Power of CPAC Dimished

Nobody said they necessarily believe this. We will see if others come forward to validate the report. The CBS article ZincWarrior linked to goes out of its way to indicate the sex harassment charge is unwitnessed by a third party and denied by the CPAC chief.

How does it feel when your own “leaders” are given the same treatment Trump cultists and “Pizza Parlor Pedaphile” nuts here at USMB use against the President and virtually all your political opponents … every single hour, day in and day out? This is your game! The list of genuine Repub perverts and sex offenders is just as long as that of Dems.
However there are scores of photos showing your hero, groper and molester Joe Biden, fondling and grabbing women and girls in public and without their consent. He is much more the masacot of the lying and theiving Left and Democrats. All the way back to Chappaquiddick up to present.
Many of the party’s best-known likely candidates — from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to former Vice President Mike Pence — are skipping the marquee event kicking off Wednesday as the group grapples with controversy and questions over its place in a movement that remains deeply split over its allegiance to former President Donald Trump.

It is an organization that goes over two thirds for Trump. They will gain nothing by going, so there is no point in them going. It's pretty simple. Trump is the only GOP candidate that can bring in independent voters, which makes him the only GOP candidate that can win while staying on message. The others will immediately start waffling as soon as they need votes from outside of their state bases. We've already seen the GOP establishment's priorities at work in Congress, and it isn't America and its people,it's corporate welfare pork and tax breaks for billionaires, same as Democrats. It is their influence that is failing yet again, not Trump's.

If Democrats didn't fear Trump you assorted perverts and commies wouldn't be pissing all over themselves going after him for literally years now.
OXON HILL, Md. (AP) — The annual Conservative Political Action Conference was once one of the premier gatherings on the GOP campaign calendar — a must-stop for serious contenders testing the waters on presidential runs.

No longer.

Many of the party’s best-known likely candidates — from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to former Vice President Mike Pence — are skipping the marquee event kicking off Wednesday as the group grapples with controversy and questions over its place in a movement that remains deeply split over its allegiance to former President Donald Trump.

Adding to the turmoil: A lawsuit filed by an unnamed Republican campaign staffer against Matt Schlapp, chair of the American Conservative Union, which organizes the conference. The suit accuses Schlapp of groping him during a car ride in Georgia before the November election. Schlapp has denied the allegations.
An organization dedicated to one of the most treacherous and dangerous Americans of recent years is diminished. Thank GOD !
OXON HILL, Md. (AP) — The annual Conservative Political Action Conference was once one of the premier gatherings on the GOP campaign calendar — a must-stop for serious contenders testing the waters on presidential runs.

No longer.

Many of the party’s best-known likely candidates — from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to former Vice President Mike Pence — are skipping the marquee event kicking off Wednesday as the group grapples with controversy and questions over its place in a movement that remains deeply split over its allegiance to former President Donald Trump.

Adding to the turmoil: A lawsuit filed by an unnamed Republican campaign staffer against Matt Schlapp, chair of the American Conservative Union, which organizes the conference. The suit accuses Schlapp of groping him during a car ride in Georgia before the November election. Schlapp has denied the allegations.
You can't wait till Monday to hear it from Whoopi Goldberg and Stephen Colbert can you?
If the Cheney family is not “Republican,” “Conservative,” and “nationalist / patriotic” — because they don’t suck up to Trump, then words don’t have meaning anymore.

Of course for Repubs who think modern Liberals are all “socialists” AND “fascists” — and Trump is a genuine “constitutionalist” despite suggesting to his followers they consider “terminating” our laws and Constitution to put him back in power — clear and sober thinking is rare.

Most ordinary Americans want to keep broad Roe vs. Wade - like abortion rights; they want an end to Trump-like demagogery and talk of “civil war:” they want bipartisan or rational independent political action to address our nations many serious problems. It seems to me most Americans are really getting fed up with the antics coming out of CPAC these days.
Too late for talking seemingly rational about what you might think that the most of American's want, because you have lost touch with what you think that the most of American's want, because simply put you've been brainwashed or you are actually one of the bad guy's yourself.
It is an organization that goes over two thirds for Trump. They will gain nothing by going, so there is no point in them going. It's pretty simple. Trump is the only GOP candidate that can bring in independent voters, which makes him the only GOP candidate that can win while staying on message. The others will immediately start waffling as soon as they need votes from outside of their state bases. We've already seen the GOP establishment's priorities at work in Congress, and it isn't America and its people,it's corporate welfare pork and tax breaks for billionaires, same as Democrats. It is their influence that is failing yet again, not Trump's.

