Power of CPAC Dimished

If the Cheney family is not “Republican,” “Conservative,” and “nationalist / patriotic” — because they don’t suck up to Trump, then words don’t have meaning anymore.

Of course for Repubs who think modern Liberals are all “socialists” AND “fascists” — and Trump is a genuine “constitutionalist” despite suggesting to his followers they consider “terminating” our laws and Constitution to put him back in power — clear and sober thinking is rare.

It seems to me that ordinary Americans who wanted to keep Roe vs. Wade, who want an end to Trump-like demagogery and talk of “civil war,” who want bipartisan or rational independent political action to address our nations many serious problems … it seems to me THEY are fed up with most of the antics coming out of CPAC these days.
Actually words have different meanings to those with different ideologies and agendas. Also to those whom wish to engage misinformation in place of truth. Which seems to be your case.
You dishonor your username.
So you can’t answer why you guys consider Cheney a RINO either.

I’m seeing a pattern. Run along now.
I'm not "one of you guys".
There is far more diversity in the non-Democrat part of our political spectrum than many of you seem to grasp. Also seems you fail to grasp the distinctions between CINO and RINO.
I would think you Dumbocrats would be creaming your panties at the supposed division on the Right side.
To you guys, RINO just refers to anyone who doesn’t kiss Trump’s ass.

Liz Cheney is a perfect example of this.
Like I said earlier, RINO has been around for a while, way before Trump was POTUS. Personally I think it is rather broadly applied and that CINO would be more precise. As it is, most DINOs don't get support from the Democratic Party so they try to get it from the GOP.
Then how is Liz Cheney a RINO?

She has a more Conservative history than Trump himself?
Unlike color of skin, eyes, hair, or other biological traits one isn't born with political affiliation or ideological leanings. Those whom engage in real learning and an open mind will be inclined to change their views over time and with newer data and insights.
You Leftist think that once and apple, always an apple. Not allowed to change to a banana.
If the Cheney family is not “Republican,” “Conservative,” and “nationalist / patriotic” — because they don’t suck up to Trump, then words don’t have meaning anymore.

Of course for Repubs who think modern Liberals are all “socialists” AND “fascists” — and Trump is a genuine “constitutionalist” despite suggesting to his followers they consider “terminating” our laws and Constitution to put him back in power — clear and sober thinking is rare.

Most ordinary Americans want to keep broad Roe vs. Wade - like abortion rights; they want an end to Trump-like demagogery and talk of “civil war:” they want bipartisan or rational independent political action to address our nations many serious problems. It seems to me most Americans are really getting fed up with the antics coming out of CPAC these days.
Suck it up!
They aren't conservatives. They're the lunatic fringe, that doesn't even have the support of a majority of Republicans.

They are now nothing but maga trolls. They have no power.

The conservative movement loses power with each new generation. The conservative movement is nothing but the segregationist movement of the 1950's. It has only remained relevant to the extent of it's racist roots, using law and order, and religious facades to aid in it's appeal to voters.

Both maga trolls, and segregationist conservatives are descendent, and isolated to regional factions. Neither have policies, or ideas that have any broad support, with the overwhelming majority of America, and have zero support with younger generations of voters.

Whatever moderates that were left in the now dead as a door nail Republican Party have been forced by reactionary ReNaziKlans who want Fascist Dictatorship in our country.

The party of Thomas E. Dewy, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Barry M. Goldwater and William H. Miller has been destroyed by Russian Loving MAGA MAGGOTS.
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Since you all are too dumb to search, or intentionally misinformationistys;
"Cheney has been a representative since 2017, and was the chair of the House Republican Conference until May 2021, when Republicans voted to remove her from party leadership for criticizing Trump for his involvement in the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Wyoming GOP leadership also voted to no longer recognize her as a member of the party."
Cheney is one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump for his alleged incitement of the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Cheney joined Republican Reps. Peter Meijer of Michigan, Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington and Tom Rice of South Carolina as Republicans who voted to impeach Trump and have now lost their Republican primaries.
"Cheney had delivered a defiant speech Tuesday night, slamming former President Trump, the movement he created and the candidates who repeat his claims about the 2020 election. It was at once a concession speech and a promise of a future in public life."
A slight sampling, I haven't time to waste doing your homework.

