political purposes!

Sorry you think it is political because MY whole point was that the MSM won't call it as it is! An illegal immigrant. 90 million of us either "LEGAL immigrants" or as I have a relative that is a "LEGAL" immigrant as does President Trump really get offended when the MSM and truly ignorant people LET these "ILLEGALs" slip by. No one has ever said EVERY ILLEGAL immigrant is a rapist i.e. like this guy. Or an idiot killer who killed Steinle... but if you can't at least be honest and call a spade a spade then it truly becomes US against you because you aren't being honest! Golfing Gator how do you think the parents of Molly Tibbets feel about "undocumented immigrants"?

Of course you point was political, you took a tragedy and thought to can I use this on the forum to make some good post.

Did you even stop for 10 seconds and have a bit of sadness for the dead girl before you used her death for your own advantage?
To Confiscate Guns You First Need to Create a Crisis
Here is a picture of Obama's Dreamer that raped and murdered Mollie Tibbets:

Obama let him in because he thought this would be a potential Democrat voter one day.


Weep for the state of your immortal soul. I'm enraged that this "man" said he blacked out when he did what he did. No you did not. You remember and you sicken even yourself.

The phrase "turn or burn" never applied more aptly than it does to you.............
So. What kind of weepy story are we going to hear from the Democrats this week about their precious illegal aliens, every single one of whom are more noble, more moral, more hardworking and more deserving than any random American?

Bring it, liberals. :1peleas:
But but BUTT Ted Bundy!!!

The reason why democrats rationalize murders committed by Americans is because of the myth that illegals are more noble, peaceful, moral and all around better human beings than the evil Americans are.
That is because all Democrats are so deranged about Donald Trump their mind has diseased to the point they want I.C.E. disbanded.

I guess they are against that Nazi guard in Queens being deported. ICE did that.
Why is the idea that a young woman is killed by someone whose citizenship/immigrant status is more important than the idea that a young woman has been killed by anyone? Let's keep track of all the girls/women who disappear or whose bodies are found each year. Killed by American citizens, immigrants, "illegals," whomever. These poor people with their whole lives in front of them are still dead.

Moreover, we are undergoing yet another person whose partner and children-in-common have been found dead in Colorado. It's the abuse/murder that is the problem.

When a white guy kills his wife and kids it does not get any time on this forum as there are no political post to be made about it, so nobody cares

Well the other 11 Americans who were murdered today didn't get any attention.

Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according to statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. If those numbers are correct, it translates to 4,380 Americans murdered annually by illegal aliens. That’s 21,900 since Sept. 11, 2001.

Who in the hell would believe the likes of Steve King in the first place? He's just a racist trashy little bitch unworthy of any credence. But more importantly, how do these "facts" fit in with the amount of murders taking place in the U.S.? How many children and teenagers found raped and murdered in ditches or shallow graves? Please stop politicizing the dead; the murdered.
This is going to put a dent into the Abolish ICE/sanctuary city movement.
Happy days for the partisan hacks. Another tragedy to use for political purposes!

Nothing "happy" about the slaughter of a young innocent woman, and nothing but disgust over the fact that this was a murder that could have so easily been prevented had we had rock-solid border security and immigration enforcement.
Why is the idea that a young woman is killed by someone whose citizenship/immigrant status is more important than the idea that a young woman has been killed by anyone? Let's keep track of all the girls/women who disappear or whose bodies are found each year. Killed by American citizens, immigrants, "illegals," whomever. These poor people with their whole lives in front of them are still dead.

Moreover, we are undergoing yet another person whose partner and children-in-common have been found dead in Colorado. It's the abuse/murder that is the problem.

When a white guy kills his wife and kids it does not get any time on this forum as there are no political post to be made about it, so nobody cares

These are illegals thugs preying on Americans. How many Americans need to be raped and killed by illegals before you stop defending them?

They don't see any difference, whether the murderer is a citizen, or whether they are illegal. They don't have the capacity to understand that if we had strict enforcement of our immigration laws, and we had proper border security, a murder such as this could have been completely avoided.
you are part of the problem and en enemy of the US

Yep, because I will not use a dead body to make points on an internet forum I am the enemy of the US.

Here is my response to that...fuck off and die.
How did the dead body get dead? It used to be a living breathing human how did it get dead?

Someone killed her. That is normally what murder means
Who killed the dead body! You talk as if she was just a dead body! Wow! Moron.

Another human being did. That is what matters, not what his immigration status is. Would she be less dead if she were killed by the guy in Colorado that killed his wife and kids?

Is she more dead because she was killed by an illegal immigrant?
we have enough murderers here
why import more?? !!
very stupid
Happy days for the partisan hacks. Another tragedy to use for political purposes!
you are part of the problem and en enemy of the US

Yep, because I will not use a dead body to make points on an internet forum I am the enemy of the US.

Here is my response to that...fuck off and die.
in the country illegally, --that's a crime/security problem, etc--and MURDERS an American
..and you are still for loving them/want them/..
I got a great idea: let's bring in MORE!!!!!
Happy days for the partisan hacks. Another tragedy to use for political purposes!
you are part of the problem and en enemy of the US

Yep, because I will not use a dead body to make points on an internet forum I am the enemy of the US.

Here is my response to that...fuck off and die.
in the country illegally, --that's a crime/security problem, etc--and MURDERS an American
..and you are still for loving them/want them/..
I got a great idea: let's bring in MORE!!!!!

Where the fuck have I ever said I wanted more? Not only will you sick fucks use a death to make political hay on an internet forum, but then you will make up bullshit about other people while you are doing it.
Happy days for the partisan hacks. Another tragedy to use for political purposes!
you are part of the problem and en enemy of the US

Yep, because I will not use a dead body to make points on an internet forum I am the enemy of the US.

Here is my response to that...fuck off and die.
in the country illegally, --that's a crime/security problem, etc--and MURDERS an American
..and you are still for loving them/want them/..
I got a great idea: let's bring in MORE!!!!!

Where the fuck have I ever said I wanted more? Not only will you sick fucks use a death to make political hay on an internet forum, but then you will make up bullshit about other people while you are doing it.
I forgot:
AND taking a job away from an American
Happy days for the partisan hacks. Another tragedy to use for political purposes!
you are part of the problem and en enemy of the US

Yep, because I will not use a dead body to make points on an internet forum I am the enemy of the US.

Here is my response to that...fuck off and die.
in the country illegally, --that's a crime/security problem, etc--and MURDERS an American
..and you are still for loving them/want them/..
I got a great idea: let's bring in MORE!!!!!

Where the fuck have I ever said I wanted more? Not only will you sick fucks use a death to make political hay on an internet forum, but then you will make up bullshit about other people while you are doing it.
I forgot:
AND taking a job away from an American


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