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Post-Brexit, dialogue with Russia urged

The Tsar of Russia held the British and French armies at bay during the Civil War and the Rothschilds swore vengeance against them and they got it when they co-opted the Bolshevik Revolution. The banking oligarchs and Wall Street funded communism along with their Jesuit brethren. Trotsky and Lenin (Jesuit trained) were agents of the banking oligarchs and the Illuminati and between them they killed millions by starving them to death. Wall Street and their multi-national corporations built the USSR into a super-power to be the anti-thesis against the other super power "USA.INC"...the cold war was a complete and total "put on" in order to get the American people to support the rise of the military industrial complex in order to ward off the "red menace" that was of their own creation.....much like al qaeda/ISIS is their own creation that they use as a scare tactic to keep us little sheeple in compliance. The Russian people have a lot of shit to be pissed at USA.INC about because under our name, they decimated that country and helped to put in brutal tyrants as puppets. Makes me sick to my stomach to even think about it. USA.INC has never spread "freedom or liberty" anywhere they set their sights on and that is a fucking fact that so many would rather avoid.
Dale, you know so much about Russia, everything is truth, only truth and nothing but truth. I wonder, why most of your countrymen don't??? They are buying all kinds of propaganda spread by their elites (about both their own country and the rest of the world). The ones like yourself and the brainwashed ones seem to live in two different worlds.

I'm very happy that many Americans are slowly but surely waking up after Trump appeared on their political arena and started pointed out the truth. Now half a country of USA (except for the dumbest ones) realizes: they've been fooled by their elites for years if not decades...

Well, my man? People would rather be told pretty little lies than the brutal, ugly truth. I bought into the bullshit for a long time but I woke up and when I did, it made me hungry for knowledge. So, I put away childish things like entertainment and became an avid reader and from that I became an avid researcher and this is what I do ten to 12 hours a day, every day and have for 4 plus years. I have a decent grasp on what is going on but I still seek to do a better job of explaining it and that means more time reading, researching and listening to documentaries of accredited researchers and authors that did the heavy lifting. I owe them all the credit. I only wish I had started down this path 20 years ago.....lots of time wasted believing lies.
Putin has proved, considering how Ukraine has been treated (remember the Crimea annexation ?) to be a leader with thinking dangerously akin to the old Soviet model. Grab foreign territory. Bluster and reject the smallest criticism of it. We cannot trust this nutter.
Why do you think Scotland last year and Britain last month have had rights to have referendums and their opinion respected and Crimea hasn't? International law allows self-determination for any nation. Decision has been made by 3 million Crimea residents and Russia respected it unlike the rest of the world. I can't stand hypocrisy of modern politicians who welcomed the USSR collapse (25 million Russians were separated from their home country), but now they are screaming and shouting when those Russians want to reunite with Russia and and call them separatists. Unbelievable hypocrisy!

1. According to UN Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples:
All peoples have the right to self-determination; by virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.
The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration

2. VLADIMIR PUTIN: I did say that I see the collapse of the Soviet Union as a great tragedy of the 20th century. Do you know why? First of all, because 25 million of Russian people suddenly turned out to be outside the borders of the Russian Federation. They used to live in one state; the Soviet Union has traditionally been called Russia, the Soviet Russia, and it was the 'greater Russia'. Then the Soviet Union suddenly fell apart, in fact, overnight, and it turned out that in the former Soviet Union republics there were 25 million Russians. They used to live in one country and suddenly found themselves abroad. Can you imagine how many problems came out?
Sott Exclusive: Full unedited text of Vladimir Putin's interview with Charlie Rose: What CBS left out -- Sott.net
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! Saved me from having to explain that to the idiots here. The only thing you left out was George Soros's role in the coup de 'etat of Ukraine....nicely done.

It was surreal to watch the coup unfold right before our eyes. BTW one of Hillary's key donors to the tune of 8 million so far and a promise of millions more is a left wing oligarch who wanted the Ukraine to join the EU.

To find the truth, it is like peeling an onion. You get it one peel at a time.

Yeah and the best part was that Crimea was the sweetest plum on that tree that the globalists wanted due to the peninsula that came with it and were denied access to it. Then Soros went whining to the Barrypuppet wanting him to flex his puny muscle to prevent Crimea from joining Russia instead of the globalist E.U.

