Post-Surgery & FaceBook)


Easygoing Conservative
Jun 11, 2013
Basically, I had knee surgery this morning. Can't walk for six weeks.

Made a post about it on FB (hadn't mentioned needing surgery earlier) saying everything was alright.

Out of all my family members and supposed friends who are currently online, only 3 co-workers and two family members voiced their support. Something, anything.

It's like posting an update on FB that you made it through surgery and only one of your 20+ family members even acknowledge it. Clearly they can see my post, but they ignore it. Am I crazy for feeling hurt by this? I go out of my way to wish family and friends well when they're sick, yet when I'm feeling in need of emotional support I get nothing (besides from a few people). Makes me want to re-think who my friends are, and focus on building better relationships with the people who DID go out of their way to wish me well.


Clearly, I need to learn how to create better relationships with people. It angers me when you have cousins, coworkers, and aunts/uncles who say they're close to you and love you, yet during and after your post they don't even acknowledge you at all. What would you guys do? What should I do? How should I respond? Should I even say anything right now? I'm feeling hurt and angry about this. I thought people who care about you try to be there for you when you're down.
When I went through cancer people I had known for 10 years ran from me. One person I had known for 6 months ran toward me.
It's time to resort your mental filing cabinet. You have folks in the top drawer that don't belong there. MY take.
Life has a funny way to calibrate the social barometer. Sometimes it is sickness, other times it is the economy and still other times it the bullshit that comes out of the gossip mills.

Anyway I look at it I am better off knowing who my friends are and who to stay away from. Keeps things nice, simple and happy.

BTW get better

Mount a home invasion on them all when you are well enough. That's what I'm doing when my psychiatrist gets me stable enough.
When I went through cancer people I had known for 10 years ran from me. One person I had known for 6 months ran toward me.
It's time to resort your mental filing cabinet. You have folks in the top drawer that don't belong there. MY take.
Isn't it time for your thread of the day? wait it is a bit early.
You have a right to bitch.

Family members are like any other people: weak and self centered.
Basically, I had knee surgery this morning. Can't walk for six weeks.

Made a post about it on FB (hadn't mentioned needing surgery earlier) saying everything was alright.

Out of all my family members and supposed friends who are currently online, only 3 co-workers and two family members voiced their support. Something, anything.

It's like posting an update on FB that you made it through surgery and only one of your 20+ family members even acknowledge it. Clearly they can see my post, but they ignore it. Am I crazy for feeling hurt by this? I go out of my way to wish family and friends well when they're sick, yet when I'm feeling in need of emotional support I get nothing (besides from a few people). Makes me want to re-think who my friends are, and focus on building better relationships with the people who DID go out of their way to wish me well.


Clearly, I need to learn how to create better relationships with people. It angers me when you have cousins, coworkers, and aunts/uncles who say they're close to you and love you, yet during and after your post they don't even acknowledge you at all. What would you guys do? What should I do? How should I respond? Should I even say anything right now? I'm feeling hurt and angry about this. I thought people who care about you try to be there for you when you're down.

Sorry that happened. Just let it pass. BUT....I sure hope you feel better soon. Be sure to do all the right things to heal properly.
Oh, and those members? Give them time...
When I went through cancer people I had known for 10 years ran from me. One person I had known for 6 months ran toward me.
It's time to resort your mental filing cabinet. You have folks in the top drawer that don't belong there. MY take.
Isn't it time for your thread of the day? wait it is a bit early.
I was just thinking the same.
Hope you heal quickly, Wake.
First, remember emotions can run high when we have had surgery, which is very normal.
Second try not to let those that can 't seem to see past the nose on the end of their face get to you. Sometimes it is a symptom of their own lives actually being miserable in one way or another.

Good luck to you.
How are you feeling?

Also, gave it some thought, it could be some family members receive so many notices of posts they could have missed yours. Just a thought.
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In a lot of pain right now, even with the oxycodone and ibuprofen @ 600mg.

Constipated as all hell and I'm either restless as f*** or drowsy like a hippie after toking a heap of hash.

I have to HOP if I'm to get anywhere that has a step. I hate hopping. I don't HOP.

Working as a full-time CNA with three non-stop 12-hour shifts, my energy peaked this morning and I've been restless as f*** while confined to this bed, or a chair.

I hate it. Going nuts. Studying my pharmacology like crazy in advance of nrsg school this fall.

I get to take my bandages off tomorrow, AND CAN SHOWER!!! Also Physical Therapy for the first time tomorrow too. Been stuck in this freaking bed for fourteen hours. I'm going insane. My sleep cycle during the night is getting F'd over, too. Napping during the day b/c narcotic meds is causing me to wake up at night. I DON'T WANT to wake up during the night.

I'm being a whiny dick right now. I've got 6 more weeks of this shit before I can hopefully walk.

Lost all my muscle gains, and am putting on some blubber. Hell no. HELL NO. I can't work out atm to burn off anxiety and other negative emotions/feelings, so I'm in a pickle and coping the best way I can.

