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Poverty Nonsense


Aug 13, 2012
A Saner Place
Who's Responsible for Black Poverty?

"Here are my several two-part questions: Is having babies without the benefit of marriage a bad decision, and is doing so likely to affect income? Are dropping out of school and participating in criminal activity bad decisions, and are they likely to have an effect on income? Finally, do people have free will and the capacity to make decisions, or is their behavior a result of instincts over which they have no control? As a black person, I'm glad that the message taught to so many of today's black youths wasn't taught back in the 1930s, '40s and '50s, when the civil rights struggle was getting into gear. The admonishment that I frequently heard from black adults was, "Be a credit to your race."

Poverty Nonsense by Walter E. Williams

Walter E. Williams is the John M. Olin distinguished professor of economics at George Mason University, and a nationally syndicated columnist.
Working Poor Growing In US...
Report says ranks of nation's working poor are increasing
Wednesday, January 16, 2013 - Nearly a third of such families struggle to pay for necessities
WASHINGTON -- Nearly a third of the nation's working families earn salaries so low that they struggle to pay for their necessities, according to a new report. The ranks of the so-called working poor have grown even as the nation has created new jobs for 27 consecutive months and is showing other signs of shaking off the worst effects of the recession. "Although many people are returning to work, they are often taking jobs with lower wages and less job security, compared with the middle class jobs they held before the downturn," said a report released Tuesday by the Working Poor Families Project, a national initiative aimed at fostering state policies to help low-income working families.

With the nation's economy in recovery, the report said, more than 70 percent of low-income families and half of all poor families were working by 2011, the report said. The problem is they did not earn enough to cover their basic living expenses. "We're not on a good trajectory," said Brandon Roberts, who manages the Working Poor Families Project. "The overall number of low-income working families is increasing despite the recovery." Analyzing 2011 data from the Census Bureau's American Community Survey, the report said that 32 percent of working families earned salaries that put them below double the poverty threshold, which was $45,622 for a family of four. That percentage has crept up from 28 percent in 2007, the year the recession began. And 37 percent of the nation's children -- 23.5 million -- were part of working poor families in 2011, the report said, up from 33 percent in 2007.

Nearly three in five low-income working families were headed by at least one minority parent, even though minorities headed 42 percent of all working families. The growth in the ranks of the working poor coincides with continued growth in income inequality. Many of the occupations experiencing the fastest job growth during the recovery also pay poorly. Among them are retail jobs, food preparation, clerical work and customer assistance. At the same time, researchers have found that many jobs that do not require much in the way of educational credentials but pay relatively well have lagged in the recovery. They include carpenters, painters, real estate brokers and insurance professionals. Jobs typically filled by college graduates fared better than others during the downturn, helping to widen the gap between those at the top of the wage scale and those at the bottom.

In 2011, the top fifth of working families had incomes that were 10.1 times greater than those in the bottom fifth of income earners. In 2007, the top fifth of working families earned 9.5 times those in the lowest fifth. Meanwhile, the best means for climbing the income ladder -- improved education -- is growing more uncertain and more expensive, the report said. Also, the federal government is facing huge budget deficits, meaning that policies that would help bolster working poor families, such as a higher minimum wage, are unlikely to be implemented. Still, Roberts said, "we have to be more aggressive" with policy. "We're not talking about all families. We're talking about families that work, and they're falling behind."

Report says ranks of nation's working poor are increasing | The Columbian

See also:

Pope worries about gap between the rich and poor
Mon, Jan 7, 2013 — Pope Benedict XVI urged world leaders on Monday to try to reduce the growing gap between the rich and the poor in regions such as Europe as they reform their economies.
The pontiff also used his annual New Year's speech at the Vatican to diplomats to press concerns he had raised in his Christmas Day message: calling for an end to Syria's civil war and its growing death toll, including many innocent civilians.

He said he hopes Jerusalem will one day become "a city of peace and not of division." Regarding Europe's economic crisis, the pontiff urged the EU to make "far-sighted" and "difficult" policy decisions favoring growth of the region as a whole. "Alone, certain countries may perhaps advance more quickly, but together all will certainly go further," he said.

In addition to issues such as bond market yields and interest rates, world leaders should focus on "the increasing differences between those few who grow ever richer and the many who grow hopelessly poorer, " Benedict said, promoting the Catholic church's social teaching, which advocates special attention to the needy.