One really sweet thing about Crimea wanting to repatriate itself back to Mother Russia that besides NATO now being blocked from the Russian ports that they wanted desperately but the EU and Obama got burned big time because of the oil fields off of the Crimean coast that was part of the package of Crimea re joining Russia.


I laughed my ass off. It looked good on the EU/NATO/and western nations who backed the coup to lose the oil fields. This is why the west freaked so bad over Crimea.


In Taking Crimea, Putin Gains a Sea of Fuel Reserves


When Russia seized Crimea in March, it acquired not just the Crimean landmass but also a maritime zone more than three times its size with the rights to underwater resources potentially worth trillions of dollars.

Russia portrayed the takeover as reclamation of its rightful territory, drawing no attention to the oil and gas rush that had recently been heating up in the Black Sea. But the move also extended Russia’s maritime boundaries, quietly giving Russia dominion over vast oil and gas reserves while dealing a crippling blow to Ukraine’s hopes for energy independence.

Russia did so under an international accord that gives nations sovereignty over areas up to 230 miles from their shorelines.


Major "fail" by Soros, the E.U and all Barrypuppet could do was shrug his puny shoulders and put sanctions on Russia which promptly dumped dollars....check and checkmate. Putin is always three moves ahead.

They hate Putin because he won't hand them Russia like that alcoholic idiot Boris Yeltsin did, once the alcoholic idiot Boris Yeltsin was out of the way and Vladimir Putin took control, he reasserted Russia's RIGHT to control itself and not be another Puppet Vassal of Washington DC's Imperialistic madness.

This is the ONLY reason they hate Putin, it's why we have all the anti-Russian and anti-Putin propaganda, it's why the psychopathic and insane Neo-Conservatives want to start a war with Russia, which would escalate rapidly into WWIII and with nuclear weapons.

If Putin just rolled over and said yes they could plunder all Russian business, have access to the whole of Siberia - that's what they covet, Siberia with it's endless supply of natural gas, diamonds and minerals etc - then within HOURS it'd be Russia's GREAT, Putin's GREAT etc.

However, Putin is fighting them and he won't roll over and he won't give them Russia like the alcoholic idiot Boris Yeltsin did, so Putin is evil and Russia is a greater threat than ISIS etc.
...we have all the anti-Russian and anti-Putin propaganda...

You're right, Lucy, but I wonder: isn't everybody already sick and tired of that crap???

Vladimir Putin: I think I mentioned our ”guilt“ in the floods in Europe. I think this is another such joke. Actually, I think it is indecent to mention Russia when speaking of any issue, even those we have nothing to do with, to make our country out to be some kind of scarecrow. This not what intelligent people would do, I think.

Meeting with heads of international news agencies
Last edited:
Putin has proved, considering how Ukraine has been treated (remember the Crimea annexation ?) to be a leader with thinking dangerously akin to the old Soviet model. Grab foreign territory. Bluster and reject the smallest criticism of it. We cannot trust this nutter.

Ok, so, Russia has had (and will have) its role in defeating ISIS (though Russia preferred to play politics in favouring Syria's leader, so was less than coherently selective in targeting ISIS specifically). Greater international cooperation would make sense in defeating them ... yes. But if we place trust in Russia, we must be nuts ....

Grab foreign territory? Pffffffffft. Crimea was and always will be Russian. Their decision to separate from the American and EU backed Nazis in Kiev was a wise one. Next up, Russia's roll in defeating ISIS had nothing to do with politics but with self preservation. Chechen terrorists pledged allegiance to ISIS and many Chechen jihadists are fighting with ISIS as we speak.

As a matter of fact ISIS key commander who led the invasion of Iraq is Chechen. So Putin who was tired of the "snowflake" approach to dealing with ISIS went balls to the walls to rid Syria of the monsters we allowed to exist in the hopes that they would overthrow Assad.

Russia and Putin have real skin in this game. As compared to the west who would still want Assad gone and the Muslim Brotherhood to be installed.

Now to Assad, Russia and Syria have been since last century allies. Along with Iran. Of course he backed Assad.

And if you want to do some reading and understand why Putin jumped into the war against ISIS, here's a great article.

