Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Fifty years after President Johnson started a $20 trillion taxpayer-funded war on poverty, the overall percentage of impoverished people in the U.S. has declined only slightly and the poor have lost ground under President Obama.

Aides said Mr. Obama doesn’t plan to commemorate the anniversary Wednesday of Johnson’s speech in 1964, which gave rise to Medicaid, Head Start and a broad range of other federal anti-poverty programs. The president’s only public event Tuesday was a plea for Congress to approve extended benefits for the long-term unemployed, another reminder of the persistent economic troubles during Mr. Obama’s five years in office.

“What I think the American people are really looking for in 2014 is just a little bit of stability,” Mr. Obama said.

Although the president often rails against income inequality in America, his policies have had little impact overall on poverty. A record 47 million Americans receive food stamps, about 13 million more than when he took office.

The poverty rate has stood at 15 percent for three consecutive years, the first time that has happened since the mid-1960s. The poverty rate in 1965 was 17.3 percent; it was 12.5 percent in 2007, before the Great Recession.

About 50 million Americans live below the poverty line, which the federal government defined in 2012 as an annual income of $23,492 for a family of four.

President Obama’s anti-poverty efforts “are basically to give more people more free stuff,” said Robert Rector, a specialist on welfare and poverty at the conservative Heritage Foundation.

“That’s exactly the opposite of what Johnson said,” Mr. Rector said. “Johnson’s goal was to make people prosperous and self-sufficient.”

The president’s advisers defend his policies by saying they rescued the nation from the deep recession in 2009, saved the auto industry and reduced the jobless rate to 7 percent from a high of 10 percent four years ago.

Gene Sperling, the president’s top economic adviser, said Mr. Obama has pulled as many as 9 million people out of poverty with policies such as extending the earned income tax credit for parents with three or more children and reducing the “marriage penalty.”
“There are things that this president has done that have made a big difference,” Mr. Sperling said Monday.

The White House again is pushing for an increase in the federal minimum wage, this time advocating a Senate bill that would raise the hourly rate to $10.10 from its current $7.25. Mr. Sperling said that action would lift another 6.8 million workers out of poverty.
“It would make them less dependent on government programs. It would not add to the deficit one penny, but it would reward work and reduce poverty,” he said.

The president is expected to use his State of the Union address Jan. 20 to pressure Congress to raise the minimum wage. He made the same pitch a year ago.

Democrats are advocating issues such as unemployment benefits and the minimum wage especially hard this year as the class-warfare rhetoric heats up to frame the congressional midterm elections. House Republican leaders oppose increasing the minimum wage and want unemployment benefits to be paid with savings elsewhere in the budget. Mr. Obama is insisting that the benefits be extended without offsets.

Read more: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record - Washington Times
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Interestingly, I Googled this topic.


Notice anything being reported by BSNBC, Clinton News Network, ABC or CBS?

Cause I did not see much if anything.

LOL at BSNBC still employing an idiot like AL Sharpton.
Yep, but don't worry he's coming to the rescue

He going to see we have MORE GOVERNMENT programs to suck monies off us for his stupid Commie "vision" about, Inequality

OScamCare was just the beginning, so hold onto your wallets

Did you all know you're suppose to work your asses off and deny your familes, to not only support this Government but Everyone else in the country?

And people died to get away from Government such as this one to come to, America the Land of the Free


Obama: Bloated Social Welfare Programs Are What Makes America A “Great Country”…

Thankfully this isn’t true, because if it was we’d be screwed.

Via The Hill:

President Obama on Wednesday marked the 50th anniversary of former President Lyndon Baines Johnson’s “war on poverty” address by arguing government programs on education, healthcare and jobs have had a positive impact on the nation.

“These endeavors didn’t just make us a better country. They reaffirmed that we are a great country,” Obama said in a statement. “They lived up to our best hopes as a people who value the dignity and potential of every human being.”

Obama credited programs like Social Security, Medicare and the Earned Income Tax Credit with lifting millions of people from poverty and preventing millions more from experiencing economic distress.

But the president also declared that the nation’s work to provide a safety net is “far from over,” and called on lawmakers to “redouble” efforts on the economy through an expansion of entitlement programs, government initiatives and raising the minimum wage.

“For all that has changed in the 50 years since President Johnson dedicated us to this economic and moral mission, one constant of our character has not: we are one nation and one people, and we rise or fall together,” Obama said.

The anniversary of Johnson’s speech dovetails with a renewed emphasis from the White House on the president’s economic agenda ahead of this month’s State of the Union address.


