Poverty: The Way Out

Ms Parker "I bought into the lie that there was nothing in America for me except..."

Straw man? Where is this lie she refers to and what is it all about? Is about herself? Is it about her family? where did she make this shit up, in her own mind?

The lie is the one you Leftists tell folks that it is impossible to succeed without the collective....didn't you see that in Biden's blather?

Or are you a devotee of the school of thinking capsulized as "You didn't build that!"?

If so....this might help you develop character:

"...We were taught to work jolly hard. We were taught to prove yourself. We were taught self-reliance. We were taught to live within our income. You were taught that cleanliness is next to godliness. You were taught always to give a hand to your neighbour. You were taught tremendous pride in your country.. All of these things are Victorian values. They are also perennial values.”
Margaret Thatcher's views in the Evening Standard of April 15, 1983.
(1) As a child of utter poverty, how is it that Star Parker lived in Japan for 3 years prior to moving to St. Louis when she was 12 years old? Who paid the moving expenses?

(2) She attended college at Woodbury University in Burbank, California. That wasn't cheap, given out-of-state tuition rates and (again) moving expenses and housing. How did that happen for a poor, impoverished child raised without parental guidance and no "hand outs?"

(3) She founded CURE in 1995. Impressive, for a single mother "struggling just to make ends meet." It's amazing she had that much time to devote to political activism.

(4) Thank the Lord that the government afforded her protections under bankruptcy law!

(5) She uses her "past experiences as a welfare recipient" to support her anti-welfare arguments. That's funny!

(6) And now, she's a talk radio host. That's funny! The only thing missing is the part about how she washed dishes in a restaurant when she was 10, or delivering newspapers. Most talk radio hosts believe that lends them credibility.

Well....let me answer your questions.

Answers appear in the following.

...and, as for Japan? Her father was in the Air Force.

Now, perhaps you'll respond to a question from me:

What is the basis of your slander, i.e., " impoverished dark-skinned people on welfare,"

and, how, exactly, did you become the stinking piece of refuse you appear to be?

All right, let's get this out of the way first. You've referred to me a few times as a "stinking piece of refuse." You fucking Nazi pig! Is that all you've got, rag? Are you yearning for the "ultimate solution" in your ravaged dreams?

Okay, to answer your question--you continually attack ethnicities and impoverished souls. You, like any good right winger, attack the weakest. It seems wrong, but I have noticed the dwelling place of your soul. It ain't good.

1. "You fucking Nazi pig!"
My, my...the language!
The tell-tale sign that you realize you've lost the point.
How could I be a 'Nazi'.....that would make me a Left-winger.

2. "-you continually attack ethnicities and impoverished souls."
Provide the proof of that, liar.

3. "...attack the weakest."
It is the Left that makes folks weak, that encourages poverty.
This is easily proven.....

...as is the fact that you are a stinking piece of refuse....let's add lying to your resume.

Back to the issue in question:

I don't recall any referring to " impoverished dark-skinned people on welfare."

Could you identify such a post....or are you the stinking piece of refuse you appear to be?

Again....I challenge you to prove your lie, and find any such quote: " impoverished dark-skinned people on welfare."

Do it....slime.
Hard work and self discipline is the way out of poverty. Everyone who has achieved even modest success knows that. But what some have overlooked is the availability of jobs in impoverished areas. Small rural towns, small towns in the Rust Belt and Appalachia or in the deep south hold little or no opportunity for middle class jobs, let alone entry level jobs.

Whenever a Conservative proffers the answer to poverty as "get a job", I'd challenge them to think about the chances of getting that job in some of the forgotten areas of this country.

Of course, that same smug Conservative would say "just move to where the jobs are then!" Try selling a house in an already depressed market. Who will buy it at a fair price if there's nothing in that town to begin with? Try moving a family, uprooting children from schools, churches and friends to take a stab at the unknown someplace else. There are a lot of factors overlooked in the "just move to where the jobs are" meme.

You have more excuses than the Kennedys have cousins.

Have you seen this?

1. For a real-world perspective on the American ethic, find the Alan Shepard book, “Scratch Beginnings, in which the author recounts his own social experiment, at age 24, starting out at the lowest rung of the economic ladder. The question: could he conquer poverty in one year at his best efforts?

2. He left his home with nothing but a tarp, sleeping bag, an empty gym bag, the clothes on his back, and $25. The went to Charleston, South Carolina…a city where he had never been before, and where he knew nobody. He didn’t use his college education as a resume, nor any family or other contacts.