ISIS opens a new front on Europe's doorstep: Chechan jihadi group with 'up to 15,000' fighters pledge allegiance to terror horde
  • Leader of terror group known as Caucuses Emirate declared loyalty to ISIS
  • 'We need to unite... so we can cut off the heads of the infidels,' he has said
  • Group operates in Russian republics of Chechnya, Daghestan, Ingushetia
  • It has killed hundreds in deadly terror attacks on Russian soil since 2007
  • Eight million already live in ISIS territory across MIddle East, north Africa
ISIS opens a new front on Putin's doorstep

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! Saved me from having to explain that to the idiots here. The only thing you left out was George Soros's role in the coup de 'etat of Ukraine....nicely done.

Any journalist who wants to attempt to report on what's happening in the Ukraine, is put on the Blacklist and called "terrorist collaborators", like the below article states and these other idiots ramble on about Russia and Putin, but chose to ignore what happens in not only Ukraine but also in Turkey.

Ukraine Declares War on Journalism

By IAN BATES ON MAY 31, 2016

"KIEV, Ukraine — In July 2014, I went to Donetsk, a separatist-controlled region in eastern Ukraine, to cover the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. It was a dangerous place at the time. The Ukrainian military and the rebels were shelling each other, and temperamental men with Kalashnikovs who had been known to kidnap journalists were everywhere.

Like many foreign reporters, I was there to relay what was happening to the remains of the downed flight’s 298 passengers and crew members. Before I went to the crash site, I obtained accreditation from the separatists. This did not guarantee that I would be safe, but it was the only way to get past the armed checkpoints.

Now Ukraine has labeled me an accomplice in terrorism.

On May 7, the website Mirotvorets (“Peacemaker”), courtesy of anonymous hackers, published part of the separatists’ accreditation records. My name, email address and phone number were among those of more than 4,000 journalists, including freelancers like me, as well as correspondents from this newspaper, Reuters, the BBC and other outlets. We were collectively labeled “terrorist collaborators” for gaining accreditation from the separatists. The list’s publishers claimed not to know what the consequences would be of releasing this information, but it seemed clear that the intent was to encourage people to take action against the journalists on their own.

Anton Gerashchenko, a member of Ukraine’s Parliament and an adviser to the Ministry of Interior, praised the publication of the list and called for journalists to assist Ukraine in its “information war” with Russia. Condemnation of the list followed from organizations including the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and the Committee to Protect Journalists. Ukraine’s ombudsman called for the website to be blocked. As criticism built, the people running Mirotvorets said they would take their website offline and the Kiev prosecutor’s office began an investigation into whether or not those running the site had committed a crime."

Here's the rest of the article, it's The New York Times.

And more:

Ukraine's spy agency, the SBU, is systematically rounding up and torturing suspected rebel sympathisers, the United Nations has told The Times.

The UN report documents hundreds of cases of illegal detention, torture and ill-treatment of detainees — both by pro-Russian armed groups and by government agencies. As UNIAN reported earlier, on May 25, the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) suspended its visit to Ukraine after being denied access to places in several parts of the country where it suspected people were being deprived of their liberty by the SBU Security Service of Ukraine.

The Times: Kyiv allows torture and runs secret jails, says UN

And it's only a small tip of the huge iceberg of things Kiev junta is doing to their countrymen, who disagree with their regime. This has a name and the name is "fascism".

Uh-oh, more stunning non-intellectual content from the Sheep, when you're in The Echo Chamber you don't hear that nobody gives a crap what you're saying, it's all yadda yadda yadda, blah, blah, blah.




Stop Thinking and Keep Drinking.



Putin has proved, considering how Ukraine has been treated (remember the Crimea annexation ?) to be a leader with thinking dangerously akin to the old Soviet model. Grab foreign territory. Bluster and reject the smallest criticism of it. We cannot trust this nutter.

Ok, so, Russia has had (and will have) its role in defeating ISIS (though Russia preferred to play politics in favouring Syria's leader, so was less than coherently selective in targeting ISIS specifically). Greater international cooperation would make sense in defeating them ... yes. But if we place trust in Russia, we must be nuts ....

