Power of CPAC Dimished

OXON HILL, Md. (AP) — The annual Conservative Political Action Conference was once one of the premier gatherings on the GOP campaign calendar — a must-stop for serious contenders testing the waters on presidential runs.

No longer.

Many of the party’s best-known likely candidates — from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to former Vice President Mike Pence — are skipping the marquee event kicking off Wednesday as the group grapples with controversy and questions over its place in a movement that remains deeply split over its allegiance to former President Donald Trump.

Adding to the turmoil: A lawsuit filed by an unnamed Republican campaign staffer against Matt Schlapp, chair of the American Conservative Union, which organizes the conference. The suit accuses Schlapp of groping him during a car ride in Georgia before the November election. Schlapp has denied the allegations.

We lost Mike Pence!?? Oh no!!!
There are ample valid reasons to oppose Trump – Trump is a racist, bigot, and misogynist.

Trump is a liar and a demagogue.

Trump is a coward unfit to hold any public office.

And as we saw on 1/6, Trump is an enemy of democracy – he fomented a coup attempt and a rightwing domestic terrorist attack on America’s democracy in an effort to overturn a fair, honest, lawful election contrary to the will of the American people.

That Cheney belongs to a tiny minority of Republicans who oppose Trump is one of countless things wrong with the GOP.

Trumps a racist? Did he tell people "you ain't black" if you don't vote for him? Did he ask a black reporter if he was on drugs?
Whatever moderates that were left in the now dead as a door nail Republican Party have been forced by reactionary ReNaziKlans who want Fascist Dictatorship in our country.

The party of Thomas E. Dewy, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Barry M. Goldwater and William H. Miller has been destroyed by Russian Loving MAGA MAGGOTS.

The biggest problem they have, is the same one they have always had. Humans have a shelf life. No new generation is becoming conservative, anymore than they are returning to riding horses for transportation.

Conservatism isn’t a viable ideology for future generations. The MAGA trolls have only hastened it’s demise.
There was no significant legislation under Trump.

It was four years of incompetence and ruin – much of the damage Trump caused is irreparable.

And at the end Trump sought to attack America’s democracy, commit an act of treason by overturning the 2020 election, and lawlessly retain power like an autocratic despot.

Trump was the worst president in US history.
And you are just one of the worst posters here on USMB, otherwise with your bull shite con-jobs you keep trying to sell here. Tell you a little secret - no one is buying your snake oil boy.
Sucks to be you pyetro Your side is pulling down statues of people who lived hundreds of years ago for wacism while Biden and Hillary lionized KKK Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd
Shows how much they truly give a shite, otherwise it's all about the now, and what they can get in the now, so they will attack and use anything to achieve their goals.
I beg to differ
Oh so rightblinger has something against living in trailer parks and against the poor folk's when attempting to label Mrs Greene a trailer park queen eh ??

You know that right there ought to tell all these brainwashed poor folk's (who would literally die for the Democrat party), exactly what their so called mouth pieces truly think about them.

It's the same with how these knucklehead's try to convince the various groups to vote for them, but then you catch them trying to use the various groups culture's in a derogatory way, otherwise in order to curse out a conservative or hypocritically label the conservatives with their anti-whatever group they choose to use their "expletives" on that day, otherwise as was depicted above.

I wish they would make up their minds about anything in life, because most of the time they are full of shite.

You truly can't make the bull shite up.
He was cheated in every one of those states. That is why the people were in DC on Jan.6th.
He cheated himself.
By killing thousands of his supporters.
Let's hear it for covid!

And yo9u peoploe were in DC on 1/6 because to a man you are ignorant traitors.
Oh so rightblinger has something against living in trailer parks and against the poor folk's when attempting to label Mrs Greene a trailer park queen eh ??

You know that right there ought to tell all these brainwashed poor folk's (who would literally die for the Democrat party), exactly what their so called mouth pieces truly think about them.

It's the same with how these knucklehead's try to convince the various groups to vote for them, but then you catch them trying to use the various groups culture's in a derogatory way, otherwise in order to curse out a conservative or hypocritically label the conservatives with their anti-whatever group they choose to use their "expletives" on that day, otherwise as was depicted above.

I wish they would make up their minds about anything in life, because most of the time they are full of shite.

You truly can't make the bull shite up.

What Democrats don't understand......

White religious "Bible Thumper"...... THEY HATE

But wait........ single mothers in need... THEY LOVE!!!

The crowed shouted, "Hang Mike Pence....Hang Mike Pence".
Metaphorically speaking I would say... No one was going to resort to violence against political figures on that day is my thinking, but hang him in the sense of branding him as a traitor to his COUNTRY was the idea behind the alledged chant's or rhetoric is what I think, no matter how misguided the protestor's were in their rhetoric on that day.
what's there to say?

GOP stars flee CPAC​

A number of big names are skipping the annual conservative gathering, whose chair faces a sexual misconduct lawsuit.

Many of the Republican Party's marquee players — including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence and the top GOP leaders in Congress — will skip this week's Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland, dealing a significant blow to the annual gathering's stature.
There are going to be so many fraudulent "analyses" between now and November of 2024. All propaganda.

The meaning of this seems perfectly straightforward to me. Trump IS way ahead in the hearts of the party electorate, and so Pence and DeSantis are lying low for now. Anything can happen so they are waiting in the wings. They've got time on their side, after all.

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