Power Plant Closures

Too funny. We need more nuclear power plants. The improvements in nuclear plant design are nothing short of amazing. Nuclear is 24/7 production and carbon-free. Take a look at molten salt reactors:

Molten Salt Reactors

Technology revolution in nuclear power could slash costs below coal - Telegraph

THORIUM MOLTEN-SALT The Best Reactor You 8217 ve Never Heard Of Raw Science

Sadly many people will refuse to discuss clean coal burning options that presently exist simply because the fuel is coal. The same is true of nuclear. If it's not solar, wind or wave it can't be considered. Tragic that the well-meaning are so close-minded.


Got some beach front property in Japan for sell , cheap?

Weird how the 'free market' can't provide for nuclear without the Gov't backing it up?

Funny but I have to ask how much government backing goes into wind and solar? Grants, tax rebates, price subsidies, etc.? You gave to admit that solar and wind only exist because of government support in one form or another.


Really? You mean like ANY 'NEW' energy? Why is oil or nukes getting support again?
Too funny. We need more nuclear power plants. The improvements in nuclear plant design are nothing short of amazing. Nuclear is 24/7 production and carbon-free. Take a look at molten salt reactors:

Molten Salt Reactors

Technology revolution in nuclear power could slash costs below coal - Telegraph

THORIUM MOLTEN-SALT The Best Reactor You 8217 ve Never Heard Of Raw Science

Sadly many people will refuse to discuss clean coal burning options that presently exist simply because the fuel is coal. The same is true of nuclear. If it's not solar, wind or wave it can't be considered. Tragic that the well-meaning are so close-minded.


Got some beach front property in Japan for sell , cheap?

Weird how the 'free market' can't provide for nuclear without the Gov't backing it up?

It can, but government also obstructs nuclear power. Eco-Nazis like you are constantly suing to prevent the construction of nuclear power plants, thereby driving the price up to the point where it's not economical.

MORE myths from you. I'm shocked, no really I am. NO PRIVATE Corp would EVER back Nuke on it's own, EVER. To much liability!
Too funny. We need more nuclear power plants. The improvements in nuclear plant design are nothing short of amazing. Nuclear is 24/7 production and carbon-free. Take a look at molten salt reactors:

Molten Salt Reactors

Technology revolution in nuclear power could slash costs below coal - Telegraph

THORIUM MOLTEN-SALT The Best Reactor You 8217 ve Never Heard Of Raw Science

Sadly many people will refuse to discuss clean coal burning options that presently exist simply because the fuel is coal. The same is true of nuclear. If it's not solar, wind or wave it can't be considered. Tragic that the well-meaning are so close-minded.


Got some beach front property in Japan for sell , cheap?

Weird how the 'free market' can't provide for nuclear without the Gov't backing it up?

Funny but I have to ask how much government backing goes into wind and solar? Grants, tax rebates, price subsidies, etc.? You gave to admit that solar and wind only exist because of government support in one form or another.


Really? You mean like ANY 'NEW' energy? Why is oil or nukes getting support again?

Oil is one of the federal government's greatest sources of revenue. It didn't require any government support to get started as an industry.
Too funny. We need more nuclear power plants. The improvements in nuclear plant design are nothing short of amazing. Nuclear is 24/7 production and carbon-free. Take a look at molten salt reactors:

Molten Salt Reactors

Technology revolution in nuclear power could slash costs below coal - Telegraph

THORIUM MOLTEN-SALT The Best Reactor You 8217 ve Never Heard Of Raw Science

Sadly many people will refuse to discuss clean coal burning options that presently exist simply because the fuel is coal. The same is true of nuclear. If it's not solar, wind or wave it can't be considered. Tragic that the well-meaning are so close-minded.


Got some beach front property in Japan for sell , cheap?

Weird how the 'free market' can't provide for nuclear without the Gov't backing it up?

Funny but I have to ask how much government backing goes into wind and solar? Grants, tax rebates, price subsidies, etc.? You gave to admit that solar and wind only exist because of government support in one form or another.


Really? You mean like ANY 'NEW' energy? Why is oil or nukes getting support again?

