Power of CPAC Dimished

He chose to conceal the serious nature of the threat so people could act accordingly.
When his ego was hurt by the success governors were having in keeping people safe he made COVID political and killed a million people in the process.

But it wasn't all bad. His failure to govern kill way more Republicans than Democrats and probably cost him reelection.

That is Suuuuweeeeeeet!
When COVID first appeared many, especially the experts, didn't realize how potent the virus would be. No one had an accurate "crystal ball" in the early first months.
IIRC, it was about the first of February 2020 when Trump began to impose travel restrictions ("bans"?) and many on the Left accused him of over-reacting and being xenophobic.
Now, in classic hypocrite form common to the Left/Democrats, Trump didn't do enough.
Hindsight can be helpful at times in terms of "what could have been", but it seems to distort many's recall of actual facts and events.

Even Fauci now admits to early mistakes.

Dr. Fauci Comes Clean on Vaccines and Respiratory Viruses​

To say that Paul Manafort did not give Vital Polling Data is a downright, out right shit sucking lie.

From the Associated Press (Dated April 16, 2021)

U.S. Says Russia Was Given Trump Campaign Polling Data In 2016.

WASHINGTON (AP) — It was one of the more tantalizing, yet unresolved, questions of the investigation into possible connections between Russia and Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign: Why was a business associate of campaign chairman Paul Manafort given internal polling data — and what did he do with it?

A Treasury Department statement Thursday offered a potentially significant clue, asserting that Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian and Ukrainian political consultant, had shared sensitive campaign and polling information with Russian intelligence services.

Kilimnik has long been alleged by U.S. officials to have ties to Russian intelligence. But the statement in a broader Treasury Department sanctions announcement was the first time the U.S. government had so directly drawn a connection from the Trump campaign to the Kremlin’s intelligence services. The revelation was all the more startling because it went beyond any allegation made in either special counsel Robert Mueller’s 2019 report or in an even more damning and detailed document released last year by the Senate Intelligence Committee.

From the Business Insider (Dated August 8, 2022)

Exclusive: Paul Manafort Admits He Passed Trump Campaign Data To Suspected Russian Asset.

In an interview with Insider, Paul Manafort, who served as Donald Trump's campaign chairman, made his first public admission that in 2016 he shared polling data from the Trump campaign with Konstantin Kilimnik, a longtime business associate with suspected ties to Russian intelligence.

Kilimnik then passed the data on to Russian spies, according to the US Treasury Department, which has characterized the data as "sensitive information on polling and campaign strategy."

Manafort's acknowledgment contradicts his earlier denials during the investigation into election interference conducted by the special counsel Robert Mueller. At the time, Manafort denied he had anything to do with the transfer of sensitive campaign data. It also differs from the account he gives in his forthcoming memoir, "Political Prisoner," in which he concedes that he only presented Kilimnik with "talking points" on polling data that was already public.

From the Washington Examiner (Dated August 8, 2022)

Paul Manafort Concedes He Gave Trump Campaign Polling Data To The Russians.

Paul Manafort, who served as chairman of the Trump campaign in 2016, gave polling data to a Russian businessman believed to have ties to the Kremlin, he conceded in an interview.

Manafort admitted to handing over campaign polling data to Konstantin Kilimnik, according to an interview with Business Insider. Kilimnik is believed to have later relayed "sensitive information on polling and campaign strategy" related to the Trump campaign over to Russian spies, the Treasury Department said.

"The data that I shared with him was a combination of public information and stuff for the spring that was. It was old," Manafort told the outlet.

That gumba looking fuck Manafart admits to giving Polling Analytics (Polling Data) to a Russian Asset Konstanin Kilinmik.

Manafart admits he did it. Saying he did not is a lie.
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He cheated himself.
By killing thousands of his supporters.
Let's hear it for covid!

And yo9u peoploe were in DC on 1/6 because to a man you are ignorant traitors.
Trump killed no one. The deaths were caused by Blue state governors and the lying scum that was to inform Trump not lie to him.

