BREAKING: The New York Police Dept has Ordered every Cop Regardless of Rank to Show up in Uniform Tomorrow in the City of NY

You guys tried that on 1/6... filming your crimes is just about the dumbest thing your can do. The absolute dumbest thing you can do is vote for Trump and volunteer to go to jail for the blob.
Ya fuel Bill's. Grocery Bill's inflation
Were at s all time high

The stupidity of you leftard maroons is exceeded only by your arrogance.

Since when is an election protest going to "stop US government operations"?

You nitwits are so fucking stupid it boggles the mind.

We have trannies and whacko leftards of all kinds storming capitol buildings in every state, "stopping government operations".

You dumbass fucktards are world class hypocrites.
An election protest happened on January 6 when that trump character tried to over throw the election. Maybe you were asleep or out of town maybe?
All Trump did was have a rally to pressure electors not to give Biden the win. That's all he did. He had nothing to do with the riot, told people to protest peacefully, offered to have the National Guard there from the beginning of the day to insure there was no disruption. so Trump never once did anything to violate the Constitution. In fact the commies impeached him for following the Constitution.
You are an embarrassment to our country. Look at yourself. You are lying to protect a man who wants to over ride the foundation of our country. He wants to be king. You are treating him like a king or someone who has pictures of you that make you lie to make sure the pictures do not come out.
You are an embarrassment to our country. Look at yourself. You are lying to protect a man who wants to over ride the foundation of our country. He wants to be king. You are treating him like a king or someone who has pictures of you that make you lie to make sure the pictures do not come out.

Name one thing I lied about.
Stalinism is not welcome in this country, fucktard.

Get the fuck outta here. And take your elected assholes with you.
It is very welcome here which is why your only recourse is to beg like a bitch and hope people voluntarily leave. 😄
When the intention of the riot is to stop the US Government operations it's Constitutional duties it is 500 times worse than some angry low life using a protest as an excuse to destroy and steal from a business.
Both groups are low lifes, but Trump rioters want to take down our government, the others are taking down a single business ot stealing for their own benefit.

They'll never make this screamingly clear distinction. Either they won't or they can't.
And you don't understand the difference between "warning" and "calling" for violence? Is that how you create your constant lies, ignorance?
And you don't understand the difference between "warning" and "calling" for violence? Is that how you create your constant lies, ignorance?
Why would he be warning about death & destruction?

If he wasn’t threatening it.
So tell me what you know about 1/6 that I don't know.

What I know is all Trump did was organize a rally. He didn't try to overthrow anything. His rally was designed to try and pressure Republican reps to vote against Joe's win, not to cause violence. But you liars keep twisting the story more and more that Trump planned the riot even though he told his followers protest in peace and even offered to have the National Guard there from the beginning of the day.

Of course the Democrats didn't want that. They where hoping that what happened would happen. They knew if it happened, the MSM would be able to convince sheep that Trump planned this all along. So many key phrases like "this is worse than 911" or "taking over the government" as if a bunch of yahoos dressed up like fake wrestlers had had the slightest chance at taking over a government with the strongest military in the world. But as most of us on the right know, you leftists are told what to think, not why you should be thinking it.
What I know is all Trump did was organize a rally. He didn't try to overthrow anything. His rally was designed to try and pressure Republican reps to vote against Joe's win, not to cause violence. But you liars keep twisting the story more and more that Trump planned the riot even though he told his followers protest in peace and even offered to have the National Guard there from the beginning of the day.

Of course the Democrats didn't want that. They where hoping that what happened would happen. They knew if it happened, the MSM would be able to convince sheep that Trump planned this all along. So many key phrases like "this is worse than 911" or "taking over the government" as if a bunch of yahoos dressed up like fake wrestlers had had the slightest chance at taking over a government with the strongest military in the world. But as most of us on the right know, you leftists are told what to think, not why you should be thinking it.
Hilarious attempt to rewrite an historical fact. Hang Mike pence…

Kiss that ring ray.

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