Posters Calling Christian Trump Supporters ‘Trash’ Appear in New York City

So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.

I do indeed and shall always stand for and salute Old Glory before kneeling before the Logos. Have a problem with that? Good. Find a cliff—a real high and bone crunchy one—now march right of its edge to the tune of "Back in the USSR".

Pretty sure the Logos does not approve of being put second to the country.

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Pretty sure your reptilian ordination needs some reprioritization. I doubt we'll offend the Cosmos.
So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.

There the Progs go again...trying to win people over by insulting them.

What an effective strategery!
You can't win over people with no heart, no soul and no morals.

You have to defeat them.

Proving once again that Progressivism is a toxic Medieval Secular Religion.

Burning the heretics isn't going to lead you to victory.
So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.

“Christians” supporting trump have revealed their true selves. They believe in nothing except fear and hate. They don’t give a shit about the meek, the hungry, the poor.
So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.
And the left still talks about civility. Pathetic bastards.

Get a sense of humor, those were pretty funny
Really? What do you find funny about them?

Humor cannot be explained. Either you get it or you do not.
It’s even harder to explain when there is a complete lack of humor to be found.

Humor is subjective.
The people who support trump may be white, but they are not Christian, they are pretend "Christians" who follow cults that try to prostitute the Christian faith. The OP forgets this.

Ooooh, the proud non-Christian doesn't approve of how we're practicing a religion she spits on. Gosh, however shall I go on without the approval of someone I don't consider worth pissing on?!
So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.

“Christians” supporting trump have revealed their true selves. They believe in nothing except fear and hate. They don’t give a shit about the meek, the hungry, the poor.

And if they vote only for strong Christian candidates, they're trying to force a theocracy. Can you pick a horse and stay on it?
So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.
Some idiots don't know the meaning of the words CIVILITY, TOLERANCE, and/or RESPECT. No amount of deaths or violence will help them learn...

In the immortal words of Forrest Gump, "Stupid is as stupid does'.

Speak for yourself, you're the one that supported and voted for the ASS Clown. But really what did you expect. 86% of Evangelicals voted for a man that has no honor, no respect, ,no dignity, no humility, no decency & the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone was to himself & Vladimir Putin.

So yes--Evangelicals & the Christian right are going to be made the subject of a lot of JOKES over their hypocrisy. In one single swipe the Republican party burned down it's family values platform and obliterated the credibility of every Evangelical church across this nation.


I just heard, "If you refuse to agree with me, you DESERVE rudeness and it's okay!!! But don't you DARE ever think ANYTHING the left does deserves anything but having their asses kissed!"
I mean Trump has had so many wives, which kid is from which mom? Who knows. Trump has done intros to porn flicks and was banging a porn star while his latest wife was pregnant. He is a reality show "celebrity" and con artist for a living with scams like trump university. Not to mention he is famous for grab them by the pussy.

So any christian that supports all this is at the least a massive hypocrite or fake and at best just really, really stupid.

Christians for trump is more a cult, real christianity is an afterthought.

"Reverend" Wheelie, I don't know if this is the first time you've been told this or not, but you should definitely write it down somewhere: no Christian on this planet is required to practice his or her faith according to YOUR dictates. No Christian on this planet is INTERESTED in your dictates.

If God has a problem with who Christians vote for, He's perfectly capable of telling them Himself. Just because He's spoken through the jawbone of an ass before doesn't mean He requires one now, so your services are not needed. Thanks.
The people who support trump may be white, but they are not Christian, they are pretend "Christians" who follow cults that try to prostitute the Christian faith. The OP forgets this.

Ooooh, the proud non-Christian doesn't approve of how we're practicing a religion she spits on. Gosh, however shall I go on without the approval of someone I don't consider worth pissing on?!
This site is one step above GAB and 4chan
So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.
And the left still talks about civility. Pathetic bastards.

So name calling is the same thing to you bastards as sending bombs or shooting, you're all pathetic pieces of trash. Whoops you use that line against lefties.
sending bombs - far as i know not a one of them was in any danger of ever actually BEING a bomb. link me up if that is incorrect and we have proof any of them could have actually exploded.

shootings - like at the softball field? or do you mean the synagogue? if the latter, then you do realize the man hated trump, right?

the people who do this shit are the pathetic pieces of trash. we *all* need to stop pretending the worst example of the other side is also a common one.
I just heard, "If you refuse to agree with me, you DESERVE rudeness and it's okay!!!

