Powder Keg Watch: Harvard names a Jew to replace outgoing President Claudine Gay

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Expect the sparks to fly now that they're replacing her with a Jew. Wikipedia has already been edited to hide the fact that he IS a Jew. Too late though.


Jews now need to hide their religious affiliation around leftists, for fear of violence or retribution. Sad.
That’s horrible.

Jews in my liberal area are already removing their mezzuzim.

And the irony, of course, is that these leftists spewing their antisemitism are the same people crying about how awful racists are to black people.
That’s horrible.

Jews in my liberal area are already removing their mezzuzim.

And the irony, of course, is that these leftists spewing their antisemitism are the same people crying about how awful racists are to black people.

Harvard's response to the anti-Semitic terrorism on their campus was to tell Jewish students to remove and hide their yarmulkes, and not talk about Judaism on campus.

I hope things change there, but I'm not optimistic.
Harvard's response to the anti-Semitic terrorism on their campus was to tell Jewish students to remove and hide their yarmulkes, and not talk about Judaism on campus.

I hope things change there, but I'm not optimistic.

And the response from Harvard was despicable. Would they have told Muslims being harassed to remove their hijabs and hide their religion?
Not so much anymore. The exodus of Jews from the DemoKKKrat party is already underway.

The DemoKKKrat party has chosen which side they're on, and it's the side of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and Jew-haters like Claudine Gay.
Not where I live in the DC area. I’ve been marginalized by my several Jewish friends/colleagues because I don’t support the democrat party and their anti/American policies.
Not where I live in the DC area. I’ve been marginalized by my several Jewish friends/colleagues because I don’t support the democrat party and their anti/American policies.
Same with me. I only have one Democrat friend left. Other than her, the other ones were always treating me with contempt….or pity. I kicked them to the curb.
Not in this election cycle .
In previous election cycles it’s hovered around 72% Dem and 28% Rep. I expect it will be closer to 60% Dem and 40% Rep this time. Add in the facts that blacks are leaving the Dem Party, and that Hispanics are leaning Trump, and you can understand why the Dems are so panicked that they’re trying to keep Trump off the ballot.

I think even they know that can’t harvest enough ballots to close the gap.

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