Post your ideas on border security

Human beings act based on incentives and internal value calculation (i.e. is doing X worth more than not doing X or doing Y instead).

If you don't want illegal immigration reduce or remove the barriers to legal immigration while at the same time removing the incentives for the illegal variety.

If you don't want black market importation of drugs (or anything else), then don't create a black market in the first place.

Putting up walls and other physical barriers just provides incentives to circumnavigate those barriers, since coming up with systems to do so becomes more lucrative if the incentives to doing so are worthwhile.

The US is at war. To say that the wall will not stop drug coming across is like saying during a war, why put the mine field there or the tank barricades there cuz they will come anyway?
The majority of drugs come through customs/legal ports of entry. A physical barrier will stop humans from getting across, until they figure out another way. I sure hope they don't think of boats, because if the border is an issue, holy crow the coast would be 20x worse.
Meth, cocaine, heroin: Most gets smuggled through ports of entry. A wall won't stop it.

Good. The Coast Guards have a much easier task catching and finding a boat than hundreds of miles of coverage in the dark where it takes an hour to catch Coyotes once you find out where they are.
I live on the Maine coast, right up by Canada. You don't know what you're talking about.
You’re a member of the coast guard?
Human beings act based on incentives and internal value calculation (i.e. is doing X worth more than not doing X or doing Y instead).

If you don't want illegal immigration reduce or remove the barriers to legal immigration while at the same time removing the incentives for the illegal variety.

If you don't want black market importation of drugs (or anything else), then don't create a black market in the first place.

Putting up walls and other physical barriers just provides incentives to circumnavigate those barriers, since coming up with systems to do so becomes more lucrative if the incentives to doing so are worthwhile.

The US is at war. To say that the wall will not stop drug coming across is like saying during a war, why put the mine field there or the tank barricades there cuz they will come anyway?
The majority of drugs come through customs/legal ports of entry. A physical barrier will stop humans from getting across, until they figure out another way. I sure hope they don't think of boats, because if the border is an issue, holy crow the coast would be 20x worse.
Meth, cocaine, heroin: Most gets smuggled through ports of entry. A wall won't stop it.

Yes, when in a war the enemy finds clever ways to get around your defenses.

What, just lower the defenses or stop trying to fight?

Do we have to get in a real war to show you what one is? I'm sure in Yemen they would love a "war" like yours. Just stop with the Trump bullshit.
Human beings act based on incentives and internal value calculation (i.e. is doing X worth more than not doing X or doing Y instead).

If you don't want illegal immigration reduce or remove the barriers to legal immigration while at the same time removing the incentives for the illegal variety.

If you don't want black market importation of drugs (or anything else), then don't create a black market in the first place.

Putting up walls and other physical barriers just provides incentives to circumnavigate those barriers, since coming up with systems to do so becomes more lucrative if the incentives to doing so are worthwhile.

The US is at war. To say that the wall will not stop drug coming across is like saying during a war, why put the mine field there or the tank barricades there cuz they will come anyway?
The majority of drugs come through customs/legal ports of entry. A physical barrier will stop humans from getting across, until they figure out another way. I sure hope they don't think of boats, because if the border is an issue, holy crow the coast would be 20x worse.
Meth, cocaine, heroin: Most gets smuggled through ports of entry. A wall won't stop it.

Good. The Coast Guards have a much easier task catching and finding a boat than hundreds of miles of coverage in the dark where it takes an hour to catch Coyotes once you find out where they are.
I live on the Maine coast, right up by Canada. You don't know what you're talking about.
You’re a member of the coast guard?
No, I'm the Queen of Sheba.
The US is at war. To say that the wall will not stop drug coming across is like saying during a war, why put the mine field there or the tank barricades there cuz they will come anyway?
The majority of drugs come through customs/legal ports of entry. A physical barrier will stop humans from getting across, until they figure out another way. I sure hope they don't think of boats, because if the border is an issue, holy crow the coast would be 20x worse.
Meth, cocaine, heroin: Most gets smuggled through ports of entry. A wall won't stop it.

Good. The Coast Guards have a much easier task catching and finding a boat than hundreds of miles of coverage in the dark where it takes an hour to catch Coyotes once you find out where they are.
I live on the Maine coast, right up by Canada. You don't know what you're talking about.
You’re a member of the coast guard?
No, I'm the Queen of Sheba.
She is an Old Lady.
The US is at war. To say that the wall will not stop drug coming across is like saying during a war, why put the mine field there or the tank barricades there cuz they will come anyway?
The majority of drugs come through customs/legal ports of entry. A physical barrier will stop humans from getting across, until they figure out another way. I sure hope they don't think of boats, because if the border is an issue, holy crow the coast would be 20x worse.
Meth, cocaine, heroin: Most gets smuggled through ports of entry. A wall won't stop it.

Good. The Coast Guards have a much easier task catching and finding a boat than hundreds of miles of coverage in the dark where it takes an hour to catch Coyotes once you find out where they are.
I live on the Maine coast, right up by Canada. You don't know what you're talking about.
You’re a member of the coast guard?
No, I'm the Queen of Sheba.

