Post debunks Fox/Pub IRS timeline..of course.

Wash. Post Fact-Check Gives The Letter Theory Three Pinnochios. On June 24, The Washington Post examined Roskam's claim, echoed by right-wing media, that Camp's letter was linked to Lerner's hard drive crash. It concluded that Camp's letter was in fact asking about a different issue -- donors' contributions being subject to gift taxes (emphasis added):

Recall that the issue involving Lois Lerner was the targeting of conservative advocacy groups applying for 501(c)(4) status. But this letter concerned something different -- the IRS's decision to send letters to the donors of such organizations that their contributions might be subject to gift taxes.


The timing may seem suspicious, and perhaps Roskam has every right to jump to conclusions. But in claiming that Camp "sent a letter on this whole issue," he went too far in describing the contents of the letter. In fact, at least one person, Chris Wallace, was misled into thinking the letter concerned the applicants; there were probably many other listeners as well. We wavered between Two and Three Pinocchios on this. We can appreciate the argument that this was an important letter, but the causal connection to Lerner's hard drive appears far too tenuous for Roskam to make such claims, given that the letter does not mention conservative groups. [The Washington Post, 6/24/14]

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