The financial crisis took root, he said, "because profit was all too often made absolute, to the detriment of labor, and because of unrestrained ventures in the financial areas of the economy, rather than attending to the real economy." He urged people to resist the temptations for "short-term interests" at the expense of the common good.

Benedict also revisited one of his most pressing worries of late: the use of religion as a pretext for violence. He said "baneful religious fanaticism" has produced many victims. Repeating what he had said in his Christmas message, Christians in several parts of the globe have been the targets of such attacks, especially in Nigeria.

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Who's Responsible for Black Poverty?

"Here are my several two-part questions: Is having babies without the benefit of marriage a bad decision, and is doing so likely to affect income? Are dropping out of school and participating in criminal activity bad decisions, and are they likely to have an effect on income? Finally, do people have free will and the capacity to make decisions, or is their behavior a result of instincts over which they have no control? As a black person, I'm glad that the message taught to so many of today's black youths wasn't taught back in the 1930s, '40s and '50s, when the civil rights struggle was getting into gear. The admonishment that I frequently heard from black adults was, "Be a credit to your race."

Poverty Nonsense by Walter E. Williams

Walter E. Williams is the John M. Olin distinguished professor of economics at George Mason University, and a nationally syndicated columnist.

You may have the cart before the horse. Robbing liquor stores is not what makes you poor. It's being poor that makes you rob liquor stores.

If you are born poor, that's hardly your fault, is it? And if you are poor, you are more likely to commit a crime. Rich people don't hold up liquor stores. They rob banks from the inside and get the politicians in their pockets to protect them.
Who's Responsible for Black Poverty?

"Here are my several two-part questions: Is having babies without the benefit of marriage a bad decision, and is doing so likely to affect income? Are dropping out of school and participating in criminal activity bad decisions, and are they likely to have an effect on income? Finally, do people have free will and the capacity to make decisions, or is their behavior a result of instincts over which they have no control? As a black person, I'm glad that the message taught to so many of today's black youths wasn't taught back in the 1930s, '40s and '50s, when the civil rights struggle was getting into gear. The admonishment that I frequently heard from black adults was, "Be a credit to your race."

Poverty Nonsense by Walter E. Williams

Walter E. Williams is the John M. Olin distinguished professor of economics at George Mason University, and a nationally syndicated columnist.

You may have the cart before the horse. Robbing liquor stores is not what makes you poor. It's being poor that makes you rob liquor stores.

If you are born poor, that's hardly your fault, is it? And if you are poor, you are more likely to commit a crime. Rich people don't hold up liquor stores. They rob banks from the inside and get the politicians in their pockets to protect them.

if being poor = being a criminal , then the crime rate would have been at least triple during the depression

you are illogical at best
See sig pp1- Reaganism has killed the nonrich and the country- Worst rich/poor gap and upward mobility ever! Pub dupes....

The poorer, the more true.
Who's Responsible for Black Poverty?

"Here are my several two-part questions: Is having babies without the benefit of marriage a bad decision, and is doing so likely to affect income? Are dropping out of school and participating in criminal activity bad decisions, and are they likely to have an effect on income? Finally, do people have free will and the capacity to make decisions, or is their behavior a result of instincts over which they have no control? As a black person, I'm glad that the message taught to so many of today's black youths wasn't taught back in the 1930s, '40s and '50s, when the civil rights struggle was getting into gear. The admonishment that I frequently heard from black adults was, "Be a credit to your race."

Poverty Nonsense by Walter E. Williams

Walter E. Williams is the John M. Olin distinguished professor of economics at George Mason University, and a nationally syndicated columnist.

You may have the cart before the horse. Robbing liquor stores is not what makes you poor. It's being poor that makes you rob liquor stores.

If you are born poor, that's hardly your fault, is it? And if you are poor, you are more likely to commit a crime. Rich people don't hold up liquor stores. They rob banks from the inside and get the politicians in their pockets to protect them.

if being poor = being a criminal , then the crime rate would have been at least triple during the depression

you are illogical at best

You pull a number out of your ass and I'm the one who is illogical?

Solve poverty, and you solve a lot of crime. Solve crime, you have not solved poverty.

And, uh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news and good logic, but...

The Great Depression brought a rapid rise in the CRIME RATE as many unemployed workers resorted to petty theft to put food on the table. Suicide rates rose, as did reported cases of malnutrition. Prostitution was on the rise as desperate women sought ways to pay the bills.

Who's Responsible for Black Poverty?