If Democrats didn't fear Trump you assorted perverts and commies wouldn't be pissing all over themselves going after him for literally years now.
That's exactly why the republican's that didn't show weren't going to show, because they are figuring on using the old ways of securing their win if that is what they are up too. They figure that the talk of revolution that started with Obama has since burnt out. Now it's back to order in the court room, and let's resume calm and collective election's, but the problem still remains that the Democrat hate machine/elephant is still making it's large presence in the room.

Like you say in effect that "they'll just give in and compromise with the beast, and all in hopes to appease it", but that definitely is the wrong thing to do. Unity isn't possible with the beast, because it still wants to devour and destroy.
Liz Cheney Voting History shows she voted over 90% of the time with the Traitor. Her only real sin daring stand up for our Democracy by demanding the Traitor be held accountable.
Yeah and she went stupid when she joined the Democrat party to go after one of her own (something you would never see take place on the Democrat side), but here you crats are just savoring the lapse in judgement by a confused so called Republican turned Rhino or better yet turned traitor.
Yeah and she went stupid when she joined the Democrat party to go after one of her own (something you would never see take place on the Democrat side), but here you crats are just savoring the lapse in judgement by a confused so called Republican turned Rhino or better yet turned traitor.
Simply NOT TRUE.

5 democratic senators voted to impeach President Bill Clinton.

It is NOT unheard of democrats getting rid of their own....democrats do it all the time! Al Frankin just one of the most recent....
You intentional ignorance is inspiring.

Does any of that type of stuff truly bother the Democrat's these days ??? Hell no, not in the new democrat's mindset these days, but it shows up on the Republican side and it is that your side really isn't offended by it, instead your side just figures it as a crack in the cement... So they quickly grab their sledgehammer's and go straight after that crack in hopes of making it a huge one.

Divide the armies, and go forth to conquer, and do so with many fighting divisions that come back together on the field of victory once the battle's are won.

The dividing of the armies for maximum effect while depending on the general's to call the shots out in the field is an historically documented tactic, otherwise when fighting war's whether they are literal or political. Some see it as weakness, but they are gambling when they see and then think this.

On the football field the offense uses many strategic plays in order to throw off the defense, but depending on the plays, ummmmm well sometimes it fails, but many times it don't.

Trump's going to drive it smash mouth over center and right down the middle, and he will divide the Democrat team as he scores the touchdown for America that is needed.
Simply NOT TRUE.

5 democratic senators voted to impeach President Bill Clinton.

It is NOT unheard of democrats getting rid of their own....democrats do it all the time! Al Frankin just one of the most recent....
I'm talking about now or rather going back to Obama's error.
My reference was to your Jan 6. delusion.
As for Summer of 2020, numerous "autonomous zones" in several cities = seccesion, combined with months of riots, arson, looting, vandalism, assaults and murders, to which Democratic mayors and governors did nothing to stop, amounts to real sedition and insurrection and actual efforts to overthrow the governance of our nation.
This is a lie and red herring fallacy, a cowardly and failed attempt to deflect from the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy.
She doesn't hate Trump for J6, she just jumped on the bandwagon because she hates Trump for other reason's. Reason's that you know about, but won't say them yourself.
There are ample valid reasons to oppose Trump – Trump is a racist, bigot, and misogynist.

Trump is a liar and a demagogue.

Trump is a coward unfit to hold any public office.

And as we saw on 1/6, Trump is an enemy of democracy – he fomented a coup attempt and a rightwing domestic terrorist attack on America’s democracy in an effort to overturn a fair, honest, lawful election contrary to the will of the American people.

That Cheney belongs to a tiny minority of Republicans who oppose Trump is one of countless things wrong with the GOP.
I gave you a list. Take your pick.
I can't play any more for awhile, too many home front tasks to do.
There was no significant legislation under Trump.

It was four years of incompetence and ruin – much of the damage Trump caused is irreparable.

And at the end Trump sought to attack America’s democracy, commit an act of treason by overturning the 2020 election, and lawlessly retain power like an autocratic despot.

Trump was the worst president in US history.

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