Grab foreign territory? Pffffffffft. Crimea was and always will be Russian. Their decision to separate from the American and EU backed Nazis in Kiev was a wise one. Next up, Russia's roll in defeating ISIS had nothing to do with politics but with self preservation. Chechen terrorists pledged allegiance to ISIS and many Chechen jihadists are fighting with ISIS as we speak.

As a matter of fact ISIS key commander who led the invasion of Iraq is Chechen. So Putin who was tired of the "snowflake" approach to dealing with ISIS went balls to the walls to rid Syria of the monsters we allowed to exist in the hopes that they would overthrow Assad.

Russia and Putin have real skin in this game. As compared to the west who would still want Assad gone and the Muslim Brotherhood to be installed.

Now to Assad, Russia and Syria have been since last century allies. Along with Iran. Of course he backed Assad.

And if you want to do some reading and understand why Putin jumped into the war against ISIS, here's a great article.

ISIS opens a new front on Europe's doorstep: Chechan jihadi group with 'up to 15,000' fighters pledge allegiance to terror horde
  • Leader of terror group known as Caucuses Emirate declared loyalty to ISIS
  • 'We need to unite... so we can cut off the heads of the infidels,' he has said
  • Group operates in Russian republics of Chechnya, Daghestan, Ingushetia
  • It has killed hundreds in deadly terror attacks on Russian soil since 2007
  • Eight million already live in ISIS territory across MIddle East, north Africa
ISIS opens a new front on Putin's doorstep

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! Saved me from having to explain that to the idiots here. The only thing you left out was George Soros's role in the coup de 'etat of Ukraine....nicely done.

Any journalist who wants to attempt to report on what's happening in the Ukraine, is put on the Blacklist and called "terrorist collaborators", like the below article states and these other idiots ramble on about Russia and Putin, but chose to ignore what happens in not only Ukraine but also in Turkey.

Ukraine Declares War on Journalism

By IAN BATES ON MAY 31, 2016

"KIEV, Ukraine — In July 2014, I went to Donetsk, a separatist-controlled region in eastern Ukraine, to cover the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. It was a dangerous place at the time. The Ukrainian military and the rebels were shelling each other, and temperamental men with Kalashnikovs who had been known to kidnap journalists were everywhere.

Like many foreign reporters, I was there to relay what was happening to the remains of the downed flight’s 298 passengers and crew members. Before I went to the crash site, I obtained accreditation from the separatists. This did not guarantee that I would be safe, but it was the only way to get past the armed checkpoints.

Now Ukraine has labeled me an accomplice in terrorism.

On May 7, the website Mirotvorets (“Peacemaker”), courtesy of anonymous hackers, published part of the separatists’ accreditation records. My name, email address and phone number were among those of more than 4,000 journalists, including freelancers like me, as well as correspondents from this newspaper, Reuters, the BBC and other outlets. We were collectively labeled “terrorist collaborators” for gaining accreditation from the separatists. The list’s publishers claimed not to know what the consequences would be of releasing this information, but it seemed clear that the intent was to encourage people to take action against the journalists on their own.

Anton Gerashchenko, a member of Ukraine’s Parliament and an adviser to the Ministry of Interior, praised the publication of the list and called for journalists to assist Ukraine in its “information war” with Russia. Condemnation of the list followed from organizations including the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and the Committee to Protect Journalists. Ukraine’s ombudsman called for the website to be blocked. As criticism built, the people running Mirotvorets said they would take their website offline and the Kiev prosecutor’s office began an investigation into whether or not those running the site had committed a crime."

Here's the rest of the article, it's The New York Times.

And more:

Ukraine's spy agency, the SBU, is systematically rounding up and torturing suspected rebel sympathisers, the United Nations has told The Times.

The UN report documents hundreds of cases of illegal detention, torture and ill-treatment of detainees — both by pro-Russian armed groups and by government agencies. As UNIAN reported earlier, on May 25, the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) suspended its visit to Ukraine after being denied access to places in several parts of the country where it suspected people were being deprived of their liberty by the SBU Security Service of Ukraine.

The Times: Kyiv allows torture and runs secret jails, says UN

And it's only a small tip of the huge iceberg of things Kiev junta is doing to their countrymen, who disagree with their regime. This has a name and the name is "fascism".