3. The first night he finds the Crisis Ministries homeless shelter, and, next morning, begins working odd jobs. Within a few weeks, he gets a regular job with a moving company. He moonlights on weekends to make extra money.

4. He makes friends and contacts, and these help him to find jobs and housing…Within five months, he gets a raise from the moving company to $10/ hour. And another, to $11/hour in less than nine months.

5. Progress was retarded by breaking his foot on the job, yet by three months he was able to move out of the homeless shelter and rent a room in a large house in an upscale part of town. (It was owned by a friend he met while working a second job on weekends.) Then, just a month later, he moved into a two-bedroom duplex with the cousin of one of his co-workers. It was a bit rundown, so the two of them spent a week-end making it like new. (His share was $325 because he took the master bedroom.)

6. After just ten months he was living in his own furnished apartment, with his own car, and he had $5,300 in savings.

a. The book also tells of other low-income people he met, and how they, also, would like a safety net second to their own work,

"Scratch Beginnings: Me, $25, and the Search for the American Dream" [Paperback]
Adam W. Shepard (Author)

Isn't it GREAT that "Alan Shepard" was the recipient of all those handouts, though? Because if he wasn't given free room and board at the shelter, there's no way he could have saved all that money! Also, I hope he spent the $5,300 he saved by NOT PAYING FOR HIS ROOM AND BOARD on a nice shiny piece of electronic equipment!

That story was truly inspiring. It sounded like utter bullshit, but it was nonetheless inspiring.

What a vapid post.

It reflects your understanding of the world.

Now....how did you become such a stinking piece of refuse?
Well....let me answer your questions.

Answers appear in the following.

...and, as for Japan? Her father was in the Air Force.

Now, perhaps you'll respond to a question from me:

What is the basis of your slander, i.e., " impoverished dark-skinned people on welfare,"

and, how, exactly, did you become the stinking piece of refuse you appear to be?

All right, let's get this out of the way first. You've referred to me a few times as a "stinking piece of refuse." You fucking Nazi pig! Is that all you've got, rag? Are you yearning for the "ultimate solution" in your ravaged dreams?

Okay, to answer your question--you continually attack ethnicities and impoverished souls. You, like any good right winger, attack the weakest. It seems wrong, but I have noticed the dwelling place of your soul. It ain't good.

1. "You fucking Nazi pig!"
My, my...the language!
The tell-tale sign that you realize you've lost the point.
How could I be a 'Nazi'.....that would make me a Left-winger.

2. "-you continually attack ethnicities and impoverished souls."
Provide the proof of that, liar.

3. "...attack the weakest."
It is the Left that makes folks weak, that encourages poverty.
This is easily proven.....

...as is the fact that you are a stinking piece of refuse....let's add lying to your resume.

Back to the issue in question:

I don't recall any referring to " impoverished dark-skinned people on welfare."

Could you identify such a post....or are you the stinking piece of refuse you appear to be?

Again....I challenge you to prove your lie, and find any such quote: " impoverished dark-skinned people on welfare."

Do it....slime.

Sorry, I don't intend to devote that much time to you.
All right, let's get this out of the way first. You've referred to me a few times as a "stinking piece of refuse." You fucking Nazi pig! Is that all you've got, rag? Are you yearning for the "ultimate solution" in your ravaged dreams?

Okay, to answer your question--you continually attack ethnicities and impoverished souls. You, like any good right winger, attack the weakest. It seems wrong, but I have noticed the dwelling place of your soul. It ain't good.

1. "You fucking Nazi pig!"
My, my...the language!
The tell-tale sign that you realize you've lost the point.
How could I be a 'Nazi'.....that would make me a Left-winger.

2. "-you continually attack ethnicities and impoverished souls."
Provide the proof of that, liar.

3. "...attack the weakest."
It is the Left that makes folks weak, that encourages poverty.
This is easily proven.....

...as is the fact that you are a stinking piece of refuse....let's add lying to your resume.

Back to the issue in question:

I don't recall any referring to " impoverished dark-skinned people on welfare."

Could you identify such a post....or are you the stinking piece of refuse you appear to be?

Again....I challenge you to prove your lie, and find any such quote: " impoverished dark-skinned people on welfare."

Do it....slime.

Sorry, I don't intend to devote that much time to you.

Well, then my work here is done, isn't it.
Hard work and self discipline is the way out of poverty. Everyone who has achieved even modest success knows that. But what some have overlooked is the availability of jobs in impoverished areas. Small rural towns, small towns in the Rust Belt and Appalachia or in the deep south hold little or no opportunity for middle class jobs, let alone entry level jobs.

