Power of CPAC Dimished

So you can’t provide any specific reason for why you consider Liz Cheney a RINO.

You just consider a RINO because she doesn’t kiss Trump’s ass.

Thanks for playing.
They consider Liz Cheney a RHINO because that is what amateur MAGAt gaslighters call REAL patriots.
It's pretty much all these tards have got.
So you can’t answer why you guys consider Cheney a RINO either.

I’m seeing a pattern. Run along now.
So you can’t provide any specific reason for why you consider Liz Cheney a RINO.

You just consider a RINO because she doesn’t kiss Trump’s ass.

Thanks for playing.
Might have to do with her campaign contributions during J6, by dems to seek reelection......................Epic fail.
Just sayin'
Yes. Proven back in the late 1970s when he was sued by DoJ for racial discrimination.

During a presidential debate with Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in September 2016, Clinton brought up the racial discrimination case, to which Trump responded, "Yes, when I was very young, I went into my father's company — had a real estate company in Brooklyn and Queens. And we, along with many, many other companies throughout the country — it was a federal lawsuit — were sued. We settled the suit with zero, with no admission of guilt”
Metaphorically speaking I would say... No one was going to resort to violence against political figures on that day is my thinking, but hang him in the sense of branding him as a traitor to his COUNTRY was the idea behind the alledged chant's or rhetoric is what I think, no matter how misguided the protestor's were in their rhetoric on that day.
Yes, that was a metaphorical gallows that they built on the Capitol grounds. 🙄
When COVID first appeared many, especially the experts, didn't realize how potent the virus would be. No one had an accurate "crystal ball" in the early first months.
IIRC, it was about the first of February 2020 when Trump began to impose travel restrictions ("bans"?) and many on the Left accused him of over-reacting and being xenophobic.
Now, in classic hypocrite form common to the Left/Democrats, Trump didn't do enough.
Hindsight can be helpful at times in terms of "what could have been", but it seems to distort many's recall of actual facts and events.

Even Fauci now admits to early mistakes.

Dr. Fauci Comes Clean on Vaccines and Respiratory Viruses​

Don't tell me it's BS, tell your hero Donne the Orange.





pardon me, I blew milk out the noseholes!
Trump killed no one. The deaths were caused by Blue state governors and the lying scum that was to inform Trump not lie to him.

The people in DC saw 6 states stop counting votes. They saw an 800,000 lead disappear overnight in PA. They saw ballot drops where 90% went for Biden. They saw state election officials refuse to cooperate. And they heard a media lying about all they knew being baseless. The were and are patriots. You are just a scared POS.
Trump's decision to hide the serious nature of COVID from the public along with his raging against reasonable protective measures killed a million people, MOST OF THE REPUBLICANS


Those governors acted out of ignorances. Why? Because Trump hid the truth about COVID until it was too late


The traitors in DC didn't see shit. They listened to the shit coming out of the mouths of Trump and his propagandists and rather than clean the crap out of their ears they let their hate and ignorance drive them to commit crimes.


Me Scared?


I'm not the one needing 5 guns on my hip to go the the deli?


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