This pain is creeping up slowly. Ugh. It sucked waking up screaming after surgery yesterday, but thank god for meds.

The hardest part is wanting to be up and doing things. EVEN just cleaning up a C-DIFFY patient. Something. ANYTHING.
Basically, I had knee surgery this morning. Can't walk for six weeks.

Made a post about it on FB (hadn't mentioned needing surgery earlier) saying everything was alright.

Out of all my family members and supposed friends who are currently online, only 3 co-workers and two family members voiced their support. Something, anything.

It's like posting an update on FB that you made it through surgery and only one of your 20+ family members even acknowledge it. Clearly they can see my post, but they ignore it. Am I crazy for feeling hurt by this? I go out of my way to wish family and friends well when they're sick, yet when I'm feeling in need of emotional support I get nothing (besides from a few people). Makes me want to re-think who my friends are, and focus on building better relationships with the people who DID go out of their way to wish me well.


Clearly, I need to learn how to create better relationships with people. It angers me when you have cousins, coworkers, and aunts/uncles who say they're close to you and love you, yet during and after your post they don't even acknowledge you at all. What would you guys do? What should I do? How should I respond? Should I even say anything right now? I'm feeling hurt and angry about this. I thought people who care about you try to be there for you when you're down.

Did they cut off your balls?

Man the fuck up
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In a lot of pain right now, even with the oxycodone and ibuprofen @ 600mg.

Constipated as all hell and I'm either restless as f*** or drowsy like a hippie after toking a heap of hash.

I have to HOP if I'm to get anywhere that has a step. I hate hopping. I don't HOP.

Working as a full-time CNA with three non-stop 12-hour shifts, my energy peaked this morning and I've been restless as f*** while confined to this bed, or a chair.

I hate it. Going nuts. Studying my pharmacology like crazy in advance of nrsg school this fall.

I get to take my bandages off tomorrow, AND CAN SHOWER!!! Also Physical Therapy for the first time tomorrow too. Been stuck in this freaking bed for fourteen hours. I'm going insane. My sleep cycle during the night is getting F'd over, too. Napping during the day b/c narcotic meds is causing me to wake up at night. I DON'T WANT to wake up during the night.

I'm being a whiny dick right now. I've got 6 more weeks of this shit before I can hopefully walk.

Lost all my muscle gains, and am putting on some blubber. Hell no. HELL NO. I can't work out atm to burn off anxiety and other negative emotions/feelings, so I'm in a pickle and coping the best way I can.

This pain is creeping up slowly. Ugh. It sucked waking up screaming after surgery yesterday, but thank god for meds.
Basically, I had knee surgery this morning. Can't walk for six weeks.

Made a post about it on FB (hadn't mentioned needing surgery earlier) saying everything was alright.

Out of all my family members and supposed friends who are currently online, only 3 co-workers and two family members voiced their support. Something, anything.

It's like posting an update on FB that you made it through surgery and only one of your 20+ family members even acknowledge it. Clearly they can see my post, but they ignore it. Am I crazy for feeling hurt by this? I go out of my way to wish family and friends well when they're sick, yet when I'm feeling in need of emotional support I get nothing (besides from a few people). Makes me want to re-think who my friends are, and focus on building better relationships with the people who DID go out of their way to wish me well.


Clearly, I need to learn how to create better relationships with people. It angers me when you have cousins, coworkers, and aunts/uncles who say they're close to you and love you, yet during and after your post they don't even acknowledge you at all. What would you guys do? What should I do? How should I respond? Should I even say anything right now? I'm feeling hurt and angry about this. I thought people who care about you try to be there for you when you're down.

Did they cut off your balls?

Man the fuck up

Hey now, don't be too quick Skull.

I had to work 36 hours a week with this chunk of cartilage floating around and gashing my knee joint, and getting caught. For 1.5 months.

Oh, you mean the social side in the OP. Eh, it does suck man. Like, say you got in a car crash and someone posted about it on FB and only one of your family members even acknowledged you were in shit critical condition. It's not like I got my leg torn off, but it still sucks. At least family should be there for you right?
In a lot of pain right now, even with the oxycodone and ibuprofen @ 600mg.

Constipated as all hell and I'm either restless as f*** or drowsy like a hippie after toking a heap of hash.

I have to HOP if I'm to get anywhere that has a step. I hate hopping. I don't HOP.

Working as a full-time CNA with three non-stop 12-hour shifts, my energy peaked this morning and I've been restless as f*** while confined to this bed, or a chair.

I hate it. Going nuts. Studying my pharmacology like crazy in advance of nrsg school this fall.

I get to take my bandages off tomorrow, AND CAN SHOWER!!! Also Physical Therapy for the first time tomorrow too. Been stuck in this freaking bed for fourteen hours. I'm going insane. My sleep cycle during the night is getting F'd over, too. Napping during the day b/c narcotic meds is causing me to wake up at night. I DON'T WANT to wake up during the night.

I'm being a whiny dick right now. I've got 6 more weeks of this shit before I can hopefully walk.