"Here are my several two-part questions: Is having babies without the benefit of marriage a bad decision, and is doing so likely to affect income? Are dropping out of school and participating in criminal activity bad decisions, and are they likely to have an effect on income? Finally, do people have free will and the capacity to make decisions, or is their behavior a result of instincts over which they have no control? As a black person, I'm glad that the message taught to so many of today's black youths wasn't taught back in the 1930s, '40s and '50s, when the civil rights struggle was getting into gear. The admonishment that I frequently heard from black adults was, "Be a credit to your race."

Poverty Nonsense by Walter E. Williams

Walter E. Williams is the John M. Olin distinguished professor of economics at George Mason University, and a nationally syndicated columnist.

You may have the cart before the horse. Robbing liquor stores is not what makes you poor. It's being poor that makes you rob liquor stores.

If you are born poor, that's hardly your fault, is it? And if you are poor, you are more likely to commit a crime. Rich people don't hold up liquor stores. They rob banks from the inside and get the politicians in their pockets to protect them.

I really hate that the bankers have not paid for the housing bubble but were actually rewarded for it....
The Great Depression of the 1930s led to dire circumstances for a large share of American households. Contemporaries worried that a number of these households would commit property crimes in their efforts to survive the hard times. The Roosevelt administration suggested that their unprecedented and massive relief efforts struck at the roots of crime by providing subsistence income to needy families. After constructing a panel data set for 83 large American cities for the years 1930 through 1940, we estimated the impact of relief spending by all levels of government on crime rates. The analysis suggests that relief spending during the 1930s lowered property crime in a statistically and economically significant way. A lower bound ordinary least squares estimate suggests that a 10 percent increase in per capita relief spending during the Great Depression lowered property crime rates by close to 1 percent. After controlling for potential endogeneity using an instrumental variables approach, the estimates suggest that a 10 percent increase in per capita relief spending lowered crime rates by roughly 5.6 to 10 percent at the margin.
You may have the cart before the horse. Robbing liquor stores is not what makes you poor. It's being poor that makes you rob liquor stores.

If you are born poor, that's hardly your fault, is it? And if you are poor, you are more likely to commit a crime. Rich people don't hold up liquor stores. They rob banks from the inside and get the politicians in their pockets to protect them.

if being poor = being a criminal , then the crime rate would have been at least triple during the depression

you are illogical at best

You pull a number out of your ass and I'm the one who is illogical?

Solve poverty, and you solve a lot of crime. Solve crime, you have not solved poverty.

And, uh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news and good logic, but...

The Great Depression brought a rapid rise in the CRIME RATE as many unemployed workers resorted to petty theft to put food on the table. Suicide rates rose, as did reported cases of malnutrition. Prostitution was on the rise as desperate women sought ways to pay the bills.

Social and Cultural Effects of the Depression [ushistory.org]

i hate to break it to you but correlation does not equal causation

poverty causes rape and murder?
You may have the cart before the horse. Robbing liquor stores is not what makes you poor. It's being poor that makes you rob liquor stores.

If you are born poor, that's hardly your fault, is it? And if you are poor, you are more likely to commit a crime. Rich people don't hold up liquor stores. They rob banks from the inside and get the politicians in their pockets to protect them.

if being poor = being a criminal , then the crime rate would have been at least triple during the depression

you are illogical at best

You pull a number out of your ass and I'm the one who is illogical?

Solve poverty, and you solve a lot of crime. Solve crime, you have not solved poverty.

And, uh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news and good logic, but...

The Great Depression brought a rapid rise in the CRIME RATE as many unemployed workers resorted to petty theft to put food on the table. Suicide rates rose, as did reported cases of malnutrition. Prostitution was on the rise as desperate women sought ways to pay the bills.

Social and Cultural Effects of the Depression [ushistory.org]

It's easier for some to make it a racial issue, rather than attempting to examine the culture of poverty.
if being poor = being a criminal , then the crime rate would have been at least triple during the depression

you are illogical at best

You pull a number out of your ass and I'm the one who is illogical?

Solve poverty, and you solve a lot of crime. Solve crime, you have not solved poverty.

And, uh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news and good logic, but...

The Great Depression brought a rapid rise in the CRIME RATE as many unemployed workers resorted to petty theft to put food on the table. Suicide rates rose, as did reported cases of malnutrition. Prostitution was on the rise as desperate women sought ways to pay the bills.

Social and Cultural Effects of the Depression [ushistory.org]

It's easier for some to make it a racial issue, rather than attempting to examine the culture of poverty.

culture of poverty?

my parents and grandparents, aunts, uncles etc lived through the depression and did not steal.