Oil is one of the federal government's greatest sources of revenue. It didn't require any government support to get started as an industry.

Weird, so the SPECIAL tax breaks oil gets, and has for more than 100+ years should be ended right? Amounting to BILLIONS a year
Too funny. We need more nuclear power plants. The improvements in nuclear plant design are nothing short of amazing. Nuclear is 24/7 production and carbon-free. Take a look at molten salt reactors:

Molten Salt Reactors

Technology revolution in nuclear power could slash costs below coal - Telegraph

THORIUM MOLTEN-SALT The Best Reactor You 8217 ve Never Heard Of Raw Science

Sadly many people will refuse to discuss clean coal burning options that presently exist simply because the fuel is coal. The same is true of nuclear. If it's not solar, wind or wave it can't be considered. Tragic that the well-meaning are so close-minded.


Got some beach front property in Japan for sell , cheap?

Weird how the 'free market' can't provide for nuclear without the Gov't backing it up?

Funny but I have to ask how much government backing goes into wind and solar? Grants, tax rebates, price subsidies, etc.? You gave to admit that solar and wind only exist because of government support in one form or another.


Really? You mean like ANY 'NEW' energy? Why is oil or nukes getting support again?

Oil is one of the federal government's greatest sources of revenue. It didn't require any government support to get started as an industry.

Weird, so the SPECIAL tax breaks oil gets, and has for more than 100+ years should be ended right? Amounting to BILLIONS a year

What "special tax breaks" have the oil companies been getting for 100 years?
BriPat -

Because they are not 'perfectly good'.

They are like any out-dated infrastructure that needs to be replaced by more effective, more cutting edge and more sustainable technologies.

Really - do you argue this bitterly everytime a bridge, an airport or hospital equipment is upgraded?

Wrong. So long as replacing them costs more than keeping them in operation, they are perfectly good. The only reason they are being shut down is some ridiculous new regulations the EPA implemented for the express purpose of shutting them down. No one is buying that shit about them being obsolete or not cost effective. They were more than cost effective before the EPA imposed the new regulations.
Got some beach front property in Japan for sell , cheap?

Weird how the 'free market' can't provide for nuclear without the Gov't backing it up?

Funny but I have to ask how much government backing goes into wind and solar? Grants, tax rebates, price subsidies, etc.? You gave to admit that solar and wind only exist because of government support in one form or another.


Really? You mean like ANY 'NEW' energy? Why is oil or nukes getting support again?

Oil is one of the federal government's greatest sources of revenue. It didn't require any government support to get started as an industry.

Weird, so the SPECIAL tax breaks oil gets, and has for more than 100+ years should be ended right? Amounting to BILLIONS a year

What "special tax breaks" have the oil companies been getting for 100 years?
The Ryan budget’s apparent retention of 100-year-old tax breaks while adding new ones ignores the century of federal support for oil production. According to an analysis by DBL Investors, the oil-and-gas industry received a total of $446 billion in government subsidies from 1918 through 2009. Meanwhile, the renewable energy industry received just $5.5 billion from 1994 to 2009. Moreover, over this time U.S. taxpayers invested $80 in oil for every $1 invested in clean, renewable energy.

Meet the New Oil Tax Breaks Same as the Old Oil Tax Breaks Center for American Progress

America's Most Obvious Tax Reform Idea: Kill the Oil and Gas Subsidies
In a world where $100-a-barrel oil is here to stay, there's no need to pad the industry's bottom line.

Why Big Oil Doesn't Need Uncle Sam's Help
The oil industry's lobbyists like to argue that its array of tax write-offs (which allow companies to deduct everything from drilling costs to the declining value of their wells) aren't any different than other deductions for less publicly reviled companies. Cutting them will discourage new exploration and put jobs at risk, they claim.

Yet, some of the breaks are anachronisms that date back almost to the days of John D. Rockefeller. And in a world of permanently high crude prices, there's very little rationale for subsidizing the bottom lines of companies like ExxonMobil and BP.
  • Expensing Intangible Drilling Costs ($13.9 billion): Since 1913, this tax break has let oil companies write off some costs of exploring for oil and creating new wells. When it was created, drilling meant taking a gamble on what was below the earth without high-tech geological tools. But software-led advances in seismic analysis and drilling techniques have cut that risk down.