Lost all my muscle gains, and am putting on some blubber. Hell no. HELL NO. I can't work out atm to burn off anxiety and other negative emotions/feelings, so I'm in a pickle and coping the best way I can.

This pain is creeping up slowly. Ugh. It sucked waking up screaming after surgery yesterday, but thank god for meds.
Basically, I had knee surgery this morning. Can't walk for six weeks.

Made a post about it on FB (hadn't mentioned needing surgery earlier) saying everything was alright.

Out of all my family members and supposed friends who are currently online, only 3 co-workers and two family members voiced their support. Something, anything.

It's like posting an update on FB that you made it through surgery and only one of your 20+ family members even acknowledge it. Clearly they can see my post, but they ignore it. Am I crazy for feeling hurt by this? I go out of my way to wish family and friends well when they're sick, yet when I'm feeling in need of emotional support I get nothing (besides from a few people). Makes me want to re-think who my friends are, and focus on building better relationships with the people who DID go out of their way to wish me well.


Clearly, I need to learn how to create better relationships with people. It angers me when you have cousins, coworkers, and aunts/uncles who say they're close to you and love you, yet during and after your post they don't even acknowledge you at all. What would you guys do? What should I do? How should I respond? Should I even say anything right now? I'm feeling hurt and angry about this. I thought people who care about you try to be there for you when you're down.

Did they cut off your balls?

Man the fuck up

Hey now, don't be too quick Skull.

I had to work 36 hours a week with this chunk of cartilage floating around and gashing my knee joint, and getting caught. For 1.5 months.

Oh, you mean the social side in the OP. Eh, it does suck man. Like, say you got in a car crash and someone posted about it on FB and only one of your family members even acknowledged you were in shit critical condition. It's not like I got my leg torn off, but it still sucks. At least family should be there for you right?

My experience with family is they want you there for them but they won't be there for you.

It's just me and my wife as I haven't had any contact with my family in almost 20 years
It will get better, but physical therapy will suck for awhile. My d-in-l tore her acl in 2 twice and had to have it replaced. She was miserable for awhile, but today she is physically very active.
I have noticed today vs when I was younger many people consider surgery just a run of the mill thing, nothing to it! Tell that to the person who just had it and they will beg to differ.

In a lot of pain right now, even with the oxycodone and ibuprofen @ 600mg.

Constipated as all hell and I'm either restless as f*** or drowsy like a hippie after toking a heap of hash.

I have to HOP if I'm to get anywhere that has a step. I hate hopping. I don't HOP.

Working as a full-time CNA with three non-stop 12-hour shifts, my energy peaked this morning and I've been restless as f*** while confined to this bed, or a chair.

I hate it. Going nuts. Studying my pharmacology like crazy in advance of nrsg school this fall.

I get to take my bandages off tomorrow, AND CAN SHOWER!!! Also Physical Therapy for the first time tomorrow too. Been stuck in this freaking bed for fourteen hours. I'm going insane. My sleep cycle during the night is getting F'd over, too. Napping during the day b/c narcotic meds is causing me to wake up at night. I DON'T WANT to wake up during the night.

I'm being a whiny dick right now. I've got 6 more weeks of this shit before I can hopefully walk.

Lost all my muscle gains, and am putting on some blubber. Hell no. HELL NO. I can't work out atm to burn off anxiety and other negative emotions/feelings, so I'm in a pickle and coping the best way I can.

This pain is creeping up slowly. Ugh. It sucked waking up screaming after surgery yesterday, but thank god for meds.
Basically, I had knee surgery this morning. Can't walk for six weeks.

Made a post about it on FB (hadn't mentioned needing surgery earlier) saying everything was alright.

Out of all my family members and supposed friends who are currently online, only 3 co-workers and two family members voiced their support. Something, anything.

It's like posting an update on FB that you made it through surgery and only one of your 20+ family members even acknowledge it. Clearly they can see my post, but they ignore it. Am I crazy for feeling hurt by this? I go out of my way to wish family and friends well when they're sick, yet when I'm feeling in need of emotional support I get nothing (besides from a few people). Makes me want to re-think who my friends are, and focus on building better relationships with the people who DID go out of their way to wish me well.


Clearly, I need to learn how to create better relationships with people. It angers me when you have cousins, coworkers, and aunts/uncles who say they're close to you and love you, yet during and after your post they don't even acknowledge you at all. What would you guys do? What should I do? How should I respond? Should I even say anything right now? I'm feeling hurt and angry about this. I thought people who care about you try to be there for you when you're down.

Did they cut off your balls?

Man the fuck up

Hey now, don't be too quick Skull.

I had to work 36 hours a week with this chunk of cartilage floating around and gashing my knee joint, and getting caught. For 1.5 months.

Oh, you mean the social side in the OP. Eh, it does suck man. Like, say you got in a car crash and someone posted about it on FB and only one of your family members even acknowledged you were in shit critical condition. It's not like I got my leg torn off, but it still sucks. At least family should be there for you right?

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