ZIP | January 8, 2014 6:55 pm
Last edited:
Can we at least agree that the government's war on poverty was about as successful as its war on drugs?
A record 47 million Americans receive food stamps, about 13 million more than when he took office. The poverty rate has stood at 15 percent for three consecutive years, the first time that has happened since the mid-1960s. The poverty rate in 1965 was 17.3 percent; it was 12.5 percent in 2007, before the Great Recession.

how neat ! one of the first steps in turning America into a 1950's style USSR under Uncle Joe Stalin ("Uncle", BTW is what the democRATS called him back then) is exactly what this regime wants, more and more citizens on the .gov dole, those who will be working will be under .gov control, they will be allowed to keep 12.5% of earnings and the rest will go to the useless/usefull idiots. :up:
Remember when liberals, through those same so called news outlets blamed Bush for the housing bubble?

Hell they are so stupid that those same people (those who work for those networks as well as those who actually believe what they report) still blame Bush for the debacle in New Orleans following Katrina.

Never mind that a democratic mayor did not properly set provisions for the city. The governor (democrat) never adhered to the Army Corp of engineers that said the levees were not adequate, and instead of fortifying them they spent tax dollars on casinos.

Democrats knew this, so they went on a full court press by blaming the federal government (Bush) for the mass problems.

As if any of those dolts understand a thing about logistics. As if they understand the nature of a 400 mile diameter storm covering 7 states, with all communication broke down and major roads completely cut off. The federal government's priority was not ONE CITY but SEVEN STATES.

Most of these liberal educated morons have no clue what the difference between local governments and federal governments is. The democrats count on their stupidity. ROCK THE VOTE!!!!! Don't learn the ISSUES, just "ROCK THE VOTE!!!"

Fucking miserable morons. It is actually entertaining watching them as as though they are the smart ones when ever they make their warped, ignorant points.
Damn you people are repetitive. Same fucking topic, same ignorant comments over and over and over and over and over............well you get the idea. Boring. Get some new material.

And don't forget to say thanks. Gotta let each other know how "smart" each of you are. LMAO.
Damn you people are repetitive. Same fucking topic, same ignorant comments over and over and over and over and over............well you get the idea. Boring. Get some new material.

And don't forget to say thanks. Gotta let each other know how "smart" each of you are. LMAO.

go back to Daily Kos then...they are the brilliant you want to mingle with
A record 47 million Americans receive food stamps, about 13 million more than when he took office. The poverty rate has stood at 15 percent for three consecutive years, the first time that has happened since the mid-1960s. The poverty rate in 1965 was 17.3 percent; it was 12.5 percent in 2007, before the Great Recession.

how neat ! one of the first steps in turning America into a 1950's style USSR under Uncle Joe Stalin ("Uncle", BTW is what the democRATS called him back then) is exactly what this regime wants, more and more citizens on the .gov dole, those who will be working will be under .gov control, they will be allowed to keep 12.5% of earnings and the rest will go to the useless/usefull idiots. :up:

Yes, I have been saying this for a while now. This president (from his point of socialist view) is not making mistakes. He has been educated and surrounded by socialism/communism his entire life. He is a Saul Alinsky disciple. He is a contrived fake president, put in place in order to do exactly what he is doing.

Destroy America and its capitalist ways. Expanding the poor class, destroying the middle class. Get a majority of the people reliant of government. Hence, the power of the people is ripped away, and the power of the government expands.

How to do this? Use rhetoric that makes these brainwashed morons believe they are on their side. That they actually care about the poor and down trodden. Make people believe that these Tea Party people are nothing but knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, hey seed, racist hicks.

How good of a job they have done.

The country is dead, and we will be witnesses. America was a good idea, but it is all but dead now.

They will blame Bush, cheer at the loss of their liberty, and cheer at the power being given to the government.

How bad will it get? That is a scary question isn't it? Look up what Pol Pot did and Mao did to what they considered dissidents.
Quick, change your channels to BSNBC, Clinton News Network etc etc and see if any of them are reporting this fact, or are they reporting something that has to do with ONE state (New Jersey)?
And the echo chamber in the far right reactionary wing nut hive reverberates.

No wonder modern day America shuts you folks off.

We are in the predicament because of a GOP Congress for a dozen years embraced by complacent Democratic and Republican presidents.
And the echo chamber in the far right reactionary wing nut hive reverberates.

No wonder modern day America shuts you folks off.

We are in the predicament because of a GOP Congress for a dozen years embraced by complacent Democratic and Republican presidents.

*********Left wing propaganda alert************
And the echo chamber in the far right reactionary wing nut hive reverberates.

No wonder modern day America shuts you folks off.

