Post your Favorite USMB 2012 Election Predictions!

Ok, I'll poke fun at myself here:

The latest polls show Obama has a shot in VA, IA and CO, but I seriously doubt that. I expect all 3 will go to Romney as will Florida and North Carolina.

PA and MI are not really swing states. They're locked in for Obama.

Obama is currently ahead and has stayed ahead all year in Nevada, Wisconsin, and Ohio, which is electorally all he really needs. New Hampshire will probably go Obama, but isn't really necessary in the contest.

The absolute cap for Obama is 347 Electoral Votes. That would involve him taking all of the states in question and stealing all states that are only narrowly GOP. I see that as impossible. The realistic cap is 318, but even at that point, if Obama gets 318 Electoral Votes given the data we've seen up till now, I think the GOP should launch voter fraud investigations. The only way he legitimately hits that number is if Sanday had a huge impact on the electorate that came too late for the polls to measure.

The absolute cap for Romney is 321. That represents him winning all swing states and stealing all of the barely blue states. The more realistic cap for Romney is 310. That represents him taking all currently tied states plus New Hampshire, Virginia, Wisconsin, Iowa, Colorado, and Nevada. The only legitimate way that Romney cracks that ceiling is if all the polls really REALLY were biased, and that includes even Rasmussen as he's converging to the rest today as expected. If Romney cracks that barrier the DNC should launch investigations into voter suppression charges across the nation.

I'm standing pat. No landslide tomorrow.

I was pretty wrong.
Idiotic predictions are all well and good. But it's even more enjoyable if you add another dimension by tracing the breakdowns of the inexplicably overconfident deluded right.
Now that's fucking funny.

Stuff like this was the best part of election night.
This one is fantastic when one looks at most of the threads opened over the last few days.

National hotline for the depressed and suicidal after the election.

Not to worried about the right wing fanatics, they are general built of sturdy stuff and have actual family members and a group to support them.

Some of those lefties though, if they lose they only have fellow Obama fluffers to support them and they are all gonna be down. No outside support group to help them through their depression. Since most of them murder their unborn they have no family to turn to for support either.

Poor fools, if they lose they will have no where to go, no support, no help to alleviate that crushing depression of knowing they were lied to by the main stream press and mislead by the Democratic party and all the Liberal talking heads.
Did Dr.House take the coward's way out?

If Wisconson were a lock for the empty char, he wouldn't need to campaign there..

I hope liberals remember suicide is a cowards way out... However bad you feel on election night, don't take the cowards way out...
I live in a little backwoods, hick town in SW Wisconsin. At one of the major intersections of town with a road leading out of town, a house on the corner had obama/biden signs lined up along in their lawn next to the road. First night they were there someone ran them all down. Yeah, there may be a few dough head odumbo supporters here in Wisconsin, but by NO MEANS is it a MAJORITY. Judging by people I talk to here, I predict Romney will win Wisconsin. I personally know two people, both democrats, that will NOT vote for obama again. They think he's a total LIAR and an EMPTY SUIT, a SHAM, a FLIM FLAM MAN full of fucking GAS, and I'm sure that sentiment is shared by MANY, "old school" democrats here. Where you find the majority of support for the kenyan here in Wisconsin is in the slums of Milwaukee, mostly black, and the brain washing institutions they call universities. That ain't enough. Romney will win Wisconsin. The fact that Walker won his recall and Paul Ryan is from Wisconsin should tell you something.

Survey Says


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I'll start:

To all my conservative pals on here...........if you wanna laugh your balls off on election night, make sure to stop in here for sure!!! I'll have some of you crying you'll be laughing so hard!!! Years from now when people ask about great, great days in your will quickly recall Election NIght 2012


On November 7th, I spent the better part of one full hour, bumping up all of the "Obama Can't Win," "Romney Will Crush Him," "Obama Is An Asshole" threads I could find. I got over twenty of them.

Haven't had so much fun since the pigs ate my brother.

For some reason, they didn't draw too may posts and quickly disappeared into the fading morass of the "back pages." I wonder why . . . .


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i'll start:

to all my conservative pals on here...........if you wanna laugh your balls off on election night, make sure to stop in here for sure!!! I'll have some of you crying you'll be laughing so hard!!! Years from now when people ask about great, great days in your will quickly recall election night 2012


on november 7th, i spent the better part of one full hour, bumping up all of the "obama can't win," "romney will crush him," "obama is an asshole" threads i could find. I got over twenty of them.

Haven't had so much fun since the pigs ate my brother.

For some reason, they didn't draw too may posts and quickly disappeared into the fading morass of the "back pages." i wonder why . . . .

Four more years of president obama!!! A supreme court that will not turn into a conservative court!!!! Health care for all!!!

Say hallelujah!!!!!

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