Post Your 30-Second Elevator Speech About Ukrainegate


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
We've all made up our minds about Trump and the quid pro quo allegation. All we are doing now is spitting and clawing at each other. Pointless.

Maybe most of middle America hasn't made up their minds, but we here on USMB are fanatics about politics, so we're all locked in.

I thought we should all maybe collect our thoughts and provide a 30-second elevator speech to present our case.

Just imagine you are in an elevator with Mr. and Mrs. Middle America, and they haven't made up their minds yet. What would you tell them?

You can be funny. You can be nasty. You can be serene. You can be hyperbolic.

But keep it to 30 seconds.

Mine is in the next post.
The long and the short is that Giuliani and Trump were hand fed a pile of lies by a corrupt prosecutor general looking for a patron as he was about to be fired from his job by an incoming honest reformer.

It is known throughout the world our president has a predilection for believing really outlandish things. Lutsenko saw this and played Trump like a bandura.

Trump is desperate to believe any conspiracy theory which feeds into his desire to disavow the fact Russia helped him get elected, and so Lutsenko ran with that.

All along the way, sane people tried to stop Trump from his own stupidity, but Giuliani is the only person Trump listens to, and Rudy sabotaged all of them every step of the way.
Protecting a drunk cocaine addict child , is what you guys do for some weird reason.

Protecting a drunk cocaine addict child , is what you guys do for some weird reason.

I think Mr. and Mrs. Middle America would appreciate a little more coherence than what you posted. :) about this one then.

Adam Schiff couldn't pour pee out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.

4 seconds................:abgg2q.jpg:
The long and the short is that Giuliani and Trump were hand fed a pile of lies by a corrupt prosecutor general looking for a patron as he was about to be fired from his job by an incoming honest reformer.

It is known throughout the world our president has a predilection for believing really outlandish things. Lutsenko saw this and played Trump like a bandura.

Trump is desperate to believe any conspiracy theory which feeds into his desire to disavow the fact Russia helped him get elected, and so Lutsenko ran with that.

All along the way, sane people tried to stop Trump from his own stupidity, but Giuliani is the only person Trump listens to, and Rudy sabotaged all of them every step of the way.

if I walked intro an elevator and you told me this line of crap the only thing I could tell you without being rude is,,

sorry little boy but you need an education in reality cause your facts are all wrong and the documented proof has been provided to you several times,,,

now be a good little boy and sit down and shut up,,,
we here on USMB are fanatics about politics, so we're all locked in.

I'm never "locked in" about anything. Trump loses my support and vote the day that:
  1. Any of the 19,741 wild, rash, allegations the Left have attacked him with are ever proven true.
  2. You guys pick your fights and only accuse people of stuff that you can actually reasonably prove rather than just flailing mud 24/7.
  3. That anyone out there shows me someone else other than Trump to vote for that is at least as good as him on his strong points while at the same time not 10X as guilty of doing all of the things you actually accuse HIM of to begin with!
I'm an English major. I can't say anything in 30 seconds or less. But it's a great idea for a thread. Hope you get a few intelligent responses.
Not sure...

"Please take time to review as much of the evidence and testimony as possible and make your own decision."

" I work for Donald J Trump. I'm about to make you an offer you can't refuse.....!"

" I work for Joe Biden. He doesn't really look like a creepy politician.......!
If the manager of a McDonalds told a customer, "I'm not selling you any cheeseburgers unless you promise to put new tires on my car", that manager would be fired.

- It doesn't matter if he actually needed the tires or not.
- It matters because those aren't HIS cheeseburgers to use as bargaining chips for his personal gain.

This is why Trump needs to be impeached.
If the manager of a McDonalds told a customer, "I'm not selling you any cheeseburgers unless you promise to put new tires on my car", that manager would be fired.

- It doesn't matter if he actually needed the tires or not.
- It matters because those aren't HIS cheeseburgers to use as bargaining chips for his personal gain.

This is why Trump needs to be impeached.

Trump plays political poker with tax payer money.

a bag of Mickey D burgers would never make it past his fat ass.
Would you support this type of behavior from a president you don't like? If any past or future president from an opposing party did the same things Trump has done, would you be okay with it?
I'm an English major. I can't say anything in 30 seconds or less. But it's a great idea for a thread. Hope you get a few intelligent responses.


my daughter teaches HS, AP English..

it is what it is -

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