We are in the predicament because of a GOP Congress for a dozen years embraced by complacent Democratic and Republican presidents.

*********Left wing propaganda alert************

Nothing like staying on the topic of the thread
good ole Jakie, wash rinse repeat
A record 47 million Americans receive food stamps, about 13 million more than when he took office. The poverty rate has stood at 15 percent for three consecutive years, the first time that has happened since the mid-1960s. The poverty rate in 1965 was 17.3 percent; it was 12.5 percent in 2007, before the Great Recession.

how neat ! one of the first steps in turning America into a 1950's style USSR under Uncle Joe Stalin ("Uncle", BTW is what the democRATS called him back then) is exactly what this regime wants, more and more citizens on the .gov dole, those who will be working will be under .gov control, they will be allowed to keep 12.5% of earnings and the rest will go to the useless/usefull idiots. :up:

Yes, I have been saying this for a while now. This president (from his point of socialist view) is not making mistakes. He has been educated and surrounded by socialism/communism his entire life. He is a Saul Alinsky disciple. He is a contrived fake president, put in place in order to do exactly what he is doing.

Destroy America and its capitalist ways. Expanding the poor class, destroying the middle class. Get a majority of the people reliant of government. Hence, the power of the people is ripped away, and the power of the government expands.

How to do this? Use rhetoric that makes these brainwashed morons believe they are on their side. That they actually care about the poor and down trodden. Make people believe that these Tea Party people are nothing but knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, hey seed, racist hicks.

How good of a job they have done.

The country is dead, and we will be witnesses. America was a good idea, but it is all but dead now.

They will blame Bush, cheer at the loss of their liberty, and cheer at the power being given to the government.

How bad will it get? That is a scary question isn't it? Look up what Pol Pot did and Mao did to what they considered dissidents.

Pol Pof? Mao? How about Genghis Khan?
Man, real strange shit you post. You need to get the fuck out of my country. Seeing as how it's so fucking terrible, and you hate it so much.

Either that or seek professional help. You're fucking crazy.

how neat ! one of the first steps in turning America into a 1950's style USSR under Uncle Joe Stalin ("Uncle", BTW is what the democRATS called him back then) is exactly what this regime wants, more and more citizens on the .gov dole, those who will be working will be under .gov control, they will be allowed to keep 12.5% of earnings and the rest will go to the useless/usefull idiots. :up:

Yes, I have been saying this for a while now. This president (from his point of socialist view) is not making mistakes. He has been educated and surrounded by socialism/communism his entire life. He is a Saul Alinsky disciple. He is a contrived fake president, put in place in order to do exactly what he is doing.

Destroy America and its capitalist ways. Expanding the poor class, destroying the middle class. Get a majority of the people reliant of government. Hence, the power of the people is ripped away, and the power of the government expands.

How to do this? Use rhetoric that makes these brainwashed morons believe they are on their side. That they actually care about the poor and down trodden. Make people believe that these Tea Party people are nothing but knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, hey seed, racist hicks.

How good of a job they have done.

The country is dead, and we will be witnesses. America was a good idea, but it is all but dead now.

They will blame Bush, cheer at the loss of their liberty, and cheer at the power being given to the government.

How bad will it get? That is a scary question isn't it? Look up what Pol Pot did and Mao did to what they considered dissidents.

Pol Pof? Mao? How about Genghis Khan?
Man, real strange shit you post. You need to get the fuck out of my country. Seeing as how it's so fucking terrible, and you hate it so much.

Either that or seek professional help. You're fucking crazy.

Yeah, those things would never happen here. Never.

We will see what happens when the bubble breaks on the stock market and interest rates are risen.

Better hold on, your parents money that you rely on will be gone.

There will be two classes. The very rich, and the poor.

Good luck.
Damn you people are repetitive. Same fucking topic, same ignorant comments over and over and over and over and over............well you get the idea. Boring. Get some new material.

And don't forget to say thanks. Gotta let each other know how "smart" each of you are. LMAO.

go back to Daily Kos then...they are the brilliant you want to mingle with

Daily Kos? What is that? I could go to a class of 3rd graders and here more intelligent conversation.
Damn you people are repetitive. Same fucking topic, same ignorant comments over and over and over and over and over............well you get the idea. Boring. Get some new material.

And don't forget to say thanks. Gotta let each other know how "smart" each of you are. LMAO.

go back to Daily Kos then...they are the brilliant you want to mingle with

Daily Kos? What is that? I could go to a class of 3rd graders and here more intelligent conversation.

Even a third grader thinks he is having an intelligent conversation with another 3rd grader.

I suggest you take your conversations with a third grader.

You are clearly outclassed here.

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