Uh-oh, more stunning non-intellectual content from the Sheep, when you're in The Echo Chamber you don't hear that nobody gives a crap what you're saying, it's all yadda yadda yadda, blah, blah, blah.




Stop Thinking and Keep Drinking.



Ukraine is fighting to remain free of Russia. I have utmost sympathy with them. As for Crimea ... see ....

Crimea is Not Historically ‘Ours,’ Russian Historian Says in ‘Vedomosti’

Ukraine, in fighting to be free of Russia, is no doubt remembering an especially dark chapter in its history, experienced under Stalin ... and is desperate to be free of any possibility of anything at all comparable. See ....

Remembering Ukraine's Uknown Holocaust

As I say, my sympathies are with Ukraine.
Grab foreign territory? Pffffffffft. Crimea was and always will be Russian. Their decision to separate from the American and EU backed Nazis in Kiev was a wise one. Next up, Russia's roll in defeating ISIS had nothing to do with politics but with self preservation. Chechen terrorists pledged allegiance to ISIS and many Chechen jihadists are fighting with ISIS as we speak.

As a matter of fact ISIS key commander who led the invasion of Iraq is Chechen. So Putin who was tired of the "snowflake" approach to dealing with ISIS went balls to the walls to rid Syria of the monsters we allowed to exist in the hopes that they would overthrow Assad.

Russia and Putin have real skin in this game. As compared to the west who would still want Assad gone and the Muslim Brotherhood to be installed.

Now to Assad, Russia and Syria have been since last century allies. Along with Iran. Of course he backed Assad.

And if you want to do some reading and understand why Putin jumped into the war against ISIS, here's a great article.

ISIS opens a new front on Europe's doorstep: Chechan jihadi group with 'up to 15,000' fighters pledge allegiance to terror horde
  • Leader of terror group known as Caucuses Emirate declared loyalty to ISIS
  • 'We need to unite... so we can cut off the heads of the infidels,' he has said
  • Group operates in Russian republics of Chechnya, Daghestan, Ingushetia
  • It has killed hundreds in deadly terror attacks on Russian soil since 2007
  • Eight million already live in ISIS territory across MIddle East, north Africa
ISIS opens a new front on Putin's doorstep

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! Saved me from having to explain that to the idiots here. The only thing you left out was George Soros's role in the coup de 'etat of Ukraine....nicely done.

Any journalist who wants to attempt to report on what's happening in the Ukraine, is put on the Blacklist and called "terrorist collaborators", like the below article states and these other idiots ramble on about Russia and Putin, but chose to ignore what happens in not only Ukraine but also in Turkey.

Ukraine Declares War on Journalism

By IAN BATES ON MAY 31, 2016

"KIEV, Ukraine — In July 2014, I went to Donetsk, a separatist-controlled region in eastern Ukraine, to cover the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. It was a dangerous place at the time. The Ukrainian military and the rebels were shelling each other, and temperamental men with Kalashnikovs who had been known to kidnap journalists were everywhere.

Like many foreign reporters, I was there to relay what was happening to the remains of the downed flight’s 298 passengers and crew members. Before I went to the crash site, I obtained accreditation from the separatists. This did not guarantee that I would be safe, but it was the only way to get past the armed checkpoints.

Now Ukraine has labeled me an accomplice in terrorism.

On May 7, the website Mirotvorets (“Peacemaker”), courtesy of anonymous hackers, published part of the separatists’ accreditation records. My name, email address and phone number were among those of more than 4,000 journalists, including freelancers like me, as well as correspondents from this newspaper, Reuters, the BBC and other outlets. We were collectively labeled “terrorist collaborators” for gaining accreditation from the separatists. The list’s publishers claimed not to know what the consequences would be of releasing this information, but it seemed clear that the intent was to encourage people to take action against the journalists on their own.

Anton Gerashchenko, a member of Ukraine’s Parliament and an adviser to the Ministry of Interior, praised the publication of the list and called for journalists to assist Ukraine in its “information war” with Russia. Condemnation of the list followed from organizations including the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and the Committee to Protect Journalists. Ukraine’s ombudsman called for the website to be blocked. As criticism built, the people running Mirotvorets said they would take their website offline and the Kiev prosecutor’s office began an investigation into whether or not those running the site had committed a crime."

