Poverty is going up not down

I'll explain this to both sides...ready? If you are waiting for government to come save you from poverty you will die poor, got it! It's the biggest lie politicians tell while stealing every last dollar they can via taxes, fees, tolls, and any other scheme they can hatch to take your money.
You must mean since the pandemic.
You must mean since the scamdemic--there I fixed it for you. When poverty numbers are the highest in history in Nov. of 2022, you're going to have a hell of a time blaming it on republicans. Record high unemployment, record high number of illegal immigrants dragging on the economy and living in poverty. Enjoy your two years of an illegitimate regime because it only has 19 months left. LMAO.
The poverty rate always goes up under Democrats because the Democrats main goal is to keep everyone poor, pissed off and dependent on government. And if you think it's bad now, wait until the full weight of Biden's illegal alien invasion trickles down to Americans living just above the poverty level. This poverty is the result of incompetent leadership.

Income inequality is the hallmark of the republicans.
HaHaHa, what do you do for a living Penelope? If you are a professional, what do you think of the guy who sweeps your office making exactly the same wage as you do. I want to know how they are going to justify forcing employers to pay EVERYONE $420K/year, after all, that's what Fauci gets paid--Isn't that income inequality?

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