  • Deducting percentage depletion for oil and natural gas wells ($11.5 billion): Since 1926, this has given oil companies a tax breaks based on the amount of oil extracted from its wells. The logic is, if manufacturers get a break for the cost of aging machinery, drillers can deduct the cost of their aging resources. (You decide for yourself whether that makes any sense.) Since 1975, it's only available to "independent oil producers," not the big oil companies, like Exxon and BP. But many of these smaller companies aren't actually small. According to Oil Change International, independents made up 86 of the top 100 oil companies by reserves. Those 86 had a median market cap of more than $2 billion. So essentially, this is a tax break that subsidizes the Very Big oil companies at the expense of the Very Biggest.*

America s Most Obvious Tax Reform Idea Kill the Oil and Gas Subsidies - The Atlantic
Too funny. We need more nuclear power plants. The improvements in nuclear plant design are nothing short of amazing. Nuclear is 24/7 production and carbon-free. Take a look at molten salt reactors:

Molten Salt Reactors

Technology revolution in nuclear power could slash costs below coal - Telegraph

THORIUM MOLTEN-SALT The Best Reactor You 8217 ve Never Heard Of Raw Science

Sadly many people will refuse to discuss clean coal burning options that presently exist simply because the fuel is coal. The same is true of nuclear. If it's not solar, wind or wave it can't be considered. Tragic that the well-meaning are so close-minded.


Got some beach front property in Japan for sell , cheap?

Weird how the 'free market' can't provide for nuclear without the Gov't backing it up?

It can, but government also obstructs nuclear power. Eco-Nazis like you are constantly suing to prevent the construction of nuclear power plants, thereby driving the price up to the point where it's not economical.

MORE myths from you. I'm shocked, no really I am. NO PRIVATE Corp would EVER back Nuke on it's own, EVER. To much liability!

Clearly we can count on you to raise a couple of good little leeches like yourself.
When the price of electric power triples just wait for the environmental wackos to blame it on "corporate greed."

Power Plant Closures

Impact of EPA’s Regulatory Assault on Power Plants: New Regulations to Take More than 72 GW of Electricity Generation Offline and the Plant Closing Announcements Keep Coming…
Ayup these democrats in charge need to be hung.
Funny but I have to ask how much government backing goes into wind and solar? Grants, tax rebates, price subsidies, etc.? You gave to admit that solar and wind only exist because of government support in one form or another.


Really? You mean like ANY 'NEW' energy? Why is oil or nukes getting support again?

Oil is one of the federal government's greatest sources of revenue. It didn't require any government support to get started as an industry.

Weird, so the SPECIAL tax breaks oil gets, and has for more than 100+ years should be ended right? Amounting to BILLIONS a year

What "special tax breaks" have the oil companies been getting for 100 years?
The Ryan budget’s apparent retention of 100-year-old tax breaks while adding new ones ignores the century of federal support for oil production. According to an analysis by DBL Investors, the oil-and-gas industry received a total of $446 billion in government subsidies from 1918 through 2009. Meanwhile, the renewable energy industry received just $5.5 billion from 1994 to 2009. Moreover, over this time U.S. taxpayers invested $80 in oil for every $1 invested in clean, renewable energy.

Meet the New Oil Tax Breaks Same as the Old Oil Tax Breaks Center for American Progress

America's Most Obvious Tax Reform Idea: Kill the Oil and Gas Subsidies
In a world where $100-a-barrel oil is here to stay, there's no need to pad the industry's bottom line.

Why Big Oil Doesn't Need Uncle Sam's Help
The oil industry's lobbyists like to argue that its array of tax write-offs (which allow companies to deduct everything from drilling costs to the declining value of their wells) aren't any different than other deductions for less publicly reviled companies. Cutting them will discourage new exploration and put jobs at risk, they claim.