Here's the rest of the article, it's The New York Times.

And more:

Ukraine's spy agency, the SBU, is systematically rounding up and torturing suspected rebel sympathisers, the United Nations has told The Times.

The UN report documents hundreds of cases of illegal detention, torture and ill-treatment of detainees — both by pro-Russian armed groups and by government agencies. As UNIAN reported earlier, on May 25, the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) suspended its visit to Ukraine after being denied access to places in several parts of the country where it suspected people were being deprived of their liberty by the SBU Security Service of Ukraine.

The Times: Kyiv allows torture and runs secret jails, says UN

And it's only a small tip of the huge iceberg of things Kiev junta is doing to their countrymen, who disagree with their regime. This has a name and the name is "fascism".

Uh-oh, more stunning non-intellectual content from the Sheep, when you're in The Echo Chamber you don't hear that nobody gives a crap what you're saying, it's all yadda yadda yadda, blah, blah, blah.




Stop Thinking and Keep Drinking.



Ukraine is fighting to remain free of Russia. I have utmost sympathy with them. As for Crimea ... see ....

Crimea is Not Historically ‘Ours,’ Russian Historian Says in ‘Vedomosti’

Ukraine, in fighting to be free of Russia, is no doubt remembering an especially dark chapter in its history, experienced under Stalin ... and is desperate to be free of any possibility of anything at all comparable. See ....

Remembering Ukraine's Uknown Holocaust

As I say, my sympathies are with Ukraine.

I accept that you have this opinion, at least you have an intelligent discussion with people, you're not one of the Kool-Aid Drinking Bubbleheads who just parrot what's fed to them.

So on this Russian issue I can agree to disagree with you, we can't and shouldn't agree on everything, if we did, then we'd be Sheep, but we're don't and we're not.

Edited for a silly error.
Last edited:
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! Saved me from having to explain that to the idiots here. The only thing you left out was George Soros's role in the coup de 'etat of Ukraine....nicely done.

Any journalist who wants to attempt to report on what's happening in the Ukraine, is put on the Blacklist and called "terrorist collaborators", like the below article states and these other idiots ramble on about Russia and Putin, but chose to ignore what happens in not only Ukraine but also in Turkey.

Ukraine Declares War on Journalism

By IAN BATES ON MAY 31, 2016

"KIEV, Ukraine — In July 2014, I went to Donetsk, a separatist-controlled region in eastern Ukraine, to cover the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. It was a dangerous place at the time. The Ukrainian military and the rebels were shelling each other, and temperamental men with Kalashnikovs who had been known to kidnap journalists were everywhere.

Like many foreign reporters, I was there to relay what was happening to the remains of the downed flight’s 298 passengers and crew members. Before I went to the crash site, I obtained accreditation from the separatists. This did not guarantee that I would be safe, but it was the only way to get past the armed checkpoints.

Now Ukraine has labeled me an accomplice in terrorism.

On May 7, the website Mirotvorets (“Peacemaker”), courtesy of anonymous hackers, published part of the separatists’ accreditation records. My name, email address and phone number were among those of more than 4,000 journalists, including freelancers like me, as well as correspondents from this newspaper, Reuters, the BBC and other outlets. We were collectively labeled “terrorist collaborators” for gaining accreditation from the separatists. The list’s publishers claimed not to know what the consequences would be of releasing this information, but it seemed clear that the intent was to encourage people to take action against the journalists on their own.

Anton Gerashchenko, a member of Ukraine’s Parliament and an adviser to the Ministry of Interior, praised the publication of the list and called for journalists to assist Ukraine in its “information war” with Russia. Condemnation of the list followed from organizations including the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and the Committee to Protect Journalists. Ukraine’s ombudsman called for the website to be blocked. As criticism built, the people running Mirotvorets said they would take their website offline and the Kiev prosecutor’s office began an investigation into whether or not those running the site had committed a crime."

Here's the rest of the article, it's The New York Times.

And more:

Ukraine's spy agency, the SBU, is systematically rounding up and torturing suspected rebel sympathisers, the United Nations has told The Times.