The people in DC saw 6 states stop counting votes. They saw an 800,000 lead disappear overnight in PA. They saw ballot drops where 90% went for Biden. They saw state election officials refuse to cooperate. And they heard a media lying about all they knew being baseless. The were and are patriots. You are just a scared POS.
Looks like Trump is indeed running ahead. DeSantis is sensibly lying low for now.
Desantis ought to sit this one out.. He's doing great in Florida, and he can use his resume to definitely gain the presidency after Trump gets his 4 final years in. Years that was robbed from him. No sense in constantly causing turmoil when it only destroy's the party, and creates division that is hard to overcome. The Democrat's love it.
Desantis ought to sit this one out.. He's doing great in Florida, and he can use his resume to definitely gain the presidency after Trump gets his 4 final years in. Years that was robbed from him. No sense in constantly causing turmoil when it only destroy's the party, and creates division that is hard to overcome. The Democrat's love it.
Yes, agreed, and also we know well who is sitting ready in the wings in case of problems. Trump isn't getting any younger ----- all in all, it seems to be a pretty orderly situation.
ol' liz voted for donny's policies 93% of the time.

these people demand 100% loyalty to their chosen one & not the constitution.
Has nothing to do with voting for policies.. The woman turned Rhino for reason's favorable to Democrat's and their agenda's.
Power of CPAC Dimished
Again, even if that’s the case, it would be a tragic mistake to underestimate the racism, bigotry, and hate advocated for by conservatives.

For example:

If the GOP field gets crowded DeSantis may stay out of it and wait till 28 to run....
Trump seems so popular at this moment that DeSantis would be silly to buck that. That could change, but ----- yes, what you said.

See, that's where Hogan went wrong. He just somehow never GOT it. DeSantis does.

Power of CPAC Dimished​

OH NO! CPAC is dimished!
Screen Shot 2020-11-02 at 4.28.53 PM.jpg

Meantime, the higher you go, the fewer there are, which is why there are so many total idiots and assholes all down in the democrat party!
"The Twitter Files?"

Yeah idiot--- the stark revelation in B&W print that the democrats were using government in secret with the leftwing media to oppress republicans in order to steal elections.

You are the definition of mental illness, you try to laugh off proof of massive illegal government collaboration to influence elections through media after spending two YEARS and 30 MILLION dollars trying to prove the Russians stole 2016 with a few Facebook ads. :auiqs.jpg:
Does any of that type of stuff truly bother the Democrat's these days ??? Hell no, not in the new democrat's mindset these days, but it shows up on the Republican side and it is that your side really isn't offended by it, instead your side just figures it as a crack in the cement... So they quickly grab their sledgehammer's and go straight after that crack in hopes of making it a huge one.
Evidently the MAGA party is just fine with groomer sexual assaulters.
Again, even if that’s the case, it would be a tragic mistake to underestimate the racism, bigotry, and hate advocated for by conservatives.

For example:

Do you actually think that anyone is talking about or advocating for genocide ?? We aren't some third world country or anything like that, and never will be.

The best thing however is for people to stop pushing their bull shite on other's, and to stop trying to change everything in order to suit themselves as if no one else matters anymore. Christianity has come under attack by group's who now think that the oldest religion in America is somehow attacking them when it's not.

Some culture's and religion's are going to have commandments, standard's etc that forbids them to allow themselves to be infiltrated by anyone who doesn't share their family values and standard's or that go along with them, otherwise things that are a huge part of their belief system in which they are following. Christian's are never violent, but they are always hopeful that people will seek help before it's to late for them, but in the meantime they want their space to worship and be free to believe the religion of their choice without interference.

The Christian's didn't start the war on everything American, and it's just that they want to be left alone. How hard is that ??
Evidently the MAGA party is just fine with groomer sexual assaulters.
ROTFLMBO 🤣🤣🤣 who saw that one coming ??? Stay tuned as Justice is either done or the guy is innocent, but you using terminology like that is as either hypocritical as hell or just plain stupid.

Desperation makes people do and say crazy thing's. Sorry you are so desperate to get a win... 😂

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