Poverty reached FIFTY-YEAR HIGH under obama

you dont know how to do anything but make a fool of yourself idiot

i specifically mentioned polices you blame for the "disaster" that DEMOCRATS VOTED FOR.......................not "jobs bills" that you dont know would have made a difference


your disaster, winger.... the result of baby bush and the other rightwqinguts crashing our economy and you freaks not getting out of the way to get things fixed. that said, our economy is far better now than 6 1/2 years ago despite you loons. I can see why you freaks hate that.

maybe if you weren't competing for jobs with people who can't speak English you wouldn't be so angry and dishonest.

but then again, someone of your clear lack of education and knowledge and ability/.... I can see why you feel angry.



poor boring, brainwashed loser

talking points all you got huh?

keep trying leftard, keep trying....................
who is being dishonest leftard?


Obama admits 95% of income gains gone to top 1% - Sep ...
Sep 15, 2013 - How one high schooler made $80K (without getting a job) ... Obama admits 95% of income gains gone to top 1% ... clear about his fight against income inequality, but he admitted that the rich have fared far better than the poor ...
you cant even stop lying to yourselves left-wing idiot; how can you have the gall to accuse others of lying???????
Old cherry picked links that have been debated and explained years ago. Even the newest link is over a year and a half old, but he others go back as much as five years. We have seen this debate over and over and it ends up being a debate over obstructionist Republicans and a do nothing Congress. Jobs continue to get shipped overseas and Republicans continue to block legislation that would stop that or slow it down.
Imagine that, a president being handed a live grenade who has to deal with an entire party that refuses to compromise. Tell me, what should Obama do to prevent this poverty? Tax cuts for the rich?

Blame Booooooooooooooooooooooooooosh
Imagine that, a president being handed a live grenade who has to deal with an entire party that refuses to compromise. Tell me, what should Obama do to prevent this poverty? Tax cuts for the rich?
can you really say that with a straight face? if your shit for brains in the white house does not get his way, he vetoes the budget bills and shuts down the government.
Its like congress is dealing with a damn child that really needs a time out.
you dont know how to do anything but make a fool of yourself idiot

i specifically mentioned polices you blame for the "disaster" that DEMOCRATS VOTED FOR.......................not "jobs bills" that you dont know would have made a difference


your disaster, winger.... the result of baby bush and the other rightwqinguts crashing our economy and you freaks not getting out of the way to get things fixed. that said, our economy is far better now than 6 1/2 years ago despite you loons. I can see why you freaks hate that.

maybe if you weren't competing for jobs with people who can't speak English you wouldn't be so angry and dishonest.

but then again, someone of your clear lack of education and knowledge and ability/.... I can see why you feel angry.


so why didn't Obama's almost trillion dollar Recovery Act recover the economy....?
do any of the Stimulus jobs from the almost $1 TRILLION Stimulus bill still exist leftard?

it's a yes or no question. if you say they do prove it. how many? where?
Facts are inconveniant to the Left. they run around all day making pathetic excuses for their failures and trying to resell FAILURE as success.

That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record
The Washington Times
Jan 7, 2014 - That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record ... reduced the jobless rate to 7 percent from a high of 10 percent four years ago.

the progressives/commies are succeeding in their goal to make people dependent on government....

It's interesting how our language evolves. Used to be the term "progressives" meant those members of productive society "working and moving toward the goal". Now it seems to mean "working toward being sustained by the government". As much as I'd like to blame Obomination for everything over the past seven years, this 50-year record extends well beyond him. During that timeframe, we've raised a couple of generations of do-nothing unmotivated whining needy flakes that have no real skills of their own, and they have the expectations that they (through no effort of their own) should be living the luxurious lifestyle of the rich and famous.
5.1 unemployment

strong dollar

a solid safety net

total %s of government assistance and poverty well below the rates in the early 1960s

80 to 90 million more people and all of the above

only fucks would say we are going over the cliff
5.1 unemployment

strong dollar

a solid safety net

total %s of government assistance and poverty well below the rates in the early 1960s