The UN report documents hundreds of cases of illegal detention, torture and ill-treatment of detainees — both by pro-Russian armed groups and by government agencies. As UNIAN reported earlier, on May 25, the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) suspended its visit to Ukraine after being denied access to places in several parts of the country where it suspected people were being deprived of their liberty by the SBU Security Service of Ukraine.

The Times: Kyiv allows torture and runs secret jails, says UN

And it's only a small tip of the huge iceberg of things Kiev junta is doing to their countrymen, who disagree with their regime. This has a name and the name is "fascism".

Uh-oh, more stunning non-intellectual content from the Sheep, when you're in The Echo Chamber you don't hear that nobody gives a crap what you're saying, it's all yadda yadda yadda, blah, blah, blah.




Stop Thinking and Keep Drinking.



Ukraine is fighting to remain free of Russia. I have utmost sympathy with them. As for Crimea ... see ....

Crimea is Not Historically ‘Ours,’ Russian Historian Says in ‘Vedomosti’

Ukraine, in fighting to be free of Russia, is no doubt remembering an especially dark chapter in its history, experienced under Stalin ... and is desperate to be free of any possibility of anything at all comparable. See ....

Remembering Ukraine's Uknown Holocaust

As I say, my sympathies are with Ukraine.

I accept that you have this opinion, at least you have an intelligent discussion with people, you're not one of the Kool-Aid Drinking Bubbleheads who just parrot what's fed to them.

So on this Russian issue I can't agree to disagree with you, we can't and shouldn't agree on everything, if we did, then we'd be Sheep, but we're don't and we're not.

Well said, Lucy, and thanks.:beer:
Any journalist who wants to attempt to report on what's happening in the Ukraine, is put on the Blacklist and called "terrorist collaborators", like the below article states and these other idiots ramble on about Russia and Putin, but chose to ignore what happens in not only Ukraine but also in Turkey.

Ukraine Declares War on Journalism

By IAN BATES ON MAY 31, 2016

"KIEV, Ukraine — In July 2014, I went to Donetsk, a separatist-controlled region in eastern Ukraine, to cover the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. It was a dangerous place at the time. The Ukrainian military and the rebels were shelling each other, and temperamental men with Kalashnikovs who had been known to kidnap journalists were everywhere.

Like many foreign reporters, I was there to relay what was happening to the remains of the downed flight’s 298 passengers and crew members. Before I went to the crash site, I obtained accreditation from the separatists. This did not guarantee that I would be safe, but it was the only way to get past the armed checkpoints.

Now Ukraine has labeled me an accomplice in terrorism.

On May 7, the website Mirotvorets (“Peacemaker”), courtesy of anonymous hackers, published part of the separatists’ accreditation records. My name, email address and phone number were among those of more than 4,000 journalists, including freelancers like me, as well as correspondents from this newspaper, Reuters, the BBC and other outlets. We were collectively labeled “terrorist collaborators” for gaining accreditation from the separatists. The list’s publishers claimed not to know what the consequences would be of releasing this information, but it seemed clear that the intent was to encourage people to take action against the journalists on their own.

Anton Gerashchenko, a member of Ukraine’s Parliament and an adviser to the Ministry of Interior, praised the publication of the list and called for journalists to assist Ukraine in its “information war” with Russia. Condemnation of the list followed from organizations including the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and the Committee to Protect Journalists. Ukraine’s ombudsman called for the website to be blocked. As criticism built, the people running Mirotvorets said they would take their website offline and the Kiev prosecutor’s office began an investigation into whether or not those running the site had committed a crime."

Here's the rest of the article, it's The New York Times.

And more:

Ukraine's spy agency, the SBU, is systematically rounding up and torturing suspected rebel sympathisers, the United Nations has told The Times.

The UN report documents hundreds of cases of illegal detention, torture and ill-treatment of detainees — both by pro-Russian armed groups and by government agencies. As UNIAN reported earlier, on May 25, the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) suspended its visit to Ukraine after being denied access to places in several parts of the country where it suspected people were being deprived of their liberty by the SBU Security Service of Ukraine.

The Times: Kyiv allows torture and runs secret jails, says UN

And it's only a small tip of the huge iceberg of things Kiev junta is doing to their countrymen, who disagree with their regime. This has a name and the name is "fascism".