You just described this forum to a T

And you figure that makes it okay for YOU to do it?

Just find it funny that an active participant in such actions is whining about them. Seems there is a word for that...

Just find it funny that you think I'm rude to people who haven't been rude first, OR that I'm not rude to people on an equal basis. Seems to me you're projecting your own asinine behavior onto others.

I'm a bitch, but I'm an equal-opportunity bitch, and I'm NEVER a hypocrite.
I just heard, "If you refuse to agree with me, you DESERVE rudeness and it's okay!!!

You just described this forum to a T

And you figure that makes it okay for YOU to do it?

Just find it funny that an active participant in such actions is whining about them. Seems there is a word for that...

Just find it funny that you think I'm rude to people who haven't been rude first, OR that I'm not rude to people on an equal basis. Seems to me you're projecting your own asinine behavior onto others.

I'm a bitch, but I'm an equal-opportunity bitch, and I'm NEVER a hypocrite.

You are the one whining about the behavior.
I just heard, "If you refuse to agree with me, you DESERVE rudeness and it's okay!!!

You just described this forum to a T

And you figure that makes it okay for YOU to do it?

Just find it funny that an active participant in such actions is whining about them. Seems there is a word for that...

Just find it funny that you think I'm rude to people who haven't been rude first, OR that I'm not rude to people on an equal basis. Seems to me you're projecting your own asinine behavior onto others.

I'm a bitch, but I'm an equal-opportunity bitch, and I'm NEVER a hypocrite.

You are the one whining about the behavior.

No, I'm the one pointing out that OTHER people are whining about being expected to behave. I don't personally give a rat's ass if people act like cock knuckles, so long as they're not overtly calling for illegal behavior. But I will be damned if I sit by and listen to hypocritical ass napkins insisting that the OTHER side's heated rhetoric is responsible for anything and everything they want to blame on it, but THEIR heated rhetoric is perfectly fine.

And if you consider that "whining about behavior", then YOU are one of the hypocritical dipshits who's whining about being expected to behave, and you can piss off.
You just described this forum to a T

And you figure that makes it okay for YOU to do it?

Just find it funny that an active participant in such actions is whining about them. Seems there is a word for that...

Just find it funny that you think I'm rude to people who haven't been rude first, OR that I'm not rude to people on an equal basis. Seems to me you're projecting your own asinine behavior onto others.

I'm a bitch, but I'm an equal-opportunity bitch, and I'm NEVER a hypocrite.

You are the one whining about the behavior.

No, I'm the one pointing out that OTHER people are whining about being expected to behave. I don't personally give a rat's ass if people act like cock knuckles, so long as they're not overtly calling for illegal behavior. But I will be damned if I sit by and listen to hypocritical ass napkins insisting that the OTHER side's heated rhetoric is responsible for anything and everything they want to blame on it, but THEIR heated rhetoric is perfectly fine.

And if you consider that "whining about behavior", then YOU are one of the hypocritical dipshits who's whining about being expected to behave, and you can piss off.

Damn, more whining!
And you figure that makes it okay for YOU to do it?

Just find it funny that an active participant in such actions is whining about them. Seems there is a word for that...

Just find it funny that you think I'm rude to people who haven't been rude first, OR that I'm not rude to people on an equal basis. Seems to me you're projecting your own asinine behavior onto others.

I'm a bitch, but I'm an equal-opportunity bitch, and I'm NEVER a hypocrite.

You are the one whining about the behavior.

No, I'm the one pointing out that OTHER people are whining about being expected to behave. I don't personally give a rat's ass if people act like cock knuckles, so long as they're not overtly calling for illegal behavior. But I will be damned if I sit by and listen to hypocritical ass napkins insisting that the OTHER side's heated rhetoric is responsible for anything and everything they want to blame on it, but THEIR heated rhetoric is perfectly fine.

And if you consider that "whining about behavior", then YOU are one of the hypocritical dipshits who's whining about being expected to behave, and you can piss off.

Damn, more whining!

Damn, more hypocrisy!

Here's a thought. If you can't tolerate "whining" - aka people saying things you disagree with - maybe you should go somewhere else. Because for damned sure no one's going to stop disagreeing with you in the hopes they'll get your approval.

Frankly, at this point, I'm just hoping that if I continue to post in complete indifference to your disapproval, it'll actually make your head explode, and free us all from having to listen to YOUR whining about "whining".

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