80 to 90 million more people and all of the above

only fucks would say we are going over the cliff

1. obama's unemployment number is a joke
2. under obama the richest got richer, the poorest got poorer, both AT A FASTER PACE UNDER OBAMA THAN UNDER BUSH AND REPUBLICANS
spinster said:
It's interesting how our language evolves. Used to be the term "progressives" meant those members of productive society "working and moving toward the goal". Now it seems to mean "working toward being sustained by the government". As much as I'd like to blame Obomination for everything over the past seven years, this 50-year record extends well beyond him. During that timeframe, we've raised a couple of generations of do-nothing unmotivated whining needy flakes that have no real skills of their own, and they have the expectations that they (through no effort of their own) should be living the luxurious lifestyle of the rich and famous.

it's just all a form of marketing......progressives and commies and socialists are all connected....
Imagine that, a president being handed a live grenade who has to deal with an entire party that refuses to compromise. Tell me, what should Obama do to prevent this poverty? Tax cuts for the rich?

hurtling toward YEAR EIGHT and all you have are pathetic excuses for PROGRESSIVE FAILURE

what a joke you are dude
Not excuses, just reality. We've recovered from the disaster left quite well compared to others.
"The typical man with a full-time job–the one at the statistical middle of the middle–earned $50,383 last year, the Census Bureau reported this week.

"The typical man with a full-time job in 1973 earned $53,294,"

The Typical Male U.S. Worker Earned Less in 2014 Than in 1973
Jesus...congress has given BO everything he has wanted.
Now you just outright lie. If we adopted libertarian economics, we would increase worldwide poverty by 15% in six months.
Please tell me what legislation Big Ears has pushed which was not passed by Congress. Please tell me of anything he has done by executive order that was overturned by Congress.

BO has only FOUR vetoes so far, none of which were overturned. That is extraordinarily low. BJ Bubba had to deal with an R congress and he had 36 vetoes. But, facts are strange things to Leftists.

If he has no more vetoes during his reign of disaster, you will have to go back to Chester Arthur to find a president with so few.
Nope, Gipped, you know better. Much better.

Supporting the RINOs are you?
Imagine that, a president being handed a live grenade who has to deal with an entire party that refuses to compromise. Tell me, what should Obama do to prevent this poverty? Tax cuts for the rich?
can you really say that with a straight face? if your shit for brains in the white house does not get his way, he vetoes the budget bills and shuts down the government.
Its like congress is dealing with a damn child that really needs a time out.

One might even think he is in cahoots with the big banks to crash the entire system. If one had told me back in high school that one day there would be a president that would never pass a budget his entire term, I would have said you were nuts.

If I were a betting man, I would bet this budget wouldn't get through either. Not even on a veto override.

US Republicans pass $3.8 trillion 2016 budget
US Republicans pass $3.8 trillion 2016 budget - Business Insider

The Senate action marks the first time in six years that Congress has passed a budget, and Republicans chalked it up to their seizing control of both chambers in January following congressional elections.

More than two-thirds of federal budget expenditures relate to mandatory spending such as debt service and entitlement programs including Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security and food stamps.

The rest is divided between defense ($523 billion) and other federal agencies ($493 billion), as well as extraordinary expenses for overseas contingency operations ($96 billion) and natural disasters ($7 billion).

Democrats had proposed a budget that would have run fiscal deficits for the next decade, while increasing infrastructure investment and removing tax breaks for businesses.

The White House made it plain that it was not interested in these budget plans.

"The President has made clear that he will not accept a budget that locks in sequestration going forward, nor one that reverses sequestration for defense – whether explicitly or through backdoor gimmicks – without also reversing sequestration for non-defense," a White House statement said.

"To make their budget work at those low levels, Congressional Republicans propose drastic cuts to programs that support the middle class and provide ladders of opportunity for those seeking to reach the middle class," it added.
Facts are inconveniant to the Left. they run around all day making pathetic excuses for their failures and trying to resell FAILURE as success.

That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record
The Washington Times
Jan 7, 2014 - That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record ... reduced the jobless rate to 7 percent from a high of 10 percent four years ago.

yeah, couldn't have anything to do with the wingnut congress that has obstructed for 61/2 years...

damn, you're stupid, boy.
But Obama has a pen and a phone!
Face it, Democrat policies are total failures. Worst recovery on record. Highest rate of gov't dependence on record. Household income below where it was when Bush left. After nearly 7 years the Left still blames Bush. They are pathetic losers who can't admit their only failure.

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