Note that the GOP is more diverse and divided then the Democratic party hence it includes may whom are CINO which is considered RINO by some.

Liz Cheney Voting History shows she voted over 90% of the time with the Traitor. Her only real sin daring stand up for our Democracy by demanding the Traitor be held accountable.
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Unlike color of skin, eyes, hair, or other biological traits one isn't born with political affiliation or ideological leanings. Those whom engage in real learning and an open mind will be inclined to change their views over time and with newer data and insights.
You Leftist think that once and apple, always an apple. Not allowed to change to a banana.

Liz Cheney was born a REPUBLICAN
Her father was in the Ford Whitehouse at the time
Considering the confusion to misinformation on political positions/sides/leanings, etc. we see in this thread (and elsewhere on this forum) I'd suggest take a few minutes and do this short, quick test.
Nominally ten questions. If you find your self a bit undecided on say "Agree" or "Maybe", then instead of picking one (20 points) or the other (10 points) go ahead and trydoing inbetween with 15 (or 12 or 17 ...).
This means you will have to do it offline, record results on paper, and then apply to the results graph;

Note they also allow for doing this online, but in a bit more constrictive form.
Also a very informative website. Useful for those of us whom are Libertarian.
They do have a definable agenda, it just doesn't match that of the Democrats and in many cases is beyond their grasp and understanding.
Reps block Dems legislation because it infringes upon individual rights, seeks equal results over equal opportunity, and promotes taking from the productive to give to the non-productive.
Reps want to cut budgets rather than taxes because they wish to hold guv'mint to it's Constitutional mandates rather than expand it's powers, grasp, and drain upon economic growth.
Dems are far more into petty investigations, see the four plus years wasted on "Trump~Russia Collusion to steal 2016 Election from SHillary" as a classic example.
Reps don't engage in "hate legislation", this is just another inaccurate term used by Dems for their legislation to grant extra "Rights" to minorities over the regular citizens. Note that their are many gay conservatives/Republicans.
Transexuals are a small slice of less than 1% of the population and some seek extra rights and privileges at denial of same to the majority.
As for Muslims, it is only the Jihad's and the Fundamentalists whom use their religion to exclude rights to women and non-Muslims that cause concern and counter efforts.
Where is it?

What has been the biggest piece of Republican Legislation in the last 15 years?
Liz Cheney was born a REPUBLICAN
Her father was in the Ford Whitehouse at the time
You friggin' Leftists are so dense and stupid!
Does it say "REPUBLICAN" on her birth certificate?
Never heard of a child taking opposite political position from their parents?

Since about 1968 the Democrat part has shifted more to the hard Left, Socialist/Communist position that if one doesn't march in lockstep to that limited range of ideology, they likely will not be considered a Democrat, at best a DINO (Democrat In Name Only), which likely won't last long since they will get very little to no support and financing from the Democrat Party. John F. Kennedy likely couldn't be a Democrat in today's political realm, likely not even a DINO. If he were to seek a major party backing he'd have to appeal to the GOP where some might label him a RINO and/or CINO.

On the USA political spectrum 'pie chart', the current Democratic Party holds about a one quarter slice. The Republicans hold another quarter slice(wedge) and the "Undecided"/"Independent" fill the other half. Most election hinge on which Party can get the most (legal) votes from the half in the Middle.

A reminder, IIRC it was Stalin whom stated;
"It doesn't matter whom the people vote for, what matters is whom counts the votes."
Where is it?

What has been the biggest piece of Republican Legislation in the last 15 years?
Back in post #167. For a start, and from more recently, repeated here, take your pick(s).

Trump Administration Accomplishments – The White House - As of Jan. 2021

Trump Administration Accomplishments - McLeanGOP


The Accomplishments of President Trump

BTW, "biggest" is rather vague. But then you Leftists can rarely be exact or precise.

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