You are making excuses for immorality.
if being poor = being a criminal , then the crime rate would have been at least triple during the depression

you are illogical at best

You pull a number out of your ass and I'm the one who is illogical?

Solve poverty, and you solve a lot of crime. Solve crime, you have not solved poverty.

And, uh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news and good logic, but...

The Great Depression brought a rapid rise in the CRIME RATE as many unemployed workers resorted to petty theft to put food on the table. Suicide rates rose, as did reported cases of malnutrition. Prostitution was on the rise as desperate women sought ways to pay the bills.

Social and Cultural Effects of the Depression [ushistory.org]

i hate to break it to you but correlation does not equal causation

poverty causes rape and murder?

Indeed! Who commits more violent crime, rich or poor?

And correlation often does imply causation. Just not always.

But in this case, it does. I even provided you scientific evidence it does.

You got hoist by your own petard. You said if poverty caused crime, crime would have jumped during the Depression. I showed you it did, and then provided a scientific study which proves social assistance lowered crime during the Depression, and now you are backpedaling like crazy. :lol:
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You pull a number out of your ass and I'm the one who is illogical?

Solve poverty, and you solve a lot of crime. Solve crime, you have not solved poverty.

And, uh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news and good logic, but...

Social and Cultural Effects of the Depression [ushistory.org]

It's easier for some to make it a racial issue, rather than attempting to examine the culture of poverty.

culture of poverty?

my parents and grandparents, aunts, uncles etc lived through the depression and did not steal.

You are making excuses for immorality.


I'm not making excuses, I'm saying the color of someone skin doesn't predispose them to anything. It's a poor thing, not a black thing.

More poverty=more crime.

It's as simple and as complicated as that.
You pull a number out of your ass and I'm the one who is illogical?

Solve poverty, and you solve a lot of crime. Solve crime, you have not solved poverty.

And, uh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news and good logic, but...

Social and Cultural Effects of the Depression [ushistory.org]

i hate to break it to you but correlation does not equal causation

poverty causes rape and murder?

Indeed! Who commits more violent crime, rich or poor?

And correlation often does imply causation. Just not always.

But in this case, it does.

You got hoist by your own petard. You said if poverty caused crime, crime would have jumped during the Depression. I showed you it did and now you are backpedaling like crazy. :lol:

I'm not " backpedaling " at all.

I would say that low IQ , immorality and shiftlessness is more of a cause of poverty.

I'll not waver from that.
culture of poverty?

my parents and grandparents, aunts, uncles etc lived through the depression and did not steal.

You are making excuses for immorality.

No one is excusing crime. We are offering solutions to mitigate it, fool!
i hate to break it to you but correlation does not equal causation

poverty causes rape and murder?

Indeed! Who commits more violent crime, rich or poor?

And correlation often does imply causation. Just not always.

But in this case, it does.

You got hoist by your own petard. You said if poverty caused crime, crime would have jumped during the Depression. I showed you it did and now you are backpedaling like crazy. :lol:

I'm not " backpedaling " at all.

I would say that low IQ , immorality and shiftlessness is more of a cause of poverty.

I'll not waver from that.

In the face of your posts, I find it highly ironic you called me illogical.
You pull a number out of your ass and I'm the one who is illogical?

Solve poverty, and you solve a lot of crime. Solve crime, you have not solved poverty.

And, uh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news and good logic, but...

Social and Cultural Effects of the Depression [ushistory.org]

It's easier for some to make it a racial issue, rather than attempting to examine the culture of poverty.

culture of poverty?

my parents and grandparents, aunts, uncles etc lived through the depression and did not steal.

You are making excuses for immorality.

I remember my mother telling me about an incident on their old farm during the great depression. They were all eating a meal in the dinning room when they heard a noise in the kitchen. When they went to investigate, someone had stolen some of their food. My grandfather just said "Well, they probably needed it more than we do," and left it at that. He lost that farm during the great depression and he still recognized that some people needed to resort to crime just to eat. Poor people aren't all thieves but it's a lot easier to be honest when you aren't hungry. I believe that's one of the reasons our food stamp program has expanded so much recently. We have thousands if not millions of people in this country right now that need help just to get enough to eat and I'm not talking about just the homeless either, there are working people that need help putting food on the table. That's a pretty sad statement for the richest country in the world. No way our income gap should be so big.

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