Whenever a Conservative proffers the answer to poverty as "get a job", I'd challenge them to think about the chances of getting that job in some of the forgotten areas of this country.

Of course, that same smug Conservative would say "just move to where the jobs are then!" Try selling a house in an already depressed market. Who will buy it at a fair price if there's nothing in that town to begin with? Try moving a family, uprooting children from schools, churches and friends to take a stab at the unknown someplace else. There are a lot of factors overlooked in the "just move to where the jobs are" meme.

Plus moving somewhere is really expensive, finding a new place, putting a down payment on it, setting up the utilities, getting a moving van etc plus if you are moving far you have to pay for that gas. This isn't the 60s where you can just throw your stuff in your car and go. If you don't have a job or money chances are you are not going very far.
1. "You fucking Nazi pig!"
My, my...the language!
The tell-tale sign that you realize you've lost the point.
How could I be a 'Nazi'.....that would make me a Left-winger.

2. "-you continually attack ethnicities and impoverished souls."
Provide the proof of that, liar.

3. "...attack the weakest."
It is the Left that makes folks weak, that encourages poverty.
This is easily proven.....

...as is the fact that you are a stinking piece of refuse....let's add lying to your resume.

Back to the issue in question:

I don't recall any referring to " impoverished dark-skinned people on welfare."

Could you identify such a post....or are you the stinking piece of refuse you appear to be?

Again....I challenge you to prove your lie, and find any such quote: " impoverished dark-skinned people on welfare."

Do it....slime.

Sorry, I don't intend to devote that much time to you.

Well, then my work here is done, isn't it.

You apparently do nothing else, though, so I'd say you're not "done" yet.
Sorry, I don't intend to devote that much time to you.

Well, then my work here is done, isn't it.

You apparently do nothing else, though, so I'd say you're not "done" yet.

Perhaps you're right....

...so let me continue:

I don't recall any referring to " impoverished dark-skinned people on welfare."

Could you identify such a post....or are you the stinking piece of refuse you appear to be?

Again....I challenge you to prove your lie, and find any such quote: " impoverished dark-skinned people on welfare."

Do it....slime.
There are a lot of factors overlooked in the "just move to where the jobs are" meme.

tell it to the Mexicans who leave everything to come here illegally and work or to most of our relatives who left Europe to come here and work when they were 10 times poorer than anyone can imagine now!!

The liberals solution is always: " its too hard so lets cripple them on welfare, at least that way they'll vote for us."
Hard work and self discipline is the way out of poverty.

More accurately, the way out is capitalism since it forces you to work hard to earn a living, and to contribute to society.

China just proved it by eliminating half of the world's poverty by switching to capitalism 30 years ago.
If western nations whose economies are in recession want to improve their economic fortunes, it is probably a good idea to start manufacturing products which industrializing nations would want to buy; the people of both India and China have vast amounts of savings. So companies should analyze the lives of these people and design and develop products which they would want to buy. Western car manufacturers should build ultra cheap, fuel efficient cars since the demands for cars in many advancing nations is gigantic. Western nations need to export more and bring in foreign capitol. :cuckoo:
A message from Captain Obvious:

The number one cause of poverty in America is that people lack capital.
A message from Captain Obvious:

The number one cause of poverty in America is that people lack capital.

Yes people are poor because they don't have money, but its important to note that in a capitalist society you don't have money because you don't contribute to society.

Poor blacks, for example, are taught by liberals that serving hamburgers to hungry people at McDonalds is not a meaningful contribution to society, so they won't do it and then are poor!
In short, liberals cause poverty with their communist attitudes.
If western nations whose economies are in recession want to improve their economic fortunes, it is probably a good idea to start manufacturing products which industrializing nations would want to buy; the people of both India and China have vast amounts of savings. So companies should analyze the lives of these people and design and develop products which they would want to buy. Western car manufacturers should build ultra cheap, fuel efficient cars since the demands for cars in many advancing nations is gigantic. Western nations need to export more and bring in foreign capitol. :cuckoo:

In China they live in tiny apartments. They don't have houses to keep up. So they save a lot and they learn music, arts, and other things that will advance the culture. Their cars aren't great, though. They don't seem to have emission standards there. The brown air in Beijing is a dead giveaway.
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A message from Captain Obvious:

The number one cause of poverty in America is that people lack capital.

Has he stepped up to give them some?
In China they live in tiny apartments.

In China they used to slowly starve to death 10 million at a time, then Republicans introduced their capitalist philosophy there and now 20 million buy cars at a time!!

Its a conservative miracle the likes of which the world has never seen.

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