Power of CPAC Dimished


So then why would he have left it to them in the first place, if this were true?

He did not undermine the decisions of Jay Inslee any more or less than he undermined the decisions of Kristi Noem.

Those of we conservatives living here in Washington state wish he had undone GruppenFurher Inslee's economy and liberty ruining decisions. Inslee is the classic Leftist-Democrat whom seeks to be a dictator and suppress opposition.

Trump Administration Accomplishments – The White House - As of Jan. 2021

Trump Administration Accomplishments - McLeanGOP​


The Accomplishments of President Trump​

For a start.
Problem with the seditious insurrectionist Left is that they aren't the 'hype' and 'fundamental change' meant to transform the USA into the socialist/communist ideal of the Regressives and Democrats.
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She's an infiltrator... Her value's don't align with conservative value's and principle's.
How so? Which of her values don’t align with conservative values and principles?

Watch, this is where you run off again. Go on.
Who claims she is a RINO ?
If a Rhino is a Democrat wearing a Republican suit, then she's a rhino. It doesn't matter to what degree her value's align on the issue's, but only that her value's align with the Democrat's just enough to make her attack her own party member's, otherwise like she has done against Trump. That makes her a Rhino. It's vengeance with her, and everyone knows it.

Look at the Florida death toll.

When you look at the 2020 election and blend in COVID deaths the real probability exists that Trump's policies and rantings killed off enough of his base to cost him the election.


Enough of the base to turn 2022 from a predicted GOP landslide into a GOP disaster

Most uninformed post of the year.
If a Rhino is a Democrat wearing a Republican suit, then she's a rhino. It doesn't matter to what degree her value's align on the issue's, but only that her value's align with the Democrat's just enough to make her attack her own party member's, otherwise like she has done against Trump that makes her a Rhino. It's vengeance with her, and everyone knows it.

Cheney is more loyal to her values and the future of the Republican Party than to conforming to MAGA craziness and the excesses of Trump
Those of we conservatives living here in Washington state wish he had undone GruppenFurher Inslee's economy and liberty ruining decisions. Inslee is the classic Leftist-Democrat whom seeks to be a dictator and suppress opposition.

I escaped the Washington Gulag on August 25, 2021.

You have my sympathies.

OXON HILL, Md. (AP) — The annual Conservative Political Action Conference was once one of the premier gatherings on the GOP campaign calendar — a must-stop for serious contenders testing the waters on presidential runs.

No longer.

Many of the party’s best-known likely candidates — from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to former Vice President Mike Pence — are skipping the marquee event kicking off Wednesday as the group grapples with controversy and questions over its place in a movement that remains deeply split over its allegiance to former President Donald Trump.

Adding to the turmoil: A lawsuit filed by an unnamed Republican campaign staffer against Matt Schlapp, chair of the American Conservative Union, which organizes the conference. The suit accuses Schlapp of groping him during a car ride in Georgia before the November election. Schlapp has denied the allegations.
Hah! Wishful thinking.
Not the way it's used now. Now it's anyone who doesn't worship at the altar of Trump. When you guys are referring to Ron DeSantis and Mike Pence as "RINOs" you've lost the argument.
Who is referring to Dsantis and Pence as Rhino's liar ? I'd vote for Dsantis today if he were running, but not so sure about Pence... He seems to be a slick politician that has tendencies like the turtle or some of the other establishment types. No rhino's, just differences in political style's and beliefs along the line, otherwise normal stuff.

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