Powder Keg Watch: Harvard names a Jew to replace outgoing President Claudine Gay

I'm 63, a caucasian born and raised in Alabama, and have been a fierce supporter of the Jewish state since I was a teen. I've recently become much more aware of the Left/Right divide infecting even Israel and it disturbs me because if there is one nation on the planet that cannot survive serious polarization in the face of its existential enemies, it's Israel.

While I have no right to make such a rule, if I could, I'd deny Aliyah to ANY member of the US Jewish community that is still supporting the Democrat party. I reason that this group of Democrat supporters seem more attached to the party than to their Jewish roots and mores. I see them as being toxic for the survival of Israel.
Today this would be no great pain for them but I believe that bloody pogroms will begin in America sooner than folks would guess. When they come, I'd expect to see US Jews mirroring the Jews in the EU in flocking to the Jewish state for protection. I fear that they would tip the balance to the Left and do more harm than good if they're allowed in. What is your opinion on this?
Theoretically, what you say makes sense: Democrat Jews vote for anti-Israel politicians and leftists who tolerate antisemitism, and then when antisemitism moves from calls to genocide Jews to more and more blatant Nazi-like treatment, these Democrats Jews will want to flee to Israel, bringing their leftist policies with them.

The problem is that it is not up to America to block Aliyah and the right to automatic citizenship in Israel. It is up to Isrsel, and no way would they block the safe harbor of American Jews fleeing persecution - even though they are the very same Jews who supported, or at least tolerated, the anti-Israel and anti-semitic narrative.
They are a distinct majority. Just look at general voting patterns in the DC area.
They fall in line with the DC suburbs, true. But what you said about ALL Jews voting Democrat is false, even here.

Every member of my immediate family votes R. All my Jewish friends vote R, other than one. The majority of Jews in my synagogue vote R.

And as the Democrats have made it so blatant this election cycle that they tolerate antisemitism, I expect more Jews will make the switch. We already know that a good chunk of blacks are making the switch. So are the Latinos. So will Jews.
They fall in line with the DC suburbs, true. But what you said about ALL Jews voting Democrat is false, even here.

Every member of my immediate family votes R. All my Jewish friends vote R, other than one. The majority of Jews in my synagogue vote R.

And as the Democrats have made it so blatant this election cycle that they tolerate antisemitism, I expect more Jews will make the switch. We already know that a good chunk of blacks are making the switch. So are the Latinos. So will Jews.
I’m not seeing any of it.
I’m not seeing any of it.
Also, as I said, the Republican Jews are keeping quiet due to the liberal Jews spew in their direction.

I worked for a very liberal organization in the education sphere. It seemed EVERYONE was a lib. The president threw a “Hooray, a Black Man Won the Presidency!” party, and everyone went - all smiles. I thought I must have been the only Republican there.

A few weeks later, a survey of emoloyees was taken, and one of the questions was “what can we do to improve the working atmosphere”?

There were numerous replies, anonymous of course, saying in one form or another that the organization needs to realize that there are a lot of Republicans working here and to stop acting as if all employees are Democrats and happy Obama won.
Jewish. Male. But perhaps he has dabbled in plagiarism?
He said upon his appointment yesterday that he has great admiration and deep respect for Gay. I know it was a politically required statement, but I imagine you’d have to be a pretty liberal Jew to say you respect an Ivy League president who was unwilling to condemn the calls on her campus to genocide Jews.
He said upon his appointment yesterday that he has great admiration and deep respect for Gay. I know it was a politically required statement, but I imagine you’d have to be a pretty liberal Jew to say you respect an Ivy League president who was unwilling to condemn the calls on her campus to genocide Jews.
Maybe he simply likes the quality of her plagiarism?
Then you need to be more vocal and resist the tyranny. I’ve had my rep and career tarnished by intolerant democrats, many of whom are Jewish.
I’m plenty vocal. I’m just explaining why many Jews who vote R keep quiet about it when the D Jews start in with their crap.

The only time I kept quiet about it was when some D Jew started bitching about the stupid Trump voters - and that’s because it was right before we all sat down to a Seder. I didn’t want to escalate things and make it difficult for our hostess.

But after the Seder, I told the intolerwnt D Jew that I voted for Trump. She glared at me, and never spoke to me again. Thank Gd.
I’m plenty vocal. I’m just explaining why many Jews who vote R keep quiet about it when the D Jews start in with their crap.

The only time I kept quiet about it was when some D Jew started bitching about the stupid Trump voters - and that’s because it was right before we all sat down to a Seder. I didn’t want to escalate things and make it difficult for our hostess.

But after the Seder, I told the intolerwnt D Jew that I voted for Trump. She glared at me, and never spoke to me again. Thank Gd.
Good for you.
I can’t do that or I’ll be out of work.
Expect the sparks to fly now that they're replacing her with a Jew. Wikipedia has already been edited to hide the fact that he IS a Jew. Too late though.


Guess money is important to them after all. Bring back the donors!

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