Powerball now is $900 Million highest jackpot ever

There was a man named Joe who really wanted to win the lottery. So he goes to church, kneels down and prays:

"God, please, please let me win the lottery."

But he doesn't win the lottery.

Next week, Joe goes to church, lights a candle, kneels down and prays:

"God, please, please let me win the lottery."

But he doesn't win the lottery.

The next week he goes to the church, blesses himself with holy water, lights a candle, kneels and prays:

"God, please, please, this is the third time I've asked, please let me win the lottery."

He hears a voice from above,

"Joe, meet me half way...buy a lottery ticket."
i think i could manage not to blow 585 million in one evening even with hookers and coke!
for 585 million Im pretty sure you could have a hooker in the house 24 hours a day.
Would have to trade her off from time to time, after a while she would start telling you to take out the trash, yelling at you for watching tv and complaining about the toilet seat. Its in their blood, they cant help it.
i would go to cuba....then mexico when the monarchs gather...at the mountain of butterflies....and then texas to see the bats...i dont like to fly....i like to drive...
oooooo i would buy onna them fancy chandeliers but then i would need a new house with a high roof....or an underground house....i have always dreamed of one of those...my weakness is jewelry....
oooooo i would buy onna them fancy chandeliers but then i would need a new house with a high roof....or an underground house....i have always dreamed of one of those...my weakness is jewelry....

You have an Obama phone and free Obamacare, what more could you ever want?
oooooo i would buy onna them fancy chandeliers but then i would need a new house with a high roof....or an underground house....i have always dreamed of one of those...my weakness is jewelry....
Underground house.
I would love to have a big house with high ceilings, then inside somewhere have a secret passage that leads to a huge underground home that I could keep young muslim virgins in to ,, wait, wrong story for this thread. Never mind.. pretend I never said that

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