Power of CPAC Dimished

Because Jan 6.

So you’re mad at her because she attacked Trump. Just like I fucking said.
Think what you want leftist, no one cares. You know what your leftist agenda has been, and that's why y'all went plum stupid over Trump being elected because you've been brainwashed by those you follow like lambs to the slaughter in your cult.
You not only worship them, you do everthing, including illegal you can get away with, to put them into office.
You people are the ultimate in 'cult of the personality'.
I just hope that the house will FINALLY get results against these alledged leftist criminal's that have been operating with impunity for to long now.
Think what you want leftist, no one cares. You know what your leftist agenda has been, and that's why y'all went plum stupid over Trump being elected because you've been brainwashed by those you follow like lambs to the slaughter in your cult.
Blah blah blah.

So you can’t explain any specific reason or policy you hate Liz Cheney for. You just think she’s a RINO because she doesn’t kiss Trump’s ass.

Thanks for playing. You‘re not very good at this.
The question was why you guys consider Liz Cheney is a RINO.

After you take your Ritalin, maybe you can try answering.
My reference was to your Jan 6. delusion.
As for Summer of 2020, numerous "autonomous zones" in several cities = seccesion, combined with months of riots, arson, looting, vandalism, assaults and murders, to which Democratic mayors and governors did nothing to stop, amounts to real sedition and insurrection and actual efforts to overthrow the governance of our nation.
Define "RINO" and provide specific examples of what makes the above mentioned people a "RINO."
Republicans who are out of touch with everyday Americans because they have lived a kings life with zero worries on being voted out of office because of the financial ties they have made with wealthy donors.... They pull back from every fight brought to them thus so they begin to look more like a democrat than a republican....
They are not conservative.... they vote for more and more spending just like dems.... and they favor the super wealthy over the working man and woman....

My reference was to your Jan 6. delusion.
As for Summer of 2020, numerous "autonomous zones" in several cities = seccesion, combined with months of riots, arson, looting, vandalism, assaults and murders, to which Democratic mayors and governors did nothing to stop, amounts to real sedition and insurrection and actual efforts to overthrow the governance of our nation.
And what does that have to do with why you guys think Liz Cheney is a RINO.

Have you taken your Ritalin yet?
What makes you think any number out there about Covid is accurate or the truth? The track record of lie after lie about Covid say something very different.
FWIW for all (may place in another thread);

10 myths told by COVID experts — and now debunked​

The question was why you guys consider Liz Cheney is a RINO.

After you take your Ritalin, maybe you can try answering.
No one wants to play your leftist games.

It's already been established that you know why, so it is that she joined the hate Trump team all because of the leftist agenda's that she supports in which she was told Trump doesn't support (no evidence of it), and it was also because of the Trump attack's on the Bush dynasty that involved her dear old dad and John McCain..

Pandora's box has caused desperately for your party to try and slam it back shut or to just deny it all when it bubbles up to the surface.

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