POTUS Shield: Trump’s Dominionist Prayer Warriors and the ‘Prophetic Order of the United States’

Trump didn't run as a right wing or a conservative just as a rebel.

Trump is whatever you want him to be. He can fake anything.
Since you proclaim yourself as this super scriptorian around here mind telling us who was on the throne when the Apostle Paul said this: Romans 13:1-7

Probably Vespasian or Titus. According to the scriptures, Nero.
It was Nero
And he blamed everything on the Christians like WP has

It was Nero according to the scriptures, the Nt probably was not penned till after the temple was destroyed, and I believe Paul was Josephus.

The article is not about "normal" Christians, its about abnormal ones, the fake ultra conservative ones who want segregation , that is mainly what they want, also take away all civil rights except for conservative Christians ones. I think even as a Mormon you would like that.
I have people coming to my door now, telling me how I'm going to hell, Baptist and JW, but the Mormon boys (teens) that come seem very nice, but I'm sure there are zealot Mormons and you probably are one of them.
Thank You. I'm sure you're a good hearted woman
Obviously Mudwhistle you do and did not listen to the trumps rallies and talks much. Most of his votes came due to the Supreme Court picks he could make, and his attack on PP and abortions (which he did a 180 on).

Funny not one protestant on the supreme court as of yet. Also Dems will take the maj of the house or senate come 2018 and that will put an end to that. Happy Holidays.
Since when has a person's religion been a qualification for the courts?
[You are aware that evil in the Bible was often meant to be interpreted as "envious?"No wonder you leftist think he's "evil"
And this has what to do with the article? Nothing like that was mentioned. I think you are posting in the wrong forum.
The article made assumptions and baseless accusations, but no where did it state RW Christians are the number 1 problem in America
Then you insert they were. It's you that needs to reread the article not us.
[You are aware that evil in the Bible was often meant to be interpreted as "envious?"No wonder you leftist think he's "evil"
And this has what to do with the article? Nothing like that was mentioned. I think you are posting in the wrong forum.
The article made assumptions and baseless accusations, but no where did it state RW Christians are the number 1 problem in America
Then you insert they were. It's you that needs to reread the article not us.
They like going down the road that silly article leads them down.
This is putting words in Trump's mouth.To wit: "Trump promised them the Supreme Court, attacks on legal abortion and Planned Parenthood, and legal changes to make conservative Christians more politically powerful."This assumes that Trump actually said this. He did not.
Trump simply promised all Americans that he wouldn't pack the courts with activist judges, as Obama has, and that he would stop taxpayers from having to pay for abortions.
You can't seem to understand that some of us resent being forced to pay for the murders of millions of the most helpless among us.

So far you've refuted nothing and proved nothing but like I do, have "opinions" which are no better or worse than any one elses. Next, read the entire article and how its summation applies to it. By the way, that is NOT trump quote. I quoted from the article and it said nothing that that sentence was a trump quote.
Obviously Mudwhistle you do and did not listen to the trumps rallies and talks much. Most of his votes came due to the Supreme Court picks he could make, and his attack on PP and abortions (which he did a 180 on).

Funny not one protestant on the supreme court as of yet. Also Dems will take the maj of the house or senate come 2018 and that will put an end to that. Happy Holidays.
Since when has a person's religion been a qualification for the courts?

Gee I don't know, ask the right wing and conservative Christians that . I get this a lot, from family members, we don't care who we vote for , as long as they put a conservative on the bench.
This is putting words in Trump's mouth.To wit: "Trump promised them the Supreme Court, attacks on legal abortion and Planned Parenthood, and legal changes to make conservative Christians more politically powerful."This assumes that Trump actually said this. He did not.
Trump simply promised all Americans that he wouldn't pack the courts with activist judges, as Obama has, and that he would stop taxpayers from having to pay for abortions.
You can't seem to understand that some of us resent being forced to pay for the murders of millions of the most helpless among us.

So far you've refuted nothing and proved nothing but like I do, have "opinions" which are no better or worse than any one elses. Next, read the entire article and how its summation applies to it. By the way, that is NOT trump quote. I quoted from the article and it said nothing that that sentence was a trump quote.
You didn't say it.....you implied it.
It's pretty much the same.
Talking to you is like trying to nail down a slug.
You constantly try to slither out from being nailed on your convictions.
I think the number one threat in America is the media.
I see alot of evidence these days of classic brainwashing techniques.
First thing the left and the corrupt media did was do whatever they could do to make Trump seem dishonest.
Then they made you people on the left hate him.
And now you're simply just making up a bunch of shit about him.
I'm sorry but Trump IS dishonest, you don't need anyone but Trump to show you that.

It's similar to the brainwashing that Muslims do to their kids with respect to Israel
First you identify the target
Then you marginalize it
Then you breed hatred of it
That sounds exactly like what Trump and others on the RW have done to the news media right here in this country.
POTUS Shield’s leaders view politics as spiritual warfare, part of a great struggle between good and evil that is taking place continuously in “the heavenlies” and here on earth, where the righteous contend with demonic spirits that control people, institutions and geographic regions. They believe that Trump’s election has given the church in America an opportunity to spark a spiritual Great Awakening that will engulf the nation and world. And they believe that a triumphant church establishing the kingdom of God on earth will set the stage for Christ’s return. Amedia says that the “POTUS” in the group’s name does not refer only to the president of the United States, but also to a new “prophetic order of the United States” that God is establishing.

Conservative Christian leaders are nursing a more-than-half-century grudge against the federal courts for rulings on school desegregation, separation of church and state, abortion, equality for LGBT people and more. Amedia has spoken repeatedly about a vision God gave him of a giant broom sweeping up and down the Supreme Court building. God, he said, is going to sweep the entire federal court system of unrighteous judges and “change the laws of the land.”
- Source

The religious right in the US (evangelicals, fundamentalists, baptists, charismatics, pentecostals) made a Faustian Bargain (a deal with the devil) to put their man trump in as president. However evil the acts of trump are, they perceive their god will forgive them because he will bring about a greater good, at least the way they see that way from their interpretation of the bible.

As I see, the religious right is the number threat to America, as is pointed out in the article.
Not a bigger threat than a 5 inch forehead that resembles a receding hairline; and an over bite that makes trees nervous...
t's pretty much the same.Talking to you is like trying to nail down a slug.You constantly try to slither out from being nailed on your convictions.
You still didn't read the article. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. Kindly keep on topic. How many times do I need to remind you?
t's pretty much the same.Talking to you is like trying to nail down a slug.You constantly try to slither out from being nailed on your convictions.
You still didn't read the article. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. Kindly keep on topic. How many times do I need to remind you?
I read it.
I don't agree with it.

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