Yet, some of the breaks are anachronisms that date back almost to the days of John D. Rockefeller. And in a world of permanently high crude prices, there's very little rationale for subsidizing the bottom lines of companies like ExxonMobil and BP.
  • Expensing Intangible Drilling Costs ($13.9 billion): Since 1913, this tax break has let oil companies write off some costs of exploring for oil and creating new wells. When it was created, drilling meant taking a gamble on what was below the earth without high-tech geological tools. But software-led advances in seismic analysis and drilling techniques have cut that risk down.
Every corporation in America is allowed to deduct the cost of doing business from it's gross revenues to arrive at taxable income. That's what the term "income" means, revenues minus expenses. Why anyone thinks oil companies should be the only corporations in America not allowed to deduct their expenses is baffling to me. It's probably not even constitutional.
  • Deducting percentage depletion for oil and natural gas wells ($11.5 billion): Since 1926, this has given oil companies a tax breaks based on the amount of oil extracted from its wells. The logic is, if manufacturers get a break for the cost of aging machinery, drillers can deduct the cost of their aging resources. (You decide for yourself whether that makes any sense.) Since 1975, it's only available to "independent oil producers," not the big oil companies, like Exxon and BP. But many of these smaller companies aren't actually small. According to Oil Change International, independents made up 86 of the top 100 oil companies by reserves. Those 86 had a median market cap of more than $2 billion. So essentially, this is a tax break that subsidizes the Very Big oil companies at the expense of the Very Biggest.*
America s Most Obvious Tax Reform Idea Kill the Oil and Gas Subsidies - The Atlantic

Your cite even admits that only small oil companies receive this benefit. Then it tries to claim that they are n the top 100 in size, so they aren't deserving. Tentatively I agree that this deduction should be ended, but it has never been necessary for the survival of the oil industry. It's just a pay-off by some Congressmen from oil producing states to their cronies in the oil business.
When the price of electric power triples just wait for the environmental wackos to blame it on "corporate greed."

Power Plant Closures

Impact of EPA’s Regulatory Assault on Power Plants: New Regulations to Take More than 72 GW of Electricity Generation Offline and the Plant Closing Announcements Keep Coming…
There's an easy escape where the power companies could make more money by complying with regulations. Install either geothermal or solar thermal hybrids onto their carbon plants to reduce their yearly carbon footprint. They'll actually make a ton of money charging the same rates and using less fuel that has to be mined, refined, bought, burned and scrubbed.

Every day the sun is shining, it's sweet moolah.. :beer:
When the price of electric power triples just wait for the environmental wackos to blame it on "corporate greed."

Power Plant Closures

Impact of EPA’s Regulatory Assault on Power Plants: New Regulations to Take More than 72 GW of Electricity Generation Offline and the Plant Closing Announcements Keep Coming…

''Over 94 percent these retirements will come from generating units at coal-fired power plants, shuttering over one-fifth of the U.S.’s coal-fired generating capacity''

Horrible? lol

WHEN have conservatives EVER been on the correct side pf history on ANY POLICY?

It must be miserable to be a conservative and time after time find your policies and ideals are wrong..

Conservatives, fought clean air, clean water and workplace rules.

Conservatives fought banking regulations and caused the great depression, the great recession and every single banking crises we've ever had. Every-time the conservatives talk about smaller government they've come into power and increased the size and cost of government..

Conservatives simply cannot learn from history.

Day in the Life of a Joe Six-Pack Republican

Joe gets up at 6:00 AM to prepare his morning coffee. He fills his pot full of good clean drinking water because some liberal fought for minimum water quality standards. He takes his daily medication with his first swallow of coffee. His medications are safe to take because some liberal fought to insure their safety and work as advertised.

All but $10.00 of his medications are paid for by his employers medical plan because some liberal union workers fought their employers for paid medical insurance, now Joe gets it too. He prepares his morning breakfast, bacon and eggs this day. Joe’s bacon is safe to eat because some liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing industry.

Joe takes his morning shower reaching for his shampoo; His bottle is properly labeled with every ingredient and the amount of its contents because some liberal fought for his right to know what he was putting on his body and how much it contained. Joe dresses, walks outside and takes a deep breath. The air he breathes is clean because some tree hugging liberal fought for laws to stop industries from polluting our air. He walks to the subway station for his government subsidized ride to work; it saves him considerable money in parking and transportation fees. You see, some liberal fought for affordable public transportation, which gives everyone the opportunity to be a contributor.