Uh-oh, more stunning non-intellectual content from the Sheep, when you're in The Echo Chamber you don't hear that nobody gives a crap what you're saying, it's all yadda yadda yadda, blah, blah, blah.




Stop Thinking and Keep Drinking.



Ukraine is fighting to remain free of Russia. I have utmost sympathy with them. As for Crimea ... see ....

Crimea is Not Historically ‘Ours,’ Russian Historian Says in ‘Vedomosti’

Ukraine, in fighting to be free of Russia, is no doubt remembering an especially dark chapter in its history, experienced under Stalin ... and is desperate to be free of any possibility of anything at all comparable. See ....

Remembering Ukraine's Uknown Holocaust

As I say, my sympathies are with Ukraine.

I accept that you have this opinion, at least you have an intelligent discussion with people, you're not one of the Kool-Aid Drinking Bubbleheads who just parrot what's fed to them.

So on this Russian issue I can't agree to disagree with you, we can't and shouldn't agree on everything, if we did, then we'd be Sheep, but we're don't and we're not.

Well said, Lucy, and thanks.:beer:

Good stuff :beer:
Putin has proved, considering how Ukraine has been treated (remember the Crimea annexation ?) to be a leader with thinking dangerously akin to the old Soviet model. Grab foreign territory. Bluster and reject the smallest criticism of it. We cannot trust this nutter.

Ok, so, Russia has had (and will have) its role in defeating ISIS (though Russia preferred to play politics in favouring Syria's leader, so was less than coherently selective in targeting ISIS specifically). Greater international cooperation would make sense in defeating them ... yes. But if we place trust in Russia, we must be nuts ....

I think if The West places trust in Turkey it'd be crazier.

Ukraine is in the hands of a dangerous group of lunatics, who have no problem with Svoboda, Tryzub and the Right Sector, all took part in the violence at Maidan, where they fought the police, injured hundreds of them and killed 18 of them.

If you have no problem with people who celebrate Stepan Bandera, then I suppose Ukraine looks like a nation under new great leadership. I bet most people aren't even educated to be aware of who Stepan Bandera is, let alone who Svoboda, Tryzub and the Right Sector are.

They just follow the Propaganda and drink the Kool-Aid. Hilarious that the same crowd calls everyone from Marine Le Pen to UKIP names, yet champion how great Ukraine is under this new great leadership.

Euromaidan headquarters, big picture of Stepan Bandera.


New Ukranian numbnuts and Puppet Petro Poroshenko, statue of Stepan Bandera in the background.


Edited to add pictures.

Finally!!!!! Today!!!

Polish Senate pays tribute to the citizens of the Second Polish Republic brutally murdered by Ukrainian nationalists, says the resolution.
On July 15, 2013, Poland's Sejm adopted a special resolution dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Volyn massacre. The resolution stated that crimes committed by the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army were of "the nature of an ethnic cleansing with signs of genocide." The resolution also specifies the number of Polish victims, killed in Volyn and Eastern Galicia in 1942-1945, to be around 100,000 people.
Senate of Poland voted for recognizing Volyn 1940 massacre as a genocide

«The Senate of the Republic pays tribute to the citizens of the II Republic were brutally murdered by Ukrainian nationalists», – stated in the decree.
As you know, on Thursday in relations between Kiev and Warsaw there is an additional reason for tension is due to the fact that Kyiv city Council has renamed the Moscow Avenue in the prospect of Stepan Bandera. Poland took this action as unfriendly.
The Polish Senate has voted for recognizing Volyn tragedy genocide

"The Senate of the Republic of Poland pays tribute to the residents of the Second Republic of Poland, brutally killed by Ukrainian nationalists", - stated in the text of the document. The UPA is praised as national heroes by the current Ukrainian regime.
Senate of Poland acknowledged the Volyn massacre as genocide

The document States that “the Volyn massacre, in addition to the poles killed Jews, Armenians, Czechs and representatives of other national minorities as well as Ukrainians who tried to help the victims.”
The Polish Senate adopted a resolution on recognizing Volyn tragedy genocide

"It is important that the Senate has adopted the resolution before July 11, the day when we traditionally commemorate the victims of the genocide, committed by the Ukrainian nationalists. ",a Polish official said.
Polish Senate calls for recognizing Volyn massacre as genocide


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