Here are a few of my ideas other than a wall.

1. Move military bases to the border. Just having them there creates barriers and the desert is a perfect environment to train soldiers for future wars. Then there would be no need to EVER move troops down there again for any reason cuz they already are there.

2. Drones. Not only should drones watch the border 24/7, like the NSA watches law abiding American citizens, perhaps, just perhaps, instead of sending out drones to target terrorists abroad they would send them to take out drug lords who kill about 300 Americans every day. After all, what terrorist murders 300 Americans every day?

3. Ports of entry need to be monitored. According to the government, most of the drugs make it through ports of entry. First of all, how do they know this? Do they see the drugs come through and do nothing or do they just assume it does and do nothing? Either way, they are to blame for this epidemic for doing NOTHING!

My guess is though, it's just a lie to be an argument for not building a wall, a wall that helps solve other issues as well, such as human trafficking and mass illegal immigration that is crushing the entitlement system in the US.

Make no mistake, Mexico is at war with the US. More US citizens die from drugs coming over every year than those who died in Vietnam. The only question becomes, when will the US wake up and fight back? Are US politicians in the back pockets of the drug cartels like they are in Mexico and Central America?

OFFICIALLY declare the US a conservative christian nation and start rounding up EVERYONE who isn't a white conservative christian. Become WORSE than nazi germany or communist russia. Then NOBODY will even WANT TO come here (except nazis from europe).

That should do the trick.

Boy that would really suck...image how safe, productive and likeminded this nation would be....Sounds terrible huh?
Here are a few of my ideas other than a wall.

1. Move military bases to the border. Just having them there creates barriers and the desert is a perfect environment to train soldiers for future wars. Then there would be no need to EVER move troops down there again for any reason cuz they already are there.

2. Drones. Not only should drones watch the border 24/7, like the NSA watches law abiding American citizens, perhaps, just perhaps, instead of sending out drones to target terrorists abroad they would send them to take out drug lords who kill about 300 Americans every day. After all, what terrorist murders 300 Americans every day?

3. Ports of entry need to be monitored. According to the government, most of the drugs make it through ports of entry. First of all, how do they know this? Do they see the drugs come through and do nothing or do they just assume it does and do nothing? Either way, they are to blame for this epidemic for doing NOTHING!

My guess is though, it's just a lie to be an argument for not building a wall, a wall that helps solve other issues as well, such as human trafficking and mass illegal immigration that is crushing the entitlement system in the US.

Make no mistake, Mexico is at war with the US. More US citizens die from drugs coming over every year than those who died in Vietnam. The only question becomes, when will the US wake up and fight back? Are US politicians in the back pockets of the drug cartels like they are in Mexico and Central America?

OFFICIALLY declare the US a conservative christian nation and start rounding up EVERYONE who isn't a white conservative christian. Become WORSE than nazi germany or communist russia. Then NOBODY will even WANT TO come here (except nazis from europe).

That should do the trick.

At least people were trying to be constructive until your post, it seems you are part of the problem in this country.
Cut off all incentive. Free healthcare and schooling come to mind
Mandatory e verify
Repeal and replace the anchor baby amendment to the Constitution.

That would sure help, also prosecute and fine all businesses that let illegals work.

  1. Strengthen E-verify and make it mandatory, and make it grounds for denying employment (which it currently isn’t).
  2. Then hold employers responsible for using E-verify to take away the jobs that the come to fill.
  3. Provide a guest worker program that works for industries that need them with employers paying a bond for those they bring in.
  4. Improved walls where they make sense (and no a 2000 mile wall across the entire border doesn’t make sense).
  5. Improved security at ports of entry, you know the place where most drugs actually cross the border.
  6. Expanded staffing for CBP and ICE so they they can actually go after those that overstay visas (how most illegals enter the country.
  7. Stop illegals from using public services like welfare, housing, public schools (including college).
  8. Address birthright citizenship so that you have to be here legally to benefit from jos soli.

Realize that 400,000 arrested persons is nothing. Seriously…if the 400,000 illegal aliens that were caught were released tomorrow, would your life change one iota? No. Not at all. If you say it would, put simply; you are lying.

Of course the conservatives here will intentionally mis-interpret what I said and assume I’m saying we shouldn’t apprehend people. I am not saying that. What I am saying is that the supposed “crisis” at the border is made up by the disgusting pervert named Donald Trump.

What I think is that we should catch every illegal we can and deport everyone of them.

I do think that if they were industrious and not a criminal otherwise while they were here (minimum 5 years lets say), they should get preferential treatment when they apply for citizenship. I look at the application for citizenship as an application to join our community or, to put it more easily, to join “our club.” If you look at it that way, would you just automatically accept the first applicant? No. Of course not. What you would want is the best people and someone who has proven they can work and function in our society is better qualified to join the club.

Anyway, we have enough security already. Stop creating a crisis out of thin air and the crisis will go away.

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