Joe begins his work day; he has a good job with excellent pay, medicals benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation because some liberal union members fought and died for these working standards. Joe's employer pays these standards because Joe's employer doesn't want his employees to call the union. If Joe is hurt on the job or becomes unemployed he'll get a worker compensation or unemployment check because some liberal didn't think he should lose his home because of his temporary misfortune.

It's noon time, Joe needs to make a Bank Deposit so he can pay some bills. Joe’s deposit is federally insured by the FSLIC because some liberal wanted to protect Joe’s money from unscrupulous bankers who ruined the banking system before the depression.

Joe has to pay his Fannie Mae underwritten Mortgage and his below market federal student loan because some stupid liberal decided that Joe and the government would be better off if he was educated and earned more money over his life-time.

Joe is home from work, he plans to visit his father this evening at his farm home in the country. He gets in his car for the drive to dad's; his car is among the safest in the world because some liberal fought for car safety standards. He arrives at his boyhood home. He was the third generation to live in the house financed by Farmers Home Administration because bankers didn't want to make rural loans. The house didn't have electric until some big government liberal stuck his nose where it didn't belong and demanded rural electrification. (Those rural Republicans would still be sitting in the dark.)
He is happy to see his dad who is now retired. His dad lives on Social Security and his union pension because some liberal made sure he could take care of himself so Joe wouldn't have to.

After his visit with dad he gets back in his car for the ride home.

He turns on a radio talk show. The host keeps saying that liberals are bad and conservatives are good. (He doesn't tell Joe that his beloved Republicans have fought against every protection and benefit Joe enjoys throughout his day)

Joe agrees. "We don't need those big government liberals ruining our lives; after all, I'm a self made man who believes everyone should take care of themselves, just like I have."

Day of a Republican
China called,

They want the Great Wall of bullshit back.
OK, folks, I heard it from the CEO of one of our largest electric producers. They want to close plants to get the cost of electricity where it "should" be. Didn't explain how the "should" be price was determined. How else does one of the biggest industries, and one of the most needed, not protest what is going on? If government can be bought then why are they not buying off the government. Simple, they want you to pay more for less. The same CEO was later poor mouthing the company because of lost of industrial base. But damn if he didn't get a 4 million dollar raise on a 6 million dollar salary. Then they announced they were cutting health care for their retirees.

Again the same company supplied my electricity. They had a sign up drive and were giving things away for people to sign up for their electricity, so we did. We just received a letter saying that our contract was going to expire and they had no renewal offer to give us, and BTW if we cancel before Dec we may have to pay them an added 25 dollars.

So in my opinion, they know. They know they are going to sell less electricity for more cost and the government is giving them an easy out. They more or less have to do it because they lost their industrial base, residential just doesn't cut it like an big electric furnace.
Really? You mean like ANY 'NEW' energy? Why is oil or nukes getting support again?

Oil is one of the federal government's greatest sources of revenue. It didn't require any government support to get started as an industry.

Weird, so the SPECIAL tax breaks oil gets, and has for more than 100+ years should be ended right? Amounting to BILLIONS a year

What "special tax breaks" have the oil companies been getting for 100 years?
The Ryan budget’s apparent retention of 100-year-old tax breaks while adding new ones ignores the century of federal support for oil production. According to an analysis by DBL Investors, the oil-and-gas industry received a total of $446 billion in government subsidies from 1918 through 2009. Meanwhile, the renewable energy industry received just $5.5 billion from 1994 to 2009. Moreover, over this time U.S. taxpayers invested $80 in oil for every $1 invested in clean, renewable energy.

Meet the New Oil Tax Breaks Same as the Old Oil Tax Breaks Center for American Progress

America's Most Obvious Tax Reform Idea: Kill the Oil and Gas Subsidies
In a world where $100-a-barrel oil is here to stay, there's no need to pad the industry's bottom line.

Why Big Oil Doesn't Need Uncle Sam's Help
The oil industry's lobbyists like to argue that its array of tax write-offs (which allow companies to deduct everything from drilling costs to the declining value of their wells) aren't any different than other deductions for less publicly reviled companies. Cutting them will discourage new exploration and put jobs at risk, they claim.

Yet, some of the breaks are anachronisms that date back almost to the days of John D. Rockefeller. And in a world of permanently high crude prices, there's very little rationale for subsidizing the bottom lines of companies like ExxonMobil and BP.
  • Expensing Intangible Drilling Costs ($13.9 billion): Since 1913, this tax break has let oil companies write off some costs of exploring for oil and creating new wells. When it was created, drilling meant taking a gamble on what was below the earth without high-tech geological tools. But software-led advances in seismic analysis and drilling techniques have cut that risk down.
Every corporation in America is allowed to deduct the cost of doing business from it's gross revenues to arrive at taxable income. That's what the term "income" means, revenues minus expenses. Why anyone thinks oil companies should be the only corporations in America not allowed to deduct their expenses is baffling to me. It's probably not even constitutional.
  • Deducting percentage depletion for oil and natural gas wells ($11.5 billion): Since 1926, this has given oil companies a tax breaks based on the amount of oil extracted from its wells. The logic is, if manufacturers get a break for the cost of aging machinery, drillers can deduct the cost of their aging resources. (You decide for yourself whether that makes any sense.) Since 1975, it's only available to "independent oil producers," not the big oil companies, like Exxon and BP. But many of these smaller companies aren't actually small. According to Oil Change International, independents made up 86 of the top 100 oil companies by reserves. Those 86 had a median market cap of more than $2 billion. So essentially, this is a tax break that subsidizes the Very Big oil companies at the expense of the Very Biggest.*
America s Most Obvious Tax Reform Idea Kill the Oil and Gas Subsidies - The Atlantic

Your cite even admits that only small oil companies receive this benefit. Then it tries to claim that they are n the top 100 in size, so they aren't deserving. Tentatively I agree that this deduction should be ended, but it has never been necessary for the survival of the oil industry. It's just a pay-off by some Congressmen from oil producing states to their cronies in the oil business.


"Expensing Intangible Drilling Costs"

Intangible drilling costs are one of the largest tax breaks available specifically to oil companies, allowing companies to deduct most of the costs of drilling new wells in the United States.

In order to determine taxable income, U.S. businesses can normally deduct expenses from revenues so they are only taxed on profits. Under normal income tax rules, a company that pays expenses in order to make future profits would need to deduct the expenses over the same time period as profits. The costs for drilling exploratory and developmental wells would need to be deducted as resources are extracted from the well.

The break for intangible drilling costs (IDCs) is an exception to the general rule. Independent producers can choose to immediately deduct all of their intangible drilling costs.

Intangible drilling costs are defined as costs related to drilling and necessary for the preparation of wells for production, but that have no salvageable value. These include costs for wages, fuel, supplies, repairs, survey work, and ground clearing. They compose roughly 60 to 80 percent of total drilling costs.

The deduction for intangible drilling costs has been permitted since the beginning of the income tax code, in order to recognize the risks involved in drilling developmental wells—not every well strikes oil. Only IDCs associated with domestic or offshore wells may be deducted; foreign wells cannot be expensed in this way.
The Tax Break-Down Intangible Drilling Costs Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget


"it's only available to "independent oil producers," not the big oil companies, like Exxon and BP. But many of these smaller companies aren't actually small. According to Oil Change International, independents made up 86 of the top 100 oil companies by reserves. Those 86 had a median market cap of more than $2 billion. So essentially, this is a tax break that subsidizes the Very Big oil companies at the expense of the Very Biggest."

First off, only ignorant fools support solar, wind, or geothermal. The three most expensive forms of power. All three increase consumption of oil and hydrocarbons, which is why the oil companies support all three.

Nuclear is by far the cheapest. I saw some idiot posted private companies are unwilling to invest because if risk. The risk and expense is endless lawsuits by activists, the courts and politicians.

Green energy has completely failed in europe. The cost is extreme, and always will be. No industry has spent so much on research and development and returned so little.

Over 500 billion dollars spent on renewable green energy in two years. Zero in return.

The liberal democrats want the USA to fail, they want us weak.

Hence go Green.
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